Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2174 He decided to die


The long and thin index finger tapped the armrest of the seat rhythmically.


The sound was like someone knocking on the door.

But the door of Taixu's cell will not be opened.

Prisoners in the Taixu Illusion Realm will never be able to leave before the end of their sentence.

Chen Suan sat on the only chair in the room, with the only table in front of him, and a piece of letter paper spread out on the table.

He looked at the scrawled plea for help on the letter and had been thinking about it for a long time.

The shadow of the sundial outside the window will be projected onto the wall to let him clearly know how time passes and how long his sentence will be.

After a long day of thinking…

He decided to die.

There is a sword in his hand. This sword is three feet three inches long and one inch and nine minutes wide. It has a black and white wooden handle, a light yellow and green embroidered copper sheath, and an iron blade that is slowly showing its blade.

This sword is called "Fangwai", which means "Beyond the Way".

He grasps everything that is included in the calculation, and fights for everything that is not included in the calculation.

He is the most cautious person and often waits until he is absolutely sure before taking action.

But exceptions in life are like this sword.

Just like before in Tianjing City, he faced Jiang Wangye and drew his sword.

The secret of heaven is unreasonable, and we still have to fight against the secret of heaven.

A person named "Suan", with "Heaven's Secret" as his magical power, and wielding the sword outside the realm, is named "Jia Fugui" in the illusion of Taixu.

In the end, I know that fame, honor, disgrace, power and wealth are all in vain.

Chen Shuan learned thirty-six books of Penglai swordsmanship, twenty-seven books of Jingguo Kushu swordsmanship, six books of Yujingshan swordsmanship, and thirteen books of Daluoshan swordsmanship, each of which is a classic handed down from generation to generation. He also created his own sword canon, named "Tian Ji".

He knows how to use a sword.

There are ever-changing and countless possibilities for killing, but suicide is very simple——

Draw the sword, cross your neck, and pull hard.

The sword blade easily cut through the skin, cut the throat, soaked in blood, severed the flesh and muscles until the last layer of skin... The head was broken off like this.

Chen Shuan had foreknowledge of death and experienced the pain of having his head cut off, but he did not die.

He clearly committed suicide, but nothing seemed to have happened.

He was still sitting in the only chair, looking at the only table. The letter paper spread out on the table had no creases or blood stains on it.

The painting made of blood splatter naturally does not exist.

The pain was not an illusion, but suicide was in vain.

Chen Suan had no expression on his face.

Sure enough.

Taoist Taixu will not let him die.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Taoist Master Taixu has any good impression of the Jingguo people, or that he has a different regard for Chen Suan. It's because Taoist Master Taixu acts completely in accordance with the law and respects the Iron Rules of Taixu in all his actions.

He was imprisoned in the attic of Taixu. The punishment he received for his crime was only imprisonment, without any other harm, let alone execution.

What Taixu Illusion wants to do is to imprison him in the Taixu attic, and then release him intact after his sentence is over. Instead of handing over a body after five years.

In other words - he who originally had nothing in Taixu's cell and could do nothing but stare at his friend's letter asking for help finally got the bargaining chip.

This is a bloody, life-sustaining chip.

Its weight is unknown, but it is never useless.

Chen Suan didn't say anything or make any other moves. He just pulled out the sword again and cut his throat again. His strength and speed remained unchanged.

The pain he felt was still the same as before.

Then everything was erased again, and he was still not dead.

Chen Suan continued to draw his sword and continued to kill himself.

His face is expressionless, he goes over and over again. It seemed like it would go on forever until his sentence was over. The determination of a real person in this world can be verified.

Taoist Master Taixu could prevent him from dying in Taixu Illusion Realm, but how to explain that Jingguo Tianjiao chose to die as soon as the five-year sentence ended?

After committing suicide for the 147th time——


The knocking came for real.

Chen Suan put down the long sword across his neck and put it back into its sheath slowly, as if he was just posing. He dusted off his collar, turned over the letter on the table, and said, "Please come in! I'm just a prisoner here, not the owner, so there's no need to be so polite."

The door that would never open finally opens.

As the representative of Taixu Pavilion, Ju Gui slowly walked into the cell. Accompanying him was Zhong Xuanyin, who was cutting letters with one hand and supervising and recording beside him.

Zhong Xuanyin silently looked at the cell, and of course he also noticed the covered letter on the table. Ju Gui just stared at Chen Suan.

Chen Suan smiled apologetically: "The conditions are simple and there are no refreshments. Please forgive me. There is only one chair, so I won't invite you to sit down."

Jugui said: "This is a prison cell after all. There are tables, chairs and beds, I think it's decent enough."

Chen Suan did not refute: "Yes, I am a guilty person after all."

He looked at the play cabinet: "And you and the person next to you are both members of the Taixu Pavilion. Let us review the authority of the Taixu Pavilion again - all Taixu Pavilion affairs in this world are handled by the Taixu Pavilion. You two, High authority. What are you going to do with my affairs?"

Ju Gui said without emotion: "Tell me, why did you commit suicide?"

"Did I commit suicide?" Chen Suan sat there and asked, "I, Chen Suan, am the proud son of heaven, a real person in this world. The direct descendant of Dongtian Master, the face of Penglai Island, and the leader of the younger generation of Jingguo. At most, I sit here. Five years in prison, and after five years, I will be indispensable for a high position in the empire. At that time, the life span of a real person was one thousand two hundred and ninety-six years, but I didn’t even live to a fraction of the time. I still had a great time - please tell me, why did I commit suicide? "

Chen Shuan had no reason to commit suicide, and he had already emphasized this point.

So if he really committed suicide, no one would believe that he committed suicide.

He must have suffered inhuman torture in the cell of Taixu Pavilion, and endured the humiliation that annihilated his desire to survive, or perhaps this was a manipulated "suicide"...

And the most important point is that Jing Guo will not believe that Chen committed suicide under any circumstances. Even if the evidence is in front of them, they will do everything possible to overturn it. Because the real people of Jingguo cannot die meaninglessly. Because there are so many articles that can be written around this matter!

Every member of the Taixu Cabinet is well aware of the seriousness of the matter. This is also the reason why Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin came to the cell.

Zhong Xuanyin looked at Chen Suan seriously and began to get to know this person again.

Ju Gui looked at Chen Suan: "Anyway, it takes a lot of courage to cut the neck with a sword and chop off the heads again and again. You must have your purpose."

The Taixu cabinet member in charge of the Five Penalty Towers did not seem to be harsh today. He only asked: "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I stress it again." Chen Shuan smiled and said: "I have never thought about suicide, nor have I attempted suicide. I have never cut my own neck with a sword - if one day, you do see this scene, I think There must be a secret behind it, please help me find out the truth, don't let me die in an unknown way. I think this is also the spirit of Legalism."

"Okay." Ju Gui said: "You are indeed a smart man. Then we don't have to beat around the bush anymore. Just tell us the conditions."

"If you want to chat like this, I can't talk to you." Chen Shuan said: "What conditions? No intention to offend - but I am a prisoner, how can I negotiate conditions with you Taixu Pavilion?"

"You don't need to be too vigilant. Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything." Ju Gui remained patient and spread his hands: "Then I want to ask, how do you feel after being locked up here for so many days?"

"I feel good and at ease." Chen Shuan said with a dignified attitude: "I reflect and repent every day and feel ashamed of the wrong things I have done. When I go out, I will regulate my words and deeds and strictly demand myself , be a person who contributes to Taixu Illusion, and be a person who is beneficial to the human race."

Zhong Xuanyin had no expression on his face and didn't want to remember a word, but he still remembered it.

Jugui said: "Then, out of humanitarian concern and in view of your past contributions, I am here to ask you on behalf of Taixuhuanjing - do you have any needs at this moment? You are not committing a capital crime, and you enjoy certain rights. Personal rights. Within reasonable limits, it’s not that we can’t discuss it.”

"Let me out." Chen Shuang said.

Ju Gui turned around and left.

"Hahahaha, stay! You're just kidding!" Chen Suan laughed.

Ju Gui stopped and looked at him sternly.

Chen Suan pondered for a while, as if he was thinking seriously. After thinking for a while, he sighed: "I did something stupid and was imprisoned here. I deserve it. Regret often gnaws at my heart, making me I can’t sleep at night.”

"The person I feel most sorry for is my master!"

His eyes were sincere and expressed his emotions abundantly: "How can I be worthy of his earnest teachings and the efforts he poured into me? I didn't even have the chance to say anything to him before I came in. After I came in, I thought about him every day. Old man, how can he look good when I'm not around? I really want to write a letter to him!"

Ju Gui looked at him for a while and finally said: "We need to discuss this matter."

"You are exercising your power, and I have always respected the authority of Taixu Pavilion." Chen Suan made a "please" gesture and said politely: "Please do so."

"But apart from that, what I need to remind you is -" Ju Gui looked at him seriously: "Some things are indispensable. Our concessions cannot be endless, and must be within the framework of Taixu Iron Rules. .”

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Chen Suan smiled and said: "I just want to write a letter to my master to tell my thoughts and regrets. If you think it is inappropriate, then don't write it. I respect it very much. As for the authority of Taixu Pavilion, I am willing to abide by your rules."

"Do you have any other needs?" Zhong Xuanyin asked from the side.

Chen Suan stopped laughing and said seriously: "I am not greedy. As a captured prisoner, I am very satisfied if I can write a letter to my master. I have nothing else to ask for."

"Wait for the notice." Ju Gui said before turning around and walking out: "Don't do any more boring things."

"Okay." Even at this time, Chen Suan was still cautious and polite: "It's really boring to sit here in a daze. I'll go and memorize the Taoist scriptures right away."

The door closed and the two Taixu Cabinet members disappeared.

The cell was once again cut off from the rest of the world.

The piece of letter paper on the table was slowly folded.

A piece of paper filled with Sanskrit words was spread out in the void.

It's just one of them.

The dense pages were turned quickly, as if someone's life was being described, and Sanskrit chants started!

The Leiyin Pagoda became taller in an instant, with Buddha's light flowing everywhere, shining in the yellow sand in the sky, suppressing the boundless evil energy.

Pursuing the Sanskrit sound, frightening and killing the demons, its voice said——

"Unreasonable resentment, unreasonable hatred, shamelessness, and nameless people. I will become a Buddha and let him criticize me! I will become a Buddha and let him slander me!"

This is the text of the "Great Compassion and Universal Deliverance Heart Sutra" written by Huang Fu, and it is of course a classic of the Yellow Face Buddha.

Jiang Wang listened to the content and was moved by the state of the Yellow Face Buddha. Let him discuss me, let him slander me... What kind of ambition is this? How courageous?

But then I heard the next sentence——

"I have become a Buddha! If I slander the Buddha, won't I die!?"

Jiang Zhenren rode the overwhelming tide of swords and ran over the long yellow sand. He shook for a moment and almost missed a kill.

The yellow-faced Buddha who co-authored this is to be patient when you become a Buddha, and then settle your accounts one by one after becoming a Buddha. It is indeed a "great mercy" and a "general salvation"!

The Pudu Sanskrit chanted with a cry, and the brilliant thunder sound tower crashed down!

The densely packed yin demons were cleared in an instant. The surging demonic energy disappeared in an instant. Seven thousand miles behind the line of life and death, deep in the wilderness, there was a moment of clarity!

Of course, the evil spirit swept back soon.

The swaggering Leiyin Tower of Baoguang suddenly became exquisite, spinning on the fingertips of the yellow relic. And she stepped on the scenery and walked in the air.

"It seems that these demons are determined to shrink the front line. After killing for so long, not even a single real demon hair can be seen!" Huang Relic turned his beautiful eyes and smiled: "Brother Wang, do we want to continue?"

Jiang Wang looked into the distance with his red eyes, thoughtfully: "I have no choice but to retreat."

What is the greatness of the Zhongshan Yanwen Eight Thousand Miles Monument?

He fought against the frontier world alone, and without any supplements, he fought his way to the deepest point that a real person in this world could reach.

Three thousand miles behind the line of life and death is the desert territory that the demons need to control, the place where the demonic energy is rooted. Three thousand miles ago, monsters grew wildly and roamed freely. Three thousand miles later, an elite team of demons began to patrol, truly embodying the concept of "defence" of the demons.

Danger is everywhere, so starting from this invisible distance line is the "life forbidden zone".

The human race's frontier demon hunting teams usually stop here. Those who are not strong in God's presence are not allowed to move forward.

Six thousand miles behind the line of life and death, real demons often appear.

The eight thousand miles behind the line of life and death will inevitably touch the sphere of influence of the demon.

In other words, Zhongshan Yanwen was alone at the beginning, but he walked around under the eyes of the demon and erected monuments to show his strength!

Jiang Wang and Huang Relic joined forces to sweep across the Seven Thousand Miles Line. It can be said that there is no one left without the devil. Even if the real demon wants to block the way, it still needs to come in groups.

Previously, Jiang Wang and Cang Gu joined hands to cross the line of life and death. They were confronting the real demon many times. They would kill wherever the demonic aura was raging. Only then could he achieve the feat of slaying two real demons in formation, and only then could Cang Meng, who was known as the "Essential Envoy of the Living God", almost lose himself in the border wilderness so close to the divine glory of Cang Tu.

This time he provoked another provocation, but no real demon was willing to challenge him.

As for the demon... he and Cang Meng hunted the real demon. He and Huang Relic swept across the seven thousand miles, and Yan Dao was paying attention behind them. They were all waiting for the demon to fall.

But the devil is not so easy to seduce.

Tu Hu plotted against the Phantom Demon Lord for a hundred years, and finally he was able to peel off his mask.

Before the construction of the Yuyuan Great Wall, Xu Wangzhen killed King Shura, which was also regarded as a great achievement. These beings who stand at the pinnacle of cultivation have all reached the limits of the world. That is to say, the human race has maintained absolute suppression of alien races, leaving the top alien races like demons with a relatively narrow choice space and unable to make equal calculations. It was inevitable under this general trend that Jiang Wangcai was able to be so lively.

For three days and three nights, Jiang Wang and Huang Relic traveled across the border wilderness and defeated almost all the large monster gathering points on the Jingguo side of the seven thousand mile line. But failing to kill the real demon is not a loss to the demon clan, and it is not a gain to the two real people in this world.

"Then go back." Huang Sheli sighed, but then smiled: "But - you seem to have lost. If you bet, you must admit defeat. Have you thought about what you will lose to me?"

She dared to compete with Jiang Wang on the number of demons slain, so she was certainly confident.

Having mastered Buddhist skills, she can suppress demons with terrifying efficiency. When the Sanskrit chants together, the demons will surrender, and when the Buddha's light shines, the demons will disappear in droves.

Jiang Wang only laughed: "Really?"


As he finished speaking, two three-hundred-foot-high Dharma statues rose up behind him!

A figure with swaggering hair, protruding fangs, red eyes, and overwhelming demonic power.

A statue with dragon horns, showing an immortal appearance, extraordinary handsomeness, and full of immortal energy.

They flew left and right, flying in both directions, sweeping everything between heaven and earth like a violent wave.

"Taofa·True fire starts a prairie fire!"

The red fire flooded the sand into a sea, and wherever it was swept away, the demons turned into smoke.

"Immortal method, everyone who sees or hears it will die!"

The threads of boundless knowledge and knowledge become murder weapons, penetrating into the devil's head!

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