Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2175 Why say so much?

The two phases of immortals and demons are open for one day each.

In an instant, all the monsters in the field of vision were wiped out, and they even rushed further away.

Looking at the majestic traces left by the two huge statues, they are like the yellow sand pattering behind the sky...

The Thunder Sound Pagoda at Huang Relic's fingertips suddenly stopped turning.

"I haven't thought about what I want to lose to you." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Because I am used to taking first place in all competitions."

Regarding the competition, Jiang is serious!

"Hehehe." The yellow relic in the sky sneered twice: "You really have no interest, Mr. Jiang!"

"I think I should respect you because you are such a strong opponent." Jiang Wang said: "The way to respect you is to compete with you seriously."

"Okay, I lost!" Huang Sheli's seriousness disappeared in an instant. He raised his hands and shook his wrists, assuming a posture of accepting his fate. He said with a smile: "I can't resist you now. I will take whatever you want. What do I do?"

"Oops." She moved closer to Jiang Wang and said, "Anyway, it's not the first time I've lost to you. You are the winner, you can do anything."

It is true that the strong master himself, and the yellow relic after Dongzhen is terrifyingly strong. The sweep of the seven-thousand-mile frontier did not put any pressure on her at all, so she still had the leisure to joke about it.

"Can I make any requests?" Jiang Wang asked.

Huang Sheli tried his best to show a weak posture: "I lost the game after all. What can I do? I can't resist you."

She was half as weak as she could be, but she emphasized without hesitation: "I can't do it with money."

Jiang Wang casually shook his hand, regained his magical appearance, turned around and flew towards the line of life and death: "I order you to recite the entire text of "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea" within one month!"

Huang Relic was stunned for a moment, and then he became furious. He looked into the void, picked up the Pudu Demon Subduing Pestle and chased after him: "Jiang, am I giving you face? My father doesn't even dare to let me endorse it!"

"Are you willing to bet and not admit defeat?"

"I didn't say anything about the bet!"

"You just said you can do anything?"

"Then you should have some sense of measure! Do you dare to make any rude demands?!"

The two young real people in this world chased and fought all the way, and retreated to the border six thousand miles away.

In the intertwined Buddha light and demonic energy that filled the sky, Jiang Wang stopped suddenly, wiped away the demonic energy with his sword, and looked back into the distance with regret: "Okay, okay, no need to act. This will not attract the demons, that is the truth no chance."

"Who will act with you!" Huang Sheli kicked him.

Jiang Wang dodged lightly, then pushed the Leiyin Pagoda out of his body, his expression instantly serious: "Alright, Mr. Huang, the game is over, something big happened in Taixu Pavilion!"

Huang Sheli has always been a person who can distinguish between work and life. Hearing this, he immediately calmed down and tied it to Taixu magatama. After a moment, he chuckled and said, "Is this a big deal? If Chen is going to commit suicide, let him die!"

The yellow robe was spread out in the air: "If you rebel, he will fight back. Do you think he can force us?"

"At present, it seems that he just wants to write a letter home and promise that there will be no next time." Jiang Wang pondered: "This request is not too much."

"He even wants to fart outside! How can a precedent be set for him?" Huang Sheli said coldly: "Ju Gui is also interesting. He is from Legalism, and he even brought this matter up for discussion. A criminal prisoner Is there any room for discussion about the threat? If this matter spreads, everyone will be interested!"

Huang Sheli is a very interesting friend as a friend, but in matters of Taixu, she always represents the interests of Jing Kingdom.

No matter how reasonable the reason she said was true, it would not be the real reason.

Jiang Wang didn't think about Jing Guo's position, and just said from the perspective of Taixu Pavilion: "If Chen Suan dies in Taixu Pavilion, none of us will be able to get away with it. I will be especially suspected, but I am alone, so it's okay Don’t be afraid of investigation. Who of your subordinates can prove their innocence for a long time? With Jing Guo having an excuse to investigate Taixu Pavilion, he will definitely try to further restrict the power of Taixu Pavilion and return the order of Taixu to Jing Guo’s original idea in Taixu Mountain. , we must recreate the order of the world in the illusory realm of Taixu. Let Jingguo control the future and be the first in eternity."

What is the order of the world?

The six hegemons dominate the national system and control the torrent of humanity. The great central scene, the world's master of swords, has been the world's first empire for nearly four thousand years.

It was only after the influence of Taixu Illusion, the invasion of Mu Kingdom from the south, Qi Kingdom's destruction of Xia, and even the establishment of the Li Dynasty... that the Jing Kingdom's hegemony was loosened.

The transcendent status of Taixu Pavilion was established in Taixu Alliance, but its name has always been greater than its reality. Who has the final say behind Taixu Pavilion? Many people have the answer in their hearts.

The method of the Star Road, the Taixu Mysterious Chapter, the opening up of the Snow Territory, and the many Taixu affairs properly handled by the various pavilions... these have earned Taixu Pavilion its reputation, but in terms of real influence, it was when Jiang Wang caused trouble in Tianjing City After that, it was truly established and reached its peak!

Because until this time, the world could see that the Taixu Covenant did not become an empty document when facing the people of Jingguo.

"What you said makes sense. But..." Huang Sheli shrugged and said with a smile: "Chen Shuan won't die for the time being anyway. We might as well discuss it again in five years. Maybe he will think about it by then."

"He has shown such determination, there must be something important." Jiang Wang said: "He can't wait a few days. He will definitely tell us that the decision we make now will have inevitable results in five years. .”

"Do you think he is really willing to die?" Huang Sheli asked: "Even if he is willing to bet on something with his life now, and that thing has failed, after a few years, he can still be so brave. Is it? Now that he is risking his life, there is still hope. Five years later, the hope is gone. Why is he risking his life? Is it just revenge on us for not letting him send letters? "

"I think you have a thorough understanding of human nature." Jiang Wang said: "But what the drama cabinet members and the clock cabinet members may be thinking is whether we need to gamble - in the end, Chen Suan just wants to write a letter. We agree He will not have any influence. If we reject him, we have to gamble too much and may shake the Taixu Pavilion."

Compared with other cabinet members who came from the hegemonic country, Ju Gui, Zhong Xuanyin, and Jiang Wang were the least willing to allow Taixu Pavilion to be interfered with by external forces.

"It sounds like you agree with letting him write a letter." Huang Sheli looked into Jiang Wang's eyes and said with great interest: "In front of so many people, he was the one who broke into the Dongtian Master's Mansion and took him into a cell. you."

"These are two things." Jiang Wang said.

"Hey, I thought you wanted him to die."

"I have never hated or disliked him." Jiang Wang said seriously: "Although I drew my sword against him a few times."

"You guys are tied up." Huang Sheli snorted: "Ask Li Yi to deal with this matter! Let them fight each other."

"You know the scene you want to see won't happen -" Jiang Wang said, suddenly stunned, and then smiled: "What a great idea!"

Li Yi certainly had no reason to stop Chen Suan from sending the letter.

Therefore, Huang Relic's proposal was actually an agreement with Chen Suan. But she played a trick and got Li Yi to agree.

Chen Shu could just send the letter honestly. If he planned to use this opportunity to do something to Taixu Illusion, Li Yiyi would be responsible!

And if Li Yi refuses this matter, Taixu Pavilion can also take it clean - you Jingguo can't say that Chen was forced to death by Li Yi, right?

The more Jiang Wang thought about it, the more he felt that Huang Relic's idea was wonderful, and he really admired it. Sure enough, these cabinet members are very deep in the city. He, Taixu, is the most innocent person, so he still needs to be more careful, think carefully when encountering problems, and protect himself.

The two cabinet members flew side by side towards the line of life and death, and conveyed their opinions through Taixu Magatama.

From the barren and dry endless quicksand, back to the life-and-death line that curbs the evil spirit, looking at the human territory with numerous military forts not far away, it is difficult not to feel close to it - especially when there is an enthusiastic person standing in front of the life-and-death line. Zhongshan Weisun.

Today's Zhongshan Weisun, dressed in rich clothes and wearing white jade, is really a handsome young man, gentle and amiable.

"Miss Huang! Brother Jiang!" Zhongshan Weisun waved vigorously: "Welcome home!"

Before the two cabinet members set off, the young master of the Zhongshan clan repeatedly expressed his desire to accompany him... In the end, they decisively abandoned him.

I thought Zhongshan Weisun would be a little emotional, but I didn't expect to be so affectionate when we saw each other again.

Jiang Wang was a little embarrassed, so he came up to him and said, "How can we let Brother Weisun wait here in person?"

"Brothers and sisters, what are you talking about?" Zhongshan Weisun laughed boldly: "How can others be considerate when entertaining you? Come with me, I will prepare a banquet to welcome you two!"


Huang Sheli was not so polite, and there was no such thing as embarrassment. He slapped Zhongshan Weisun on the shoulder and pressed him down: "If you have nothing to do, you will be a traitor or a thief! What bad idea do you have, kid?" Woolen cloth?"

"What an injustice!" Zhongshan Weisun shouted to Qu: "You are killing demons in the wilderness, but I don't dare to blink my eyes here, and I am ready to mobilize troops to respond at any time. You are easy to kill this time, and you can kill in the wilderness. The demonic aura has faded and is visible to the naked eye! How can I not be proud of you? How can I suppress my happiness when I see you return safely?"

"Come on, come on, I won't talk nonsense anymore, actions speak louder than words!" He greeted warmly: "You two, come with me and see my actual performance!"

The two of them can be considered friends to some extent, and Huang Sheli didn't really try to make trouble. He looked at Jiang Wang with a smile and said, "This guy is pretty good. How about it, Brother Jiang, do you want to go and see him?"

Jiang Wang did not refute Zhongshan Weisun's face-saving reasons. He only emphasized: "Brother Weisun, you can drink and chat. I am very willing to hear your life experience. But there is no need to call for beauties. We are all acquaintances. , I don’t feel comfortable calling someone irrelevant!”

"Do you understand?" Huang Relic stretched out his sleeves and said to Zhongshan Weisun: "Come on, beautiful man!"

"I have prepared a grand surprise!" Zhongshan Weisun acted exaggeratedly and smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry, I will satisfy both of you."

They don't need to report it to anyone. At that moment, Zhongshan Weisun took the lead, Jiang Wang and Huang Sheli flew with him, and soon left the Jingguo frontline station.

Zhongshan Weisun has a clear goal and moves quickly in the air. Jiang Wang didn't care much, so he followed Fei while using Rumeng Ling to review the earlier battle to kill the real demon.

As they were flying, Huang Sheli asked: "Aren't you going to Xiaoyao Spring?"

Xiaoyao Spring is the top place in Jing Kingdom and is not open to people with insufficient status. In the past, when Zhongshan Weisun was generous, he was almost the standard of Xiaoyaoquan.

"How can we always go to Xiaoyao Spring? Wouldn't there be no surprises at all?" Zhongshan Weisun smiled cheerfully: "Don't worry and follow me, I will take you two to a new and good place!"

After flying for a while, Huang Relic frowned: "Not in the country?"

Zhongshan Weisun laughed loudly: "My sister Relic, is there any good place in Jing that you haven't visited before? If it were in Jing, how could I dare to pat my chest and say that I am satisfied with you?"

Jiang Wang remained silent.

Huang Sheli glanced at Jiang Wang and then at Zhongshan Weisun: "Why do I think your mind is impure?"

"What you said is so hurtful!" Zhongshan Weisun pretended to be angry: "We have known each other for so many years. Don't you know who I am? When have I ever been unreliable?"

"Stop talking about those things that are available and not available." Huang Relic pretended to slap him: "Hurry up and tell us where you want to take us."

Zhongshan Weisun smiled and said: "I plan to go to the Southern Region to entertain you this time. There is a beautiful place there. It is a wonderful place that I found with great difficulty. For the first time it is open, I invite you to go with me!"

Jiang Wang thought for a moment, and then said: "It's just a drink. Flying to the Southern Territory specially is not necessary, is it?"

"Oh Brother Jiang!" Zhongshan Weisun said affectionately: "The joy of life lies in walking as soon as you say it, and having your wishes come true? Although the road ahead is long, you will reach it if you go. Although the Southern Territory is far away, there is no need to express joy! You just have to be Give me a chance to show off and help verify my taste. Okay?"

Huang Sheli raised his foot and kicked him: "You are the only one who has a lot of things to do every day. Do you think everyone is as free as you?"

Zhongshan Weisun ran away and begged for mercy: "Hahaha, my aunt, please remember this first! If you are not satisfied when you get there, you can kick me again!"

Although Huang Relic's nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes, and he was beaten and scolded, he was still helping Zhongshan Weisun retain people.

Even if Jiang Wang didn't care about Zhongshan Weisun's face, he couldn't refute Huang Relic's mood, so he said nothing.

It took six days to fly from the Northern Territory to the Southern Territory. The main reason was to accommodate Zhongshan Weisun's speed, and also because they had already greeted everyone they needed to greet along the way, so it took some time.

Along the way, Zhongshan Weisun kept talking and laughing, trying to stir up topics. He was funny and knowledgeable. He could chat about astronomy, geography, and anecdotes. In addition, Huang Relic would talk to each other from time to time, and Jiang Wang would also be perfunctory intermittently, but it was still a smooth ride.

"Ah!" Just after flying into the Southern Territory, there was a yellow relic chatting with each other, and he said in surprise: "Nandou Hall colluded with Sanfenxiang Tower to steal the Chu State's important treasures with the intention of overthrowing the Chu State. Emperor Chu has already It is decreed that the Sanfenxiang Tower will be uprooted and the South Dou Palace will be razed to the ground!"

Sanfen Xianglou's escape from Chu had been planned for a long time, and Jiang Wang had also witnessed it. They had already been swept away once when they left Chu, and now they are scattered all over the world. Branch buildings have been built in Linzi, Xianyang, and Tianjing. I'm afraid it's not that easy to pull it out by the roots. But Nan Doudian, as a long-standing sect in the world, has always been in the Southern Territory...

Jiang Wang suddenly became serious: "Where did you get the news?"

From the Demon Realm to the borderlands, he has been fighting endlessly. He didn't even have time to take a look at the emerging Taixu Arena, so he couldn't know much about what was going on in the Southern Territory.

"My dad!" Huang Sheli said in a somewhat nonchalant way: "He asked me why I hadn't gone home yet, and I said I came to the Southern Territory to play. He asked me to pay more attention, saying that there was something going on in the Southern Territory recently—"

She tilted her head and looked at Zhongshan Weisun, jokingly saying: "You said you were going to take us to the newly opened wonderland of Xiaosha, wouldn't it be the Nandou Secret Land? It is indeed newly opened!"

Zhongshan Weisun did not laugh.

So Huang Relic couldn't laugh anymore.

Jiang Wang also stopped his flying figure.

"Long Boji of Nandou Hall is my friend. I want to save him but I have no other way." Zhongshan Weisun spoke very quickly, as if he had no chance to speak again: "We flew straight from Jing Kingdom to the Southern Region. The news has been known to many people. And I released the news in advance that I will visit the Southern Territory with the two of them to protect a Long Boji - I just hope that the people of Chu will slow down a little and give me a ransom. It’s just an opportunity, I will definitely repay you if I borrow your reputation this time!”


The bridge of Zhongshan Weisun's nose dented in an instant.

A fist hit his face.

He leaned back, fell headfirst, and was punched into the ground!

New clothes are stained with mud, and fine clothes are like shrouds.

Huang Sheli, who had always been laughing and joking, opened his eyes angrily at this moment: "I've given you enough face, but you treat me, Huang Sheli, like a fool!"

After waiting for a long time, Zhongshan Weisun pulled his head out of the ground. Blood and mud mixed on his face, making him look so embarrassed. He stood up unsteadily: "I'm sorry, but I really don't - —”

boom! Click!

Huang Relic whipped him back to the ground with a whip, with such force that the bones could be heard cracking: "I'm sorry for your mother! Are you worthy of being sorry for me, Huang Relic?"

[Thanks to the book friend "A Life That Can't Move" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 709th alliance for the "Heaven Patrol"! 】

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