Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2176 Peach Blossom Spring

Zhongshan Weisun hit the ground hard, and a spiderweb-like crack opened in the earth centered on his back.

The yellow relic was really angry.

She can laugh and joke, bicker and play, and don't care about her superiority or inferiority. She doesn't care about that. But we cannot accept deception and cannot tolerate exploitation.

Zhongshan Weisun took advantage of her trust in Huang Relic and tricked her into coming to the Southern Region to stand up for his own private affairs!

Flying thousands of miles for a special delicacy and a scenery that can't be found anywhere else is not an unusual thing for a family member of their level.

One aspect of a position of power is "willfulness".

She thought that Zhongshan Weisun might have other ideas, but she never thought that Zhongshan Weisun could be so stupid - to do this for a friend far away in the southern region.

The Chu State was doing things in the southern region, and a Jing State man from Zhongshan Weisun came over to interfere, and even coaxed her and Jiang Wang to come!

Long Boji is a friend, but isn't she Huang Relic? It couldn't be Jiang Wang?

She and Jiang Wang went to the wilderness to slay demons. They were not touring the mountains and rivers, but actually tying their heads to their belts and risking life and death to kill real demons - there was always the possibility of facing the devil.

They were always tense in the wilderness and did not dare to neglect at all. Although they did not really encounter the devil, the mental and physical exertion of the past few days was obvious. However, they still accepted the banquet hosted by Zhongshan Weisun, and even flew thousands of miles to the Southern Region. They were so greedy for wine and fresh, had they never been entertained before?

It's just that I think Zhongshan Weisun is a pretty good person and I'm willing to make friends with him.

But Zhongshan Weisun didn't cherish it at all.

In other words, in his eyes, the goodwill of Jiang Wang and Huang Sheli could be used as bargaining chips in exchange for Long Boji. Long Boji's life and death are greater than all these, and he has already made his choice.

"Oh...ah..." Zhongshan Weisun put his hands on the ground and slowly pushed himself up.

His long, muddy hair hung down on the ground. He faced the loess, panting hard, and the blood on his face dripped into the mud.

"I, Zhongshan Weisun, have been really despicable today."

"The two Taixu cabinet ministers, real people in this world, think highly of me and are willing to drink with me and attend my banquet. This is to give me face. You two treat me with sincerity, but I use this to deceive you. I am really embarrassed."

"But -" He raised his head and looked at Huang Relic and Jiang Wang with his bloody and muddy face: "As long as I can think of a little way, I will not ruin my reputation like this."

"Both of you, I have known Long Boji for many years. We are like-minded and true friends. Over the years, I have been shackled by the title of 'Heir to the Zhongshan Clan' and lived my life wearing a mask of gentleness. I am not motivated. , everything that is unbridled and rebellious, dare not let others see it.”

"There are not many people who really recognize me. I don't know how many people can still regard me as a good friend after knowing my rude side?"

"Today's Nandou Hall is in a huge whirlpool. If you are not careful, you can destroy too many people and things. I want to help my friends on this broken ship. But I really don't have this ability. He doesn’t have the power of Master Jiang, but he has the mood of Master Jiang.”

"I also know some people in Chu State, but they can't help me."

"I have the only friend who I am familiar with and has a high status. Unfortunately, his name is Wu Ling, and he was already unfortunate. I don't want Long Boji to be another unfortunate friend of mine in the Southern Territory."

"What I say is just an excuse to explain myself. But, two real people, I am not seeking your forgiveness."

Zhongshan Weisun's golden body and chalcedony had been severely damaged, but he gasped and said: "I just want to tell you how far I can go for this matter and what I can give. Sister Relic, haven't you always treated Xiaoyaoquan Are you very interested? I am willing to transfer all my shares of Xiaoyaoquan to you. And Brother Jiang, your Yunding Immortal Palace was broken in Tianjing City, and it has not been repaired until now, right? I will help with the materials to repair the Immortal Palace. You put it all together.

"As long as you can help me by saying a word."

Like a dried fish on the shore, he tried his best to look up at the two Taixu cabinet members: "Long Boji is just a spiritual monk. He does not pose any threat to the Chu State. The Chu State will sell out this face. As long as you help say In a word——"

"That's enough." Huang Sheli interrupted him: "How did Jiang Wang earn his face? Did he lie on the ground and beg like you? You take our face too lightly, and you take yourself too seriously. Heavy!"

"What weight do you think you, Zhongshan Weisun, have? Do you really have enough weight, do you still need to use us? What is the dry stock in Xiaoyaoquan? Is I short of money? I like to make money, but no matter how many people want to give money, they can't. Come to me!"

"I should have killed Long Boji with my own hands and gave Jiang Wang an explanation. I should also have let you know the consequences of using me to eliminate the hatred in my heart. This is my temper!" Huang Sheli raised his finger and nodded. Zhongshan Weisun: "But after all, I have known you Zhongshan Weisun for so many years. Seeing how useless you are now, I really can't do this. But remember, there won't be a next time. Past All, all empty."

Zhongshan Weisun laughed silently and looked at Jiang Wang again.

Jiang Wang didn't say a word, neither spoke to Zhongshan Weisun nor Huang Relic, and just walked away.

Huang Sheli raised his hand, probably wanting to say something, but in the end he said nothing. With a flick of his robe, he flew back to Jing Kingdom.

Zhongshan Weisun, who followed the rules and was gentle and polite, was too willful. He clearly uses himself to make things difficult for others. This is not what friends should do.

She killed Long Boji with her own hands, which was indeed an explanation, and she could kill him cleanly. Her friendship with Jiang Wang was something she took the initiative to form over and over again. It was even more obvious which one, Zhongshan Weisun or Jiang Wang, had more weight and future - but as she herself admitted, she really couldn't make the move.

After all, we have known each other since childhood. She saw Zhongshan Weisun's excessive willfulness, but she was as embarrassed as Zhongshan Weisun wanted.

Turning around and leaving at this moment was an attitude that she would never stand up for Zhongshan Weisun, but she also tacitly agreed that Zhongshan Weisun would use her reputation. I will not go out of my way to refute the news that "Huang Relic accompanied Zhongshan Weisun to the Southern Region to rescue Long Boji".

What a farce.

As a friend of Long Boji, Zhongshan Weisun was very loyal. But as an acquaintance of Jiang Wang, it was too boring.

Jiang Wang flicked his sword boredly, wondering whether to go to Yuyuan next.

Taixu Magatama received a letter just at this time.

It’s a letter from ‘Lingyue’.

There is only one sentence in the letter——

"Brother, are you here to save Long Boji?"

Dugu Wudi replied and asked - "When did you receive the news?"

Lingyue quickly replied - "Just now, it was transmitted to the Chu State through secret channels. It arrived almost at the same time as the news of your entry into the Southern Territory. So I'm going to ask you right away. This person is on the key list, if he is yours Friends, we must take care of this as soon as possible."

Jiang Wang did not look back, but he could see that Zhongshan Weisun was getting up with difficulty, and Huang Relic had already left. He wrote back - "I am not familiar with Long Boji. I was coaxed to come here by Zhongshan Weisun. The two of them are friends."

Ling Yue's letter flew back quickly, and there was obvious anger in the words - "Well, Zhongshan Weisun still has some face! I will leave a whole body for Long Boji and let him take it back to Jing Kingdom to cherish his memory."

After a while, another letter came from Huang Liang in the Taixu illusion - "Brother Jiang, come to Huang Liang Terrace for dinner, I have reserved a seat for you!"

Jiang Wang first replied to Huang Liang and said "Okay."

After thinking about it, he wrote to Ling Yue - "Just think that I came to the Southern Region this time to visit the old prince. I have no ill feelings towards Long Boji, and Zhongshan Weisun is also loyal... Of course, they They are not my friends and have nothing to do with me. Just do whatever you want and don’t have any positive or negative influence because of me.”

Taixu paper crane travels through the illusion.

Zuo Guangshu, who was dressed in fine clothes, showed his letter and replied - "Zhongshan Weisun, this bitch, dares to deceive you, I must let him know what barbarian Chu means!"

But after thinking about it, he erased this line and wrote instead: "Yeah, I understand."

Turn the letter into a crane and send it flying away.

Qu Shunhua sat opposite him, sharing a table with him, with his calves leaning against his calves and feet touching feet. He smiled and said, "Why did you erase that sentence?"

"They say Brother Jiang is ruthless, but he is actually soft-hearted." Zuo Guangshu said, "If I had said that, he would definitely try to persuade me again. Thinking about Tu Zhen all day long, killing from the demon world to the wilderness, is enough I'm tired. Why ask him to bother with this?"

Qu Shunhua raised a jade-white finger and poked his face with a smile: "You are considerate!"

Zuo Guangshu also stretched out a finger, hooked hers, and held her hand childishly, while talking about business: "The evil-faced soldiers have been surrounding Du'e Peak for several days, and the forces outside Nandou Palace have long been around." It has been cleared out, but there is only one Nandou secret realm that has been delayed in entering. What is An Guogong's plan?"

This time Emperor Chu was furious and ordered the Nandou Hall to be razed. The person in charge of this matter was Wu Zhaochang, Duke of Anguo. His investigation in the Meteor Immortal Forest came back without success, and it was a time when he had nowhere to express his evil intentions, but he still maintained considerable patience during the battle in the South Dou Hall.

"Surround the area and call for reinforcements!" Qu Shunhua said: "Right now, we are fighting and waiting, waiting for the friends hidden under the water in Nandou Hall to surface one by one. An Guogong has never been too lazy to catch small fish. Now that he has taken action, he must All in one fell swoop.”

"Like Zhongshan Weisun?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

"That's an unexpected idiot." Qu Shunhua couldn't help laughing: "We Guangshu really hold a grudge!"

"Except for those friends from Nandou Hall." Zuo Guangshu asked, "Are you still waiting for your friends from Sanfenxiang Tower? Waiting for Rakshasa Mingyuejing?"

This time An Guogong took command to pacify the Nandou Palace. Something happened suddenly, and the domestic geniuses came to respond in large numbers, all wanting to show off their talents. It's a pity that it doesn't take many soldiers to destroy a Nandou Palace. There are only so many positions in the army. Wu Zhaochang is not a person who wants to see aristocratic family members go gold-plating, so he only selected a few.

Qu Shunhua was drafted into the army and took charge of his role alone, but Zuo Guangshu did not have any military tasks, so he still needed to ask Qu Shunhua about some specific situations on the front line.

Qu Shunhua explained: "The secrets left by Sanfenxiang Tower in the Southern Territory have been basically cleared away. But there are several important figures among them who are still hiding in the Nandou Secret Realm."

Zuo Guangshu found it difficult to understand: "Gong An Guo has made it clear that he is setting up a net. How many subordinates will Raksha Mingyuejing take risks for?"

"Of course Rakshasa Ming Yuejing can let go of her heavenly fragrance and heart fragrance, but she always wants the [Peach Blossom Land]." Qu Shunhua said: "What if it comes? Anyway, Changsheng Lord is already a turtle in the urn, there is no way to try it. harm."

Peach Blossom Spring is the cave heaven treasure of Rakshasa Mingyuejing, which is refined from the 35th small cave heaven "White Horse Xuanguang Heaven". It has always been in Yingcheng.

It was precisely because Sanfenxiang Tower placed all the cave treasures under the supervision of Chu State that Chu Ting felt particularly relieved.

When Sanfenxianglou defied Chu, many high-ranking officials in the Chu State were stunned - who would have thought that Sanfenxianglou was so determined? Chu Di has been operating for many years, which can be said to be the foundation of Sanfenxiang Tower, but it has been abandoned, not even the cave heaven treasure that can be passed down for generations!

Of course, the facts now prove that although all the assets of Sanfenxianglou in Chudi were confiscated, the national treasury was greatly enriched. Rakshasa Mingyuejing still wanted this cave-heaven treasure called [Peach Blossom Spring].

Several years after escaping from Chu, when Chu's pursuit gradually eased, the secret agent who had been lurking for many years was activated, linked to Nandou Palace, and brazenly stole [Peach Blossom Spring] from Ying City.

It's a pity that they are destined to be unable to take them away, and even the treasure phantom and people are surrounded in the secret realm of Nandou.

Zuo Guangshu nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, I have military affairs, I can't be distracted for too long." Qu Shunhua put on his boots: "Wait for me at home. As for Brother Jiang, take him to Huangliangtai and entertain him well. As for teaching Zhongshan Weisun a lesson matter……"

She smiled charmingly: "Leave it to sister."

The gold and white jade buy songs and laugh, and the prince is young for a long time after being drunk.

This is where the name Bai Gexiao comes from.

On the green cliff, the rising sun enters the painting. The bamboo forest becomes a sea, and the morning light ripples.

"The Immortal of Musical Instruments", "The First Painter", "Dean of Qingya Academy"... Bai Gexiao, who enjoys so many honors, is a woman whose appearance is not surprising at first glance.

You have to look carefully and ponder carefully to see the fine brushwork.

Her beauty is not visible to ordinary people.

Clouds and fog cover the mountains.

She dressed as a man, wearing a crown and a Confucian shirt. Sitting on a high cliff stone platform, there is a small table in front of him. There is a pot of tea and two cups on the table.

The spout is filled with hot steam, like mist.

There is a mountain breeze blowing, and clouds are flying around. The sea of ​​bamboo is rippling with blue waves, and a rainbow hangs on the distant mountain.

Bai Gexiao picked up the teapot and slowly poured two cups of tea.

The tea is seventy percent full.

When she put down the teapot, a handsome man with an extraordinary temperament landed on the top of the mountain and sat across from the small table.

The white clothes are fluttering, like a fairy coming to earth.

"Zhenren Ye came very quickly." Bai Ge smiled and pointed the back of his index finger, gently pushing the tea cup forward.

Ye Lingxiao picked up the teacup, first gently smelled the aroma of the tea, then took a sip, then put the teacup down with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "To taste the dragon's tip on the green cliff, you have to walk fast."

Bai Ge looked at him with a smile: "You, Ye Lingxiao, have made connections all over the world and are connected with business travelers, but you still need tea?"

"This is the tea brewed by the master of Qingya Mountain, and it is also a tea unique to this place!" Ye Lingxiao's tone was just the right amount of exaggeration: "Even if you are rich in the world, how can you drink this cup if you are not blessed?"

Bai Ge smiled and said without comment, "Since you are a blessed person, do you know how to cherish your blessings?"

Ye Lingxiao picked up the tea cup again: "I won't waste a drop of this good tea."

The slender tea leaves tumble in the boiling water like a dragon swimming, hence the name "Dragon Tip". Drink it to prolong life, replenish qi and strengthen vitality. This kind of tea is not found anywhere else, and there are only two mother trees here, which were planted by the founder of Qingya.

Bai Ge smiled and took a sip, and asked in a casual tone: "What do you think about the matter in Nandou Hall?"

Ye Lingxiao asked instead: "Has someone found you?"

The Lord of Qingya Mountain smiled softly: "Of course!"

"What are you talking about?" Ye Lingxiao asked.

Bai Ge smiled and said: "It's nothing more than words like 'all the people in the world are connected by the same breath', 'prepare for rainy days', 'the lips are dead and the teeth are cold' and the like."

Ye Lingxiao nodded: "That makes sense."

Bai Gexiao added: "It's nonsense that makes sense."

Isn’t that nonsense!

Who doesn’t know the meaning of dying lips and cold teeth?

The problem is that you, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, were stripped of your imperial title by Emperor Chu for some reason a few years ago. You have been hiding in the sky for all those years, but you have not learned any lessons. Now he dared to collude with Sanfen Xianglou to steal the Cave Heaven Treasure in Ying City, and he was caught!

The six hegemonic countries have been standing to this day, and they have done a lot of things to smash mountains and mountains.

Master Chu is famous, who can compare with you?

Thanks to everyone for your support, we are back at number one.

The day before yesterday, I said that I had to work hard to write extras. Yes, I already have inspiration. (cross out)

I will write 4,000 words first and update it, and I will give it to you the day after tomorrow. (This is real)

Then work hard to write extras.

You can take a look at the event, I forgot to tell you before. The top five characters can be displayed on the splash screen, and everyone can vote for what they want to see.

The extra chapter can only have one character name, but the one I plan to write is [Zuo Guanglie*Ku Jue]

It can also be regarded as the return of the old monk. By the way, fill in a background line.

Hope you all like it.

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