Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2177 The world is far away, see you later

Since Jing Taizu Ji Yusu established the Dajing Dynasty, the power of the ancient sects in the world has become smaller and smaller day by day. The world is still that world, and the scenery is not those scenery.

But the current of the times is like this. Whether you accept it or not, you can only accept it.

The sect era has passed and is becoming history.

Everything that was once prominent is now an echo of history.

Any existence that aspires to eternity must adapt to the times and innovate itself with history. The only outcome of being stubborn is to turn into dust.

This is true whether it is as small as an individual or as large as a sect, a sect or a country.

In the age of saints, hundreds of schools of thought contended. There are so many great sects in the world! Hundreds of sources and thousands of streams, not just thousands of families opening sects!

Where are you today?

How much is left?

Those who can still retain their independence now are the best in the sect. The sects within the borders of various countries are all ministers and concubines of those countries. Looking at the world, there is only one Lingxiao Pavilion, which can be regarded as an exception.

But judging from the facts, Lingxiao Pavilion, which is independent of the world, and Yun Kingdom, which is a world-famous merchant, are actually no threat at all. They are usually not feared and no one regards them as unstable factors.

Looking back at the past situation, in less than ten years, the Taixu Sect was collectively sealed into the Taixu Illusion Realm, the Blood River Sect was expelled, and the South Dou Palace was about to be razed to the ground. The world's most powerful people, except for the third one.

This is indeed quite a terrifying thing.

It was as if there was an invisible hand speeding up the sect's iteration. No, there is no iteration, it is an era. The great sects in the world that have perished and are about to perish have no successors.

This does not include Diao Hailou, who was almost eliminated from the First World War and barely survived, but his reputation is not as good as before.

Today's misfortune in the South Dou Palace can be said to be heartbreaking.

But when the Emperor of Chu was furious, how could he provoke a country other than a hegemon?

Ye Lingxiao said: "The person who found you, what do you want you to do?"

Bai Gexiao said in an indifferent tone: "It's just for me to come forward and persuade you to save the life of Changsheng Lord and preserve the orthodoxy of Nandou Hall. Let Nandou Hall have a chance to apologize - Zhenren Ye, I, Bai Ge, Is smiling so honorable?"

Ye Lingxiao nodded vigorously: "At least you are very respectable here!"

The Lord of Qingya Mountain smiled: "It's a pity that Chu State doesn't think so."

"Xumi Mountain, Jiange, Mugu Academy, Sanxing Palace, oh, there is also a Confucian holy land, Shushan." Ye Lingxiao raised his fingers and counted them one by one: "There are so many big sects in the Southern Territory, why do you need to go out? This head?"

"Perhaps it's because they are close after all. I raised my hand and slapped them!" The owner of Qingya Mountain smiled and said: "If the Chu State wants to teach me a lesson about Bai Gexiao, it has to go over the mountains and cross the river. Let's ask Jing State again if he is willing to use the road. Woolen cloth!"

When Nan Doudian dared to intervene in the Qi-Xia war, the geographical distance was also an important reason.

If Xia Guo wins, Nan Doudian will form a strong support, and he will be able to face the pressure of Chu State more calmly in the future, and he can take advantage of the situation to straighten his back. If Xia State failed, Qi State would not be able to send troops to attack Du'e Peak.

Using this analogy, Qingya Academy, which is thousands of miles away, can indeed have a few discussions with Chu State.

Ye Lingxiao said: "Since I came forward to say something, it doesn't seem to be a big problem - what does the mountain master think?"

Bai Ge smiled and dusted his collar, and said casually, "Let's drink tea!"

Ye Lingxiao then smiled: "When this lip died, didn't the mountain master see that his teeth were cold?"

On the high cliff, Bai Gexiao raised his hand and pointed to the distance where the clouds and fog had disappeared: "The Yang Kingdom was destroyed, the Xia Kingdom was destroyed, the Dan Kingdom was destroyed, and the Spring and Autumn Period rose and fell several times! The rise and fall of countries is common, why? Don’t you see worries about the hegemony? It’s just that this country is destroyed, the other country is prosperous, and the sect is destroyed, but it is difficult to inherit. I think this is also proof that the sect system is lagging behind the times? In this case, why can’t the sect be destroyed?”

She sat idle on the high cliff, as if she didn't care about Qingya's foundation at all: "We, as scholars, must respect the voice of the times. Specifically, everyone's will will eventually become the choice of the times. If you say that the sect should die, then Just perish! What’s wrong with the Spring and Autumn period? Will my singing and laughing hinder the times?"

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the ancient is disappearing in today's era. This ancientness does not mean age. The Taixu Sect is very young. What is ancient is the sect system. This may not be the thoughts of one or more people, but the necessity of the times.

The focus of Bai Ge's smile was indeed higher than that of too many people.

Ye Lingxiao touched his palms and praised: "How can there be such a thing as Bai Gexiao in this world? They are called romantics in vain!"

"Where did Ye Lingxiao come from in the sky?" Bai Ge laughed and flicked the tea cup: "Don't make a noise that shocks the world!"

The Lord of Qingya Mountain refused to flatter him, so Ye Lingxiao laughed it off: "Nandou Palace gives people a handle, and they will not be punished unjustly. Those people who claim to be worried but dare not come forward, I don't know how they can stop the Chu Kingdom's butcher knife. Those people Do you really think that Chu State is just a paper tiger after losing the river valley and losing three points of Xiangxiang Tower? A sick tiger is especially dangerous! How can we ignore it?"

The Chu State has indeed declined greatly in recent years. Since the River Valley War, it has been in trouble many times. Far less than Qin and Qi, both in name and reality, they are like the sun.

But the Meteor Fairy Forest is still calm, powerful countries like Wei and Song are still firmly suppressed, and the right to speak in the entire southern region is still firmly in the hands of Chu, without any wavering.

Do other people still need to weigh the strength of Chu State?

Apart from anything else, how could the powerful states of Wei and Song, which were also in the southern region, have a great reputation? How ambitious is the current emperor of Wei? If he really had the chance, would he sit in Wangjiang Tower?

Now it is time for Chu State to prove its toughness. The army surrounded Du'e Peak, but it was not destroyed in one fell swoop, just to make this matter known to the world. Under such circumstances, how could anyone who dared to block Chu's path not be hurt by Chu Feng?

Bai Gexiao raised his eyes and looked at the Lord of Lingxiao Pavilion in front of him: "You, Master Ye, have seen so thoroughly and seem to be very concerned about this matter. Don't you have any ideas? If you can make some efforts in this matter and do something, Impact, but there are many benefits.”

"You said it too, Master Ye!" Ye Lingxiao said angrily: "Unlike you, I have reached the limit of this world and stand at the pinnacle of the extraordinary. Then Lord Changsheng has also stood at the pinnacle, so what now?"

He sighed melancholy: "I think that I, 'the most heroic man in the world,' keep a low profile and keep a low profile! One step is slow, one step is slow, and now it is difficult to control even one-third of an acre of Yun Kingdom!"

The Lord of Qingya Mountain said: "Let's make it clear. Are you unable to control the land or the people?"

"If you speak too clearly, there will be no aftertaste." Ye Lingxiao glanced at her: "Laugh if you want to, don't hold it in and feel uncomfortable."

The Lord of Qingya Mountain laughed loudly: "You, Ye Lingxiao, are here too!"

"Alas." Ye Lingxiao sighed, stretched out his hands, and gestured in front of him: "She was so old and fragile at that time, but in the blink of an eye, she has grown up. But I still often feel that she is just a child. , she is still at an age where walking is unsteady, so I always have to hold her up - maybe it’s time for me to let her go.”

"Are you willing to give it up?" Bai Ge asked with a smile.

"Don't give up...ha!" Ye Lingxiao smiled smartly: "When the child grows up, he has his own ideas. The old stubborn has always been a stumbling block, and it will become annoying after a long time. I also hope that if we linger on the sickbed in the future, there will be someone willing. Come and see me.”

"It's really hard for you, Ye Lingxiao, to realize this!" The Lord of Qingya Mountain smiled and said, "It seems that your cultivation has improved greatly!"

Ye Lingxiao cupped his hands, begging for mercy and begging to be let go.

Bai Gexiao stopped clicking and asked: "How is Qingyu lately? What are you busy with?"

They have known each other for more than a year or two, and she has always been concerned about Ye Qingyu's growth. When he was still young, he wanted to send Ye Qingyu to Qingya Academy to study, but later Ye Lingxiao couldn't bear to let him go, so he let it go.

Ye Lingxiao said: "It's still the same - looking at the clouds, practicing the piano, drinking tea, practicing Taoism, performing Dharma, and also learning to deal with some sect affairs, and then writing letters to her pen pal. Leisurely every day , enjoy yourself.”

Bai Gexiao sighed with emotion: "The geniuses of this world are either brave and diligent and walk alone, or they race with thousands of sails and hundreds of boats. It is too rare to be cold and quiet like her. I don't know how you have such a different temperament from her mother. .”

"In the age of great strife, the war is still going on. Sometimes I wonder if I should let her get a little more cool so that she can face the world better. I also intend to take her to the battlefield of the demon world to let her experience blood and fire. But she is completely incompatible with that kind of place, and she is not a person who belongs to the battlefield. Even if she has emotions in her heart, her methods are gentle."

Ye Lingxiao raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and said in a long voice: "I took her to practice in the outer world. Her interest in the flowers, plants and scenery in the outer world is far greater than conquering foreign tribes and exploring dangerous places. It cannot be said that she does not work hard, she also practices very hard, said She masters all the killing techniques very quickly, but her heart is not sharp at all, and when fighting with others, she can only use 70% of her 100% success rate."

The Lord of Lingxiao Pavilion sighed softly: "The world is uneasy, and I can't rest assured of her temperament."

Looking around the world, those dazzling talents are all practicing Taoism and Dharma. Use your own [Dharma] to protect your own [Tao]. Use your own sword to defend your own principles.

This [Dharma] can be a sword, force, or momentum... It never changes without departing from its origin, and it is all a means of defending the Tao.

Ye Qingyu's talent in cultivation is first-rate. On top of killing, it's hard to say talent.

Those who only know how to fist and kick know that "one boldness, two strength and three kung fu", without the determination to kill, no matter how many tricks are added to the body, they cannot be used on the spot.

Those who are good at fighting, such as Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao, and Zhongxuan Zun, can kill with 100% of their strength and 120% of their power. In addition, if Huang Relic has [Bodhi] and Zhao Rucheng has [Lingxi], he can also use his magical powers to display his fighting talents and reach the peak.

A talented person like Qin Zhizhen has excellent fighting ability, but it is not perfect. Facing other people, he is as powerful as a dragon or a tiger. When facing an opponent like Jiang Wang, he will inevitably be suppressed at every turn and can only kill 99% of his strength.

With a fighting talent like Ye Qingyu, when it comes time to fight with others, he can basically only rely on realm, secret techniques, and some external objects to suppress others.

Ye Lingxiao also punched Xiji and kicked Donghai. He was a killing talent honed through countless lives and deaths. Naturally, he had a very clear understanding of his precious daughter - at least in terms of strength, there would not be much error.

The Lord of Qingya Mountain said sternly: "This child is cool and elegant, aloof from the world, and a little bit crazy. He is destined to practice Taoism rather than practice law. It is good to let nature take its course. Don't overdo it."

Ye Lingxiao shook his head and smiled fondly: "How can I give it up? She can't keep her own way and kill herself. As a father, I just protect her."

"It's good if you think so." The tone of the Lord of Qingya Mountain was very solemn: "After all, Tao is the foundation, and law is just a means. Whether the road is full of blood, wind and rain, it doesn't matter if the wind is light and the clouds are light. After reaching the high place, you can see The scenery is the same. With you watching, her path will not be affected and she can still walk up the mountain."

Ye Lingxiao heard Xian Zhi's elegance and stopped smiling. He rubbed the teacup in his hand and said with a serious look in his eyes: "I will cherish it."

"There is a long way to go, so please take care of yourself."

This is just a common farewell.

But it was the last words of his friend that Zhongshan Weisun heard.

The last person who said goodbye to him was Wu Ling.

The person bidding farewell to him this time was Long Boji.

We are all young people with a bright future, and each of us has a splendid life. They both believed that the other person would have a good life, and never thought that they would be separated forever.

Only when the storm rises will we realize that things are impermanent.

General Ying Yangwei Zhongshan Yan Wen's heart is as strong as iron, Taixu cabinet member Huang Sheli is loose but very clear, and Jiang Wang, the best in the world, doesn't speak much but understands everything in his heart. Only Zhongshan Weisun didn't know the importance of it this time.

This is the only time in his thirty-one-year-old life that he has not known the importance of things so far.

Let go of your face, disregard your reputation, and not understand the general situation. You are a villain in vain!

He knew that he could no longer convince the grandfather who was in charge of Yingyang Mansion; he knew that no matter how good his friendship with Huang Sheli was, it would be impossible for him to intervene in Chu affairs for him; he knew that Jiang Wang had no reason to help him save Long Boji.

He thought about coaxing these two people over, borrowing their reputations, pulling a piece of tiger skin, and negotiating a ransom with the Chu State. Of course it would be best if you can get them to talk. If you can't get them to do so, then Zhongshan Weisun and the little affection he has accumulated in the past will be put on the balance.

His ugly appearance in the mud is also one of the chips.

Now I can barely get my wish.

Jiang Wang didn't want to pay attention to him anymore and became a stranger to him. Although Huang Sheli was furious and beat him up, he acquiesced to him borrowing his name this time.

But is he satisfied?

He doesn't know either.

Huang Sheli scolded him for not recognizing his own weight, but he actually recognized it very clearly. The weight of his Zhongshan Weisun is just this - after the borrowing of his name has happened, Huang Sheli will not stand up and publicly sing the opposite in the face of such a bleak and useless side of him.

For Huang Sheli, who has always kept a clear distinction between public and private affairs, this is already rare.

For Zhongshan Weisun, this was the most useful external force he could draw on in the shortest time without any support from Yingyang Mansion.


Zhongshan Weisun let out a long breath, put his face against the ground, and lay there quietly for a while. The soil wet with blood has a reassuring smell.

He really wanted to lie down all the time, it was too painful and too tired.

The bridge of his nose was concave, his facial bones were severely crooked, and there were many bone fractures on his body - but the pain was obviously more than that.

He really wanted to lie down on the ground and sleep and stop thinking about anything. What family, country, friendship...

But he didn't forget the purpose of coming to the Southern Region, so he just closed his eyes briefly and then opened them. After a while, he got up.

He used Taoism to clean the dust, remove the mud, wipe off the blood, changed his clothes, and styled his hair again. He is also the gentle young master of Zhongshan clan in Jing Kingdom.

The top four in the building outside the Yellow River Meeting are also Weisun in the Yingyang Mansion of the Dajing Empire.

He traveled with Huang Relic and went to the southern region to save a friend named Long Boji.

He prepared a lot of sincerity.

[Thanks to book friend "White Faced Hippopotamus" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 710th Alliance of the Sky Patrol! 】

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