Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2189: Autumn grass grows in the South, and fierce winds blow in the North

On the way back to Jing Kingdom, Zhongshan Yanwen slowed down slightly.

Zhongshan Weisun failed to prove the truth of the cave this time. Although he responded promptly, he still had to take care of himself for a long time. Physical injuries are secondary, whether the knot in the heart can be opened is the key.

He has done everything he can do.

In the end, you can only seek the true state of truth by yourself.

If the cave can really prove it, then the royal family of the overlord country should be glorious forever.

I just wonder how much the young people of the Zhongshan family can learn from this lesson of life?

Zhongshan Weisun clutched the jade vase containing his friend's ashes and pursed his lips tightly, as if he would remain silent forever.

Autumn grass grows in the southern country, while the new moon wind blows fiercely in the northern country.

When the strong wind from Jing Kingdom hit his eyebrows, Zhongshan Yanwen, who had taken away his magic armor, had no expression on his face. He had been proud all his life and did not want to show his disappointment.

Zhongshan Weisun, who had been silent all the way, spoke at this moment: "Is there something wrong with the war in Nandou Hall? Is An Guogong hiding something?"

The stiffness on Zhongshan Yanwen's face finally eased a bit: "How can you see it?"

"He is willing to let you witness the war, but he is not willing to let you actually witness it." Zhongshan Weisun said.

"It's normal for Yan Dao to try his best not to act in front of others to prevent the fundamental Dao from being glimpsed." Zhongshan Yanwen let go of his hand and let him fly by himself. His tone was calm: "The Evil Face Army is one of the six divisions of the Chu Kingdom. Chu It is human nature not to want to expose the country’s cutting-edge tactics and military formations.”

"That's what they say. But the Chu State is well prepared to attract the world's attention when it destroys Nandou. Even their attitude of encircling and refusing to suppress them has been declaring that they want to focus the world's attention and show off their power." Zhongshan Weisun He was in a very embarrassed state, but he was thinking seriously: "I always feel that their purpose is more than that."

"Go on."

"The Central Empire wants to take a look at everything and take care of it. They hope to have everything in the palm of their hand like before, although they can no longer do it. At this stage, we can only focus on ourselves. What are Chu's ideas? Nandou Palace No matter how you struggle, it has nothing to do with us. So you decided to leave."

"Did I decide to leave?"

"It's me." Zhongshan Weisun raised the jade bottle in his hand: "I accept the fact."

"What fact?"

"I accept that Long Boji is dead; I accept that my hard work has yielded no results; I accept that I am incompetent to the point where I am just a laughing stock; I accept that I am reckless, so that my grandfather is dragged down by me; I accept -"

"Your articles have always been very good, but I don't want to hear this." Zhongshan Yanwen raised his hand to interrupt: "When I go back and write a policy statement, I will take the Chu State's destruction of Nandou Hall as the test question."

Zhongshan Weisun lowered his head slightly: "Okay."

His father died the year he was born, and his mother did not survive the following spring. He has been raised by his grandfather since he was a child. Whether it is training soldiers or performing martial arts, his grandfather takes him with him in everything he does. They have been getting along like this since they were young. Zhongshan Yanwen would ask questions anytime and anywhere, and Zhongshan Weisun would answer questions anytime and anywhere. If you get the answer right, you can get anything. If you get the answer wrong, you will be punished with fists and feet.

The grandfather and grandson were speechless from then on and went back to Yingyang Mansion as if nothing had happened. It seemed like this was just an ordinary vacation, and they were just going out for an autumn outing.

But before flying into Yingyang Mansion, Zhongshan Weisun finally said: "Grandpa, I was wrong."

"Do you regret saving Long Boji?" Zhongshan Yanwen asked.

"I regret that I didn't think clearly. I regret that I did a bad job." Zhongshan Weisun said: "People should not regret their choices. I regret that I didn't think clearly about what I was choosing."

Zhongshan Yanwen said: "I hope you really understand. Instead of deceiving yourself. I am not afraid that you will lie to me, Weisun. After all, it is you who will face your life."

Zhongshan Weisun said: "——Grandpa. Maybe I am also your wrong choice."

Zhongshan Yanwen looked at him deeply: "I, Zhongshan Yanwen, can afford my own mistakes, can you?"

"I don't know if I can do it." Zhongshan Weisun held the jade bottle and opened his tired eyes: "But I don't want to have such a regretful moment again. I don't want to disappoint you again, Grandpa."

Zhongshan Yanwen looked at him: "I have always taught you how to face the world correctly, but life is not just about being right. You made a really stupid decision. But you are my grandson, Zhongshan Yanwen."

Grandfather and grandson flew into Yingyang Mansion one behind the other.

The black flag that stood on the high platform of the government and hung from the pole immediately fluttered in the air as soon as the low wind blew.

The boundless black is the unreachable end.

The Nandou Secret Realm is shaped like the universe, vast and vast - of course it is not truly infinite, but its end cannot be explored by ordinary people.

The six huge stars controlled by the six truths are the main body here.

Throughout the ages, many mortals have lived and thrived on these stars. Throughout their lives, they regarded this as the "real world" and did not know that they were living in a secret realm.

Among them, those who are particularly outstanding will be able to be included in the Nandoumen Wall if they are guided by immortals. They will be transcendent, see the world outside the secret realm, and understand what the "real world" is.

Nandou Hall does not really come into contact with mortals, but Nandou disciples occasionally walk there and experience the world.

Such various "miracles" have created the legend of Nandou Immortal God here.

People on these stars don't know that stars also have lifespans, and the aloof Nandou Immortal God will also fall one day.

Nandou Hall has multiplied so many people in the secret realm, enjoyed its popularity, and received its support, so of course it would not be stupid enough not to give them a chance to advance.

But the current true disciples of Nandou Hall are very few who truly come from these stars.

Because compared to the common people in the world who are at the center of the heavens and the world, the people in the stars have inherent shortcomings.

Just like the people floating on the land in the heavens and the world, just like the human fire sowing the heavens in the "Grain Rain Project" in ancient times. After a long time, even if they have the same root and the same origin, they no longer have the same branches and leaves.

The people living in the imperial capital and the people living in the border counties were different from birth.

The original gap between different worlds is even greater and more fundamental.

The most intuitive thing is the gods.

It is also at the level of [Zun Shen], above [Yang Shen]. The gods of the underworld only have transcendent power in the underworld, but the gods in the present world can unite all realms and be immortal. The Nether World is still a big world, not comparable to an ordinary small world.

Many small worlds have very low levels of power.

If a place like Nandou Secret Realm was not attached to the present world and rooted in history, it would not even be qualified for comparison.

"Nandou Hall has a history of 60,000 years. It is an ancient Taoist tradition passed down from the era of saints. It is in the same period as Mugu Academy and is older than the Blood River Sect."

"In these long 60,000 years, no common people from the stars have ever become true. We treat them equally on the road to transcendence. But no matter how they are trained and how many resources are given, they can at most achieve the 'divine enlightenment' in the Nandou Secret Realm, which is the same as Nandou makes a contract and becomes the Nandou Star God. This is an almost unbreakable limit, and even these Nandou Star Gods who cannot make a contract with the living world are extremely rare. It takes many years to produce one."

"The only exception is called Lu Shuanghe."

"He's still making history."

There was a voice saying this in Siming Palace.

The speaker stood in the middle of the palace door with his hands folded, looking up and out, confused in the skylight, letting the skylight cast a separate reflection, and never looked back.

The person's reflection was stretched lonely on the floor tiles, and at the end of the shadow was an old futon.

Master Si Ming Fu Zhaofan knelt down on this futon, facing the statue of Siming Xingjun enshrined in the middle of the hall. His expression was solemn and he did not look back.

Therefore, in this tall and majestic hall, the people standing in the middle of the door with their hands behind their hands, and the people sitting in the hall with their hands down and kneeling, actually have their backs to each other.

What connects them is a shadow.

Fu Zhaofan didn't speak, he was just listening now.

Today, in this secret realm of Nandou, there is naturally only one person who can make him "listen" - the current master of Nandou Palace, the Changsheng Lord who has inherited the 60,000-year-old Taoist tradition of his ancestor.

Lord Changsheng's crown was very blurry, and he seemed to be trapped in a river of light.

In this state that can never be truly seen, he continued: "So I have the greatest patience with him. I even allow him not to follow the path of the South Dipper and walk his own path. He is born to be a good person. A person who takes a dangerous road but can walk it well. He is extremely passionate about the Tao, so he can break all chains and break through the impossible."

Fu Zhaofan finally said: "He is also naturally a person who knows how to give up and never cares."

"Who is not?" Lord Changsheng said in an incomprehensible tone: "Whoever moves forward does not need to give up anything. Whoever reaches this point does not give up anything?"

"So you shouldn't be surprised." Fu Zhaofan said quietly: "If his way is here, he will not hesitate to die, he will be more persistent than you and me. But South Dou Palace cannot carry his way, and it will naturally be ignored by him. Give up without mercy - As for Ren Qiuli, she didn't want to look at the secrets many years ago. I think she is also tired."

"I'm not surprised." Changsheng Jun's voice sighed: "A long life is composed of countless accidents."

"The Patriarch created the Nandou Hall and established the Taoist tradition of immortality, seeking eternity. Later, he died hastily."

"I, the Supreme Secret Technique of Nandou Palace, have been compiled through the ages. I want to become the Six-Star King of Nandou Palace, to have eternal life, and to shine forever. This is obviously a path that has hope and is actually moving forward, but after 60,000 years, I have not been able to achieve it. still on the way."

"The so-called star without an owner is a fundamental concept. I have been searching for it in the outer world but I can't get it for you. The South Dou Palace has not been able to prove it for generations. But the Yuheng Star Lord Guanyan said it was done."

"It's just a coincidence and fate is unpredictable!"

"Things don't go as planned, and God doesn't do what he wants."

Mr. Changsheng rarely feels so much emotion.

Just like Nan Doudian has never been forced to this extent.

Fu Zhaofan said nothing. He looked at the tall and mysterious statue of Xingjun.

According to the tradition of Nandou Hall, he will follow the ancient road of immortality and persevere to the end. His highest goal is to become the true and only Mingxing Lord in all the heavens and worlds. Turn the statue in front of you into one of your selves.

Si Ming, Tian Liang, Tian Ji, Tian Tong, Tian Xiang, and Qisha, only if all the Nandou Six Star Lords are achieved, such a Nandou Palace can entrust the Antarctic Immortal Emperor to transcendence.

The six-star king is respected by one emperor, and he proves the eternal myth of the star emperor.

But everyone understands that transcendence is just a dream.

How many romantic figures have there been throughout the ages? The wind and rain turn everything into mud!

It’s not just Nandou Hall that failed, it’s not just Nandou Patriarch, it’s not just Nandou Hall’s current master who failed?

Since the emperor's title was removed, the path of Lord Changsheng has been cut off.

The real six stars of the Southern Dipper located in the ancient star dome, that kind of regular concrete and conceptual collection, have only been constantly approaching for 60,000 years, but have never been truly captured - it is even less possible under the gaze of Chu State today.

Originally...the Ming Star under his body would continue to evolve over the long years and gradually become the conceptual core of the real Ming Star. The inheritance of Master Siming from generation to generation is all working hard for this.

This road is feasible, but it is too long!

As Mr. Changsheng said, part of a long life is countless accidents.

The Taoist calendar is restarted, the national system is flourishing, and the torrent of humanity is rolling forward... Nandou Palace is still seeking Taoism, persisting in its old self, and turning around, the world is changed from the mountains. They have all become remnants of the times.

The Great Chu Empire stood erect in the southern region, and there was no room for the so-called "Star Emperor" beside the emperor's bed.

Before the great grand plan of the Liuhe Emperor, even the myth of the Star Emperor who is immortal and shines eternally is too thin. The Emperor of Chu held the Great Chu Emperor's Sword in his hand and cut the emperor's title with one strike. The crown of the Emperor of Immortality is still not tied with pearls.

The number of supreme crowns differs according to the severity of the ceremony and the status of the wearer.

The Emperor of Chu thus declared that Lord Changsheng was "rude" and "unworthy".

This great humiliation was also silenced in time.

Fu Zhaofan sat on his knees lonely.

The skylight outside the temple stopped when it reached his back. It's as if the edge of the spine is a sword, cutting through this hypocritical sky.

From his Dao body forward, everything is in the category of shadows, mixed with the darkness of Siming Palace. Perhaps this is the real part.

It is a long night in the present world, but it is daytime in the Nandou Secret Realm.

The Nandou Secret Realm has lasted for many days, as if it were so majestic that it could solemnly illuminate the ghosts and monsters.

But the human heart is full of ghosts, how can the light of heaven shine through?

During this period of time, the Nandou Hall was in chaos. Except for the most basic frontline defense, all other orders almost collapsed.

It takes 60,000 years to maintain pride, but only a few dozen days in a desperate situation to collapse one's system.

Every ugliness that humans can imagine has happened here.

Is there no goodness in Nandou Palace?

Good things are also alienated, and those who cannot be alienated are the first to be killed.

But he, who was in charge of everything in Nandou, just sat back and watched. Just like he sat and watched Long Boji die. The dazzling skylight can only make people close their eyes, but cannot let people see everything more clearly.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

But everything that is meaningless will still be priced - at what price?

Lord Changsheng’s voice said: “The time is coming.”

"Did you arrange to send that letter?" Fu Zhaofan asked.

"Go with the flow." Changsheng Lord said.

"What's the trick?" Fu Zhaofan asked.

Changsheng Jun said: "No means are meaningful, Wu Zhaochang will not give him a chance."

"But you tried anyway."

“Always give it a try.”

Fu Zhaofan sighed softly: "Yes. I have to try it."

This is the answer.

There was no sound in the hall for a while.

Fu Zhaofan asked again: "Have Tianliang and Tianxiang left?"

Lord Changsheng said in an incomprehensible tone: "No one will remember their names."

"Then, my time has come." Fu Zhaofan pulled out his sword, held it upside down with both hands, pressed it against his heart, raised his head, looked at the statue of Si Ming Xingjun that could never be realized, and slowly returned. The sword...enters the heart.

It is not easy for a real person to die in this world, so he is determined to do this. He carefully grasped the power and suppressed the instinct of survival. His sword instilled the sharpness to unravel the lost soul. First eliminate the Tao, then eliminate the force, and finally eliminate the life.

Flesh, bones, and soul are all just part of the process.

The contemporary Siming Zhenren of Nandou Hall, who was the most traditional and in line with the orthodox orthodoxy of Nandou and "fitted with Zhaofan", passed away suddenly in the Siming Hall.

In front of him is the shadow of Siming Palace, and behind him is the skylight of Nandou Secret Realm. His death was slow, without wasting any energy, and the process was so quiet that there was no trace of noise.

The back of Lord Changsheng is in the skylight, and the outline of Lord Changsheng cannot be seen clearly.

The apse door slowly closed.

Everything about Siming Palace is locked up in Siming Palace.

The 5,500-word extra has been written and submitted. It would be nice if it could be counted as an extra update. O, O

[Thanks to book friend "20231117222106470" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 716th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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