Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2190 Long life and long sight

Have you ever tried to push open a door?

That heavy, iron-clad copper door.

The process of pushing the door seemed to push away a heavy period of time.

You use your strength to measure history.

And the skylight outside the house follows you into the dusty unknown——

Changshengjun's hands have pushed the door open more than once today. It’s not just the end of a life.

He is really a very cold person.

In the last moments of Fu Zhaofan's life, he did not tell Fu Zhaofan his specific methods.

But maybe that's why he's "immortal."

Perhaps this is also the reason why Fu Zhaofan can die peacefully.

When the door of the side hall was opened, Meiyue from Sanfenxianglou was sitting in the corner with her knees in her arms. The body shows a weak and fearful posture. But the whole person did not feel weak.

Maybe her eyes are too focused!

Her chin rested on her knees, her eyes staring at the ground, where a book lay open.

She is reading a book.

The figure representing Lord Changsheng still only stayed in the middle of the palace door. He probably likes such a perfect location and a "self-bounded" posture.

"The heart of Sanfenxianglou is number one. This is the first time I see you." Changshengjun said in a daze.

"This is also the first time I see you." Meiyue said, but she did not raise her head.

Meeting Mr. Changsheng for the first time is no more important than reading a book.

"What are you?" Lord Changsheng asked.

"Long Boji is dead. The junior brother who went out to deliver the body will not come back alive. People are dying everywhere in the entire Nandou Secret Realm, and people are dying every day." Meiyue sighed: "The little girl is scared!"

There was a smile in Changshengjun's voice: "You don't look scared."

"It is precisely because of fear that I close the door of this guest hall tightly, hoping that people will forget me. It is precisely because I am too scared that I need to read some idle books to escape reality and anesthetize myself." Miyue said, putting the ground on the ground I closed the book, raised my head, and really saw the legendary Lord of Immortality for the first time.

Of course, these beautiful eyes found nothing in that mass of light and shadow.

Instead, the skylight dimmed her eyes, making them dangerously charming.

The cover of the book on the floor says...

"The Biography of Thousand Beauties from All Countries?" Changsheng Jun probably doesn't read Xianshu, and has never heard of this name: "Which novelist wrote it?"

"I don't know the author's name. Maybe he got separated through the passing of time, or maybe he didn't dare to leave his name at all." Meiyue's voice was slightly surprised: "Does the name mean anything to you?"

"Of course, the name is very important." Changsheng Junji said calmly: "I will not read books by unknown authors. If the author's name is not well obtained, I will not read it either."

"Oh. I'm not picky about this. Whether the book is good or not, the words can speak for themselves, and it doesn't matter who the author is." Meiyue said casually: "A friend seems to like this book very much, so I bought it to study it."

"Is there anyone hiding in the book?" Lord Changsheng smiled half-heartedly.

"Hide my sweetheart!"

Meiyue seemed very serious, but immediately laughed again: "If someone is really hiding in this book, you should run away now."

"Your knowledge far exceeds your cultivation, and you know a lot." Changsheng Jun said leisurely: "But maybe you know too much."

Meiyue smiled and said: "Not too much, not too much, I still need to learn."

She picked up the book on the ground and shook it: "I'm studying."

"There is no end to learning." Changsheng Jun's tone at this moment was casual, but it was thundering on the ground: "Three-cent fragrance, in exchange for being confused and fascinated. The singing and dancing of the orioles, all the people's hearts are like monsters. The Sanfen Fragrance Tower is such a ghost place. You Looking at your bright makeup and flaming red lips, who knows how much blood you have stained? This time you have brought trouble to the hearts of the South, how much merit will you get from your deception?"

Meiyue rolled up the book in her hand and sighed: "I'm not surprised that you understand my magical power. I'm surprised that you would say this. To bring trouble to the hearts of the people in the south? This great sect in the world, built up for thousands of years, was overturned in one day. Is this a crime that a weak woman like me, who is lucky to have God come to me, can bear?"

"A big shot like you should trace the roots of something rather than pick its branches and leaves."

She shook her head: "Am I able to influence you, or can I influence Master Siming, or any of the six true masters of Nandou? I am so humble, but I can mess up Nandou's heart?"

"Long Boji is pitiful." Lord Changsheng sighed: "He is indeed no match for you."

"It's not that he is not my opponent. It's that his opponent is not me." Miyue corrected him seriously: "You took away all their names. And aware of all this, in order to save himself, he deliberately wrote many letters to His best friend, Long Boji, who is indeed remembered, missed, and left his name, is really the most annoying one. Isn't his death what you wanted?"

"He is indeed pitiful." There was a real sigh in Meiyue's tone: "Because his struggle is useless, and no one knows."

"Take away your name, hahaha... Who told you this?" Lord Changsheng's voice raised slightly: "Rakshasa Mingyuejing? I'm afraid she doesn't have such ability."

Meiyue said: "I'm afraid you don't understand her ability."

"That's true. I humbly admit it. Although I have been in the Southern Territory all my life, I don't know Rakshasa Mingyuejing well enough..." Lord Changsheng's voice suddenly changed and became indifferent: "The time has come."

Sleeping at the third watch and getting up at the fifth watch are always scheduled.

He seemed to be announcing the end of his life: "Your name is 'Mei Yue', right?"

Meiyue half-crouched on the ground, raised her head and glanced at the high window. The skylight outside the window was really dazzling.

She put the book away, stood up, and bowed gently: "Sansanxianglou, the number one fragrant person in the heart is 'Meiyue', I have met Lord Changsheng."

In the dim light and shadow at the door, Changsheng Jun stretched out a cold hand: "Your name can't be erased, interesting!"

The palace door slammed shut!

It is not an interesting thing to accompany Mr. Shangguo to see the scenery.

In this regard, the top leaders of Vietnam are very aware of this. There should be many sympathetic people beside the couch of the world's hegemon!

But Gao Zheng, who had just seen off Qu Zhongwu, looked as if he were meeting an old friend.

Walking on the embankment of the Qiantang River, watching the reflection of the bright moon and the rising tide, so many memories from the past come flooding back.

From here, you can indeed see the shadow of the Chu Kingdom's Jiaowu Mountain in the distance - it is really a too high mountain, not that the Chu Kingdom and the Yue Kingdom are really close at hand.

To say that the mountains reflect the Qiantang River is, of course, a boast. But for many years, the State of Yue has indeed been shrouded in the shadow of the mountains of Chu.

Some time ago, Tianjing City gathered the world's attention and attracted the attention of the world. A silent battle also took place in Jiaowu Mountain.

He was not able to take a closer look, but only had a brief glimpse, and knew that Ping Ping Country was involved - this must be a very important matter. Unfortunately, the Chu State kept it secret, and there was no news from Ping Ping Country.

Gao Zheng is not uneasy about this unknown.

Facing the Chu State, his understanding was never enough, and his preparation was never enough.

But he is always facing it.

Just as Jiaowu Mountain is tall, Qiantang River is vast.

Long rivers!

"You seem very happy?" Suddenly a voice asked.

This is a cold and solemn female voice, but in the harshness, it embodies a kind of unprovoked and distant reverie.

The sound comes with the tide, crashing and breaking in the sound of the tide.

Gao Zheng's figure instantly became dazed.

But there was a hand like mutton-fat white jade, shaking it. Gao Zheng will turn the imaginary into reality and the false into truth. Can't leave!

This clear and beautiful hand comes from a woman mixed in colorful colors - not that she is dressed in colorful colors, but that in the eyes of a real person like Gao Zheng, she only has flowing colors.

Without seeing its face or observing its appearance, you can feel its "brightness" and "charming".

Just the hand clearly visible in the field of vision is beautiful enough!

Of course, Gao Zheng, who is unable to escape, cannot get good feelings at all.

"Lord Rakshasa!" He bowed and held his hands on the causeway, very humbly: "I didn't know that your Majesty was coming, and Gao was not welcomed. It is really rude! I apologize to you!"

The mysterious and unpredictable owner of the Sansanxiang Building, the top of the world, Rakshasa Mingyuejing!

She actually appeared across the Qiantang River when the Chu Kingdom was encircling Nandou Hall and killing the monks from Sanfenxiang Tower.

Gao Zheng apologized immediately, but she just pressed down with her finger and continued to press!

The colors between heaven and earth are falling in large pieces, just like the autumn wind sweeping away the flowers.

Gao Zheng's world turned into black and white, and he also looked haggard, with his hair getting whiter and his face getting darker.

But he gritted his teeth and shouted with difficulty: "Why does the host hate me and kill me?"

He stood upright in this black and white world, with his hands spread apart, like a divide between two colors, a ravine between two realms.

"Don't you see, the heart of heaven is like Qiantang, and the hearts of the people are getting better and better!"

He is the most accomplished figure in the history of the Yue Kingdom. His status in the hearts of the Yue people is the highest today and surpasses all. Although he has been retired for many years.

On the land of Yue, he can get the undisputed and most support.

At this time, the country's power has increased, and the people's support has increased.

There is the shadow of the mountain behind him, and the roar of the river in front of him. The mountain is Yinxiang Peak and the river is Qiantang River. The power of the mountains, rivers and soil supported his body and allowed him to stand up straight.

He is wearing a colorful armor. In the black and white world, there is the color of the human heart. The people of the country protected him and made him less likely to wither.

However, these powers alone were still not enough to stop Rakshasa Mingyuejing from pressing his palms.

So he shouted again: "Don't you hear that there is a road to the mountain of books!"

Shushan, the holy land of Confucianism, is in the southern region.

As one of the prominent schools of thought in the world, Confucianism has disciples all over the world.

In the southern region, the Song Dynasty only respected Confucianism. When the Xia Kingdom fell in the past, the court also discussed that the entire country should follow Confucianism in order to seek salvation from Shushan. All four major academies in the world are among the most prestigious in the world. But everyone regards Shushan as a holy place.

The power of Shushan can be seen from all kinds of things.

The fact that the Yue State was able to sleep soundly next to the Chu State for so many years was nothing more than the support of Nandou Hall and Mugu Academy. But tracing its roots back to Shushan’s gaze.

If there is no Shushan to watch, how can he get the Chu State to sit down and talk with him, and how can he have the "Alliance of the Fallen Immortal" that makes him famous, even if he has great political skills and unparalleled means?

At this moment, Gao Zheng said that there is a way out of the book mountain, and he immediately opened up a new life for himself. In that increasingly lonely black and white world, the sound of reading gradually began to sound.

The human heart is nothing, it is born barren, and it is colorful in the mountains and seas of knowledge.

Gao Zheng used this to regain his color and temporarily withstood Rakshasa Mingyuejing's attack.

When the tide receded, the Rakshasa bright moon made no sound.

When Chao Xin arrived, Rakshasa Ming Yue Jing's voice sounded: "If you had known about my letter, I'm afraid you wouldn't be the only one waiting here."

She has never been to the Qiantang River, or in other words, she has been but Gao Zheng didn't know about it.

At this moment, the entire Qiantang River is echoing her, using the image of heaven and earth to cover up her traces of the human world. The support Gao Zheng had received from the Qiantang River was firmly diverted.

It was as if Rakshasa Mingyuejing was the master of this place.

Gao Zheng seemed not to understand the hostility in Rakshasa Mingyue Jing's words, nor could he feel the danger he was enduring. He smiled calmly: "If you ask me to receive a letter from the prophet, I will sweep the couch to welcome it, prepare enough gifts to go over the ground, and do my best." The wind of Qiantang. Of course, if you like purity, I can shun the people in advance and have peace of mind. Why is it like this now that I am at a loss and feel so neglected!"

Rakshasa Mingyuejing smiled: "I'm afraid that before you repel the people, you repel yourself first. This will leave me with nothing to gain."

Gao Zhengdao: "The more wine there is, the more famous swords there are. If the host asks for this, he will definitely get it."

Rakshasa Mingyue Jing said: "There is no shortage of fine wine in Sanfenxiang Tower, and there is no shortage of famous swords. Wouldn't you like to kill a fool with a sword? I want your head - can you lend it to me?"

Her voice was leisurely, but Gao Zheng's nose was bleeding.

The color of the real person's blood cannot be erased. On the clear black and white, dark and rough face, there are two traces of winding red.

He grinned and let the nosebleed flow into his lips: "What crime am I guilty of?"

Raksha Mingyuejing chuckled lightly: "When the matter comes to an end, do you know how to ask? Let me ask you - the Chu State destroyed Sansanxiang Tower. This is a private grudge between the two families. Why are you following the Yue State to join in the fun?"

"Where did such a thing come from?" Gao Zheng thought hard: "Are you telling me that Qu Zhongwu just took away several middle-level leaders of Sanfenxianglou from Yuedi?"

"Do you, Gao Zheng, think this matter shouldn't alarm me?" Rakshasa Mingyuejing asked.

"I dare not discuss your will. But I am really wronged, sir!" Gao Zheng shouted: "Qu Zhongwu is a real person in the Duke of Yu State, a three-thousand-year-old family that has been prosperous with the Chu State. Entering my land is like entering the back garden. . He came to fetch people, who dared to stop him? Just like Gui Lou's activities in Yue, we did not stop him. Yue is a small country, so we only kept our ears and eyes closed and encouraged the whole country. At most, we did not stop Qu Zhongwu, which is definitely not considered Support, let alone meddling in Gui Lou’s affairs!”

"Really?" Luosha Mingyuejing said in a very calm tone: "How did I teach Fengxiang Zhenfaluo to leak the whereabouts? Could it be that it was not Douzhao you told me, but it was me who wronged you?"

"I don't know about this matter, so it has nothing to do with me!" Gao Zheng tried his best to support, and his voice gradually became less natural: "But Dou Zhao was so arrogant and domineering that he came to the door with a knife, and even the drunkards from Yue Ting did not dare to remain silent. At the end of the day, whose fault is it? Master, Fengxiang's death, his hatred lies with him!"

He raised his hand with difficulty and pointed in the direction of the Fallen Immortal Forest.

"One moment is the imperial court of Yue Kingdom, and the other is the Immortal Forest." Rakshasa Mingyuejing laughed: "In which direction do you, Gao Zheng, want to lead this disaster of mine?"

"The poster is doing it for himself!" Gao Zheng said in a loud voice: "Gao is just analyzing the facts and presenting the truth without any guidance. Mountains are high and rivers flow by themselves, so why should I be guilty? Postmaster, let me go!"

"You can't let it go, you can't let it go!" Rakshasa Ming Yuejing laughed: "I can't defeat Song Boti, I can't offend the Chu State, and I have to vent my anger and revenge, and set up a warning, so I have no choice but to be soft!"

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