Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2195: Die for offering incense, so that lotus lives

The Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace is deathly silent.

The religion of lifelessness no longer exists. If the members of the Wusheng Sect die and disperse, naturally no one will come here again. Recently, there are no snakes, insects, rats, or ants anymore, and it has become a real "no living place."

Not completely silent.

The water droplets that struggled to gather on the dome finally chose to drip in the culvert after a long decision, and there was this very quiet sound of water dripping.


I don’t know how long it lasted, probably no one kept track of the time.

There were some blood drops a few days ago, but it ended later.

Blood without a source will never last long.

Dark blood beads were scattered in the culvert, and it was not clear.

The long river is mighty and roaring for thousands of miles.

Thousands of people on the Qiantang River welcome the tide, suddenly like a thin line.

There are also deep ditches and culverts in the world, which grow and perish on their own, dying when no one is around.

Although the water flowing in the underground palace here is an underdrain and cannot be seen from the sky, it is not rancid. If the skylight occasionally penetrates through the cracks, it will be able to see the bottom clearly.

There is no skylight in the Yanyun Mountain Underground Palace forever. This place, which was beaten to pieces, had long lost its power to isolate the inside and outside.

If the sun is just right, the clouds are not disturbing, there will be more or less light, and we can arrive after a long journey - although it is very short.

Now is such a rare time when the right light is coming.

In a water area where the skylight occasionally falls, from the bottom of the culvert, like swimming fish, very complete blood beads float up - exactly the ones that originally gathered drop by drop and fell one drop at a time.

These originally dark blood beads seemed to have been washed away by dark water after sinking to the bottom for these days. It was crystal clear at the moment, and even exuded a faint fragrance. The fragrance was ethereal, filling the entire Yanyun Underground Palace with a kind of "imaginary light".

Blood beads swam out of the water one after another, forming a circle silently. This is an oval-shaped connection that, at first glance, looks like an eye.

This "eye" composed of blood beads is facing the gap in the dome, watching where the light comes from.


Time flies and finally reaches that moment.

A ray of skylight penetrated the underground palace and fell into the culvert, finally illuminating this clear undercurrent.

The sun treats everything fairly and gives light to all beings who face it.

Therefore, the only ray of light in the dark underground palace will certainly not avoid those blood beads. Refracted into the blood, a wonderful change happened at this moment——

The intact blood bead actually "bloomed" under the light and turned into a small blood-colored flower.

All the blood-colored flowers are connected together, and the blood-colored flower itself becomes a petal.

Where are the eyes made up of those blood beads connected together?

It is clearly a blooming lotus!

It is the blooming of all the blood beads, and finally the blooming of this lotus flower.

In the process of blooming, the blood color gradually fades away, and it becomes pure white and flawless.

In this dark corner where no one cares, a white lotus is blooming.

It loses blood and becomes whiter, and becomes longer when exposed to light.

Finally, it turned into a pure white lotus with a radius of one foot. On the lotus, sitting cross-legged was a woman dressed in red. Her figure is as graceful as a lotus flower. That ray of skylight fell on her charming but not demonic face, making her feel holy.

And she turned up her palms to block the skylight.

The underground palace then returned to darkness.

She is Meiyue in Sanfenxiang Tower, and Yuzhen in the depths of the bamboo forest. She is the Miaoyu outside Maple Forest City, and she is the White Lotus in front of Yuheng Peak.

The death of Fenxiang Master Faro was for this moment. The reason why he tried his best to escape to Yanyun Mountain to be beheaded was precisely because Yanyun Mountain had the layout of Sansanxiang Tower and the means of Rakshasa Mingyuejing.

"Die while offering incense, so that the lotus may grow."

This is the fate of Zhenren Fengxiang.

The White Bone Dao has been destroyed, and the Wusheng Sect, which grew up among the corpses of the White Bone Dao, has also been wiped out.

No one remembers that there is a saint in the White Bone Path.

But Jiang Wang remembered.

Meiyue herself remembers it.

As a holy girl of the White Bone Dao, she was selected and trained since she was a child, and the White Bone God prepared the Dao fruit for her incarnation.

When Zhang Linchuan took possession of the Bone Holy Body, she became the most coveted resource of Wusheng Cult.

Likewise, when the Holy Bone Body was destroyed, she was completely reborn.

She can easily take over everything Wu Sheng teaches.

She also won the Sutra of No Life.

She even improved Zhang Linchuan's Nine Tribulations Method. Grasp calamity as a flower, survive adversity and survive.

Fengxiang Zhenfaluo was willing to die here in Yanyun Mountain to complete her escape, but of course it was not for her. But for the "disaster" in her hands at this moment.

The fruit of the path was forged with the destruction of Nandou Hall, the largest sect in the world.

It is the enlightenment qualification of Luosha Mingyuejing, the owner of Sanfenxiang Tower.

It has such a sinister name, but it is really beautiful. Holding it in Meiyue's palm, it seems to be carved from snow jade, like a small gourd, and its whole body is white and flawless. During this period, the phantom light was caught accidentally, and it was a decadent scene.

"The fruit of this disaster is so complete. My sister has made a great contribution this time."

The voice that always interprets the word "beautiful" sounds in the underground palace. Ye Laner gently lifted her skirt, looked at the chaotic ground with broken bricks and tiles, and cautiously approached.

A few simple steps, walking gracefully. She was dancing lightly like a butterfly.

She stood under the lotus platform and looked up at Meiyue sitting alone on the lotus: "Your confusion has also been fulfilled."

Meiyue used a little finger to gently wipe it on her lips. There was a trace of blood there, which smeared the Koudan on her finger: "Well. I'm lucky I didn't die."

She casually took out a jade box, packed the fruit of disaster, and threw it to Ye Lan'er: "Please return it to the original poster. My work is done."

Ye Lan'er raised his hand to catch the jade box and looked at the carvings carefully, but did not open the jade box. His eyes were incomprehensible: "It is said that this is the fundamental magical power of the original poster. It can bring disaster to oneself and has the power to end all things."

In this Nandou incident, the Chu State calmly bulldozed the Nandou Palace, and Rakshasa Mingyuejing reaped the consequences.

Only Nan Doudian lost everything.

There is only one Immortal Lord left whose name is hidden among millions of people.

But to say that Sanfenxiang Tower can do everything is not necessarily the case.

At least from Ye Lan'er's perspective.

This time, Sanfenxiang Tower's long-standing plans in the Southern Territory were all in vain. Three Tianxiang died in the battle, five Xinxiang died, and Fengxiang Zhenren Faro also died. The cave heaven treasure [Peach Blossom Spring] was brought back to Yingcheng again.

Is it worth using these sacrifices to exchange for a disaster and a tacit understanding that Chu will not care about the past?

Maybe time will bring the answer.

"Is it the magic power of disaster?" Miyue said calmly: "The host didn't tell me this. She only told me what I need to get."

Yelan'er looked at her with a complicated expression: "You are taking too many risks, you don't have to be like this."

During this trip to the secret realm of Nandou, Meiyue entered the game with her own body and finally reaped the consequences. It sounds like a very neat action, but the process cannot be said to be easy.

The life-saving path arranged by Rakshasa Mingyuejing for her may not be successful even before she can do it. It can even be said that until this moment, she was convinced that she survived.

But when she faced the sinner and had to travel between the three kingdoms of Zhuang, Yongluo and Luo, she was not yet able to list Tianxiang or Xinxiang.

Later, he became the seventh most fragrant person in heaven, and then the most fragrant person in his heart... Are these things so easy to obtain?

"Everyone has to take responsibility for their own choices." Meiyue said calmly: "Maybe this is the life I should experience."

This sentence is really familiar.

Yelan'er remembered that Jiang Wang had said similar words to her in the river valley.

She looked at Miyue at this moment and couldn't help but shook her head: "I really find it strange. Facing a woman like you, even I can't help but be moved. Why can some people be so stone-hearted that they turn a blind eye?"

Meiyue suddenly turned her eyes: "You went to find him? Didn't I tell you not to--"

Yelan'er raised his hands and begged for mercy: "Good sister, don't be angry. I didn't say who you are."

Meiyue floated down from the lotus platform, held the lotus small with her backhand, and put it into her sleeve: "I found that many people always overestimate their own wisdom and underestimate his intelligence when facing him. Could it be that when they face him, they always overestimate their own wisdom and underestimate his intelligence. Is he born with a kind of endearing clumsiness?"

Ye Lan'er frowned slightly: "...Do you think he is smart or not?"

"I'm saying you're not smart." Meiyue sighed: "Since you went to find him, he will definitely guess who Meiyue is."

"Just guess it." Ye Lan'er said, "You have done so much for him, and you should let him know. If you hadn't told me, I would have asked him."

Meiyue shook her head: "I didn't do anything for him. The last time I took you to kill Yang Chongzu, it was because I also needed Zhang Linchuan to die. I am the Dao Fruit of the White Bone Holy Body, so I have to hide myself for a long time, killing and occupying the White Bones Zhang Linchuan of the Holy Body is to erase the biggest threat to me. You are helping me, not him——"

"Explain these words to him!" Ye Lan'er flipped up her hair and said nonchalantly: "No matter what you do, I always prefer you."

"Then stop making your own decisions, my good sister." Miyue walked outside the underground palace: "I have my own way to go, and I don't want to live around him. You don't have to."

"Really?" Ye Lan'er asked behind her: "The situation is so dangerous this time. Why don't you ask Jiang Wang for help? He is in great danger now. He is powerful, has a noble status, and has friends all over the world. Did he say that? Do I have to save you once? How many times do I have to save you?"

Meiyue paused for a moment, then continued walking out——

"He can never pay it back."

The organization called "Fengdu" in the Great Chu Empire was not headquartered in the royal capital. Instead, it is on the border of Chu State, a mysterious place that cannot be found on the map.

The name of the headquarters is "Fengdu", also known as the "Ghost Country on Earth".

Gu Chi, Yin of the contemporary Fengdu, is a powerful man who is not very famous in the world. But people who work in the dark night will change their expressions upon hearing his name.

When Xiang Fengqi tried to test the world of swordsmanship, his first trip to the Southern Territory was to the ghost country on earth.

Gu Chi was the first challenger from the south of Dongzhen Invincible, which shows his importance.

Gu Chi, Yin of Fengdu of Chu State, Sang Xianshou and Fu Dongxu of Jingshi Terrace in Jing State, Yan Wen, the prison guard of Qin State, Han Ling, the chief of the watchmen of Qi State, and Yi Qi of Mu State Si Zhengzhiyan of that temple and Dark Star Luohu of Jing Kingdom can be regarded as the top intelligence chiefs of the six hegemonic countries today.

Among them, Shangsheng Warden Yan Wen is the highest leader of the Prison Suppression Department. Under him are Yan Feng, Tu Wei and other ten wardens.

"Yiqina" was originally a temple named "Pobadmi".

"Pobadmi" is the divine language of Cangtu, which means "Eye of God". It is an organization within the Cangtu Religion that monitors the grasslands and punishes heretics. The grassland has always been famous for its "coolness". The extinction of all religions on the grasslands was due to the efforts of the Badami Temple.

Later, the temple was converted into a temple and renamed "Yiqina".

"Yiqina" is a grassland language, and its original meaning is "homeless" and by extension "unnamed person".

He also said, "They are the claws and teeth of wolves and eagles, and they are completely nameless."

But there is another important point - "Yiqina" is the real name of Helian Qingtong, the Taizu of the Mu Kingdom. There are many people with this name on the grassland, because it means "orphan". Without a glorious bloodline, a prominent family background, or even parents, he could only be called "Yiqina".

Helian Qingtong was born in poverty. He had no father or mother since he was a child, and only had a lamb left to him by his grandfather. It happened that the various tribes on the grassland were fighting, and the people were in dire straits. The fertile grasslands were occupied by the nobles, and ordinary people were not allowed to graze. He slaughtered the sheep he raised, had a full meal, and then went to recruit the nobles' private army with a sheep-killing knife. This is the beginning of a magnificent life.

From a little sheepherder, he grew up to be the emperor who founded a hegemonic country. This is also a feat not inferior to Cangtu Mythology.

Changing "Pobade Mi Temple" to "Yiqina Temple" is of course a sign of the transfer of authority, representing the royal power of the Helian family, replacing the theocratic power of the Cangtu Theological Religion. It also means that Taizu Mu will always watch the world and protect his descendants.

Although Zhi Yan, who is in charge of the temple, is not as famous as Hu Yan Jingxuan, the head of Cangyu Xunshou Yamen in charge of public security, in terms of intimidation, he is far superior to Hu Yan Jingxuan.

Being targeted by Hu Yan Jingxuan is nothing but death. Being targeted by Zhi Yan, death is the best outcome.

"Dark Star", which has had the most conflicts with "Yiqina Temple", is naturally not a kind place.

The so-called "dark star" refers to the hidden star that is not visible outside the thirteen stars in the star flag in the sky. This shows its importance.

Every leader of Dark Star is named "Rahu". Specializing in assassination, he can be called a master of this art.

Today, as usual, Gu Chi left the government office at three quarters of noon and took a walk in this "ghost country on earth".

This is his old habit. As long as he is in Fengdu, he will be untouchable.

He often said something - "Let people's hearts dry in the sun."

Fengdu usually releases prisoners at this time.

In this way, Gu Chi also passed by while taking a walk. Sometimes when I'm in a good mood, I'll randomly select a suspect and interrogate him personally.

Someone may ask - what about when you are in a bad mood?

Order three.

Gu Chi walked along the dark long street. There was no one in front of or behind him, but faint whispers came from both sides of the road from time to time.

A voice said: "An old Confucian scholar came down from Shushan and came to see Mr. Zhuge. He said that he wanted to ask Rakshasa Mingyue Jing and why Gao Zheng deserved to die."

"Who is this Mr. Dong?" Gu Chi asked.

"Yansheng." A faint voice replied.

Yan Sheng, the Crown Prince of Yang Kingdom!

[This chapter is 4k, plus (2\\3) for the "Half Drunk Grapefruit" of the Alliance]

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