Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2196 Life is like a hanging pen at this point

Yang State was founded in the 24th year of Dao Li. It was founded by the heroic lord Ji Yanqiu. At the beginning of its founding, it was the overlord of the Eastern Region. At its peak, it spanned the southeast.

It was destroyed in the year 2813 of Dao calendar. The last Yang Emperor went against the grain and ruined the hearts of the people. In the end, forcing the family to read the ancestral secret scriptures was the straw that broke the camel's back, causing everyone in the world to rebel. He also forcibly recruited the coastal troops to return to the capital to protect them, intending to abandon the human race's coastal defense and preserve the country, but was rejected by the coastal defenders... and thus lost everything.

The Great Yang Empire, which once dominated the country for a while, was a great country that curbed Jing Taizu's ambition to be the emperor of Liuhe. It finally bowed out and lived for 2,789 years.

Many romantic figures in the past have gone with the wind.

It's nothing more than night and day going back and forth, turning the pages of history like a book.

"The moon sets on the Western Mountains, and the sun rises on the nine countries."

Finally, the Qi State, which was located in a corner, suddenly emerged and ended the glory of the old Yang.

At the end of the two thousand years of Taoism, Yan Sheng was a great scholar in the world and his literary reputation was outstanding.

He once served as the crown prince and tutor of the Yang Kingdom.

He was the east palace teacher of the last prince.

It's a pity that the prince didn't have a great career to inherit, and the prince and tutor couldn't become a tutor.

After the last Yang Emperor died under siege, the Taiyang Palace was shattered, and the prince committed suicide in the East Palace, Yan Sheng left the Yang Kingdom and climbed to the Book Mountain. From then on, he devoted himself to learning and became a master of the classics.

This is naturally a strong man.

Dare to talk to Zhuge Yi first, and even ask Rakshasa Mingyuejing, even in the forest at the top of Yandao, it is enough to be called "powerful".

Gu Chi licked it carefully for a while and then asked: "What reason did he give to stand up for Gao Zheng?"

A faint voice replied: "Gao Zheng went to Mugu Academy to ask questions. He held ten lectures in a row, and everyone who came was refused. There was a Confucian scholar who was listening to the lectures. His path had been blocked for many years and he was about to expire. He was awakened by a few words. . After returning, he wrote a lot of articles in one stroke and passed away without any regrets - that Confucian scholar was Yan Sheng's disciple."

Gu Chi laughed: "It's really confusing!"

Before looking for Rakshasa Ming Yuejing, Yan Sheng had to speak to Zhuge Yi, the star wizard of Chu State. This was enough to explain who had the loudest voice in the Southern Territory.

Whether Yan Sheng was representing Shushan to support the Yue Kingdom, or whether he was really "angry" himself, he had to give a decent reason for coming out.

Otherwise, do you really think that the Sixth Master of Chu is a vegetarian?

"This Confucian scholar really exists, and this article really exists." The voice wandering on both sides of the long street replied: "But if it is not really related to Gao Zheng, I can't tell. Now they are all dead."

"Confucian scholars like to play this trick." Gu Chi said with a 'hehe' smile: "What did Mr. Zhuge say?"

A faint voice said: "I express my shock, regret and heartache at the death of Gao Zheng. I express my sympathy for the Yue Kingdom and my contempt for Sanfen Xianglou. Ask Yan Sheng to capture Rakshasa Mingyuejing, and it is best to take him to Yingcheng. ——The Chu State has been hunting down murderers for a long time!”

"Then let him go." Gu Chi waved his hand: "No need to pay any more attention to this matter."

It’s hard to pay attention to this matter anymore…

Who can follow Yan Sheng and Luosha Mingyuejing every day?

Gu Chi couldn't do it himself.

Probably he also knew that what he said was a bit boring, so he asked again: "Is there still no news from Jingguo?"

A faint voice said: "No. I only know that Lou Yue has been to the Central Prison recently. I can't find out more specific information."

Gu Chi's beard was well trimmed. He separated his index finger and thumb and gently wiped the beard on both sides of his lips: "Let's put the matter of Jing Guo aside for now. It shocked people last time. It's not easy to get the news now - Yan What has Fatty been doing lately?”

The houses on both sides of the long street were empty, yet rustling and strange.

Hearing Feng Duyin's new question, the previous voice disappeared, and the next voice sounded sinisterly: "He is probably asking this question too."

Yan Wen, the warden of Shangsheng, is a tall and fat guy. The Prison Secretary and Fengdu are also old rivals for many years.

Gu Chi called him Fatty Yan, and he called Gu Chi Gu Zhugan.

It must be very difficult to keep track of Yan Wen's whereabouts. This answer just means that Yan Wen has not made any big moves recently.

Today, Fengdu Yin is indeed thin, and his official uniform seems to be hanging on his body, empty and unable to fit him. He walked a few steps uncertainly and ordered: "Keep an eye on Yue during this period. Sometimes the death of a smart person will cause trouble."

"Here." The ghost official from Fengdu obeyed the order and left.

The rustling sounds gradually disappeared.

The city gate ahead was opening, and a group of suspects wearing shackles were escorted in.

In fact, the word "suspect" can be removed. After entering Fengdu, how can there be any suspicion?

All are prisoners.

Gu Chi pointed casually and said with a smile: "The third one in the row on the left, come here. I want to personally ask you what you committed - are you unjustly accused?"

The man walked out slowly wearing prison uniform and shackles.

He had a very clean bald head. He looked up and shook his head honestly: "I was not wronged."

"Speaking of which, I have experienced a lot of punishment."

In the 'VIP Room' of the Central Prison, a completely unrecognizable mass of rotten meat was hanging on the torture rack. It looks like he should have died a long time ago, but he is still hanging on. Even breathing was very laborious, but I still tried to talk to myself.

Sang Xianshou was busy with other things today.

The jailer who came to "entertain" him was also considered a master of torture.

It's a pity that compared to Sang Xianshou, his methods are still too immature, so he still has the energy to speak - he speaks every chance he gets.

The poor official king used this method to confirm his existence.

The torturers were already collecting the instruments of torture.

He continued: "I have experienced different prison styles. Zheng State, Zhongshan State, Song State, hey, I have been in many prisons! Speaking of which, it is indeed your Central Sky Prison The standard is the highest. By the way, do you know about Prison in the Sea?"

"The prison in Diaohailou is located on Huai Island. How about it? Can it be ranked among your prisons?"

"I have a former colleague who was a jailer at Qihai Prison. His surname was 'Bi', and he died miserably—hey, you won't kill me, right?"

The jailer was very disciplined and never spoke.

But the Warlock King seemed to have received a response, and even laughed: "Hey, am I the first person to beg for life in your central prison?"

"Hey, when my former colleague was still here, I often asked him for advice on prisoner's methods. At that time, I thought his methods were very good, but compared to my father, they were still far behind."

The jailer tried all the methods he could try today, took one last look at the rotten meat, made sure that the restraints were in place, and left with the torture box.

The Rogue King had almost no precise sense of the five senses, and could only vaguely sense that the prison door had been locked and that the prison was sinking. He will be soaked in a water prison filled with special potion again.

"Dad -" he shouted feebly: "What else do you want me to do? The mole on my butt has told you - ugh!"

It sank too fast and he was sunk directly into the water.

After waiting for a while, the noose was slowly reset, allowing him to reveal his head.

Today's potion aggravates the "itching" effect, strengthens the recovery of perception, and has some medicinal effects of strengthening the root and strengthening the body... Well, peony bark, poria, Ophiopogon japonicus, Han Qicao, Santu flower...

The Rogue King analyzed it carefully, but his body was shaking uncontrollably like chaff. This is an instinctive reaction based on pain after the senses gradually recover.

You cannot get used to pain, you can only endure it and cannot bear it.

Sang Xianshou was an excellent executioner, and his torture knife was always on the edge of being unbearable.

But no matter how precarious it was, the Rogue King would not allow himself to really "fall".

Even if the straw for survival is a noose, he will not let go until it strangles himself.

At this time, a voice sounded, because it was too vague and out of focus, as if it was an auditory hallucination - "Do you want to go out?"

What a warm, peaceful sound it is!

Just hearing this sound relieved the physical pain.


The Rogue King panted hard and said nothing - the killer must protect himself outside and not talk to strangers easily.

The voice said again: "I can help you leave."

"Liar." The Wan Guan Wang dismissed it: "My father said that since the Central Prison was built, no one has successfully escaped from the prison. Why do you have to look down on me, the Great Jing Dynasty?"

Faced with this kind of temptation, the ethereal voice just said: "He lied to you. There is one person who succeeded."

"Who?" the Rogue King mocked: "Do you want to say 'Cui Di'? Or 'Role Officer King'?"

The ethereal voice was emotionless and consistent: "His name is 'Minhar'."

Minhar, the Cangtu God Envoy who can be called a grassland legend and once came to the Central Region to preach!

He is the most famous among the divine envoys in the past dynasties, and the Minhe Temple in the Mu Kingdom was built for him.

Did such a person once enter the Central Prison and finally escape?

"I've never heard of Minha or anything like that. Shut up!" The prisoner Wang Dayi said solemnly: "Don't think that I betrayed my father. My father is testing me! He will let me go in a few days. I will be entrusted with important responsibilities!”

"Do you know why Sang Xianshou hasn't killed you yet?" asked a misty voice.

"Of course you can't bear to part with me as your adopted son." Wang Guan said, "I still want to support him in his old age!"

The ethereal voice said: "Don't worry, no one can hear me when I talk to you."

"Whether anyone hears it, it doesn't affect my feelings for my father Sang!" The Rogue King looked a little angry and paused: "Then why do you think it is?"

Compared with the rich emotions of the Wuguan King, the ethereal voice was always constant and calm: "Because your fundamental Dharma has not been handed over yet, and your Tao body is of great research value, and your will is very tenacious - you can fully Test out his ideas and perfect his secret methods of torture.”

"I don't know what you are talking about, no matter what fundamental method. I have nothing to hide from my father. I even told him the Thirty-Six Styles of Erotica that I treasured!" The Rogue King said angrily: "Don't try to sow discord!"

"Do you suspect that Sang Xianshou is listening?"

"How dare you call him by his first name! You must respect my father!"

The ethereal voice paused briefly and said: "Ji Fengzhou is a little bastard, and Ji Yusu is an old bastard."

"Don't be rude to me!" The Rogue King was furious: "How dare you insult my great ancestor!"

"You are really loyal." The misty voice said: "Then so be it. Just pretend I haven't been here - you won't remember me."

"Please do it!" the Rogue King vowed: "I will definitely report you, Yaoren, wait and see how my father, Sang, will deal with you! You will pay the price for your rudeness!"

He soon understood that what the ethereal voice said was not a lie.

He definitely felt that this memory of his was disappearing - he was good at changing bodies and often changed bodies. He knew how to process memories and was very sensitive to this aspect.

So he immediately said: "Wait!"

"Who are you?" he asked, "When I'm making a deal, I have to know who I'm dealing with, right?"

"Who am I? It's been so long that I can hardly remember it..." The misty voice said: "But you can call me - Ksitigarbha."

"What a majestic name, you must be very majestic yourself!" The tone of the Riguan King became very flattering: "I wonder what I need to pay in this transaction?"

The ethereal voice said: "You just need to work hard to escape. And I will help you do it."

"Is there such a good thing?" The Rogue King made no secret of his suspicion: "I don't believe that I can have such good luck and meet good people."

"No need to try to define it, I am not in any of your definitions." The ethereal voice said: "Do you have to pay something to be able to determine this matter? What can you give now?"

"I have a sincere heart!" King Wu Guan said in a sincere tone: "If you don't give up, I am willing to worship you as——"

An ethereal voice interrupted him: "I'll come find you next time."

Crash--the sound of chains dragging the floor came from above the water prison.

All was silent.

The Crown Prince slowly lowered his head and licked a little of the extremely painful potion to moisten his dry lips. He laughed.

Leaving the Weihe River to the west is Wuguan, where you can see Yu Yuan from thousands of miles away.

I have never heard of Xianyang, but I have never seen Xianyang.

Jiang Wang had no intention of looking at the capital of Qin and went to Wuguan alone with his sword.

Flying out of the Southern Territory again and flying towards Yu Yuan again, Jiang Wang's mood was relieved from one kind of heaviness and took on another kind of weight.

Finally he hovered over the Wei River.

Yuyuan is not a peaceful place, and he, Jiang Wang, is not someone who can cross Yuyuan.

Killing the eighteen aliens is not something that takes any effort, but is a feat that actually requires one's life to be fought for.

After Wuguan, it is one of the most vicious places in the world. If he cannot respond at his best and unfortunately dies in battle, there is nothing to complain about.'s easier said than done?

The Wei River is surging and its clear waves reflect its shadow.

Jiang Wang's deepest impression of this big river in the western border was when Xiang Xiang fought against Qin Zhizhen here.

He used his own flying sword to pave the way for the great battle on the Yellow River. He was also chopped into the bottom of the river by Qin Zhizhen, who was standing in front of Wei Yu.

Now Xiang Xiang is a contender for the title of No. 1 God in the World, and Qin Zhizhen is a long-famous member of Taixu Cabinet. There is still a gap between the two sides.

Jiang Wang stopped here and wanted to write a letter to Qingyu.

He thought Yunhe was too slow, so he spread out the letter paper in Taixu Illusion and wrote——

"The clouds are green and the rain is green, and letters are like meeting each other: How are you doing lately?"

Cross it out again.


"are you busy?"

Cross it out again.

"I'm telling you, Guangshu is so funny, he..."

"Bian Huang..."

"Zhongshan Weisun is quite boring..."

"The scenery in the southern region is really nice. Let's go together next time..."

Cross them all out.

Jiang Zhenren sighed slowly.

This time I thought about it for a while before I started writing——

"There is something I want to tell you. I once owed a big favor to that person..."

Stop writing again.

Life at this point is like hanging a pen, and when you are about to finish writing, you are hesitant.

Hao Jian unconsciously scrawled twice on the letter paper. Jiang Wang frowned and simply crumpled the letter paper into a ball.

He took a long breath, took out another piece of paper, and wrote to Qin Zhizhen——

"I'm in the Weihe River."

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