Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2197 The Autumn Colors of the Wei River

Qin Zhizhen's style remains the same as before, while Shen Yi is strong, direct and decisive.

Reply to the letter on the spot——

"right away."

He did come quickly.

The legendary Palace of Hell straddles the boundary between the void and the real world, reconstructing the rules of the Wei River. The projections of ghosts and gods in the hall are vaguely visible, all trying to break through the door. The ghost Mengpo, the divine judge, the black and white impermanence... all of them are powerful Yin gods, and they may even be promoted to true beings.

The strongest one is of course Qin Zhizhen himself.

He stepped directly out of the hall and out of the void. The soul is clothed in [no clothes] and wears a crown robe. He manifested the majestic body of the Son of Heaven, carrying a sword horizontally and vertically, and a shield hanging on an iron wall, with a force that shook the heavens and the earth.

The body of the Tao is so majestic that it wants to hold up the sky. The majestic breath subdues the wilderness. The sky is covered with clouds and the sun is blocked, and the bright world turns upside down with a palm. His breath was unreserved, lowering the Wei River several feet!

He also walked very fast.

Yama's Mian clothes turned into beggar's clothes, and his hair was wet, with a bit of river mud hanging on it.

He came out of the void with long strides, and then limped back into the void. From beginning to end, he didn't say a word, and he acted like a tough guy.

Jiang Zhenren was standing alone in the air, holding his sword and looking into the distance. He didn't feel very comfortable - it wasn't that Qin Zhizhen wasn't strong enough, but that his current state of mind made him less able to enjoy the fun of the battle itself.

But the sky is wide, the Wei River is flowing, and the autumn air is really refreshing.

Hundreds of generations of human life, tens of thousands of years in this world, are just a blink of an eye.

How can we lose good times?

Jiang Wang has never been a person willing to waste time. Then I straightened my clothes, looked down at the river, took the wind as my case, sat on the clouds as my seat, spread out a piece of letter paper, and thought about it carefully. He wrote——

"At the end of September, while walking along the Wei River, I met friends and had a great time chatting with them."

"After talking, we're going to travel alone."

"I am also a leisurely person, leisurely walking on the river."

"The water is as clear as a mirror, the water is as turbid as mud, and the clear sky is covered with clouds, as if the sky is about to rain. When will the green rain and green rain be above the clouds?"

Taixu Illusion is all about convenience.

The letter was quickly sent back——

"speak English."

Jiang Wang wrote: "If you have some free time recently, let's go out for a walk."

Ye Qingyu wrote back: "As I told you last time, because I didn't practice the killing method very well, I was forced to take over the family business and protect the Tao with external methods - these days I am in Heguo, communicating with their high priest Tianma Regarding trade matters...Jian Zhenren, who has to practice his body skills while we are walking, actually has some free time now?"

Jiang Wang looked at the Yanfu Sword Prison that was running subconsciously in his hand, threw it aside, and replied with a guilty conscience: "Let's chat, we won't waste anything."

Ye Qingyu wrote back: "If you are in Yuyuan, please stop writing to me and wait until it is safe to exit. Although the road is long, we have a lot of time."

Jiang Wang wrote: "No, it's still on the Weishui River. I'm paying close attention to it."

Ye Qingyu's handwriting is very elegant, vague and fairy-like, but the content of the words has no otherworldly gestures. It seems to be smiling and full of profound meaning: "Wandering around Wuguan without passing through is not the true character of Jiang Zhenren. I must have something on his mind?"

Jiang Wang could almost see her half-smiling look. She just turned her head and looked over. In her eyes were Youyun, Yuanshan, and him, Jiang Wang.

Wuguan, Wuguan, I hesitate every time in my life.

I can't blame people for not being brave.

Jiang Wang glanced at Xiongguan in the distance and wrote a letter asking: "Qingyu, why are you always slow and slow?"

Ye Qingyu wrote back: "Because I am walking a long way. I burned out too early and I'm afraid I won't reach the end."

Jiang Wang paused for a while before continuing to write: "A coincidence or not? This time in the Southern Territory, I encountered a strange thing - wait a minute, I will write you the details of the cause and effect."

Ye Qingyu's letter was answered very quickly: "Let's talk about the weird things later. How about we talk about business now?"

Jiang Wang stopped writing, feeling a little unspeakable uneasy, but also feeling relieved that he had finally waited for the trial. He erased the words that were inevitably pretentious and wrote carefully, "Okay, you tell me."

Ye Qingyu's letter was immediately sent back - "Mr. Jiang, please elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of the Lingxiao Sword Code and the Tianhe Sword Art, and try to analyze the conflict between Yunzhuan's magical power and the imitation of Tianyin Lei. This problem has troubled me for a long time."

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, but he already picked up the pen subconsciously. There is no need to think at all, the letter is just a long and detailed discussion, and as I write, I smile inexplicably.

Finally, he raised his eyes from the densely written scroll. But seeing the water and sky being the same color, and the fleeting silhouette of a flying dragon, everything felt comfortable and peaceful.

He finally saw the autumn scenery of Weishui River.

The Yuyuan Great Wall, which is tens of thousands of miles long and towers into the clouds, can be called a great monument in the world.

It almost shows the mobilization limit of a current hegemon, and is a truly imaginable spectacle.

Standing on the Yuyuan Great Wall and looking down, the mountains are like mud balls, the river is like a thin ribbon, and no one can be seen.

That is to say, Wang Yiwu has a pair of divine and clear eyes, so he can clearly see the Shura clan's rangers——

They rode blood-striped rhinoceroses wearing bone armor, with the blood-soul war flags painted with the legion's logo behind them, galloping freely across the vast land.

The resentment of the ancient tribes still cannot be eliminated after a long time, giving them the strength to fight for a long time.

The construction of the Yuyuan Great Wall was a great liberation of military power for the Qin and Li states, but it was a heavy punch to the throat for the Shura people.

Throughout the entire construction process, the Shura clan's attacks never stopped. Even today, the trend is getting worse.

There are now ten Shura kings gathered in front of the Yuyuan Great Wall!

They each led powerful troops to continuously attack the defenders on the tens of thousands of miles long Great Wall defense line, constantly destroying the integrity of the Yuyuan Great Wall.

When the Qin State first built the Great Wall, they did not consider sacrifices at all and almost filled the territory with flesh and blood. Sometimes there is a battle in the front and a city is being built in the rear. The Shura tribe came to fight, with the formation master taking the lead and the civilian men carrying masonry knives in hand.

At this stage, there is no plan to fight head-on. Instead, they choose to rely on the Yuyuan Great Wall to hold on.

There is a consensus between Qin and Li that as long as they can withstand the Shura clan's crazy attack during this period, they will have many years to pay for it in the future.

It's not that the human race doesn't have the courage to fight against the enemy, but after the Yuyuan Great Wall was built, there is no need to fight against the enemy.

In other words, Yu Yuan's confrontation is still going on, but he is no longer fighting Shura with human life, but with Shura's flesh and blood, high walls, strong bows and powerful crossbows.

Wang Yiwu's posture is really upright. He is more regular than the stone bricks on the Yuyuan Great Wall. Standing there like a javelin, he is naturally the model of a soldier.

In comparison, Chongxuan Zun, who was sitting on the battlements, was really undisciplined.

Dressed in spotless white clothes, he stood out in this gray-black battlefield.

His hand hanging on the inner wall was holding a jar of wine. Looking up at the sky lazily - passing by the edge of Wang Yiwu's helmet, his eyes just met the giant eagle that stretched across the sky.

The Shura King named "Huang Yeyu" is the powerful man sitting cross-legged on the back of the giant eagle. In the past few days, he has become more and more unscrupulous, often passing by the Yuyuan Great Wall to observe the rear of the human race.

"Senior Brother Ji of yours, has he been stimulated by anything recently?" Zhongxuanzun took a sip of wine: "I think he is really desperate."

After Zhong Xuanzun finished speaking, the figure in white robes and silver armor appeared in Wang Yiwu's field of vision.

The man held the spear upside down and walked through the group of Shura tribesmen. The sharp tip of the spear brought out a bright line of blood on the desolate land, undulating all the way.

Wang Yiwu looked at the distant scenery without looking back: "After Yu Yuan's trial is over, he will challenge Li Yi."

Zhong Xuanzun's hand holding the wine jar paused, but he didn't say anything.

For people like Ji Zhaonan, this is really a matter of course.

At the meeting of the Yellow River, Li Yi came out of the blue with a record-breaking performance, overwhelming the strongest people under the age of thirty in all countries, and no one could compare.

Ji Zhaonan, Ye Lan'er, Murong Longji, Cang Meng, Huang Budong, which one is not the genius of the world? Which one was not the undisputed "most genius" of several major hegemons in the year 3919 of the Dao calendar?

Dan Guo Zhang Xun and Song Guo Chen Siwu, who also received unlimited qualifying spots in the main competition, were determined to make a splash and put in much more effort than ordinary people before they could step onto the river viewing platform to verify their strength.

But none of these people appeared.

The main match ended without a single game being played.

Li Yihao said that one sword can be used against everyone, and one sword will determine the outcome, but no one can take it.

This is the origin of "Li Yi in the world". Before his sword is unsheathed, he is already the absolute protagonist.

Jiang Wang has to go through the most difficult road to win the championship and win the most exciting victory to be qualified to be ranked first with him.

But were all the geniuses at that time really subdued?

At that time, there was a sound of sheaths ringing.

At that time, Ji Zhaonan once said that he would not do anything to bully the crowd, but he would not be able to do anything if the gods came to Zhendong, but when he climbed to Zhendong, he would challenge Li Yi and continue the unfinished battle at Guanhetai.

This statement is actually not taken seriously.

Who has never said a few words in this life?

Li Yi is the first real person under the age of thirty in the history of the human race. He is a figure destined to be engraved on the monument of spiritual practice.

Anyone who avoids him can be understood and considered.

But the person who said those words at that time was Ji Zhaonan.

The proud and lonely Ji Zhaonan. He would never swallow the words he had said himself.

So he really wanted to challenge Li Yi.

This is a life-or-death challenge that has been prepared for eight years since the Yellow River Meeting.

He came to Yuyuan just to make final preparations!

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this is a challenge that must be lost or even fatal-Ji Zhaonan has lagged behind for too long, and Li Yi has no reason to hold back.

Perhaps many people cannot understand that a statement made eight years ago is really that important? Is it worth Ji Zhaonan's delivery? It took a lot of effort for him to prove that he is a real person and that he has an infinitely bright future. There is really no point in just giving up everything and running to fight with others.

But among those who couldn't understand, Chong Xuanzun was definitely not included.

Because this is also the choice he would make.

"What are you talking about?"

With his white robe spread out like clouds flying, Ji Zhaonan has landed at the top of the city.

This question seemed to be asked to two people at the same time, but he happened to be standing between Wang Yiwu and Zhongxuanzun, facing Wang Yiwu and with his back to Zhongxuanzun.

Zhong Xuanzun just turned his head and looked towards the vast distance outside the Great Wall.

These two guys dressed in white seemed to be afraid of being confused by others. There was a clear line between them.

"We are talking about their new military formation of the Gangge Army." Wang Yiwu said in a serious tone: "General Wang Zhao is really good at training troops. In the previous round of offensive, he practiced with battle. He was obviously testing new tactics. The casualties of new soldiers were But there are very few, and they mature quickly.”

Generally speaking, all powerful armies in the world have a large number of troops ready to be replenished at any time.

In the words of Jiu Hui Hou at that time - "People can die, but the flag cannot be broken."

Because every powerful army in the world is the pillar of the country and the foundation of honor and disgrace for generals. If it cannot maintain its strongest combat power, the banner will be abolished.

Therefore, the ability to train troops on the battlefield is very important.

A commander like Wang Zhao has a strong army under his command. In high-intensity wars, you can often get to the back.

Of course Ji Zhaonan knew the military, and he could not deny Zhongxuanzun's military ability, so he only praised: "General Xiao Wang is determined!"

As a Daqi soldier. Wang Yiwu has never slacked off in his research on the Shura army, and Wang Yiwu has certainly not missed his observations on the Qin and Li Qiang armies.

He looked at Ji Zhaonan: "Senior brother Ji, are you going hunting tonight?"

Although the human race remains on the defensive as a whole, it does not mean that they will stand still at the top of the city. Occasionally, the charge will be turned on and off, either to train troops or to disrupt Shura's deployment.

People like Ji Zhaonan, Zhongxuanzun, and Wang Yiwu often flew down the Great Wall and wandered alone, chasing the traces of strong Shura men everywhere. They called it "hunting."

The Mystery Realm was sealed, so Qi Tianjiao formed a group and went to Yu Yuan to practice.

This is naturally something to be proud of - our Daqi Empire has won the victory in the sea area. It can free up people to wander around, how can it not be the majesty of the Eastern Kingdom?

"What kind of hunting are you going for?"

Huang Budong walked over from a distance with his hands wrapped around his sleeves, his neck hunched, his back slightly arched, shivering. Weakly said: "I said, can you guys rest for a few days? I haven't slept in a long time."

He really can't play with these people, they all like to risk their lives too much. We go hunting in the morning, we go hunting in the afternoon, and we go hunting in the evening. If we don’t say “take a rest every three days and take a bath every five days”, why do you have to take a day off every ten days, right?

These bastards don't even blink an eye. Either they are fighting, or they are on the way to fight.

As the pride of the Qin State, he had to follow him on the territory of the Qin State, which weakened the majesty of the Qin warriors... I really hated these people.

Ji Zhaonan looked at Huang Budong: "Winter hasn't arrived yet, and you're already wearing mink."

Huang Budong took advantage of the situation and leaned on the battlement, wiltingly saying: "It will be Meng Dong in two days. Just put it on when it happens to turn over, so as not to find trouble later."

Ji Zhaonan asked: "Where is Qin Zhizhen?"

Not all Qin are lazy. People like Qin Zhizhen, Gan Changan, and Wei Yu were very active when going hunting.

Especially Qin Zhizhen, no matter who is out hunting, no matter when he is called, he will follow him without saying a word. He can be called the first person in attendance in Qin State.

Huang Budong shrank and shook his head: "I don't know. I received a letter and left suddenly. I came back as soon as I said I would go - it's been a long time since I left."

He turned to look at Zhong Xuanzun: "Is there something going on in your Taixu Pavilion?"

Zhong Xuanzun moved his eyes back from the vast outside the gate, shook the wine jar in his hand, listened to the sound, and said with a slight smile: "It's not time for the meeting yet."

"Don't you usually have any emergencies in Taixu Pavilion?" Gan Changan hid a knife in his sleeve and moved on the battlements, far and near.

"It's quite rare." Chong Xuanzun said calmly: "There are not many things in this world that they cannot handle by themselves."

Ji Zhaonan looked at the giant eagle in the sky: "Huang Yeyu has become more and more arrogant recently. Doesn't Marquis Zhen plan to teach him a lesson?"

"We young people should mind their own business." Wei Yu came with his sword at this moment and said with a smile: "When I came here, I heard them arguing in the military camp about which genius was the most powerful."

Huang Budong still had his sleeves wrapped up, but his shrinking neck was pulled out.

Ji Zhaonan took out a piece of white cloth and gently wiped the tip of the gun.

Zhong Xuanzun took a sip of wine calmly. But suddenly he raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the other side of the Yuyuan Great Wall.

"What is that?" Wang Yiwu asked.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a green rainbow in the distance coming from the sky. It's like a bridge from the distant past, spanning time, connecting to the present.

"It's gone, it's gone."

The group of people who had just gotten together dispersed in an instant.

[Thanks to the alliance leader "Tushan Zhuoyan" for the three new alliances that rewarded "Miaoyu", they have accumulated into the silver alliance in this book, which is the 29th silver alliance for the Sky Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "Taoist Subduing the Dragon" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 718th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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