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Chapter 2198 Eternal Yu Yuan, Five Truths Chasing the World (please vote for the last two days)

All waves in the world flow eastward, but only the Wei River flows westward.

Yuyuan was once regarded as the place where the sun sets. Because the sun sets in the west, this is the end of the world. Of course, there are also legends that the sun did fall here in ancient times.

Wuguan, known as "the most majestic pass in the world", stands across the Wei River, rising for Yu Yuan, and stands tall and majestic. For many years, it has always been an iron wall to resist the invasion of Shura.

But even if there is a "copper wall and an iron wall", it is still stained with blood.

According to historical records alone, Wuguan was destroyed sixty-three times.

Today's Wuguan is no longer what it was originally. Every brick and wood is definitely not old-fashioned, it can be said to be newly built by the Qin State. But what it inherits is still the spirit of the human race to establish martial arts.

As the front line of the two tribes' conquests, Wuguan has experienced many years of ups and downs.

Later, just like the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons, the human race launched a large-scale westward expedition and entered Yu Yuanli. The Wuguan erected in this world has become the second line of defense.

Nowadays, people are still used to saying that they go to guard Wuguan, but in fact the battlefield is no longer in Wuguan. The later battlefield was the real projection of Wuguan in the present world reflected in Yu Yuan!

The Mohist sage Yue Xiaoxu created the original "Qiankun Zhengda Two Realms Huilong Formation" and used the creative Yuyuan rune Zhengfa to erect a true projection of Wuguan in Yuyuan.

In this way, a nail was firmly driven into Yu Yuan.

This real projection is no different from the real Wuguan, and can project all the power of the real Wuguan. And even if it is destroyed, it will not damage the current Wuguan. It just needs to replenish the losses of the formation - this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the reconstruction of Wuguan.

Today's Yuyuan Great Wall was developed with Yuyuan Wuguan as one of the important pass towers.

Spring and Autumn are easy to dream, and the sea is changing. What people see today about Yu Yuan is different from what people in ancient times saw.

Passing through the entrance of the present world and Yuyuan, what you can see is the vast expanse of land.

This piece of land doesn't have much significance. It wasn't even land at first, but a turbulent flow of time and space, so there was no boundary at all.

Anyone who walks into the entrance of Yuyuan will randomly appear in different places, or even different time periods.

This resulted in the human race having no way to gain a foothold here, and the military formation was unable to take shape.

Before the Shura tribe crawled out, this turbulence of time and space was generally not considered to be alive.

After the Shura tribe climbed out, this turbulence of time and space also became a natural barrier between Yu Yuan and the present world. The Shura tribe has the innate ability to find order in the chaos of time and space, so for a long time the Shura tribe has invaded and the humans have defended. So there is such a Wuguan on the Wei River.

It was not until the Middle Ages that the Legalist Xue Gui came here, completely changed the rules of this place, and reset the order of time and space. Only then did this vast land come into being, and the human race also had its first stronghold in Yuyuan... But the Shura tribe Since then, they have climbed out of Yuyuan in large numbers and established a land civilization outside of Yuyuan.

This piece of land was named "Jiuchuan" by Xue Gui, which means "to caress the old river and remember the people of that time."

The Shura people call it "Xinye".

Unlike other places, the name "Xinye" is more accepted by people.

The real location of Yu Yuan is a deep pit now fixed in the central area of ​​Xinye Continent.

Yuyuan itself can be regarded as a huge, spiraling downward, bottomless sinkhole.

Looking down from the edge of the pit, the "heavenly road" winding upward is a historical trace of the Shura tribe.

In the past, the result of the war between hundreds of tribes was that "dragons and humans destroyed hundreds of tribes."

But the Suiren clan, the ancient human emperor, has disappeared, and the Panwu clan, the ancient dragon emperor, no longer exists. The power of time has washed away everything.

The remnants of hundreds of ancient tribes, who were called "Shuras" because of their resentment, gradually climbed out of Yuyuan, climbed to the ground, and returned to the present world from the "place of no return".

This great heavenly road is the ax chisel of the Shura clan.

Isn't the Yuyuan Heavenly Road a kind of greatness similar to the Yuyuan Great Wall?

It's even harder and more difficult.

Compared with the Great Wall of Yuyuan, which was built by the Qin State with tens of millions of troops, hundreds of craftsmanship, and the rise of the human race, the Yuyuan Heavenly Road was carved out over a long period of time. It is the mark left by the fingers and claws of generations of Shura.

There have always been many theories about the "place of no return" beneath the bottomless Yu Yuan. Some say it's the "Sea of ​​Chaos", some say it's the "Tianwaitian", some say it's the "Ocean of Origin", but there's never been an answer.

Now Yu Yuan has been hidden deep in the hinterland of Shura Kingdom and cannot be observed easily. Everything related to Yu Yuan's Heavenly Road is just a record in a book to many human warriors now.

The Shura clan guards the entrance and exit of Yu Yuan, and the human clan guards the entrance and exit of the present world. The two sides used the New Wild Continent as the battlefield and fought fierce battles that lasted for several eras.

The Yuyuan Great Wall is like a long knife, effectively cutting off a section of the Xinye Continent, and assigning the land behind the Great Wall to the human race. After that, through management, it can gradually become a place similar to the Demon World Civilization Basin.

But what is different from the Civilization Basin is that Yu Yuan first encloses the land quickly and then develops it slowly. In the Civilization Basin, he sets up a camp and digests it inch by inch and expands it inch by inch.

Passing through Wuguan and flying to the end of the Wei River, all you can see is an endless abyss.

The Wei River has become a "heavenly waterfall" at this point, rolling down and roaring like thunder.

Looking into the distance, it is an absolutely dark place, and the light cannot fall there - no wonder this is the place where the sunset is called "Yu Yuan".

The State of Qin has long established a time and space tunnel leading to Yu Yuan, and ordinary soldiers can easily walk there. Just open the door inside Wuguan.

Jiang Wang doesn't need it.

When he flew here, he fell with the waterfall, his sword flashed like a rainbow, and it went straight down into Yuyuan——

The interlacing of time and space cannot touch its truth, and the endless darkness cannot hide its eyes. With his insightful vision, he experienced the feeling of the intersection of the two worlds and replenished his knowledge.

After a moment, the sky and the earth were vast.

This is Jiang Wang's first visit to Yuyuan. From now on, there is only one Fallen Immortal Forest left in the world that has not yet been explored.

He is not here to enjoy the mountains and rivers, he is here to find the head of the evil Shura to decorate his martial arts.

For a moment, he wielded his sword with great courage.

Ask here, who can find the truth?

Traveling through the high dome of Xinye Continent, you can see the Yuyuan Great Wall at first sight. It is so prominent, like an iron-black belt, binding and protecting the soft abdomen of the human race.

His keen knowledge allowed him to see familiar people at a glance - so many people gathered together, obviously to welcome him.

Mr. Jiang Ge is not the kind of arrogant and unkind person. He is usually willing to accept the favor given by others. So he just smiled helplessly and flew to that place.

But those people seemed to be frightened and scattered in all directions.

Jiang Wang quickly spoke: "Don't be surprised, it's me! I'm Jiang Wang!"

What a great Mr. Jiang Ge.

Breathe into a white rainbow, make a sound and startle the dragon!

Thousands of miles of floating clouds will disperse as soon as they sway. The sound of thunder rolled and turned into a swimming dragon. The thunderous dragon, with its scales fully exposed, circled around the few people on the Great Wall, repeating "I am Jiang Wang", "I am Jiang Wang", "I am Jiang Wang".

"Okay, I know you are Jiang Wang." Zhongxuan Zun couldn't sit still anymore, jumped up, grabbed the Sound Hearing Thunder Dragon, crushed it on the spot, and looked at it: "Why did you come here? Is Yu Yuan here?"

"I still want to ask you, why are you all here!" Jiang Wangfei landed on the Great Wall and nodded familiarly to the group of people who greeted him, expressing his cordial condolences.

Then he looked at Gan Chang'an and said, "Aren't you fighting in the Demon Realm at Choulongdu? Why are you here at Yu Yuan again?"

Gan Changan didn't want to say that it was because after Jiang Wang went there once, the intensity of the war in Choulongdu was too high, and he couldn't bear it. But to be honest, after running to Yuyuan, he realized that the intensity of the war here was even higher. .

It was so pitiful that he just wanted to find a place to practice his martial arts and advance to Dongzhen as calmly as possible.

He looked at Jiang Wang and said faintly: "You have already killed several times in the border wilderness, sweeping from east to west on the line of life and death. Then we turned to Yu Yuan... I returned to Qin directly from the demon world, and came to Yu Yuan earlier than you. That’s reasonable, right?”

"That's right." Jiang Wang nodded slightly, his eyes flickering suspiciously over the faces of Ji Zhaonan, Zhongxuanzun, Huang Budong and others: "Why did you run away when you saw me just now?"

"Who ran away when they saw you?" Huang Budong shrank his neck again, put his hands in his sleeves, raised his head to the sky in the distance, and said lazily: "Did you see that giant eagle? King Shura Huang Ye Yu is sitting on it and has just passed through the border for patrol. We don't want to make things worse, so we just want to avoid its sharp edge."

Wei Yu was just a god, but he was embarrassed to accept such a big talk. He held his sword and looked into the distance, as if in deep thought.

Wang Yiwu was as tense as a javelin, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Ji Zhaonan wiped the tip of his gun and nodded coldly. You can say that he is agreeing with Huang Budong's words, or you can say that he is just looking down at his Shaohua Gun.

"Scared!" Jiang Wang's posture was very relaxed, and he raised his eyes and looked into the distance: "Why is this Huang Yeyu so arrogant?"

Chong Xuanzun sat casually on the battlement again and said casually: "He is just a newly promoted Shura King. He runs around every day, probably to prove himself."

As he said this, he took a leisurely sip of wine.

The group of people laughed and stretched, but they all seemed to think Huang Yeyu was not worth mentioning.

"I remember Zhenhou is here, right?" Jiang Wang frowned: "Let him be so arrogant?"

When it came to Zhenhou, Huang Budong couldn't remain silent, so he shook his shoulders and said, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to him. This Huang Yeyu is not very strong, he runs very fast. It's not easy to kill, so it's okay to let him wander around." "

Jiang Zhenren was a cautious person, so he asked: "How much fighting power do we have in Yuyuan?"

"On the Li side there are Fu Huan, Wei Qingpeng, Guan Daoquan, Xueren and Linfeng armies, and the thawed miscellaneous army is 500,000." Gan Changan stated: "On the Qin side there are Zhenhou, Mr. Manjia, and My great-great-grandfather. The main forces of Kaolu, Gange, and Fengque are all here."

Gan Changan's great-great-grandfather was the true king Gan Bubing.

It was in his hands that the Suppression Army completed the creative flag replacement in the history of Qin Shibing.

Before that, except for the Ba Rong army, the remaining nine armies of the Qin Dynasty all had animal characters, either dragon or tiger. It has always been true that even when the army is overthrown, the flag does not break and continues from generation to generation.

It was after Zhenli that the armies of Gang Ge, Dafeng, and Chang Ping completed the replacement of flags one after another, which can be said to be a "new trend." The competition between Qin Shibing was more intense than in the past, and his level of eliteness became even higher.

However, the army under his command actually used the name "Suppress the Fangs" to "suppress the fangs" within the Qin Shibing, which shows the prestige of Gan Bubing.

Today, on the Yuyuan Great Wall, the garrison lineup is so powerful - six true kings, five powerful armies, and the number of sub-level troops is even more numerous, exceeding one million.

A famous general like Wang Zhao, commanding a powerful army like Gan Ge, can rival the true king.

In addition, Fu Huan, Xu Wang, and Gan Bubing are also quite powerful beings in the Juedian Forest. There is also Wang Xixu, whose strength is unknown but is known to be very clever.

Jiang Wang had basically seen all of Yu Yuan's true kings. The only one he had never seen before was Gan Bubing. He had also heard of his reputation - his deeds were recorded in "Qin Lue"!

At this moment, why should we be afraid?

As soon as Gan Changan finished speaking, he saw a sword energy rising into the sky. The figure in front of him was gone, only the slight ripples in the space. He opened his eyes wide in shock, and saw Jiang Zhenren's sword flying across the air, heading towards the giant eagle in the distance.

The sky was a brilliant sea of ​​fire, engulfing the sea of ​​clouds. The demonic ape form, which is a hundred feet tall, is pulled out from the sea of ​​fire, half of its body is in the sea and half of its body is in the air.

The ape clasped its hands and flew straight away, its fangs protruding, but its face had a divine light. There is actually violence and peace in one body, carrying this boundless sea of ​​fire, rolling back into the sky.

I saw Jiang Wang standing on the fingertips of the demon ape, as if he were standing on the top of a mountain. He holds his sword proudly and hunts in green shirt.

The thunder was rolling in my ears, and Jiang Wang's roar was heard - "Huang Yeyu! Who allows you to come to my Great Wall and act recklessly!"

This sound did not startle the enemy, but first alarmed the Great Wall.

"Hiss——" Huang Budong took a breath of cold air and felt that the Tianling Gai was very itchy, but he could no longer rely on it.

The shrunken body pulled away in an instant, dragged an iron rod backwards, stepped on the battlements and flew up. It was like the noose was turned to its limit, the stone jumped out of the bullet net, the air exploded like a drum, it was the angry roar of the real body!

Ji Zhaonan, who was cleaning his gun, had his eyelids twitching.

The child on the road didn't know what was wrong, but the wooden sword actually asked the general!

Everyone said that Ji Zhaonan was very courageous, and there was a braver person in the world.

So what?

He had no choice but to use his unparalleled armor, Feitianxue, to chase the shooting stars with one shot!

But he was dressed in white armor, with flying snow-colored air currents all over his body, and he was already rising into the sky. The man and his gun exploded at terrifying high speeds, and the roaring sharp wake actually formed a majestic dragon shape!

Just as Wang Yiwu raised his eyebrows, there was a jar of wine in his arms. The aroma of wine entered my nose, but no one was there. Look up again——

The scorching sun hangs high in the clear sky, and the Sun Palace comes to the world!

Glazed tiles, gold bricks, hanging pearls, and white jade carved railings.

Zhongxuan Zun, dressed in white, was leaning on the railing. With a sword in his left hand, Shi Shiran jumped down from the palace. Without leaning to either side, he slashed vertically with his sword. The blade split the floating clouds and boundless air currents, and he was slashing towards the giant with wings spread like a black floating land. eagle.

To be more precise, he was slashing at the Shura King with a strange look on his face, standing on the back of the giant eagle with his hands behind his back.

Although Wang Yiwu has the strength to compete for the world's No. 1 God's presence, and although Gan Chang'an has glimpsed the gate of Dongzhen, they are not qualified yet, and it is impossible for them to participate in such a battle that touches the extraordinary peak.

Wei Yu is even more dangerous watching the battle.

It was at this moment that the void in front of Wei Yu looked like a wooden door being pushed open casually. Qin Zhizhen, who had just taken a shower and changed his clothes (black clothes of course), strode out.

Before Wei Yu and others could say anything, he had already noticed something was wrong. He turned around and looked up in the sky - Jiang Wang, who had just sunk him into the Wei River not long ago, was now leading the charge towards King Shura.

He blinked and confirmed that this scene was not an illusion at the bottom of the Weishui River.


He was always so steady, but he couldn't bear to curse, turned around and walked back into the void.

Wang Yiwu frowned slightly, this guy ran too fast...

But as soon as his eyes jumped, he saw a sudden crack in the void in front of Shura King Huang Yeyu.

A long black knife had been cut out of the crack.

After the long sword, there is Qin Zhizhen's body as the Emperor of Yama!

In just one moment, the battle for the young warrior to charge towards the extraordinary peak had already begun.

Jiang Wang, Huang Budong, Ji Zhaonan, Zhongxuanzun, Qin Zhizhen... the Five True Spirits join forces to fight Juedian!

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Thanks to book friend "Little Orange Fat Cat" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 719th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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