Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2199 A real person cuts the sky and sea with his sword (please vote for the last day)

The ancient Yu Yuan now has an unprecedented war.

There are precedents in the world for those who challenge Yan Dao with Dongzhen——

Xiang Fengqi, who was once invincible in Dongzhen, challenged Jiang Mengxiong from the Eastern Region with his sword.

As long as he takes Jiang Mengxiong's punch that denies Feijian and defends the declining Feijian tradition, he can reach the top and revive the Feijian era.

But Jiang Mengxiong's punch fell, and the flying sword era finally became a broken dream.

The person at the top of the world can see all the small mountains at a glance. How can a monk who climbs the mountain be able to shake him?

Even if it is a Dongzhen cultivator who is only one level away, even if it is the pinnacle of the Dongzhen realm, it is absolutely impossible.

But today, the five truths are in the world, and a war has occurred.

And all the killers came out, each one more severe than the last.

No wonder a Shura king like Huang Yeyu was very puzzled.

The Shura tribe was born for fighting, and fighting was almost an instinct.

But even among the bloodthirsty and warlike Shura tribe, I have never heard of any evil Shura with a right mind who dared to draw a sword against King Shura.

What are you doing today?

Is it impossible that these five young real people are all crazy?

If something goes wrong, it must be a monster.

Thousands of thoughts went through Huang Yeyu's mind instantly. Although I didn't feel any danger at all, I didn't notice anything strange... But the more this happened, the more I felt like there was a conspiracy everywhere.

There is a supreme suspicion.

People who charge towards the top only have the thought of charging in their hearts and cannot tolerate other thoughts.

The five real people in this world who instantly killed Gao Tian had never really formed a team together, but at the moment of taking action, they had already formed a military formation with tacit understanding——

Who doesn’t know about soldiers?

The demon ape stood with his palms together and looked forward, with the boundless sea of ​​fire in the center, perfectly dividing the airspace into four directions: southeast, northwest, and southeast. East and west are punishments from heaven, north and south are punishments from earth. This resulted in the "Five Directions Shocking God Formation".

The name is very domineering, but it is a very common military formation.

But the reason why it is common is precisely because it is practical.

If you want to use this formation, you usually have to combine five armies, each with ten thousand people, to use up the energy of the five elements. Once mixed, it will be shocking.

The art of military formation is the power of unity, and all qi, blood, and Dao Yuan can be used. It must be combined with special training methods, elixirs, diet, and year-round training. There are formation diagrams, formation flags, and the coordination of military formations and weapons... it is a complicated knowledge.

The more skilled the leader is, the more powerful the formation will be. Those famous generals in the world have their own understanding of various military formations. Some form formations faster, some attack stronger, and some transition smoothly... On the ever-changing battlefield, victory or defeat lies in all the details.

Mr. Jiang Ge is naturally clever.

Because he just made a random movement, the other four real people could understand his implication and cooperate perfectly. At this time, the heaven and the earth are trapped, all directions come together, the five elements are mixed, perfect, who can say that it is not clever?

Although there are only five people, they are truly amazing in all directions!

The guard of the Great Wall was shocked to realize that none of the five real men who had killed Gao Tian was weak.

Among them, Huang Budong has been fighting in Yuyuan all year round, Ji Zhaonan is a veteran on the battlefield, and the remaining three are all Taixu cabinet members - the most famous real people in the world today.

Moreover, these three members of the Taixu Cabinet are all from the Heavenly Mansion, and each possesses the five magical powers! The light of supernatural power has spread into the sea.

Now it is just a union, and the world will change.

The majestic Shura King is sitting on the top of this world, indifferent to Dong Zhen's challenge.

In front of him is the Emperor of Yama, and the palace of Yama is full of ghosts and gods. Above the head is the sword that cuts off the evil, and the Sun Palace is brilliant and brilliant. On the left side, the mixed iron rod is like a pillar of heaven tilting upside down, on the right side, the endless wind and snow are like the combination of frost and dragon.

Below...the real person cuts the sky and sea with his sword, and the demon ape raises fire to invade the top!

Huang Yeyu smiled coldly——

Then he sneered and disappeared.

No matter how the void restrains him, how he locks the Qi machine, how he seals it with the divine light, in front of him, they are all paper shackles, not worth mentioning.

The human race wants to use a few young real people as bait to trap Emperor Yeyu here. That is really a fantasy! Since he dared to patrol the Great Wall alone, how could he lack the confidence to escape?

Five real people just want to trip up Huang Yeyu? Five True Lords are more or less the same!

Huang Yeyu disappeared, but his mount suffered.

Things like the Wings of the Land, the Sky-Covering Giant Eagle, the Dongzhen-level evil beast... they were torn into pieces as soon as they came face to face with them, and they couldn't even utter a cry.

Huang Yeyu has a typical Shura appearance, with an ugly face and a single horn on his forehead. He is more than ten feet tall, with an arrow hanging from his back. The body is strong and has strange lines on the body.

He was already outside the Great Wall in an instant. The tail of his arrow was hanging in the sky. He looked back at Jiang Wang from a distance: "With your acting skills, you also want to anger me? You are too ignorant!"

Jiang Wang was furious and turned around to move forward.


Outside the Yuyuan Great Wall, nine terrifying auras rose up into the sky one after another!

They are thousands or thousands of miles apart, making it difficult to see them. But the level of power that touches the limits of this world is rising one after another, reflected in the trembling of the New Wild Continent.

It was obvious that the Shura tribe had regarded the movements on the human side as a siege against Shura King Huang Yeyu, and therefore gave the strongest reaction - all nine tribes came to the aid, and all ten kings came out together.

I saw evil spirits covering the sky, sunny days suddenly darkening, and a long night before my eyes.

Fu Huan, Xu Wang, Gan Bubing...the six true kings of the human race also responded on the Great Wall.

One after another, torches lit up the Yuyuan Great Wall, which was tens of thousands of miles long.

The sudden rise of the beacon of civilization lit up half of the sky, driving away the boundless darkness. Let those who are Shura belong to Shura, and those who are human race should be returned to human race. There will be a clear distinction between the inside and outside of the Great Wall.

A total of sixteen extremely powerful men from the two tribes faced off here. The five powerful armies of the human race, Kaolu, Gange, Fengque, Xueren, and Linfeng, were already roaring at the Great Wall and were ready to go.

Seeing that the largest and most intense Yuyuan War in the past century is about to break out... The lines of the Yuyuan Great Wall, which is tens of thousands of miles long, light up one after another, like an ancient dragon awakening from a long sleep.

Obviously, the human race still decided to go on the defensive and did not intend to actually fight their way out of the Great Wall.

"Do I think you have the guts to come out? Nothing more than that!" Huang Yeyu sneered and retreated slowly.

The boundless dark night receded with him like the tide.

"Come up!" Chong Xuanzun stepped on the sea of ​​fire and said from behind Jiang Wang, "Why not?"

Jiang Wang became angry and angry.

He looked at Huang Yeyu's figure slowly retreating into the long night, and his voice was a little erratic: "Why didn't you say there were ten Shura kings opposite?"

Zhong Xuanzun smiled lightly and put away the knife: "You didn't ask about the situation on the other side, either?"

Huang Budong casually put away his iron-mixing rod, folded his arms, and slumped down, falling freely. In the howling wind, he mumbled and complained: "You rushed so fast, we didn't have time to say anything!"

He didn't bother to fly to Jiang Wang and speak, or even raise his voice. Anyway, Jiang Wang was well-informed and could hear clearly.

A vigorous world-to-world war, without any substantial progress, only divided an eagle. Qin Zhizhen turned away from Emperor Yama, held the knife in his hand, and glanced at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang immediately stared back: "Do you have any objections too?"

Qin Zhizhen's mind was filled with words such as 'reckless man', 'madman', and 'sick', and he was organizing his words.

Jiang Wang added: "I didn't tell anyone what we talked about by the Wei River."

Qin Zhizhen turned around and walked into the void.

"If you don't tell me this, I still can't remember it!" On the Yuyuan Great Wall, Wei Yu, who was paying close attention to this side, was very curious: "Have you been gentler? Last time you promised -"

A hole opened in the void behind him, and he was dragged into the void with his hair pulled out.

Wang Yiwu said with emotion: "Qin Cabinet Member is really a taciturn person whose actions speak louder than words."

Qin Zhizhen's performance in Yu Yuan is obvious to all. That's called a person who is diligent and conscientious, doing more things and saying less.

Wang Yiwu, who was a soldier, admired Qin Zhizhen's qualities very much.

Gan Changan next to him had a complicated expression when he heard this.

Qin Zhizhen walked out of the void again and stood on the tower, dressed in black, as solid as a reef. He said quietly: "I'm not taciturn, I just scold slower."

Qin Zhizhen and Gan Chang'an, both geniuses of the Qin Kingdom, are two people who are often compared and are almost opposites in many aspects.

Gan Changan is a world-famous child prodigy. He has been extremely intelligent and eloquent since he was a child. When Qin Zhizhen was a child, he was very clumsy, especially his mouth. When he quarreled with others, he would often finish his scolding and go home for dinner. He could not hold back his words and was so anxious that he shed tears.

"Where's Wei Yu?" Gan Chang'an didn't pick up any of the pots.

Qin Zhizhen said calmly: "He had something to do temporarily and went back to rest."

So sometimes a little external pressure is needed.

How united they were when Huang Yeyu was around.

As soon as Huang Yeyu left, the so-called Five Truths of the World immediately fell apart.

That is, Ji Zhaonan did not try to ridicule Jiang Wang. Instead, he put away his Shaohua Spear and said to Jiang Wang, "I'll go back and have a rest, and we'll go hunting together tomorrow."

He just came back from hunting and faced Huang Yeyu's pressure. Although he didn't really collide, he was still tired.

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Okay."

Wang Yiwu on the city wall couldn't help but said: "Senior brother! What about me? Didn't I agree yesterday -"

Ji Zhaonan had already walked away: "Let's see if Mr. Jiang is willing to take you!"

Jiang Wang and Wang Yiwu can never be friends.

Because Chongxuan Sheng could never forgive Wang Yiwu.

Of course Ji Zhaonan knew this, but he didn't care.

In life, everyone has his own intersection.

When Jiang Wang brought back Rao Bingzhang's shot from the demon world, he remembered Jiang Wang as a favor.

He promised to help Jiang Wang kill someone. But Jiang Wang didn't call him during the crucial battle to kill Zhuang Gaoxian, because he cared about his identity. From this, he felt how precious Jiang Wang was.

However, this sentence was somewhat embarrassing to Wang Yiwu. Because Jiang Wang doesn't know how to talk to anyone - but that's exactly what he wants. This little junior brother is getting more and more independent. If his senior brother hadn't said it would be counterproductive, he would have wanted to hammer it out himself.

Jiang Wangruo didn't hear it.

Zhongxuan Zunze looked at Wang Yiwu and smiled calmly: "Then let's see who gains more, us or them."

Tomorrow he and Wang Yiwu will also go hunting in a team, and are about to compete with Jiang Wang and Ji Zhaonan's team.

Men should measure their merits by their heads and compare them by their honors.

The world is so big, where can he go without his respect for Xuan Zun?

Jiang Wang, who was hard of hearing just now, could hear clearly now. He looked at Zhong Xuanzun and said with amusement: "Then I'm afraid you have to call a few more people, otherwise the loss will be too ugly and it will damage your championship." 'The name."

Zhong Xuanzun smiled half-heartedly: "I really want to be as confident as you."

He took out a book with his backhand and showed it to Jiang Wang: "Perhaps you have read this book?"

"The Nine Trigrams of Mingshan?" Jiang Wang was confused: "I don't learn hexagrams, why should I read this book?"

"Oh, I took it by mistake." Zhongxuan Zun took the album back without changing his expression and took out a copy of "Yu Yuan Illustrated Chronicles: Shura Zheng Zhang": "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. ! How much do you know about Yu Yuan that you dare to be so confident? "

"I thought you Zhongxuan Zun must have something amazing to say, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing and make me laugh!" Jiang Wang laughed loudly: "Are you afraid you don't know who Jiang is? I came here all the way, and I encountered mountains and rivers. , no matter what the road ahead is, we will always fight with one sword - there is no need to know who the opponent is!"

Huang Budong has been in free fall. First he fell straight at high speed, and then he floated like a fallen leaf. Then he went down so gently that he almost fell asleep.

At this moment, he suddenly became energetic. He turned over and fell back to the city wall. He stood between the two of them and spread his hands: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel. The Great Wall is full of beauty and everyone is our own people - isn't it just right now?"

He took command: "Qin Zhizhen, you join Chongxuanzun and Wang Yiwu. Gan Chang'an, you go to Jiang Wang and Ji Zhaonan. In this way, there are two real people and one god on both sides. We will go hunting tomorrow and compete fairly. No one takes advantage of anyone, wouldn’t everyone be happy?”

"It's pretty evenly divided." Gan Changan didn't really want to be in the same team as Jiang Wang, but he didn't want to say it clearly. It seemed that he was not very courageous, so he said quietly: "What about you?"

"I have extra money, so I have no choice." Huang Budong spread his hands regretfully: "I have no choice but to help you look after your house..."

"Okay, it's settled!" He clapped his hands: "You gentlemen, please work hard. I, the city gatekeeper, will wait for your triumphant return!"

Before the words "triumph" could hit the ground, he was already whirling away in the wind.

When you go out, you have to rely on yourself for everything. Give yourself an identity and give yourself a rest!

"Hey, General Qu!" Zuo Guangshu hurriedly opened the camp door, blocked the cold wind outside, and said repeatedly: "You can read more pictures, help me find a book."

Qu Shunhua, who had taken off his armor, raised his head from the long desk, put down his brush, and glanced at him: "The general is addicted, right? The battle is over, and he will go home tomorrow."

The battle to wipe out the South Doudian Palace was indeed uneventful. The Chu State also has a lot of experience in the management of the Nandou Secret Realm.

These generals who went on the expedition have initially established order, and the rest is very simple, just follow the rules. Just send a few middle-level generals and they can take care of things here.

This is when it really comes to an end, but there is no need to be serious.

Zuo Guangshu chuckled: "Aren't you still in the army? I have to respect your position!"

"Virtue!" Qu Shunhua said angrily, and then said: "What book are you looking for?"

Zuo Guangshu walked forward while talking: "The book is called "Yu Yuan Illustrated Records: Shura Zhengzhang". I remember that this book is quite boring. I don't like reading it very much, and I couldn't find it for a while. I just wanted to ask. You are coming."

"Here -" Qu Shunhua had naturally read it, so he casually pulled out the book and asked, "Why are you suddenly looking for this book? Are you going to Yuyuan?"

"How could I not discuss it with you when I go to Yuyuan?" Zuo Guangshu shrugged: "Brother Jiang suddenly sent a message asking for this book, and he needs it urgently. I have to re-engrave it in Taixu Illusion Realm, otherwise It’s too late.”

Chongxuanzun did such a thing in Yuyuan during this period - he built the special Taixu Corner Tower in Yuyuan, of course on the inside of the Great Wall. Therefore, the Taixu Illusion Realm has been extended to Yuyuan. Ordinary Taixu Walkers can also talk to their friends in Yuyuan through the Taixu Illusion Realm. Of course, there will be disconnections from time to time, and it cannot be as stable as in the current world.

"Brother Jiang really loves to learn." Qu Shunhua said with emotion: "You are the most arrogant person in the world, and you still work so hard."

"How about it's our eldest brother?" Zuo Guangshu asked Yourong, shaking the book and saying, "I'll pass it on to him first."

"That's right." Qu Shunhua took out a general order: "Send these corpses to Fengdu later, they will use them for research. Zuo Pioneer - this is your last military mission in this war."

Zuo Guangshu reached for it.

But Qu Shunhua accepted the order and said, "Come here and tell you something to pay attention to."

Zuo Guangshu propped up the case with his hands and leaned over to ask, "What's the matter?"

Qu Shunhua's red lips pressed against hers, his breath was like blue, and he whispered: "Pay attention...miss me."

Zuo Guangshu turned around to kiss her, but was pushed away. "Go back quickly!"

"Got the order!"

Zuo Guangshu rushed out with a smile on his face.

It’s the last day of the month, and your monthly votes will be wasted if you don’t vote.

[Thanks to the book friend "Half a glass of turbid wine is hard to swallow" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 720th alliance for the Sky Patrol! 】

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