Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2200 The Autumn Sound of Ghost Prison (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginni

"Hey! New guy! Why don't you say anything?"

Although the cell in Fengdu was dark and dull, it was still clean. The straw floor brings a slight warmth and doesn't have a strong smell.

After all, this Yin of Fengdu has a hobby of drying things out.

The talkative prisoner in the next cell kept talking.

Wang Wei said nothing.

He used to talk a lot and loved asking questions.

Later, the master said that if you don't speak, you can pretend to be an expert.

He tried not to speak.

He also asked why Master talked so much.

The master's answer was that he had lost his mind and said, "I am a master, there is no need to pretend."

Master is so charming.

Wang Wei still has a clean bald head, but of course his face is no longer the same. King Zhao personally covered him up so that no one could see his true appearance.

The neighbor next door was leaning on the straw, catching lice, and murmuring: "You've been here for three days! You haven't spoken for three days, you must be worried."

"You know what, I should tell them that next time if someone comes in, why not live across from me - we will become neighbors. You don't want to say hello either."

"Where did it come from? Tell me?"

"You don't look like a monk even if you shave your head. You look weird."

"Hey! Bald! Don't you feel lonely staying in a ghost place like this?"

Perhaps the word "loneliness" can touch people's hearts.

Wang Wei finally spoke: "I have been to Qi's prison cell before, but I didn't feel particularly lonely."

He sat facing the wall and lowered his eyes: "It's not the reason for going to jail."

"What else could it be because of? Haha." The snarky neighbor looked quite young and good-looking. The injuries on his body did not affect his liveliness at all: "How about a few words? We won't be lonely after chatting. "

Wang Wei said nothing.

The neighbor who was talking nonsense asked again: "I heard that you were interrogated by Mr. Gu himself? How come you are still alive?"

They are neighbors across the street.

You can see each other through the iron fence covered with runes.

Of course Wang Wei didn't look back.

He asked: "Who is Mr. Gu?"

"Fengdu Yin Gu Chi!" The neighbor sat up from the haystack and gestured with his hands: "It's that old bamboo pole."

"Oh." Wang Wei faced the wall dullly: "How do you know that I was personally interrogated by Gu Gui?"

Fengdu Ghost barely spoke, and no one communicated with the neighbor when he was sent in. Fengdu Ghost Prison has eighteen floors, each floor is different, and all have time and space locks to isolate the inside and outside. He doesn't know which floor he has been sent to.

He was actually not too curious about how his neighbor got the news. But let's talk, it's really boring here.

The neighbor said carelessly: "I have my own channels!"

Wang Wei said nothing.

The neighbor waited for a while and then had to say: "When you came in earlier, didn't they embroider a Santu flower on the left shoulder of your prison uniform? That is the Santu Seal. People who have been examined by Mr. Gu personally will have This mark."

Wang Wei turned his head and looked at his left shoulder. It turned out to be a flower - he thought it was a claw. Or at most a blade of grass. Isn't it just three threads tied together?

He can sew much better than this. He knew how to sew clothes since he was a child.

He said: "You also have this Santuhua on you, and you were also examined by Gu Laogui. How are you still alive?"

"I asked you first." The neighbor said, "You tell me first."

Wang Wei said nothing.

After a long time, the neighbor couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Ah, I really admire you. You are such a person. You always give me cold violence."

Wang Wei didn't say anything.

The neighbor said angrily: "My surname is Xiong."

Wang Wei didn't respond.

The neighbor emphasized again: "My surname is Xiong."

Wang Weidao: "Oh, my surname is Jiang."

"I'm not asking you what your surname is! What's so big about your surname Jiang?" The neighbor was furious: "I mean, Mr. Gu didn't dare to kill me because my surname is Xiong!"

"Why doesn't he dare to kill you if your surname is Xiong?" Wang Wei asked.

"My name is Xiong Zidu!"


"Xiong! Consult! Save!"

"Oh, my name is Jiang Li."

Xiong Zidu gritted his teeth: "My father's name is Xiong Ji!"

"Who is Xiong Ji?" Wang Wei asked.

"I - forget it!" Xiong Zidu asked himself that he was extremely smart, but it was difficult to judge whether the bald man was pretending to be stupid or really stupid. If he was pretending, it was too real!

He took a breath and said patiently: "You have been in prison in Qi State. Maybe you know Jiang Wuhua? We are almost the same, do you understand?"

"Are you good at cooking too?" Wang Wei asked.

Xiong Zidu narrowed his eyes: "Jiang Wuhua cooked for you?"

"No." Wang Wei shook his head.

It is true that Jiang Wuhua has never cooked for him, but Changle cake is really delicious, and his junior brother has brought it to him!

The master said that you should eat less of this kind of food. The people of Qi are bad. From now on, if you eat this kind of food, you must first check it with the elderly. Half of it was missing upon inspection.

Xiong Zidu endured and endured: "Anyway, I have told you the answer. Now it is your turn to tell me - how can you survive under Gu Chi?"

"I don't know." Wang Wei said.

"Boy!" Xiong Zidu jumped up and shook the iron fence: "You dare to trick me! Come out and challenge me!"

"Okay." Fighting King Weike never flinched. He rolled up his sleeves and turned around, but stopped in front of the iron gate: "Ah! I can't get out, how can I choose?"

With his innocent eyes, Xiong Zidu couldn't confirm whether it was sarcasm or not.

"I'll give you another chance to explain!" Xiong Zidu poked the iron fence with his finger, making a bang bang bang sound.

"The old bamboo pole asked me if I was unjustly accused. I said I was not. Then he suddenly had something to do and left. I was brought here." Wang Wei looked at Xiong Zidu: "That's what happened. I didn't lie. you."

Xiong Zidu looked at the serious look in the bald head's eyes and was doubtful: "Then tell me, why were you arrested?"

Wang Wei refused to suffer a loss: "First tell me why you were arrested."

Xiong Zidu said angrily: "Speak first!"

But I soon realized that there was no point in being stubborn. The bald man opposite me was made of stone and would be boring for the rest of my life.

Then he curled his lips and said, "What else could it be because of? Fighting with my father."

Wang Wei did not ask for details.

But he has a strong desire to express himself, and he probably has been holding it in for too long: "This man! As he gets older and has a higher status, he cannot listen to criticism. He thinks that he is right in everything and is the only one in the world. Once his mistakes are pointed out, , unable to feel at ease, and unable to admit his mistake, he had no choice but to fly into a rage."

Wang Wei said "oh".

Xiong Zidu looked at him strangely: "Why don't you express your thoughts about my story?"

Wang Wei said slowly: "Don't fight with your father. You will miss him very much in the future."

Xiong Zidu scoffed and waved his hand: "Don't shave your head, just be like a master - tell your own story, tell your own story."

Wang Weidao: "One day I was walking on the road and saw a man who looked like a bandit, holding a piece of jade in his hand, so I snatched it away. Later, the Fengdu ghosts found me and said that the jade I robbed was The objects on Jiaowu Mountain captured me."

"Wait a minute -" Xiong Zidu looked at Wang Wei's ferocious facial features. Strangely enough, this face was obviously very ferocious, but paired with those dull, serious eyes, it didn't make people fearful or disgusting. Inexplicably, it's a bit contrastingly cute. "What do you mean when you say he looks like a bandit?"

Wang Wei said: "Because he covered his face and said, 'I opened this road.'"

"I understand when you say that!" Xiong Zidu said: "Since you robbed that piece of jade, wouldn't it be over if you hand it over? This matter has nothing to do with you - they insist on arresting you?"

"Why should I hand it over?" Wang Wei said confidently: "Why should the things on Jiaowu Mountain belong to them? What I robbed is mine."

Xiong Zidu let out a 'ha' sound: "Do you know where Jiaowu Mountain is? That is the place where the royal family of Dachu was prosperous!"

Wang Wei didn't understand: "The horns are gone, can the dragon still thrive?"

Xiong Zidu put his hands on his hips and said, "Then you haven't been arrested yet?"

Wang Wei muttered: "There are many of them."

"There are only a few people who are arresting you!" Xiong Zidu was full of passion for speech: "Chu Taizu once practiced in seclusion at Jiaowu Mountain. After coming down from the mountain, he became invincible! How important is Jiaowu Mountain? Do you think it has Historical!”

Wang Weidao: "I didn't rob it on Jiaowu Mountain."

"Hey! You are really stubborn -" Xiong Zidu rolled up his sleeves and was about to use his eloquence to teach the ignorant bald man a lesson when he suddenly heard the heavy sound of a hinge.

The heavy iron door in the ghost prison slowly opened at this moment. The lock of time and space was also temporarily suspended, and the skylight rushed into the corridor in an instant, filling the cells on both sides of the corridor with great brightness.

One room, two rooms, three can barely see the end of the corridor. There are many cells on both sides, some of which are empty and some of which are occupied.

But basically there is no sound.

Only Xiong Zidu and the newcomer Wang Wei, who have special status, can still chatter non-stop.

Xiong Zidu pressed his face directly against the iron gate and looked hard towards the end of the corridor. Under the huge iron door, there was a single figure standing there quietly.

"Hey! Here!" Xiong Zidu said with a smile on his face: "Cousin! Are you coming here to see me?"

Zuo Guangshu walked along the long corridor and looked curiously at the legendary "Fengdu Ghost Prison" - he hardly saw curious eyes.

"It doesn't seem gloomy here." He walked up to Xiong Zidu: "I will escort a group of monks' corpses over for them to study. By the way, let's see my cousin... How can we make a special trip to this place?"

"Hey." Xiong Zidu said enthusiastically: "Come, I have a new friend——"

Just as he was about to introduce him, he found that the man named 'Jiang Li' had turned back and continued to sit facing the wall, as if he was not to be approached by strangers.

"Forget it, this friend of mine doesn't like to talk." Xiong Zidu said with a smile, "He is a bit cold-tempered."

Zuo Guangshu glanced at the cell opposite and felt that the figure from behind looked vaguely familiar, but he didn't pay much attention to it - a noble man like him was destined to have no interaction with the prisoners in Fengdu Ghost Prison.

Xiong Zidu This is an accident that has rarely occurred in the Chu Kingdom for thousands of years.

He dared to pull out His Majesty the Emperor's beard since he was a child.

At the age of five, he sat on the dragon throne with great arrogance and was kicked away by the emperor...

His deeds are really endless, and he is in this situation now, and it is his own fault.

In the Battle of the River Valley, Xiang Longxiang was the commander-in-chief of the three armies. The right-wing battlefield led by Han Que was the first to collapse, but neither the Xiang family nor the Han family were severely punished. Even Han Queyong suppressed the demon world, and it was he who had to atone for his sins.

Based on the prevailing public opinion in the Chu court at that time, including the public opinion of the government and the public, the defeated generals were supposed to be severely punished. After all, it was a disastrous defeat that almost shook the fate of Da Chu. Except for Zuo Guanglie, who performed brilliantly and once broke through the Hangu Pass, almost all the generals in the Battle of the River Valley were wildly criticized after the war, and there were calls for liquidation from both the government and the public.

It was Xiong Zidu who stood up in the court and openly said that the emperor should be held responsible for the battle in the river valley. The defeat of the River Valley was the failure of Chu Ting's decision-making. It was the princes in the court who misjudged the situation that led to this losing war, and Xiang Longxiang has tried his best!

So the result was that Xiong Zidu was imprisoned here.

It’s been ten years now…

Zuo Guangshu looked at his cousin helplessly: "Who can be so cold to you? You can talk all day long by yourself."

Xiong Zidu laughed loudly: "Those who know me are Guangshu!"

He asked again: "Is aunt okay?"

"It's pretty good." Zuo Guangshu said: "In addition to practicing every day, I just raise her little ants. Last time I talked about you and said I didn't know how you were doing - this time I can tell her that you have changed. Not big!”

"Build a soundproof magic circle, Guangshu." Xiong Zidu said with a smile: "My cousin can't cast the magic, let's keep it secret."

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "That's the limit for me to come and see you. It's not convenient for us to whisper."

"Hey! You are the young master of Da Chu. What are you afraid of?" Xiong Zidu said in an encouraging tone: "Even if you dismantle this cell and let me out, what will happen? Who can do anything to you!"

Zuo Guangshu smiled slightly: "Cousin, we are no longer children."

"Isn't it nice to reminisce about those days? In those days, you and I - we were with you, fishing for birds and fish, building houses and building tiles, what a joyful life it was!" Xiong Zidu followed suit: "Remember?"

"The flowers will bloom again, and no one will be young again!" Zuo Guangshu raised his finger and knocked on the fence, as if it was the lingering sound of his childhood, and said with a smile: "Cousin, after ten years of raising my wish, my reputation will be known all over the world. , when will you come out and rebuild the country?"

"Only today!" Xiong Zidu smiled boldly and took control of the Fu Gang. At this moment, he seemed to control the world: "Open this door for Gu! Open a new world for Chu!"

"That person can't be me." Zuo Guangshu smiled and shook his head: "Cousin, I'm gone. I'll see you next time - if you're still here next time."

"Hey, you little heartless kid, don't leave. Let's talk for a while!"

No matter how Xiong Zidu shouted, Zuo Guangshu still smiled and left.

The heavy iron door fell again, cutting off everything.

Ten years!

Xiong Zidu leaned against the iron fence and slowly sat down, half sighing: "He is much better behaved than his brother."

The dignified prince of Chu had been imprisoned in Fengdu Ghost Prison for ten years. He had long been accustomed to talking to himself.

To his surprise, the newly arrived bald man, who was rather withdrawn, spoke at this moment - "Is his brother named Zuo Guanglie?"

"You know him too?" Xiong Zidu asked casually.

"The leader of the Yellow River, a famous young general. I've heard of him!" Wang Wei looked at the empty wall and said quietly: "I've seen him a few times."

"That's okay, you little bald head, you're so secretive." Xiong Zidu said, "It seems I made a mistake. If you can get to know Zuo Guanglie, you have to take it easy!"

"Just acquaintance, I don't know much about him." Wang Wei was bored for a while, and then said: "Let's talk about this person?"

Xiong Zidu smiled slightly and said meaningfully: "What do you want to talk about?"

"Any way is fine."

"for example?"

"Tao skills, character, deeds, mentorship...anything can be done."


"For such a powerful person, his master must also be very powerful, right?"

Xiong Zidu smiled like "ho ho ho": "He is a self-taught genius! He is born different. No matter which school he learns, he can master it as soon as he learns it. The Taoism he created has repeatedly revolutionized history. . What old scholar can teach him? If I have to say master, the old Duke can do calculations, his father can do calculations, and so can my father. This is what he has learned from his true ability."

Wang Wei was silent for a while: "Are the people who taught him...all his elders?"

Xiong Zidu then seemed to remember something: "Oh, by the way! There is also an old monk who is stalking him and insisting on accepting him as his disciple. I wonder if that can be counted? I even helped drive him away! Hahahaha, light Lie was so troubled that he couldn't do anything, so he said he'd be beaten up. Of course I had to help."

"This story is... quite interesting." Wang Wei said softly, "Can you tell it to me?"

"This is a long story to say - hey, tomorrow is the beginning of winter, is anyone coming to see you? Hahaha, don't be sulky, come here, come back, I'll tell you! That's when..."

At this time, their backs were facing each other, separated by two iron fences and a corridor.

Darkness has swallowed up this corridor.

The people leaning against the fence were loose.

People sitting facing the wall are upright.

Two people who would never have crossed paths chatted about someone they knew in common.

This is the last sound of autumn.

The first day of December.

The bald king did not ask everyone for a guaranteed monthly ticket.

Keep the little monk in the prison warm!

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