Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2208 No wind and snow are allowed to pass through the world

Gan Changan has a wandering mind and a vision comparable to that of a cave. He is indeed suitable to be a sentinel.

He also approved of this errand.

After all, in the ultimate battlefield, he would die if he was touched, or injured if he was brushed against.

However, Wang Yiwu, who is also a top god, showed the courage to participate in the frontal battlefield, which shows that he is not that brave. How about giving in and giving in? Then he said: "Actually, I also feel that I..."

Ying Wu looked at him with encouraging eyes.

"There must be someone who is willing to do the logistics work!" Gan Changan said: "I am willing to be unknown for the sake of you!"

"The meeting is over!"

Ying Wu took the lead to walk out of the cave, kicking off the Yuyuan War.

This unknown cave will probably never be remembered, but it became the starting point of today's story.

Ying Wu has already set off to find Zong Yan, and everyone has to start doing their own things.

They separated at the entrance of the cave. The Chang'an team went to the depths of Yuyuan, and the Champion team went to the Great Wall of Yuyuan.

When they missed each other, they just said "goodbye".

There are billions of creatures in the heavens and the worlds, many of whom are born with supernatural powers, many born with spiritual wisdom, and many with prosperous races... Why is it that the human race is still laughing now? After overthrowing the demon clan's heaven, it has settled down in the world, suppressed the heavens, and dominated several great powers. era?

Many people believe that it is because of the great spirit of passing on the fire from generation to generation.

The ancient human emperor Suirenshi lit the fire of civilization and burned it for the human race from birth to death.

In ancient times, the human emperor had the Xiong clan. He made a pact with three Taoists at the Gate of Ten Thousand Demons to bind the human race in the world. "Mortals here must abandon their tribal thoughts and work together to fight against the demon clan. Anyone who dares to break the promise will do so." , the whole world will attack together."

After the demonic tide ended and the Taoist body could no longer hold on any longer, an "Ancient Demon-Slaying Covenant" was left behind, requiring all human races in the world to attack in groups when facing the demons, no matter how enmity they had before. - "If you don't attack the devil with your sword, you will be a thief in the world."

The Lieshan clan, the emperor of the Middle Ages, liberated himself for the prosperity of the human race. Before he liberated himself, he would leave an eternal oath in the Civilization Basin and require all races to work together to protect the Civilization Basin - "If the demon clan wants to overthrow the Civilization Basin, then The world is in rebellion, and the battle to destroy the demons is about to happen! Everyone is responsible!"

The unity of the human race when facing alien races is not something they are born with. In ancient times, this great ethnic group was just a servant of the demon clan, just food. How could it be innately unyielding?

Generations of emperors and sages used their long lives as firewood, their deeds as firewood, and their great spirit to establish... Only then can the brilliant flame of civilization burn forever to this day.

Therefore, when Jiang Wang was persecuted by the human race and fell into Frostwind Valley, Jing Guocai took the initiative to apologize to Qi State and initiated a series of investigations. That's why Wu Bingji of Sanxing Palace came directly to Xin'an City to interrogate Zhuang Gaoxian, regardless of the face of Emperor Zhengshuo and the influence of Yujing Mountain.

So today, these young people come from different forces and have different affinities and distances, but they still respond to the call and "share the same hatred as the son."

The initial task is "business as usual".

As usual, Gan Changan was flying as a kite at low altitude, trying hard to find the good Shura and seduce the bad Shura.

"Brother Jiang, when the operation starts later, I will be on guard duty. Remember to take good care of my Tao body." In the sea of ​​subconsciousness, Gan Shaoqi babbled and emphasized: "Don't forget it."

Once Ying Wu finds Zong Yan, the battle will advance rapidly, and it is impossible to leave much reaction time - outside the Yuyuan Great Wall, time is on Shura's side.

Therefore, Gan Changan had to discuss things in advance.

With the magical power of [Spiritual Travel], his soul can travel more freely than his physical body, and he can also have a sharper vision.

Ji Zhaonan, who had been cold-shouldered for many days, finally aroused some emotion during this tense moment of running for the blade, and he rarely took the initiative to speak: "Don't worry, your Dao body is tied to the arc of my spear. When you start, I will help you put it away as soon as possible."

Ji Zhaonan has practiced spear shooting for many years and has a unique spear arc technique.

Before the arc of this gun is fired, it is invisible, colorless, shadowless and traceless. It is really like a first-class fishing line.

During the "fishing" operation of the Chang'an team, Gan Changan, who was flying at low altitude as bait, was tied to the arc of Ji Zhaonan's gun to avoid accidents. Once the evil Shura attracted is too strong, Ji Zhaonan can use the arc of the spear to pull Gan Changan away immediately.

"That -" Gan Changan hesitated and insisted: "I'd better ask Brother Jiang to help me take care of my Tao body... He is better at saving lives."

Although he was unwilling to refute Ji Zhaonan's face, Ji Zhaonan's face was obviously not as important as his own life. It should be refuted, but it must be refuted. This is not a treat for dinner.

Ji Zhaonan was furious, but couldn't refute.

A person who thinks about Dong Zhen's life-and-death struggle with Li and who has absolutely no confidence in his survival has the courage to compete with Mr. Jiang Ge to save his life?

Jiang Wang coughed and took the initiative to calm down the atmosphere in the team: "It's too much praise, it's too much praise. It's all because of everyone's praise."

While hunting, they moved closer to the preset battlefield without leaving any trace.

Ying Wu designated a total of four preset battlefields, all of which were areas with relatively complex terrain. They were scattered on different escape routes from the Great Wall. They were named after A, B, C, and D.

In this operation, they will move closer from A to D over time.

The farther back the battlefield goes, the more disadvantageous it becomes.

If within the time range agreed upon in advance, Ying Wu has not successfully escaped to his destination, and even the battlefield in the T-shaped area cannot be opened. They will disperse and run for their lives, abandoning this action plan.

Two hours have passed now, and battlefield A and B have been abandoned one after another.

In the process, the Chang'an team also massacred several groups of Shura Rangers. But the hot blood of Shura could not penetrate the cold blade.

These two hours were really long.

Clouds are hanging over the fields today, and the weather is a bit dry and cold. There is a dull feeling of an approaching snowstorm, which makes people's hearts feel a little heavy.

Gan Changan no longer joked. Although his face was still looking for Yi Shura nervously, his body flying in the air was covered with frost and snow, and he was completely unaware of it. He could only support Ying Wu's decision, but if Ying Wu really died here... it would be a huge disaster.

Jiang Wang and Ji Zhaonan were both invisible, and Gan Changan was floating alone in the low altitude.

It seems to move with the wind and become one with the heaven and earth, but it moves to the C-shaped battlefield without leaving a trace.

If this place cannot become a real battlefield, then we must prepare for the worst...

At a certain moment, Jiang Wang's calm voice was like a standing dive, falling straight into the sea of ​​subconsciousness: "Action!"

Gan Changan's body flying low in the sky lost strength in an instant and fell upside down. A divine soul with a high crown and broad belt stood up, like an arrow from a string, and flew deep into Yuyuan without looking back, hiding among the clouds and mist.

They are not very good friends. At most, they can only be said to have a little friendship, and they can bear each other's fate and rely on life and death... Even though Mr. Jiang Ge's credit is known to the world, it can only be like this on the racial battlefield. happened.

The collision of millions of armies is enough to change the world. Jiang Wang had already captured the changes on the front line, so he announced the start - this was his judgment of the timing.

Yingwu wore a white dragon fish suit and sneaked into the wilderness. He encountered the evil Shura Zongyan and wanted to kill him. Zongyan paid a heavy price to escape. Ying Wu found that there was nothing he could do, so he did not pursue him and decisively returned to the Great Wall. But while Zong Yan was escaping, news had spread that the front line of the Shura army suddenly tightened, and the Ten Shura Lords were ready to move.

The defenders of the Great Wall came out of the city in large numbers to meet the prince of Qin, and the Shura army immediately came on top. The two sides fought in a long front outside the Great Wall.

The human army attacked fiercely, especially the few true kings of Qin State, who rushed out like crazy.

The Nine Lords of Shura locked the front line and refused to take a step back. They stared at Xu Wu who was starting to fight desperately, wanting to hunt down a top human race figure. To the Shura race, Xu Wu, who was a peerless general, was of inestimable value.

And Huang Yeyu returned to his territory and personally hunted and killed Prince Qin...

The plan is progressing smoothly!

Jiang Wang and Ji Zhaonan rushed to the target location in tandem, which was a rocky forest covering an area of ​​three hundred miles. Of course, it was now covered with heavy snow and there were no rugged areas.

Ji Zhaonan raised his gun and shook it, using a thousand points of gun light to quietly set up the Mei Ling formation. Then he lay down on the ground and blended into the snow.

This formation is both hiding and killing, especially hiding.

But this array was not set up to hide. Unless you are a master of the most powerful formations, or a real person with the level of calculation power of Yu Beidou, it would be a fool's errand to rely on a formation to hide you from the sight of the most powerful people.

Facing Yan Chunhui who attacked from a distance, Yu Beidou had to jump into the river of fate.

Therefore, the purpose of this formation is to actually show that after the prince of Qin alerted Shura, these talented people who were still hunting but accidentally got involved in danger were seriously hiding here and preparing to escape.

A great drama on the stage of life and death has begun long ago and is now being performed.

In ancient times, military formations were not divided into different families, and everyone in the art of war was often a master of formations.

Ji Zhaonan studied under Jiang Mengxiong, and of course he had great attainments in this area.

Jiang Wang also stopped showing off his five-way shocking formation, which shocked everyone with his skills, suppressed what he had seen, and stood quietly.

He stood alone about 700 feet away from Ji Zhaonan, holding the sword in his hand, as quiet as a stone sculpture. There is a frozen stream next to it, passing through the stone forest. Through the thin ice on the stream surface, you can see the occasional small fish swimming under the water.

There is no cold at the bottom of the stream, and there is no spring and autumn in the world.

Chong Xuanzun and Qin Zhizhen should have arrived at this battlefield, but they did not find each other. Only those who can hide it from real people in the same situation are serious about hiding.

The blizzard finally came.

Large swaths of snowflakes, like clouds that had been torn apart by someone, floated down aimlessly.

Ji Zhaonan especially likes snow. Such weather always reminds him of his bygone days. He held the spear tightly and closed his eyes as if sleeping. Buried by snow, embraced by snow.

Jiang Wang's head, shoulders, and body were soon covered in white. He was motionless, without breath or body temperature, as if he were one of the peaks in the stone forest.

After a while, the sky was suddenly torn apart, and the wind and snow were knocked out of a huge hole. Ying Wu's majestic body was like a fired stone bullet, rumbling across the sky - he was flying upside down.

During this process, real blood was spilled, and every drop of hot blood left a deep, thin pit in the snow.

Obviously Ying Wu has been injured, but Huang Yeyu hasn't shown up yet! The power of an extremely strong man oppresses a top real person like Ying Wu to have difficulty breathing.

"The orphan has been discovered - you all disperse and run for your lives, disrupt the Shura front, wait for an opportunity to send a message back home, and ask my father to come and save you!"

Even if he is a real person who has insight into the reality of the world, how can he hide it from the most powerful person? Ying Wu obviously couldn't block Huang Yeyu's perception.

So from the very beginning, when Jiang Wang and the other four real men rushed to the C-shaped battlefield to hide, it was not for the purpose of ambush and sneak attack.

At this time, Ying Wu flew in as planned, and three frightening rainbows suddenly flew up in the ice and snow, but they were not to support him. Instead, separate three different routes and escape to the Great Wall at the same time!

The fourth real person, Qin Zhizhen, escaped directly in the void without showing any trace outside.

When Huang Yeyu, who was taller than Ying Wu, chased after Ying Wu, he saw this scene - the few human cubs who had surrounded and attacked him in the Great Wall some time ago were on the battlefield during this time. The so-called genius of the human race who hunted Shura warriors during the free time was frightened by the news of him killing Ying Wu and wanted to escape back to his mother's arms.

How can it be?

Every genius of the human race is the enemy of Shura. Although there is mustard moss today, there will be serious trouble tomorrow!

Huang Yeyu had an arrow tail with a lightning-like end. At this moment, the arrow tail drooped slightly, and his hands staggered, and a pair of butterfly wing bone knives came out. Having two swords in hand makes a big difference in this world.

In that day's mansion, Qin Zhizhen, his body and mind were free, walking in the void. But in the void, sudden changes occur and disasters continue. The ripples of time and space that collide with each other, the gaps in history like lightning, the ancient abyss, the thunder of silence...

All the dangers in the void that are usually difficult to encounter gathered at the same time.

Qin Zhizhen is like a "good swimmer" swimming in the river and sea. When the river and sea suddenly rise, he almost drowns on the spot! He had no choice but to flee into the Yama Hall and return ashore.

The unparalleled warrior Ji Zhaonan, wearing precious armor and white robes, his man and his spear as one, penetrated the wind and snow, almost like a flash of lightning. But electric light can also be captured accurately. The wind and snow all over the sky suddenly turned into knives, and endless sharp blades came towards my face. Forcibly chop him out of the human-gun-like state, and chop him all the way back to the starting point!

What is the pinnacle?

The true king, the master of heaven and earth, can change the world with just one thought!

Even though Chongxuan Zun patrols the sky like the sun, and the fierce light breaks the snow, they still can't prevent the sky from hanging like ice ridges, and their roots are like blowing arrows - and their power is so powerful that they instantly pierce the sun disc into a thorn ball!

It is natural for the scorching sun to melt the snow, but these icy arrows are not afraid of the scorching sun at all, and instead freeze the sun.

The mutually reinforcing relationship was redefined by Huang Yeyu.

This is the so-called "Yandao"!

Jiang Wang's body movements are so fast that they are rarely seen in the world. While flying at high speed, he also made thousands of twists and turns, his movements were graceful and erratic, leaving almost no chance for his opponent to catch him.

However, the strong wind blew away the curtain, and the falling snow became a wall.

In front of Jiang Wang's speed, a high wall of wind and snow suddenly appeared. This wall reaches high into the sky and low into the cold ground. It seems to stretch endlessly, but it follows Jiang Wang!

The four truths are running around, each showing his magical powers.

Huang Yeyu raised his sword and set the right angle, no one was allowed to escape. He especially looked at Jiang Wang: "Little friend, when we met earlier, didn't you want to kill me? Why did you pursue me earlier? Why run away today!"

"There is something going on at home today, let's fight another day!" Jiang Wang flashed like a stream of light, flying thousands of feet across the sky, then twisting and turning suddenly, causing double shadows to rise and fall.

For a moment, his afterimage was everywhere in the sky and on the earth, but the wall of wind and snow always blocked him.

Jiang Wang looked up to the sky and roared angrily. The real fire all over his body was blazing. He flew out a ferocious demonic ape that was more than 500 feet tall. With his palms wide open, he held the real fire like the blazing sun high and pressed hard against the high wind and snow wall——


The sky was full of wind and snow, and it was falling.

The towering high wall only shook for a moment, and then became stronger with the blessing of the ultimate power.

The true fire of Samadhi climbed up the high wall of wind and snow, igniting the wind and snow, but could not melt it. Wind, snow, and fire coexist in one place, forming an insurmountable barrier.

The so-called flame that burns nothing is like the flowers of the vines blooming on the wall.

The barrier of the essence of power traps the genius of the world in a cage.

despair! So desperate!

Jiang Wang clenched his teeth, his eyes full of despair and unwillingness. And in this unwillingness, I will not give in!

"As time goes by, I have my shadow. The forest at the top must have my name! I, Jiang Wang, a hero among the world, can I be buried here? Open it for me!"

A terrifying tornado of sword energy swirled around him, and he crashed into the wall of wind and snow again with infinitely higher terrifying killing power!

[Thanks to book friend "Heaven and Earth One Son" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 722nd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "dreamthat" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 723rd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol! 】

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