Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2209 No taboos, born without boundaries

"My master is still waiting for me...I must go back...I must go back!!!"

That was Ji Zhaonan's blood-sobbing roar.

Surrounded by the stream of light, he flew quickly along the wind and snow corridor, raised his gun and advanced bravely, facing the vast number of snow and wind blades head-on. The extremely powerful man only had a spiritual thought, and the wind and snow were treacherous, as if thousands of peerless swordsmen were fighting him with wind and snow blades.

Ji Zhaonan was unable to resist, but refused to retreat. He was bruised and bruised, but he kept moving forward desperately.

The unyielding ambition is moving.

Qin Zhizhen had imagined many lines in advance, but at the critical moment he found that they were not very suitable. In particular, he most wanted to use "go home" as his slogan, but Ji Zhaonan said it first.

He thought for a while, then finally groaned and gritted his teeth. The emperor of Yama manifested, wearing the clothes of the divine soul, using the iron wall as a shield, and resolutely fought back into the void again.

What was left to Huang Yeyu was an extremely determined look and a rock-solid will.

Crossing the turbulent waves in the void, the people of Qin must return home!

"Is it...that we're here?" Chongxuan Zun sighed softly, with a hint of sadness and a hint of melancholy.

In the sky full of wind and snow, he is a piece of snow. He has his sorrow and brightness.

He will push away the frozen sun wheel that is nailed into a thorn ball, turn his palm and press it, and a bright moon will appear. It will reach the sky and embed it. He will spread out his moon wheel world.

But there was an icy spear that suddenly arrived, as if it had been waiting there for a long time, piercing the uncertain moon wheel into a real existence, and then exploded into fragments.

The ultimate will cannot be crossed.

Chong Xuanzun insisted on escaping.

His resolute and powerful hand was raised, using his profound magical powers to fight against the order under Juedian's will. Between heaven and earth, the gravity is completely chaotic, the wind and snow roll up into the sky, and the vitality collapses and flows.

But the ice-edge stabbing arrows that fell from the sky were not affected at all and continued to kill him.

Zhongxuan followed the floating clothes like a dream, quickly shuttled through the rain of icy arrows, a long knife gradually formed in his hand, his eyes seemed to have cut through the confusion, and saw the way to escape——


There is a snow-capped mountain rising from the ground, right in front of it.

All your efforts are in vain and you have to start over again!

Chong Xuanzun's handsome face, which looked down on the situation, finally showed confusion.

Huang Yeyu calmly appreciated all this and the efforts made by the genius of the human race to escape.

But he raised the knife and moved forward.

The prince of Qin was known for his bravery. At this critical moment of life and death, he saw a few larger grasshoppers helping him to disperse the pressure, but he had no intention of fighting and just ran away.

In other words, he deliberately fled to the hiding place of several human geniuses just to create an escape opportunity for himself. The human race is treacherous, especially this beast!

The light of the sky obscures his shadow, and his vitality surges.

Space has boundaries and time has an end, but it is all open at this time.

There are no taboos and everything will be prosperous. The sky and the earth are vast, born [boundless]!

The top magical power [Wuya] was unleashed here, giving Ying Wu "unrestricted" power.

Break all the shackles and jump out of the five elements.

The so-called "Great Qin Yingwu" was wandering hastily in the endless world, about to jump out of this time and space and go back to the Great Wall——


Only then did Huang Yeyu make a real slash.

There was no wind or rain with this knife, and it looked calm and light, as if it was a false stroke.

But heaven and earth have become shackles, and time and space have become locks.

Ying Wu's burly Taoist body straightened up in an instant and was fixed high in the sky. His hands, feet, and even his neck were bound by translucent time and space chains.

Wow, in that huge translucent chain, you can even see the flowing time!

This is the ultimate power.

King Shura, who stands among the strongest in this world, changed all the laws of this world with a crushing attitude, imprisoned Ying Wu and made him "limited".

But at this time, Huang Yeyu felt a ray of sharpness.

That is the roaring murderous aura that cannot be completely ignored even if you stand at the top of the extraordinary world!

That is the look in the eyes of a climber looking towards the top of the mountain.

At the previous moment, the tornado of sword energy formed by Jiang Wangtuan's body had already hit the target - his feet, stepping on the wall of wind and snow.

The whole person almost "collapsed" under the huge impact. He almost shrank into a ball, then stretched violently, and took advantage of the momentum to step back!

The terrifying power that erupted at this moment caused the insurmountable wall of wind and snow under the principles of Yan Dao to shake violently.

At first glance, it looked like the roaring sword energy tornado. The moment it touched the wall of wind and snow, it suddenly turned back.

In the process of "turning back", boundless knowledge is intertwined into a thread, and the translucent tornado is covered with "snow clothes". It is a thousand-foot-long fairy dragon of knowledge!

It leaves quickly and comes quickly, with lightning flashing hundreds of miles away.

Yu Yuan has regrets, the fairy dragon looks back!

Jiang Wang stood in a pair of snow-colored dragon horns, holding a long sword and a cloak in the fire, looking at Emperor Yeyu with red-gold eternity.

The ferocious demon ape was flying high behind him, like a projection in the void, but as soon as he raised his palm, a sea of ​​fire engulfed the sky.

On top is a demon ape holding fire, and below is a fairy dragon flying in the sky.

This magnificent and boundless picture scroll spreads out brilliantly in Yuyuan.

From the red-gold pupils of the Sword Immortal, a thin monk whose face could not be seen clearly stepped out.

This statue of the Dharma of all living beings bursts out with extremely bright golden light, combines the three treasures, opens the four awakenings, and strikes with one punch——


There was a space of thousands of feet in front of the immortal dragon. It was blown away from Yu Yuan's world by this punch. The whole piece was crushed and was shaking to pieces.

The reason why he can still hold on is because there is a peak here. Huang Yeyu did not allow it and suppressed this space back.

Yes, what Ji Zhaonan said to Wang Yiwu was right. Facing King Shura, he planned Zhaonan to be on the side.

But Jiang Wang is on the front!

With the cultivation of a real person, he can attack the infinite killing power and approach the limit of the great world.

Where is the despair and unwillingness? He really wants to kill Juedian!

At this moment, Jiang Wang's attack completely invaded the field of vision.

But of course Huang Yeyu would not ignore it. Ji Zhaonan returned from the wind and snow corridor, Zhongxuan followed the arrows pierced by the ice in the sky, and Qin Zhizhen retreated in the void.

The inner siege of the Great Wall is reproduced, and the five truths follow the world.

What a brave bitch.

They seemed to think that King Shura's retreat within the Great Wall was a deterrent to their courage.

What makes these young people despise the pinnacle of power in this extraordinary world?

Huang Yeyu once again saw the boldness and arrogance of the genius of the human race.

He is also willing to fulfill these people's determination to die.

Then he glanced back and raised the bone knife.



The sound of chains.

The space-time chain that imprisoned Ying Wu suddenly shook crazily at this moment.

A prisoner of time and space, a volcano seems to be erupting within his body.

The violent power shook the space, and Ying Wu's lowered head suddenly lifted up at this moment!

He was imprisoned in the center of time and space and was not allowed freedom.

But that's just because he doesn't want to leave.

When Huang Yeyu actually drew his sword, it was when the killing spree officially began.

"Hegemony is where the king is unfettered!"

Ying Wu suddenly clenched his fists, with the palms of his fists pointing upward, and dragon-like veins popped up on his forehead, as if he was wearing a majestic crown——


The chains formed by time and space shattered like glass. During this time, time dispersed to heaven and earth.

The awed rules of heaven and earth were naturally scattered on the soles of his boots, forming an eternal ladder for him.

All the light between heaven and earth is drawing closer to him, crowning him with the supreme crown.

In front of Huang Yeyu, he set foot on the Yan Dao and reached the pinnacle!

At this time, Huang Yeyu could no longer take it easy.

This Shura King, who is considered a young one in the Shura clan, moved his feet apart and first froze the space that was shaking under the fist of the sentient beings' Dharma.

The next moment, Dao stepped forward and was approaching Ying Wu according to his thoughts. He almost gave up on scrutinizing Jiang Wang and others, leaving his back to a few real people, and with the greatest determination, he cut his way to the top of Ying Wu.

But there is a great bridge between him and Ying Wu.

This is a porous stone arch bridge with 72 holes under the bridge. The span of each hole ranges from 50 feet to 90 feet. There are 365 bridge pillars. Hidden Earth Evil, Nine Five, and Zhou Tian.

It is a treasure of the Great Qin Cave Heaven, a commemoration of Ying Yunian’s supremacy, and it is called [Ba Bridge]!

Even if the world is in turmoil, this bridge can calm the storm.

Huang Yeyu kept walking in the air and picked him up with one strike of his sword. But at the moment when he struck [Ba Bridge] with his sword, Jiang Wang, who had been let go by him, had already ridden the immortal dragon to kill him.

Looking at all the worlds, only strong men who stand at the pinnacle of the extraordinary, or even above, dare to let Jiang Wang attack.

But he will eventually pay the price for this choice.

Speaking of which, the time when Ying Wu reached the pinnacle of transcendence was when Jiang Wang had enough strength to see all of this clearly.

Compared to those great processes of peak impact and transcendence, this was the experience that was most helpful to him.

Unfortunately, he had no time to take a closer look at this moment.

He only knew that the Shura King named Huang Yeyu left his back to him.

The moment Huang Yeyu's bone knife touched Baqiao was an opportunity that a man named Jiang Wang could never miss.

The two ears are at ease, and the Ear Immortal is sitting in them.

At this time, everything was silent, and the heaven and earth were silent.

All the sounds gathered together and erupted together with the roar of the sword.

The immortal dragon roars, the demon ape roars, and all living beings sigh——

Everyone in the world has heard about Jiang Wang’s life and death drama.

He stands on top of the fairy dragon and comes from the east with a sword!

There was chaotic wind and snow in the sky as a barrier. When Huang Yeyu raised the Ba Bridge, it easily formed a wall of wind and snow, blocking the menacing real person from the outside.

Even though this was a critical moment, it would take a very long time for a strong person at the top of the mountain to react.

But also at this moment, there was only a rumbling sound, and an ancient attic emerged from the void and became real. It condensed in the palm of the demon ape, became thousands of feet high, and fell majestically, destroying the wall of wind and snow on the spot——

This is called the Cave Heaven Treasure, [Taixu Pavilion]!

Chong Xuanzun put in a lot of effort to build the special Taixu turret to Yuyuan and laid out the Taixu illusion here.

At this moment, on the battlefield outside the Great Wall, there are three Taixu magatama present, which is enough to connect the power of Taixu Pavilion and transfer it to the key.

And Jiang Wang always knows how to grasp the key.

The Taixu attic, which cannot be seen for a long time, disappears into the sky, and the insurmountable high wall collapses into a sky full of snow.

At this moment, Jiang Wang rode the dragon out through the wind and snow, like a character in mythology, killing all the immortals and demons with his sword. With a fateful gesture, he was stabbing Huang Yeyu in the lower back!

He felt as if his sword was piercing a mountain of steel.

The famous sword in the world that has cut off the heads of countless strong men is rarely able to make any progress at this time.

The tip of the sword penetrated the flesh, only stopping within half an inch.

The power from the limit of this world is entangled with his Qi machine.

The blood of the most powerful man stained the sword, making it suddenly bear a huge weight, and Jiang Wang's elegant figure sank with it. He seized the opportunity, slashed out the peerless sword, and stabbed his opponent, but almost met with death - if there was no one else on the field.

Bang! ! !

At the same time Jiang Wang stabbed with his sword.

Ying Wu had already stepped onto the Ba Bridge to stabilize this cave-heaven treasure, and in turn, suppressed Emperor Ye Yu. This step has the sound of thunder from the sky, which is the sound of drums.

At this moment, it was the absolute top versus the absolute top. He looked at Huang Yeyu and shouted loudly: "Come on, take the Gu Ba Fist!"

Just go forward and strike down with one punch.

Hegemony means hegemony.

Where power lies, there is strength. This is the Fist of the West, Yu Yuan’s most powerful fist at the moment!

Huang Yeyu had to devote all his energy to face this punch. His ferocious face showed a kind of solemnity, and the horn in front of his forehead was as white as jade at this moment.

The sky here turns from day to night.

Facing real people, he can manipulate the rules at will, and Dao Yan owns it. But facing Ying Wu, who is also at the top, he must show his fundamental path. Because Ying Wu has also shown his fundamentals. Because only the fundamental path is the kind of power that allows them to reach the limits of this world.

Tonight is a snowy night.

Huang Yeyu's fundamental path is the never-ending darkness in the depths of Yuyuan!

The bone knife passed through a touch of darkness of eternal night. He used both swords to weave the long night and split Ying Wu's fist.

Use darkness against hegemony!

He was taking Ying Wu so seriously, so of course the wind and snow blades that roared down behind him came up empty - Jiang Wang had already withdrawn his sword and escaped.

During the decisive battle with Ying Wu, Huang Yeyu had a thought as light as a feather, and gained an awareness - a real person like Jiang Wang is by no means an ant that he can easily crush to death, and it will take a lot of effort. Some thoughts.

The next moment, a cold star penetrated the wound on his lower back.

The cold star is the tip of the spear, and the body of the spear is held in the palm of the snow-robed warrior.

Ji Zhaonan activated his unparalleled magical power and entered selflessness at his peak state. At the moment when Huang Yeyu collided with Ying Wu, fought against Ba Qiao, and defeated Jiang Wang, he fired this [True Unparalleled] shot from the side!

This shot came from Rao Bingzhang's cry before he returned to the world, and it also activated the magical power of breaking the formation, possessing unparalleled lethality in the world.

It’s the unparalleled breaking formation!

And it was piercing the wound caused by Jiang Wang.

Huang Yeyu's newly healed muscles were once again pierced, and the blood film that had formed was torn apart again.

Ying Wu used the Ba Bridge to immobilize his body, and the split fist gathered together in an instant, gathering all the power in the world into a fist, and struck it down again.

Another domination punch.

See hegemony again!

The prince of Qin dominated Yu Yuan.

As soon as he reached the top, he chose such a cruel fighting method to confront Huang Yeyu about the foundation of his path. This was an unparalleled confidence.

He believed that he could withstand Huang Yeyu's desperate efforts, and he believed that Jiang Wang, Qin Zhizhen and the others could help him tip the balance of victory!

Huang Yeyu was already in front of Ba Bridge, only one step away from overturning the world. Of course, he refused to retreat. He met Ying Wu with his sword and fought decisively with Ying Wu who was standing on Ba Bridge. At the same time, he finally came up with a thought: "Can I pierce this enemy?" Jun’s skin shows his killing power. do you come to die!"

Using the sword against the fist, he and Ying Wu each faltered. But as he swung the knife, he twisted his body, and the tail of his arrow suddenly shot out, pierced the gap in space, and pierced Ji Zhaonan's heart directly!

At this moment of life and death, Ji Zhaonan's whole body exploded with endless swirling energy.

A winged white tiger appeared in the void, looking up to the sky and roaring. The tiger's eyes were fierce, and its murderous intent was fierce... But the shape of such a fierce white tiger was shattered as soon as it appeared.

Simply unstoppable.


Ji Zhaonan's unparalleled armor shattered like porcelain.

His naked body appeared between heaven and earth, with streamlined muscle lines blocked by countless scars. This battle-hardened body possesses a cruel beauty. And his heart was hanging in front of the arrow's tail, exposed to the fatal attack——


At this critical moment, a thick wall of steel appeared in front of Ji Zhaonan.

Qin Zhizhen’s [Iron Wall]!

This relatively common magical power, in front of the silent and stoic Qin Zhizhen, is like the Great Wall of Yuyuan, majestic and inviolable.



The moment the arrow tail fell, the iron wall still shattered!

Huang Yeyu's flick in the middle of his busy schedule easily penetrated Ji Zhaonan's defense, shattered the Wushuang armor, and broke through the magical iron wall.

But Ji Zhaonan also put away his gun and retreated in fear.

Huang Yeyu's arrow tail was still chasing, and he passed by Qin Zhizhen.

Qin Zhizhen's iron wall magical power was shattered to pieces. He vomited blood but did not move away. Instead, he jumped forward with a black knife in his hand. As the emperor of Yama, he slashed at Huang Yeyu while vomiting blood.

Ying Wu was still fighting with Huang Yeyu.

Jiang Wang dared to go up, Ji Zhaonan dared to go up, why didn't Qin Zhizhen dare to go up?

He also made a move with his left hand, preparing to imitate Jiang Wang's old skills, using the Taixu Pavilion to smash the possible obstacles that Huang Yeyu might have, and then cut out the killing knife that determines the outcome.

But I only heard one sound——

"It's my turn to use it!"

A figure in white clothes fluttered past his eyes.

If Chongxuan can't follow it, it will shake the world.

The Sun Moon Star Tricycle Knife was already in his left hand. He raised Taixu Pavilion with his right hand and hit Huang Yeyu on the back of his head. Only an earth-shaking bang was heard, and the hit was steady, accurate and hard. Without decades of hard work, one cannot be so skilled at smashing. Without top-notch fighter jet capture, it wouldn't be possible to hit it so accurately.

Huang Yeyu's body standing in front of Baqiao swayed slightly.

And the cabinet member in white wiped his sword horizontally in his palm, the wind and snow started to blow, and the heaven and earth split apart——

"I was born to see the Tao, and today I slay the Tao!"

The vast eternal darkness was actually torn open by the light of the sun, moonlight and stars.

This is... the meaning of slaying delusion, the edge of severing the Dao!

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