Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2212 Haotian Gao’s Alliance for Doomsday Calamity

The abyss is endless, and Baqiao falls endlessly.

Time has no meaning here, and distance is just a measure of feeling.

This is a journey with no end.

It can be a moment, it can be ten thousand years.

It can be one foot away or thousands of miles away.

Is this ancient stone bridge falling or rising? Who can tell whether Yu Yuan's final destination is the sunset or the sky?

In short, Baqiao jumped off Yuyuan, so let's temporarily describe it as "falling".

"Greatness" is a power that transcends boundaries. It breaks the limits of the world and exists beyond all heavens and realms. It cannot be described or touched.

At this moment, Baqiao was deeply immersed in great power.

In this endless fall, a chaotic voice sounded.

It was weird and evil, like billions of voices mixed together.

The monks at the top of the mountain collapsed and died just by hearing this voice. If you try to analyze the content of this voice, even a top monk will likely fall into madness!

However, this voice was captured by Ba Qiao.

This voice said - "Ying Yunian! The covenant of transcendence and communism is still there, do the human race want to tear it up?"

Ying Yunian, Taizu of the Great Qin Dynasty, was the second great being to achieve transcendence since the beginning of the Dao calendar.

The Ba Bridge was a treasure made by Him to commemorate His supremacy, and it naturally became the bridge for His return to the human world.

At the end of the modern era, that earth-shattering war almost destroyed the center of all worlds called [the present world], causing all heavens and all worlds to become extinct——

If it really ends like that, all living things in the heavens and the world will be extinct, and no hole or path will be able to survive.

Detachment must also sleep, and "eternity" must be in doubt, because the eternal world no longer exists.

The true immortality seen and achieved by those great and powerful people has no foundation for immortality.

Then "eternity" and "immortality" can no longer be defined.

Everything in the heavens and the world will be extinct, and we have to wait for an unknown number of epochs before it can be revived—or it may never be revived.

Even if there is a supreme strongman who can fight against eternal silence and sleep, he can only drift in [nothing].

Because there is no "being" in the world, because "the world" does not exist.

No one wants to face such an outcome, so "transcendence from the common covenant" comes out of the crisis.

It has an official name, "Haotian Gaoshang Mojia League", which is the highest level of alliance among all the heavens and worlds. It limits the actions of transcendence in this world!

After this appointment, there was a new beginning of Taoism.

This covenant has such great significance. When a great being in the depths of Yu Yuan deliberately mentions this covenant, it is bound to receive a response.

Therefore, Ying Yunian's gentle voice sounded from the ancient stone bridge that spanned time and space: "I thought you didn't intend to abide by it."

"It's been such a hard time." In the chaotic time and space, the extremely weird voice said: "Ho ho ho ho... The person who talked to me back then was the Human Emperor Youxiong, the Taoist Master of Yujing, but now it's someone else. Young man who is less than ten thousand years old!"

"Beyond the past and present!" Ying Yunian's voice said: "Years and months have no meaning to us. As great as you are, you also need to know my name, don't you?"

The extremely weird voice said: "My name is Yongzhang, and I have kept it a secret from you all. In the transcendental agreement, your name is not included."

"I haven't had time to sign it yet." Ying Yunnian's voice in the stone bridge said, "I will sign it."

"Between the date and time of signing, you have limited freedom in this world." The extremely weird voice said: "Ah... so you are so reckless and come to me alone!"

The "Haotian Gao Shang Mo Jie Alliance" is certainly not an empty piece of paper. It has the names of all transcendent beings in all the worlds signed on it. It has great power and limits the actions of transcendence.

It was at that moment that all transcendental beings reached a consensus and actively imposed restrictions on themselves in order to prevent the destruction of all heavens and worlds.

If we want to force an analogy, it can be regarded as the ultimate state of "Taixu Covenant". Its power comes from "consensus" and is given by the contracting parties.

Whoever breaks the contract first will have to pay a huge price.

In the era when Ying Yunian achieved greatness, the Transcendence Agreement had already been signed, and of course his name was not on it. Similar to this, Ji Furen is also like this. The detachment of these two statues after the new enlightenment of the Taoist calendar is a relatively free existence under the common agreement of detachment.

But that doesn't mean they can't be restrained.

"This is the supreme alliance, the immortal covenant. No one who is transcendent can interfere with the present world at will to avoid the disaster of annihilation. Even though my name is not mentioned in the oath, I am bound by it." Ying Yunian said calmly: "You can rest assured. , If it is not necessary, I am not willing to be the price for breaking the contract."

"No more gossip!" The extremely weird voice was entangled with resentment: "It is not uncommon for human races to break their trust. If you, the people of Sui, want to break the promise, you might as well come forward and see how I can do it. !”

"You are the body of ancient resentment and the hatred of hundreds of tribes. Who dares to underestimate you?" Ying Yunian said in a leisurely voice: "If I want to kill you, I have to make an appointment with the three Taoists, call Ji Furen, and send an army. Billions of millions can fill up the bottomless Yu Yuan and uproot the foundation of Shura... Do you think so?"

He seemed to be describing his plan rather than a hypothesis.

"Call me the 'Mother of the Ancients'!" The extremely weird voice echoed like water ripples, echoing in history and the present, and trying to spread to the future: "The mutual agreement is here, and we are transcendent. Have I ever moved lightly?"

"It's best to do this! Let the worldly return to the present world, and the transcendent return to transcendence. Now that you have jumped out of the world, there is no need to drown in the sea of ​​misery!" The voice in the stone bridge said: "I have nothing to do here, I just want to inform you - from now on From now on, I will keep an eye on Yu Yuan. I believe we will get along well."

The weird voice echoed faintly: "This sentence will become your epitaph."

"Hahahaha——" Ying Yunnian's laughter came from the stone bridge: "Let's wait and see!"

In this chaotic time and space, the voice of the Ancient Mother never sounded again.

The Great Wall cuts through Yuyuan. Within the Great Wall is the wilderness of civilization, and outside the Great Wall is the hunting ground of the Shura people.

The battle lines along the Great Wall certainly do not exist in isolation.

If someone could be at the top of the sky and overlook the entire Xinye Continent. You can see thousands of "lines" connecting the Shura army in front of the Great Wall, like countless blood vessels that transfuse blood to the Shura army.

That was the Shura clan's continuous military preparations, and the logistics that Shura paid more and more attention to during the long war years.

In the vast land outside the Great Wall, the armies of the Shura tribe criss-crossed. Countless trust cavalry, including land cavalry and flying cavalry, galloped back and forth between the various legions.

Flying in the sky are the abyssal feathered beasts controlled by military pilots, serving as observation eyes.

Speaking of "eyes", at the height of the huge battlefield, there is a scarlet eye with dense veins and protruding outwards. It is a hundred feet in diameter and hangs at a very high position. There are twenty-four translucent slender tendrils floating outside the body, drifting in the air, making it seem like swimming in water.

This is the "watchtower" of the Shura army in this war. It is an important existence to ensure military vision, and is called the "Eye of the Abyss."

But none of these things obviously pose a threat to Jiang Wang and the others.

The seven geniuses of the human race formed a formation and drew a long arc on the Shura tribe's position. All the war asuras, intention asuras, and evil asuras are useless. Except for King Shura, no existence can stop this team. The team couldn't even be discovered.

Huang Yeyu's death will of course shock everyone, and the commander of the Shura army will of course react immediately. But even the speed at which military orders were conveyed could not keep up with the speed of this team.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a large army to encircle him-unless the human elite team that besieged and killed Huang Yeyu would be stupid enough to plunge into the Shura tribe's pocket.

At this moment, Shura King Shi Jingxian was faced with such a difficult problem. The time left for him to make a judgment was almost non-existent.

What he knew was that Huang Yeyu was killed in the process of killing Qin Prince Ying Wu.

Then Ying Wu must have achieved enlightenment, and Chong Xuan Zun and Qin Zhi Zhen, the geniuses of the human race who were hunted down by Zong An earlier, should also have participated in the hunt. Jiang Wang and Ji Zhaonan, the two human Dongzhen who did not appear on the battlefield but were often active in the wild, should also be in the game.

The distance from the place where Huang Yeyu died to the gate tower of the Yuyuan Great Wall was not very close, but at the extreme speed of a strong man, it would not take long.

Although he could search the wilderness with a single thought, thousands of miles away, and search the wilderness in a very short time, Ying Wu was also at the top.

Starting from Hulao Pass, he probably only had one chance to stop the attack. If he misjudged the route of Ying Wu and others, he would have to watch them return to the Great Wall.

He finally adjusted the front line and escaped from Hulao Pass. The long front line in front of the Great Wall was very tight for the Shura tribe at this moment.

In order to achieve the strategic goal of killing Xu Wang, the Shura clan invested too many troops in Yanshan Pass. There were two strong Shura armies and two Shura kings there.

Yes, killing the top is a strategic purpose, not a tactical purpose.

The fall of a supreme figure can be used to describe the success or failure of a war.

It can even be said that in this war that is not over yet, the Shura clan is already the loser. If they cannot kill a top human being and come back, they will face an even greater strategic failure - the Shura army has completely lost the possibility of defeating the Great Wall at this stage, and the Yuyuan Great Wall has been stable and unmovable since then!

It was originally a good situation - the Prince of Qin was so happy that he went deep into the hinterland of Shura and wanted to kill the evil Shura Zongyan, but Zongyan escaped, which caused a series of chain reactions. The Shura tribe decisively attacked and resisted the impulsive Great Wall defenders, and also took the opportunity to surround Zhenhou Xu Wang, who was in chaos. On one side is the head of the top human race general, and on the other side is the head of the Qin prince, just waiting to be chopped off by Shura, who is sharpening his sword.

This is a dream start that I never dreamed of!

But the bait suddenly changed into a fisherman, and Huang Yeyu was hunted instead, and the entire battlefield situation became tense.

Ying Wu failed to kill Zong Yan, which showed that he was still far away from Yan Dao. Of course, it now seems that it was a deliberate inducement. This turned what was supposed to be the most foolproof front into a wound in Shura's hinterland.

The Shura clan must restore all this.

Such a huge investment in front of Yanshan Pass indeed trapped Xu Wan and allowed the Shura clan to see the possibility of killing this famous human general, but it also created huge sunk costs.

The entire front cannot relax even a step.

This time all ten kings came out and surrounded the Great Wall. But after Huang Yeyu's death, other Shura kings were no longer able to turn around and fight back. Only he, Shi Jingxian, could take action, but at the expense of tightening the front line.

If he could successfully intercept and kill these human geniuses represented by Ying Wu, it would be enough to make up for Huang Yeyu's death. It's not a worthwhile adventure.

So the only question now is -

Which route will Ying Wu and the others choose to return?

Shi Jingxian didn't have time to think about it, he had to make a decision the moment he pulled away.

After a thought, his body flashed and he arrived at Wuguan.

Yuyuan Wuguan is the oldest gate city of the human race here. It has been in operation for the longest time, has the strongest defense, and is the safest for the human race. It is also relatively easier to become a return choice.

The human leader of Wuguan is the Great Qin veteran Gan Bubing.

In the past years, Shi Jingxian had played against him and was deeply impressed.

The Shura king who led his army to block Wuguan was the famous Shura general Yi Jiao. His strategic goal was to prevent the Qin army from advancing westward and not allow the human race to join the Qin crown prince, but he did not have any thoughts about Gan Bubing. The two sides are equally matched, and the battle is very close.

As soon as Shi Jingxian arrived at Wuguan, he knew that he had made the wrong choice. There was no one here, and he failed to accurately intercept Ying Wu's return journey.

Of course, the second choice is not a possible second route for Ying Wu and his party. It is too late!

Shi Jingxian opened his backhand and held a large bow named "Flower Pot" carved with an ancient evil beast. In the gathering wind and clouds, he pulled out the bowstring——


This was a startling sound that shook the Xinye Continent, and three feather arrows appeared on the distant battlefield beyond the field of vision. They are outside Hulao Pass, outside Jiayuguan Pass and outside Yanshan Pass.

"Stories of Strange Beasts" says: The evil beast in ancient times is called "Hua Ke", which is a beast that eats stars and is born by drinking the moon. Use all kinds of things as fertilizer to nourish the flowers of death. It has no fixed shape, but is solid and pot-shaped. It often says - "Those who are alive, throw them into my pot."

The flower pot is a bow, and the arrow that destroys life falls.

These three places are the battlefields where Ying Wu and others are most likely to appear. When they capture the energy of Ying Wu and others, they will attack directly.

As the Shura Lord, Shi Jingxian must keep the overall situation in mind when acting. He cannot be moved by temporary whims and can only make the most beneficial choice for the Shura clan.

So after he fired the arrow, he immediately pulled it out, swung his body, held the expanding flower pot bow in his palm, used the string as the front, and slashed at the human army commanded by Gan Buying!

The ancient mother deep in Yuyuan seems to have issued an order, but it has calmed down. But he couldn't control it.

After arriving at Wuguan, he tried to defeat Wuguan.

This bowstring is like the sharp edge of a huge Guandao. When it cuts down, it divides the world.

It was also at this moment that the majestic Wuguan City suddenly burst into glory. The formation of the Yuyuan Great Wall has been activated!

The high wall that almost touches the sky seems to be a huge mirror, reflecting endless light. The light seemed to have become a substantial existence, flowing like a sea, making the area in front of the city tower a vast expanse.

Gan Bubing is indeed a well-known military master who has been famous for a long time. He commands thousands of armies, leads the troops and launches formations in one go. Unexpectedly, he united the army together in an instant, cut through the entanglement of the Shura army, and merged into the sea of ​​light.

Shura King Yijiao stabilized the formation of his army in the sea of ​​​​light and was about to lead his army to attack.

But Shi Jingxian's bow and sword fell, the sea of ​​​​light dispersed, and the sky and the earth became clear for an instant. The city gates were closed tightly, and the army retreated back into the city. Gan Buying stood at the head of the city wearing armor.

Outside Guancheng, there were only less than 10,000 people left - they were the battle line that the Shura army clung to, and they were also the entanglement of Ling Yijiao's miscalculation in the war.

Gan Bubing decisively sacrificed ten thousand people to preserve the army. He had already made his choice the moment Shi Jingxian arrived.

"Are so many people just giving up?" Yi Jiao was silent for a while, then raised his head and asked.

Gan Buying stood on the high tower and ignored King Shura's questions or provocations. He only said to the human warriors outside the Great Wall: "Gan Buying is incompetent and cannot fight against the two Great Shura Lords alone. He can only give up your position and save his life." Wuguan. If you are young, I will take care of them. If you are resentful, I will take care of them. I have no other words to say. Go and die!"

Standing at such a high place and looking down at the city, the densely packed human warriors looked like a row of ants.

They are not a strong army to suppress the enemy, but they are also elite men of the Qin Dynasty. They are specific lives. At least at this moment, they are not cold numbers on the battle report.

There was no commotion in this row of ants, just like a fine tide, silently rushing towards the Shura army.

The tide rose and fell over the battlefield.

This is the process of nearly 10,000 soldiers turning from life into numbers.

Gan Buying, who was on the city tower, only ordered: "Light the wolf smoke. Since Shi Jingxian has moved to invade, let the Shura army in front of Hulao Pass bury our soldiers with him!"

A book news: The first three volumes of "Surveying the Sky with a True Heart" are available in a gift box on Douyin's self-operated [Huawen Tianxia Book Flagship Store].

Because the previous autographed books are no longer available, but readers have been asking for autographs, so this time I made a lot of autographed postcards.

I signed them all for working overtime at night.

Please note that this is a collection of volumes (1~3) that have been released so far. If you have already purchased the first three volumes, please do not purchase them again.

The fourth volume has not been started yet, so stay tuned.

Thank you to book friend "Min Xing Lao Zhang" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 726th alliance for the "True Heart Patrol"!

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