Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2213 Zhu Kong Miao’s Karmic Immortal Formation

In front of Yanshan Pass, the setting sun is like blood.

As the main spearhead for the human race to break out of the border to attack Shura's defense line and connect with Prince Qin, Xu Huan has been surrounded here for a long time.

In the process of sprinting towards the Yanshan battlefield, Jiang Wang saw another use of knowledge.

The Crown Prince of Qin was very domineering in his control over what he saw and heard. He used his hegemony to force the world's voices to be heard by him, and the world's sight to be seen by him, and he made the power of Heaven invisible to all.

A group of seven people crossed the battlefield and rubbed shoulders with the Shura army. It was like walking in a wilderness, but they saw that Shura was like withered grass, trying in vain to thank the winter wind.

Not only were the sentries and cavalry all over the sky useless, but the Eye of the Abyss hanging high in the sky was also completely unnoticed during the whole process.

Judging from his control over what he saw, Jiang Wang could try to avoid this terrifying eye, but it would be impossible to cover so many people and avoid detection at the same time.

"My eyes are filled with human figures." Gan Changan suddenly sighed with emotion as he was flying rapidly.

No one else spoke.

In ancient times, the demon tribe ruled the heavens and all realms. Its territory was immeasurable, and the races it ruled were also immeasurable.

It is precisely because ruling has become a very difficult thing, the truly strong men of the demon clan have already had everything, they have no desires and no demands, they just need time and energy to practice and explore the eternity above the pinnacle. That’s why the demon clan’s Taoist body was used as a mold to create the “human race” that helped Heaven rule the world.

The so-called "ancient hundred races" that appear in history books today actually refer to the best of the many races ruled by the demon clan - especially those who stood up to resist the demon clan.

Most of them are natural races, some are created by different causes, and some races are born by chance due to acquired cause and effect.

Their racial talents are generally not very strong, far from being compared with the demon race, and they are regarded as "low-ranking race". Many of them are inherently weaker than the human race. It is also through difficult practice that one gains powerful strength step by step.

The Demon Clan Heavenly Court has ruled for too long, and the memory of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court ruling over all the heavens and worlds is almost equivalent to the memories of many ethnic groups of this world.

This kind of rule seems to be a matter of course and is part of the fundamental rules of the world. The authority of the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court seems to be innate, it is destiny, and it is sacred and inviolable.

When the human race raised the flag of resistance to the Demon Clan Heavenly Court high and it was not broken for a long time, many beings realized for the first time that it turned out that the rule of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court could be resisted.

Countless ethnic groups saw hope in the confrontation between the human race and the demon race, and pursued the banner of resistance to the demon race in heaven, hoping to win the freedom of all heavens and worlds and become the protagonists of the era.

Then there was a beacon fire in all realms, and the heaven was shaken.

The "Ancient Hundred Tribes" are of course more than just a hundred tribes, but now let alone ethnic groups, even the names of ethnic groups may not be left with a hundred.

That is, the more powerful ethnic groups such as the Water Tribe (the real Water Tribe, different from the Water Tribe in later generations), the Fire Tribe, the Stone Tribe, and the Wind Tribe, still have some traces of history.

All the rest was erased.

Hundreds of races in ancient times had different shapes and appearances, and were absolutely unrelated to the human race.

But the remnants of hundreds of tribes survived thousands of tribulations, and finally manifested as Shura, climbed out from the "place of no return", and became half-human... It can be seen that they have deep resentment and are entangled with the human race in life and death.

This is what Gan Chang'an meant when he lamented "all human forms".

But people today have nothing to say about ancient stories.

Many times there is no right or wrong, only positions.

Being born as a human being and carrying a sword on the racial battlefield is the greatest truth.

If you take a step back on the battlefield, you will give up on thousands of ordinary people in the rear who are unable to resist.

Except for the human race itself, no other race needs to care about the survival of the human race. Except for humans, no existence has any responsibility to the human race.

Therefore, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. And extraordinary power must be matched with extraordinary responsibility——

At least now, this is the moral order of the human race.

What hit my ears before the sound of fighting was the biting wind. What was seen before the flag was the rusty cloud.

The murderous intention that was disturbed for no reason, the vigilance that penetrated the truth of the world, all reminded one thing -

The battlefield is near.

It is an extremely cruel and dangerous high-intensity battlefield.

There are dangers of life and death among them.

Entering this battlefield, your life is on the line.

Everyone was silent and silently prepared for battle. At the front of the team, Ying Wu suddenly raised his head and smiled: "A gift has arrived!"

But higher up in the evil cloud, above the sky, there was a dazzling beam of light that suddenly appeared, and then broke through the wind. The space seems like layers of glass boxes, penetrated layer by layer. And the cracks on the glass sandwich are attached to the beam one after another.

The fissure stretches for thousands of miles, like the tail feathers of a phoenix bird.

That beam of light really produced brilliance in the light, and the ultimate brilliance was followed by dimness. It turned into a black spot that swallowed up all the light, continued to gather and expand, and finally highlighted the image of a ferocious ghost phoenix.

The ghost phoenix covered with thousands of feathers fell into the sky.

The power that annihilated all directions almost fell together with Ying Wu's words, crushing all tangible and intangible captures.

This is the ultimate archery!

"It seems that Shi Jingxian went astray..." Ying Wu said with a smile: "You all go to the battlefield, I will accept this gift!"

The formation suddenly spread out, and the group of seven people dispersed. The six people took their positions and continued to fly forward, heading straight towards the battlefield.

Ying Wu then rose up from the sky, wielding one arm and blasting out supreme hegemony.

His simple fist represents the ultimate hegemony. If power is not allowed, it will inevitably cease to exist; if power is not allowed to exist, it will inevitably be born. The will of the Overlord is superior to everything in the world, and everything in the sky and on the earth can follow it.

When this fist strikes out, everything in front of the fist, including Yuan Power, space, and time, surges into a tide and rolls back in force, reaching the sky in an instant. Only the ghost phoenix, which represented the life-destroying arrow, still fell and refused to look back, and then its head was shattered by a punch!

After all, it was just a three-way arrow shot by Shi Jingxian. Its purpose was not to kill another Juepin, but to wake up the Shura army on the battlefield. Inform the Shura King present that Ying Wu and others have not been intercepted and are heading to the battlefield!

While Ying Wu was flying out of the air, Jiang Wang consciously flew to the front of the team. As a real person in the best condition, it is natural that he should be the forward and take the position to "attack the door". As a former military lord who was honored with military honors, it was very reasonable for him to take over the formation.

But...the Liuhe formation that Ying Wu deployed looks quite simple, but simplicity is only relative to those who enter the formation. In fact, it is all-encompassing, unpredictable, and has no laws of heaven and earth. All kinds of complex changes are under the control of the main formation.

Its full name is "Qianyuan Liuhe Flying Wing Formation", which is an ultra-high-end evolution based on the Liuhe Formation.

In short, it's a bit too complicated.

Not conducive to small-scale combat.

"Construct the front arrow formation!" Jiang Zhenren made a prompt decision and changed the formation, charging forward with a front arrow formation that was more suitable for the situation at the moment.

As one of several indispensable formations in "Fundamentals of Military Strategy", the forward formation is simple, convenient, and classic. It is not picky about the situation but is very sharp. It can be said that it is ingenious but not workmanlike.

Others can't even keep up with the front arrow array.

Immediately, Qin Zhizhen and Ji Zhaonan were used as the side feathers, Gan Changan and Wang Yiwu were used as the arrow body, Chongxuan Zun was used as the tail wing, and Jiang Wang himself was used as the front wing, which was used as a flying arrow.

It was also like the life-destroying arrow of Shura King Shi Jingxian, which penetrated straight into the battlefield!

The battle at Yanshan battlefield is in full swing.

Xu Wang wrote his legend here - one army against two armies, fighting alone on two extreme peaks, even though he was besieged, he was not panicked, and the regiment defended itself as tightly as an iron barrel.

The vast number of soldiers and demons are mixed together in the high sky, and it is difficult to distinguish between human race and Shura.

But on the huge battlefield, the two tribes had a total of hundreds of thousands of troops, but they were clearly distinct.

The Shura army blocked the human race's way back to the city and cut off the city gates. While besieging this powerful army named [Cutting Deer], they were like a giant python wrapped around a tree, slowly strangling them.

This war process is like peeling off the scales of the human army, layer by layer, until finally, the vital points of the chest and abdomen are exposed, and a fatal blow is achieved.

At this point in the evolution of the war, there are not many tricks left to speak of. Relying on the ultimate control of the armies by the coaches of both sides, in every detail of the staggered fight, how to win more and lose less.

Of course Xu Wan would not lose in military capability, but the Shura clan's nearly two-to-one advantage in military strength meant that the Shura commander had a very high margin for error. Even Dui Zi can defeat the human army - in fact, under Xu Wang's excellent command, the Shura army can only use Dui Zi to advance the battle.

But the outcome is already very clear. Even if you don't make a single mistake, this army will be devoured as time goes by. This is why the Shura army sticks to the front line and refuses to relax. . Xu Wang’s head is so tempting!

The geniuses of the human race who had returned from besieging Huang Yeyu came to the battlefield under such circumstances.

Xu Wang, who had been commanding calmly on the battlefield, suddenly raised his head.

He had a tacit understanding with Ying Wu for a long time. He simply wanted to attract as much Shura clan fighting power as possible and tighten the Shura clan's war strings before he exposed his flaw and "accidentally" fell into a tight siege.

The greater the pressure he endures, the wider the space on Ying Wu's side becomes. Two powerful Shura armies and two Shura kings were locked outside Yanshan Pass. He had reached the limit under the current situation. Every time the Shura army strangled, a group of deer-cutting warriors fell down. Where are the scales peeled off? He is a brave man who goes round and round to die.

Now that the genius of the human race has returned from hunting Emperor Ye Yu, it is the reward for the army to stick to this!

"Huo Huo, Que Ye Ming!" Xu Wang was wearing armor, and even his facial features were covered by the mask, but his outstanding temperament could not be concealed by the armor, nor could it be covered by the battlefield environment.

He shouted the names of the two Shura kings to attract their attention, and suddenly raised his head to the sky——

A fantastic and magnificent fairy palace, as if falling from the sky.

It is the abode of gods in mythology, and it suddenly came to the world.

Karma Immortal Palace!

In this day and age, it is the only fairy palace that is truly in perfect condition!

"The fighting has ended, it's time to put an end to this karma!"

The huge Yanshanguan battlefield was covered by hazy light and shadow at this moment, and itself became a part of the hazy light and shadow.

The place of chilling became strange and bizarre.

The sharp arrow array led by Jiang Wang crossed thousands of miles in an instant and penetrated here. Before it could show its power, it was enveloped by this hazy light and shadow. Like an arrow shot into the lake, the sharp energy that penetrated everything quietly dispersed.

The Shura King is called Huozhe. He is an extremely powerful man with flaming hair like a snake. He is also relatively knowledgeable in military strategy. He is responsible for commanding two Shura legions to besiege the Kaolu Army.

At this moment, I have hundreds of millions of thoughts, firmly controlling the military situation, sealing off time and space——

Unfortunately, what is fluctuating is karma.

Due to the combination of causes and conditions, Xu Wang is the number one living being, the one who has touched the limits of this world.

He activated the Karma Immortal Palace to cover the entire Yanshan battlefield, and activated the "Zhukong Miao Karma Immortal Formation" that had been deployed within the Great Wall.

Everything on the Yanshan battlefield became blurry.

Cause and effect are like water, making waves from flat ground!

Great Qin Zhenhou wants to move this current battlefield directly through the Immortal Formation of Karma and move it back to the inner perimeter of the Great Wall!

Shura King Que Yeming, who was much taller than ordinary Shura and was two feet tall, flew into the air for a moment, turned his palms and pressed out a terrifying seal that took on the form of an evil beast and was still struggling in his palms, and struck it down fiercely. Battlefield: "Heaven's evil is disrespectful, and the divine prison will be forever suppressed - seal it!"

It was also at this moment that Ying Wu, who had shattered the life-destroying arrow, fell from the sky. His majestic Taoist body showed off his unparalleled courage at this moment, and punched the beast mark: "If you are not allowed to die, what else can you ask for!"

At the moment of contact, Ying Wu's one arm made a clear bone cracking sound, and his eyes and nose also overflowed with blood. He couldn't stop Que Yeming at all!

But the entire battlefield fell into a complete trance.

The power of karma has roared into a furious tide and cannot be stopped at all.

Huo Tong suddenly took a step back, held down his troops, allowed the flames to dance, and allowed the humans to leave - the entire Yanshan battlefield just disappeared due to fate, and appeared within the Great Wall.

But the Shura army was left behind by Huo Chu.

At this moment, the two Shura kings and the two powerful Shura armies were facing nothing. There were only the corpses of the warriors left behind, the locked city gate of Yanshan Pass, the insurmountable high wall, and the cold eyes cast down from the city tower. .

This is the common choice of the two Shura kings, regardless of whether this choice is right or wrong.

Que Yeming glanced at Huo Tong, said nothing, and took a step forward to Hulao Pass.

This war has failed. It was a failure in all aspects from the strategic level to the tactical level. Huang Yeyu was hunted, but Xu Wang managed to escape. The only thing Shura gained in the Yanshan battlefield was the more than 20,000 deer-cutting soldiers who had been conferred the heads before. However, the Shura clan also paid huge sacrifices for this, and the bones of the soldiers were buried here.

It is no longer possible to defeat the Yuyuan Great Wall. The only thing that can be done now is to minimize the losses and prevent the human race from expanding their victory again.

Inside the Great Wall, large armies arrived due to fate.

Jiang Wang also experienced the feeling of having someone pick him up and sit back home - when had he not struggled through life and death several times in the past?

Although this time is also very dangerous, the harm will ultimately fall on others.

They originally wanted to help Xu Wang and take one last risk on the Yanshan battlefield, but Xu Wang firmly controlled the situation, seized the opportunity to retreat in one fell swoop, and even took them along with him.

The real general!

With such admiration in his heart, Jiang Wang couldn't help but say: "Zhenhou set up this great formation and directly moved the battlefield. It is really a heavenly handwriting and the grace of a famous general! I wonder what pockets are pierced here? I can't tell."

"The main force has all left the border. There are no pockets here." Xu Wan glanced at him: "But even if you think so, Huo Chu and Que Yeming certainly don't dare not think so."

The genius of the human race surrounded and killed Shura King Huang Yeyu in the wilderness. It turned out that it was a premeditated counter-hunting operation. Now Xu Wang jumped out of the siege again and directly moved the battlefield with the immortal formation he had prepared long ago, making it clear that there was still a conspiracy waiting.

The killing power unleashed by the "Zhu Kong Miao Karma Mixed Immortal Formation" on the Yanshan battlefield was not dangerous. Under the pressure of the two Shura kings, the Karma it caused at a huge cost was only to move the battlefield.

But how dare Huo Zhu and Que Yeming gamble with two strong Shura armies and follow the human army to move to the Great Wall?

Once they are all trapped within the Great Wall and the general is defeated, it is possible for the human race to directly invade the Shura Kingdom this time.

However, Xu Wang now said... There are no ambushes or pockets inside the Great Wall.

This side of the Great Wall is empty!

If Huo Huo had not chosen to stop the army just now, but instead took advantage of the situation and led the army with Que Yeming to enter the inner siege of the Great Wall with the "Zhu Kong Miao Destined Mixed Immortal Formation", wouldn't it be like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep?

Ying Wu was seriously injured, and there was no strong army here. Two Shura kings and two powerful Shura armies are almost unstoppable and have every chance of breaking through the Great Wall from the inside!

Gan Changan was a little scared. Like Jiang Wang, he thought there was an ambush inside the Great Wall. At this moment, he was sweating on his forehead: "Did Marquis Zhen actually make such a big gamble? What if they follow?"

"Then it's time for my country to fill its borders." Xu Wangji said calmly: "I can't lead wolves into my house and just sit back and watch the wolves eat my wife and children, right? Then I won't be a beast?"

Thanks to book friend "Du Fu Laoyue" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 727th alliance for the "Crimson Heart Patrol"!

Recommend a new book by an old writer from outside the station, "I Practice the Hundred Ways of Learning".

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