Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2214 Mountains and rivers hang upside down

Gan Chang'an learned swordsmanship from Xu Wang, and they were both masters and disciples. Their relationship was closer than others.

So he dared to ask such a question, and Xu Wan was willing to answer him.

"Dead country filling frontiers" is by no means a simple four-word phrase.

Such a delusional person would not joke about it in the military.

When he had no choice but to do so, he was sure to exchange his life for Huo Chu and Que Yeming.

So today he had indeed planned an empty city plan, but the bet was not on the survival of the Great Wall, but on his own life and death.

"Thank you for your hard work, Marquis Zhen." Ying Wu had broken his arm earlier, and the remaining arm was also destroyed in the previous confrontation, but his expression was very relaxed.

Planning depends on heaven, and achieving success depends on people. If you want to achieve great things, you must choose the right people. In fact, both Jiang Wang, Chong Xuanzun and the others, as well as Xu Wang from outside Yanshan Pass, all contributed key forces in this adventure.

If this trip was not for Xu Wang to conquer the Great Wall, whether he would dare to take such a risk may still be a matter of consideration.

"It's not as hard as His Highness's risk." Xu Wang took off his helmet and looked at the Qin Prince, who was extremely skilled in martial arts, with a playful expression: "When I heard the news about Li Yi Zhengdao, I knew that His Highness couldn't help it. From Dong Zhen This step that must be taken to reach Yandao is indeed of greatest value by His Highness, and it is even more valuable than the battle of Choulongdu. It is a pity that you have no progress in this position and can no longer reward you. Xu sighs for you. .”

"Look at what you said!" Ying Wu laughed boldly: "I am the great general in front of the emperor. This time I also inherited the emperor's holy will and followed the steps to fight for the human race. Why do I need a national reward? As a father, I reward my son with a few pairs of white walls. , a couple of beauties, but it makes sense!”

Xu Wang shook his head and sighed: "It is said that the position of the Prince of the Qin Dynasty in the East Palace is as stable as Mount Lu. I don't think so. Although Mount Laoshan is solid, how can your Highness be as stable as he is!"

Regardless of the relationship between Xu Wang and Ying Wu, the fact that Da Qin Zhenhou could discuss such a dangerous topic with the Da Qin Crown Prince to such an extent shows that the position of Prince Ying Wu is indeed unshakable.

Mount Wei is a famous mountain in the territory of Qin State. It was very famous in the medieval times. It is tall, majestic and indestructible.

In the past, the Seven Treasures of Mount Wei were all treasures that were called "Supreme" before the art of cultivating weapons was completely destroyed. It was glorious in the Middle Ages, but it was a pity that it was destroyed in the battle between man and dragon.

But even though the Seven Treasures of Mount Kooshan were shattered and destroyed, Mount Kooshan still stands firm in the world.

From the Middle Ages to the present, many years and vicissitudes of life have not changed its majesty.

By the way, Weishan is the fiefdom of Ying Wu.

People often use the noble title of "Prince of Weishan" to express Yingwu's status, to show that the Eastern Palace of the Qin Dynasty is the stronghold of Weishan.

Of course, no matter how stable he is, Ying Wu still has to be the "general in front of the emperor" and give the credit to his father. But he dare not say publicly that he still needs to be rewarded a little or two to make some progress.

Xu Wang said this, but Ying Wu couldn't answer it anymore, so he just smiled and turned around to see that Jiang Wang had left at some point.

Although we have been together once and fought side by side, we are not on the same road.

He didn't have any feelings, and he didn't regret it after saying it. Things are always like this in the world, everyone has his own way to go. When the road under your feet forks, no matter how much you appreciate or admire it, you can only look to the other side and cannot walk along the road.

Zuo Guanglie, who amazes the world on the river viewing platform, isn’t it worth admiring?

He also personally ordered to drive them out.

On the other hand, if Zuo Guanglie had the chance to kill him, Ying Wu, how could he hold back? Hangu Pass, which was penetrated by Zuo Guanglie, was not far from Xiaoshan Mountain.

Doesn't he appreciate Li Yi? But as the prince of the Qin Dynasty, he and Master Taiyu of Daluo Mountain were destined to be on different paths.

Although he did not agree with Emperor Xia Xiang's statement that "walking alone on the great road is the reason for cutting off those who travel with you", he also understood what it meant to be "alone on the road and few in number".

The sky is high and people are everywhere. Chongxuanzun, Ji Zhaonan, and Wang Yiwu were also about to leave.

Ying Wu smiled and said: "Okay, Jiang Wang is not here, now you can say this - everyone go and recover from your injuries!"

Ji Zhaonan kept walking while Wang Yiwu said nothing.

Chong Xuanzun twitched his lips: "The Prince of Qin is quite interesting."

Ying Wu laughed loudly: "If you need some healing medicine, just report it directly to the quartermaster. For injuries that cannot be treated here, if you are not in a hurry, please ask the Great Medical Sect to come over and deal with it within three days. In short The Qin Dynasty has the responsibility to protect the territory, so as not to cause everyone to bleed and sacrifice their wealth, which will hurt the root cause."

Chong Xuanzun didn't comment, lifted up his white clothes, and walked away coolly.

Ji Zhaonan, who was walking in front, replied from a distance: "Prince Qin, there is no need to say 'blame'. The blame of this world is not for you, Qin."

These words are really cold and have the style of a gun that never comes back. Ying Wu said "Oh", thought for a while and then asked: "Does the Great Medical Sect still need to invite me?"

Ji Zhaonan seemed not to hear and left.

Wang Yiwu was walking behind, stopped, turned around and said seriously: "Please, please, I'm seriously injured."

Then dispersed.

The spring of the year 3928 was actually colder than usual.

The warm wind has not yet arrived, and the spring flowers will bloom early.

Zhongshan Kingdom has a very typical climate in the middle region. With the spring tide of the Yangtze River, the humidity is a bit more.

In this small country, Huaicheng is one of the three most prosperous cities.

Although the Zhongshan Kingdom is not strong, it is a country belonging to the Dao Lineage after all, and its citizens can be considered as common people in the Central Region, and they still live relatively prosperously.

To put it simply - people generally have free time, love to hang out, and love to chat.

The Xuanwu Tower that was destroyed and rebuilt was still called the Xuanwu Tower.

Someone once asked whether this name commemorates the earlier battle of Zhao Xuanyang and Jiang Wu'an, or the later battle of Zhongxuan and Jiang Wu'an. The restaurant owner responded - Why not commemorate them all?

The Zhongshan Kingdom went back three thousand years and three thousand years back, but there were no impressive celebrities. Anyone who wants to go to the Zhongshan clan of Jing Kingdom will pay no attention to him at all. Even those militants in Jing Kingdom may come over with swords at any time if their thoughts are not going their way.

After finally getting along with a few famous people in the world, Xuanwu Tower must hug them tightly and never let go.

The effect is also very significant, and the business of Xuanwu Building is extremely booming.

After Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun both became respected "Pavilion Elders" in the world, people often traveled thousands of miles to come here to pay homage to the old ruins and imagine the heroic appearance of the two Pavilion Elders when they were young and vigorous.

In the Xuanwu Building, there is also a fenced-in "Taoist dispute scene" called the "Pavilion Old Suite". The room fee is extremely high, and you can't ask for more than ten thousand yuan. It is said that the Tao Yun of the battle between two peerless geniuses is in it. Those who are not born with wisdom cannot obtain it.

It is said that several young heroes have discovered unique killing techniques.

Lin Guangming, who is upright, naturally sneered at this - he didn't spend any money a few nights ago, so he sneaked in and watched it. It was basically a so-called scene created by the people in the restaurant, and there was no trace of it at all.

The building was as lively as ever, and the drinkers were excitedly discussing the general trend of the world, talking about the past and present, looking at the world, as if the current situation was in their palms.

Lin Guangming, who was sitting and drinking alone, smiled and nodded from time to time. He seems to love this world very much and also agrees with the discussions of surrounding drinkers.

From time to time, drunkards who got excited about talking would raise their glasses to him! His face is so righteous and trustworthy.

I have been to Xuanwu Tower a few times and have made many friends. He is much more popular than his adoptive brother who has a stiff expression and dull speech.

When he heard that Mr. Jiang Ge had participated in the battle to hunt Juedian in Yuyuan and successfully beheaded Shura King Huang Yeyu, his smile became even brighter and more familiar.

so good.

After all these years, he was relieved to hear that Senior Brother Jiang was still so majestic.

Nowadays, the mountains and rivers are hanging upside down, and there aren’t many old memories at all!

Today, his sworn brother Wang Guan was not in the mood to drink and did not come with him. He himself didn't want to sit for a long time, so he got up from the table and paid for the drink. In the drunken afternoon, I left the restaurant.

During this time, he and his adopted brother lived in his adopted brother's home and enjoyed family happiness. It’s my adopted brother’s real home—it turns out that my adopted brother’s real name is Cui Di!

A true and sincere person.

Lin Guangming will never betray this trust.

Cui Di, the sworn brother, is the son of Cui Juqian, the captain of Huaicheng County, Zhongshan State.

Cui Juqian and his wife are loving and harmonious, and they have three sons and one daughter. The eldest son is kind, the third son is filial, and the youngest daughter is well-behaved. Cui Di Xinger, who had also learned about books and rituals since he was a child, had a wild temperament and liked to wander around. When he was twelve years old, he went on a far journey and never returned. Now that I'm back, I don't look like the old days anymore, but I still remember every bit of my family, which matches the memories of young Cui Di.

Cui Juqian recognized that this was his son, and liked the good-character friend his son brought back very much, so he intended to marry him as his youngest daughter.

And Lin Guangming... also approved of this marriage.

The son-in-law of the Huaicheng County Lieutenant of Zhongshan State is a very good starting point. Not so eye-catching, located in the middle region, belonging to the Dao Kingdom, and has good room for promotion.

The ghost cultivator will not be discriminated against in Taoism, he just needs a seamless life experience - for this, he has already forged his miserable life, including how he sacrificed his life for righteousness, how he was forced to become a ghost cultivator, and how he continued to strive for self-improvement. .

This is absolutely true!

Who can say that in the battle with Zhuang Kingdom, Lin Guangming didn't sacrifice his life for righteousness and strive for self-improvement? It's just that now the story location has been changed from Zhuang State to Ji State, and a few details have been adjusted, it can still reflect the true feelings.

I went to the cemetery that night just to make up for the last bit of my life experience, not to swallow ghost energy.

He is very willing to stay in the Cui family, first lay down the foundation and build up his popularity. First the Zhongshan Kingdom, then the Jing Kingdom, moving forward step by step, with the roots upright and the sprouts red, it can still be regarded as the orthodoxy of the Taoist sect. And the review process is much looser than joining Jingguo directly.

To build a golden body and spread justice to the world, of course one must mingle with the most powerful force.

When leaving Xuanwu Building, Lin Guangming specially packed two roast ducks and ordered a pot of wine, which was Uncle Cui's favorite drink of Zhuyeqing. Then he walked briskly to the West Market, bought a fox fur coat for his aunt, and picked out a pair of earrings for his good sister who was new to the world.

Life is so beautiful.

Lin Guangming smiled and greeted everyone who passed by. He knew the neighbors very well and everyone liked him. Just walking on the road like this, I even hummed a little tune.

He has a very clear vision for the future. He will be a good son-in-law and a good husband. Of course, one day in the future, he will definitely kill his relatives and use the head of his virtuous brother Cui Di as a certificate of surrender in the Central Prison.

There is no way, Yama, who has no gate to hell, is too bad. Lin Guangming cannot live with him without conscience for a long time. No matter how deep the feelings are, they cannot shake justice - provided that he has full confidence in killing Brother Xian. Otherwise, he had witnessed the weirdness of the Riguan King with his own eyes.

This brilliant prospect came to an abrupt end when several arrangements in his bedroom were touched one after another.

Lin Guangming didn't stop, but with a slight sniff, he caught the thin smell of blood, vaguely lingering in his nose.

Squeak~ Yeah.

Lin Guangming raised his hand and pushed open the ajar door, and saw eight corpses lying in the courtyard.

Including Huaicheng County Lieutenant Cui Juqian, Cui Juqian’s wife, Cui Juqian’s eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, Cui Juqian’s third son, youngest daughter, and even Cui Juqian’s two grandsons! One is three years old and the other is just one month old.

Their death conditions were not miserable, and their bodies were found lying in the courtyard very peacefully.

But everyone in the family died, and no one, old or young, was spared. How could it be said that it was not miserable!

Cui Di wore a serious county lieutenant's official uniform and sat alone in front of the steps with his head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking. The sound of the door opening did not disturb him.


The gift in Lin Guangming's hand fell to the ground. His expression was distressed and his eyes were in disbelief. He pointed at Cui Di and his voice trembled: "You actually killed your whole family! You can do such a cruel thing—— Are you still a human being?!"

He was really a little angry. He just "confessed" to Cui Juqian last night and used the experiences he had weaved before. Only then was he ready to marry a wife and become an official in Huaicheng and start to move up the ladder. When the Rogue King did this, his plan was completely messed up!

Cui Di raised his head and spoke with difficulty: "Brother——"

"I don't have an unkind, fatherless brother like you!" Lin Guangming weighed the certainty of life and death at this moment, recalled the careful observation during the past period, and drew his sword with righteous indignation: "I will cut off my robe with you today - —”

"I didn't kill them!" Cui Di shouted: "It was Sang Xianshou's order! It was the central jailer who did it!"

He walked up to the old county captain's body, pointed at the old man's neck and said: "Look at the plum blossom soul-chasing nail and the split blood mouth. These are all the methods of the Central Prison. I recognize them clearly and will never do it." Wrong."

Wearing official uniform, the official king raised his hand, smeared his old father's wide eyes, and punched the ground, creating a deep pit that was almost bottomless, showing that he was far more powerful than the previous days. Hate He said in a voice: "Sang Xianshou, the old thief, has brought harm to his family. He is simply inhumane. He and I are sworn in!"

All relatives died today.

After today, he can truly "lose himself to the world" and erase the loopholes he was caught in last time.

When he scolded Sang Xianshou, he became louder.

Looking at the unfathomable deep pit, Lin Guangming's eyelids twitched. His expression was still hurt and angry, but he put away his sword: "Are you really not the one who killed me?"

"I can't lie to anyone, and I can't lie to you with my family!" Cui Di was grief-stricken, with veins popping up on his forehead. He gritted his teeth and said, "Brother-in-law, we must take revenge!"

Lin Guangming respects facts and quickly said: "Brother, your sister and I haven't yet -"

"Although she is dead, her heart has been given to you a long time ago. My father and mother have also regarded you as my son-in-law -" Cui Di suddenly stood up, affecting the gust of wind. His face was already covered with the terrifying mask of the Risen King, and he stared at him faintly: "Brother Xian, don't you want to admit it now?"

"How could I deny it? Her voice and smile are as clear as before my eyes!" Lin Guangming clenched his sword tightly, and he was instantly more excited than the king of warlords: "If I don't avenge this, Lin Guangming will never be a human being!"

"Good brother - come!" The Rogue King held Lin Guangming's hand: "Today I will be the master and marry you and my sister-in-law! From now on, I swear to destroy Sangxian Shou!"

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