Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2215 It’s spring time

"Lao Jiangge has made new achievements! He led Laoge Chongxuan Zun, Qin Zhizhen, Qi General Ji Zhaonan, Qin Crown Prince Ying Wu, etc. to surround and kill Shura King Huang Yeyu in Yuyuan and stabilize the Great Wall defense line!"

In Bai Yujing Restaurant, someone was preaching loudly, overjoyed and proud.

The outstanding achievements created by several young geniuses in Yuyuan have traveled thousands of miles and made their voices heard everywhere during this period.

What a feat!

Of course, in different places, the focus of communication will be slightly different.

For example, the State of Qi highlighted Ji Zhaonan and did not hesitate to write about several Taixu cabinet members. The State of Qin certainly highlighted the crown prince Ying Wu. The other overlords did not go out of their way to publicize it. Jingguo is still talking about Longdu.

If it really wants to spread to Jing, Mu and other places, I will just mention a few words about Mr. Jiang Ge - after all, he is the only one who has no party or faction.

As for Xingyueyuan, naturally only Mr. Jiang Ge is the only main force. The other pavilion elders reluctantly kept up because of their similar identities. In addition, both the general and the prince could only play supporting roles, and the rest could only be seen in the word 'waiting'.

Bai Yujing Restaurant will never expand or establish its influence, but it will inevitably become the symbol of Xingyueyuan in a subtle way.

Zhu Weiwo came back from taking Chu Yao out to practice martial arts, and threw a letter on the counter: "Your letter is from the country of Yue. I just met the messenger, so I collected it for you."

Bai Yuxia looked up from the account book and took the letter inexplicably: "Who sent it?"

He just went back to see his family not long ago.

"I don't know about that. Who dares to open your letter from shopkeeper Bai without permission?" Zhu Weiwo patted Chu Yao and said, "Go up and practice calligraphy."

Chu Yao immediately went upstairs obediently.

Regarding the tasks assigned by his teachers, whether practicing or studying, he always completed them without compromise.

Zhu Wei, I didn’t care about anything else and went to the backyard to chop today’s firewood.

When he reached the woodshed, he suddenly stopped, opened his big hand, and held the pistol——

The firewood door opens automatically when there is no wind.

In the woodshed, there was a man sitting.

He sat upright on the pile of firewood, completely breathless, with a cold feeling as if the firewood had become fine, and he was gathered together harmoniously, as if he were also felled wood. Only then did I open my eyes when I saw Zhu Weiwo.

The Mohist family plays with fate.

"Brother Zhu, it's going to come true soon. I'm so happy and congratulated!" The words of the play were full of joy and accomplishment.

Zhu Weiwo looked at him expressionlessly: "Is something wrong?"

Xi Ming smiled politely and said: "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Xi Ming, a disciple of the Mo family. I once traveled to the floating land world with Mr. Jiang Ge and witnessed the traces of the sages Wu Han Gong. We have a bit of friendship."

Zhu Weiwo said calmly: "What kind of relationship you have has nothing to do with me. Even if we wear a pair of pants, we still have our own lives."

I wanted to take a roundabout way from Jiang Wang, but immediately changed my tone: "It is indeed a matter about Brother Zhu."

"It's urgent," he stressed.

Zhu Weiwo subconsciously took a step forward, and finally shook Gujing Bubo's eyes: "What are you referring to?"

"Don't think too much." Xi Ming quickly explained: "It has nothing to do with Miss Huang. She is living a good life and is very free now. In the name of Jucheng, I guarantee you her safety."

Zhu Weiwo stood still: "Whether she is living well or not depends on her feelings, not yours."

Xi Ming sighed: "That case has been revealed a long time ago. The culprit Zhuang Gaoxian has been dead for a long time. Brother Zhu, it's time to resolve the misunderstanding between us! If the other generation knows about it after his death, we will see that both of us are still involved. The provocation has not been able to close the gap so far, so why not laugh and resurrect?"

Since the so-called 'very urgent' matter has nothing to do with Huang Jinmo, Zhu Weiwo's voice became colder: "I have already said the same thing to Lu Zhenjun. You can't tell me this, misunderstanding or not, Huang Jinmo has her own feelings. If she thinks it's okay, then it's okay with me."

Xi Ming couldn't help but said: "But you can influence her. Maybe you are the only one in the world who can resolve this -"

"If there is nothing else -" Zhu Weiwo interrupted him: "Please!"

Feeling Zhu Weiwo's aura that he could no longer hide it, Xi Ming silently closed his mouth. Jumped off the firewood pile, turned around and left.

But before leaving, he still said: "Although Brother Zhu's attitude is so stubborn, the Mo family still wants to let you know the goodwill. I am here to remind you that Zhuang Country may change. I know that it is Zhu Zhu. There may be some old friends in my brother’s home country, so I came here.”

After saying that, he walked away without even looking at Zhu Weiwo's reaction.

As soon as Lian Yuchan came down from upstairs, he heard Bai Yuxia say: "Please take a look at the restaurant, I'll go out."

"Where are you going to play again?" Before Lian Yuchan could finish her words, she could no longer see anyone when she raised her eyes.

She didn't take it seriously, and sat down in front of the counter to check the account books - but the drawer could not be opened, and it was locked secretly at some point.

Shopkeeper Bai is really cautious.

Just as I was debating whether to pick the lock or the cabinet, I looked up and saw Zhu Weiwo walking past the counter. "I'm going out."

"Oh, okay." Lian Yuchan responded casually, but suddenly felt something was wrong: "Huh?"

Then she remembered that the last time she was killed, everyone in the restaurant had gone, including Rong Guo, the firewood chopper, leaving her alone in the shop. But this time, the boss surrounded and killed a Shura King in Yuyuan...

She quickly picked up her sword and rushed out of the building: "Why are you hiding it from me again!"

But where can I still see people?

These people haven't learned anything else, and each one's movement skills are faster than the last.


A frost-colored cloak passed by.

But Chu Yao heard the sound and jumped down from the building excitedly, making a loud noise. He had a cloak imitating a sword immortal tied behind him, and he was holding a sword in one hand and said excitedly: "What's going on, what's going on, where are we going?"

Lian Yuchan pointed at him: "Jump back."

The smile on Chu Yao's face disappeared instantly, but he really just pulled the onions and jumped back to the study.

It's spring, when everything comes alive.

It was the time when hundreds of flowers were blooming and beautiful in the Xingyue Plain; there was a festive underworld wedding in Zhongshan Kingdom, which was simple and solemn; however, Zhuang Kingdom, thousands of miles away, was a bit solemn.

Once the chill of spring hits, it is more unbearable than the frost of winter.

The lanterns in Xin'an City are hung with morning dew, and thin frost is on the hair of pedestrians.

Li Jianqiu sat quietly on the stone steps in the courtyard, thinking about New Year's Eve in the third year of Qiming. At that time, he told Du Yehu that the efforts of the past few years had only proved one thing, that the problem of the Kaimai Pill could not be solved. Everything was just minutiae, and no matter how much pruning it was, it would not help, and the root would rot and the tree would grow old.

At that time, Du Yehu said, he must try again.

Now I have reached my end.

He spent last year's New Year's Eve among state affairs and couldn't remember what he ate. I only remember that there was a riot in the nest area near the river. In the end, Qingjiang Shuijun gave money to subsidize it to calm the resentment of the people.

In recent years, there have been more and more similar things.

The New Deal, which was perfect in conception, frequently encountered loopholes in its actual implementation. As the impact of Zhuang Gaoxian's execution gradually faded, the problems of the New Deal were magnified exponentially.

No chance to try again...

The opposition to the New Deal between the government and the public became increasingly fierce, and eventually it became a torrent that could no longer be ignored and swept across the country. Today is the day of the coup.

It was a coup that was premeditated and he had anticipated it.

Although the political methods of the Elder Council were sophisticated, in the final analysis, their implementation of the New Deal failed to achieve the expected success. So at this point, there is nothing to complain about.

Between the government and the opposition, the leadership changed overnight, the new party was defeated, and few persisted.

It's not that they don't even have close confidants in their fifth year in power. It was political failure that caused them to give up power directly.

From beginning to end, what they were fighting for was not power itself. But an opportunity to reform this country.

They had the opportunity, but they didn't take it.

The ideal is always like a sky full of stars, but the reality is jagged and fragile.

The cold morning wind rolled up the corners of his clothes, and Taozhijian lay quietly beside him. Li Jianqiu held a piece of paper in his hand - these articles had spread throughout the Zhuang Kingdom.

He held up the piece of paper and read softly: "The territory is divided into different levels, divided into hierarchies based on nests, mean and shameless, dividing people into humans and animals! This is a crime."

It's such a bad reputation.

He was silent for a while and sighed: "The nest areas and non-nest areas do breed differences and divide the classes. The so-called fair zoning fails to grasp fairness. The national policy is that flowing water will not corrupt, but in fact they are separated and difficult to communicate. After five years of governance, It is the fault of the prime minister and the country to have 'chao people'!"

The thing that made him most guilty in the past few years was that after the division of territory, the "chao people" class was born. Those who have had the hardest time in the country stay in the nest area.

According to their original conception, the people in the nest area should be struggling people, people who are eager to make progress and want to seize opportunities. But in the end, the people who stayed in the nest area were the common people who had no choice.

Li Jianqiu read again: "Weak in foreign affairs, we are not powerful in all directions. Being humble and meek, it is a great loss of national dignity! This is the second crime."

Since Zhuang State changed to the Yuan Dynasty "Qiming", it has indeed ushered in a period of peace, with no war in all directions and peace on the borders. But many people feel that when Zhuang Gaoxian was in power in the past, the Zhuang Kingdom swept across all directions and attacked anyone he wanted. Even the Yong Kingdom repeatedly suppressed him, showing his authority and domineering power. The current imperial court is too weak, leaving those who are enterprising without the pride of a great nation.

Li Jianqiu made up his mind, and finally said to himself: "Last year, we had a border quarrel with the Mo country. The general wanted to attack it, so I went to discuss it. Although the war was calmed down, the grievances of the border people were indeed ignored. Say I' It's not an exaggeration to be humble and charming."

He has always been a simple man. There were not many servants in the huge prime minister's house, but now they were all dismissed. The courtyard was empty at the moment, and there was an unspeakable loneliness in this misty morning.

Li Jianqiu's voice continued to read: "In the pursuit of fame, I reduce the production of pulse-opening pills. I cannot serve the country and damage the foundation of the country. This is the third crime!"

There's not much to say about this matter. Reducing animal nests is the fundamental national policy of Qiming's New Deal. Since the New Deal failed, this national policy has naturally become a crime.

His eyes were slightly lowered: "Being mean and shameless, being humble and coquettish, and being greedy for fame and harming the country. It is really unjust to be convicted of these three crimes. He should be cut into pieces..."

The wind blows on the pages of the book, as if in response.

He held the thin piece of paper and continued to read: "The fourth crime -"


The courtyard door opens.

Zhang Ren, the former minister of the National Academy of Sciences and the current president of the Elders Association, appeared outside the courtyard.

He interrupted Li Jianqiu's self-examination, looked at the young prime minister with complex eyes, and sighed: "It's all over, kid."

The best prime minister of Zhuang State is Du Ruhui, and the best successor to Du Ruhui is Dong A, and Li Jianqiu took over Dong A's mantle.

As Zhang Ren, who serves as a wine minister at the National Academy of Sciences, it is difficult not to feel emotional.

But as the president of the Elders Association, Zhang Ren was not allowed to have too many emotions.

The royal family of Zhuang Kingdom has died, and now he only represents Dao Kingdom.

Li Jianqiu put aside the 'guilt' in his hand and looked up at Zhang Ren: "Mr. Zhang, how many feet of thunder will there be?"

Zhang Rendao: "According to the resolution of the Council of Elders - Prime Minister Li Jianqiu resigned, General Du Yehu resigned, Suijun Song Qingyue abdicated, and the New Deal was abolished."

The last bit is expected, the rest is unexpected.

Li Jianqiu raised his eyebrows: "The change of government is a major event. Don't we need a few heads to apologize? How can the world change without blood?"

"No need." Zhang Ren looked at him: "You are free."

The imperial senator added: "This is the freedom that your teacher has never been able to obtain."

"The freedom that he couldn't get, I couldn't get either." Li Jianqiu laughed: "How can it be so free?"

He blew his forehead hair away in the spring breeze, loosened his hand, and let the guilty card fly in the air.

Suddenly he held the peach branch and thrust it across his neck!

Zhang Ren split his hand and separated the sword, preventing him from committing suicide.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Ren asked with a frown.

Li Jianqiu said solemnly: "I am the Prime Minister of Zhuang State, and I am responsible for the administration. My way has been denied, and I should die."

Zhang Ren shook his head: "You can't die."

Li Jianqiu was puzzled: "You know my ambition and you don't care about my life. Why?"

Zhang Ren didn't answer.

After looking at each other like this for a while, Li Jianqiu said: "I know why."

"Now that you know, let's go and stay far away from here." Zhang Ren turned and left.

"Will you do a better job in governing the country next time?" Li Jianqiu shouted behind him.

"What is good and what is bad depends on who it is for." Zhang Ren didn't look back: "I think it would be better. But maybe you don't agree."

"Do the people agree?!" Li Jianqiu asked.

Zhang Ren finally stopped, shook his head, and walked forward: "Do the people agree with you?"

Li Jianqiu opened his mouth, speechless.

Xin'an Prime Minister's Mansion still retains the original intention.

The Qingjiang Water Mansion is no longer as luxurious as it used to be.

It's not that the Qingjiang Shui Tribe is so poor now. After the implementation of the New Deal in the past few years, wars have been stopped and business has been promoted. The people of Zhuang State have more money in their hands, and the Shui Tribe is richer than before.

However, the contemporary Suicune is not enjoying himself and often leaves his money in his nest area, and his palace is not much repaired and maintained. After a long time, it naturally looks not luxurious enough.

At this time, Song Qingyue was standing outside the palace gate, and Song Qingzhi stood gracefully aside.

A little further away from the palace gate, there were two teams of monks from the Criminal Investigation Department, several county officials, and the governor of Qingjiang County, standing further away.

Song Qingyue raised his eyes and said, "Is the governor here to supervise and kill me?"

Qingjiang County Sheriff took a step back and whispered: "I don't dare."

Song Qingyue asked: "Are you here to arrest me?"

Qingjiang County Sheriff said: "You are too noble to be like this."

"To kill or not to kill, to restrain or not to restrain." Song Qingyue asked: "How does the Council of Elders arrange it?"

The Qingjiang County Sheriff said: "The Shuijun brothers and sisters can leave, but the Qingjiang Shui Tribe cannot move. This is the bottom line."

"You want to seize my clan and spare my life at the same time." Song Qingyue grinned and said: "It's so strange! Has there been such a seizure of power since ancient times?"

Qingjiang County Sheriff lowered his voice: "We all see your contribution in the past few years..."

Song Qingyue thought for a while and then asked, "Where is Du Yehu?"

Qingjiang County Sheriff didn't say anything, but the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department next to him said: "General Du can leave, but the soldiers cannot move. This is also the bottom line."

Song Qingyue finally understood and smiled bitterly: "When one person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven."

[Thanks to book friend "20210301105379101420" for becoming the leader of this book, which is the 728th alliance for the Sky Patrol! 】

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