Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2224 Congratulations to the birthday boy and good health to the whole family

No one misses the country of Yang.

This is a fact.

Although for Yan Sheng, it is too cruel.

For thousands of years, too many countries have claimed to be "Gu Yang Zhengshuo", as if they miss that glorious empire so much, but if the real Gu Yang Zhengshuo stood in front of them, they would be hacked to death with random knives and divided into pieces. .

People do not miss the country of Yang, but only seek its wealth and power.

Yan Sheng knew that nothing was possible. After studying in the mountain of books for so many years, he did not think of himself as a fool. A strong man standing at the top of the forest cannot be naive.


It's just that he inevitably fantasizes. If Jiang Wang is really willing to inherit the glory of Ji Yanru in the name of his personal successor, what will happen to this matter?

This is something that can really give birth to hope.

The transcendent collision between mirrors and flowers in the lost world made him shocked to hear Ji Yanru's name, and also allowed this man named Jiang Wang to enter his eyes while he was studying behind closed doors.

He got to know Jiang Wang seriously.

From south to north, from east to west, Jiang Wang has left too many deeds, received too much recognition, and has too many powerful friends, all of whom can be allies. Just talking about Bai Yujing Restaurant, there are so many talents.

More importantly, Jiang Wang's reputation is now at its peak. The name of Mr. Jiang Ge resounds throughout the north and south of the Yangtze River. Jiang Wang has been engraved in history and is a living legend.

If Jiang Wang like this is willing to raise the flag, the world will definitely respond, and he can make the impossible possible.

But Jiang Wang couldn't refuse more firmly.

Hanging up the sword and resigning means the division of life.

In the boundless world, there are trillions of people. In the vast sea of ​​people, Yan Sheng realized that he was the last Yangguo person.

No one walked with him, no one missed him with him.

He sat quietly on the bamboo mat. Suddenly it occurred to me that I had taught this Master Jiang for five days in vain, but had gained nothing from any of his promises. Didn't even hear a nice word.

"How unreasonable..."

He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

But the tears flowed again and again.

The tip of the hair ran across the paper, and the word "正" was written at the end.

Zhong Liyan, who had been in a coma for several days and nights, finally got up. He was writing with a ferocious expression, and his teeth were so misaligned that they creaked. It's not that Jiang Wang's hand was so heavy that he was beaten unconscious for so many days. But the news that he provoked Jiang Wang to be beaten in the street spread home, and Zhongli Zhaojia beat him again.

New hatred and old hatred, this hatred lasts forever!

I can no longer write under the bed.

He anonymously purchased a bookkeeping instrument from Qianji Tower. It was a thin book on the table that looked ordinary. In fact, there were thousands of pages inside, so you could put as many as you wanted. It is divided into categories and the entries are clear.

The one with the largest number of accounts is of course Dou Zhao, and now there are quite a few people named Jiang. Zuo Guangshu went to the theater many times and laughed out loud, which was also recorded.

"When will the general ledger be cleared? None of these bastards can escape!" Zhong Liyan gritted his teeth.


The door was suddenly kicked open, and Zhongli Zhaojia walked in: "Are you fucking qualified? Who are you scolding in the middle of the night?"

"No...ah." Zhong Liyan raised the pen in his hand: "I'm practicing my calligraphy! Didn't you say you want me to meditate and cultivate my character?"

The more he spoke, the more he felt that he was justified, and the more he spoke, the more unconvinced he became: "Is it wrong to practice calligraphy?!!"

Zhongli Zhaojia slapped him in the face: "Who are you fighting against?"

"Stop touching me, don't think you can be so presumptuous because you are my father - I have tolerated you for a long time!" Zhong Liyan picked up his sword and went up to him.

After a while of ping ping pong.

Zhong Liyan lay sprawled on the ground, with new swelling on his face.

Zhongli Zhaojia dusted off his clothes and sat down to drink water gracefully. He looked sideways at his son and said mockingly: "Your martial arts isn't that great either. You're already at the 24th level, but you're still far behind me."

Zhong Liyan lost the fight, but he was not convinced: "You just practiced for a few more years! Give me a few more years to see?"

"Are you talking about age?" Zhongli Zhaojia sneered: "Then Jiang Wang is much younger than you, right?"

Zhong Liyan laughed: "I am at the highest level of martial arts. What level is he at? They are not on the same level, understand?"

Zhongli Zhaojia's face darkened because he was on the same level as Jiang Wang. "I, Zhongli Zhaojia, have been calm and polite all my life. How come I gave birth to a son who is so arrogant and arrogant! Compared with Wang Ao and Wu Xun, you are far behind!"

"Wang Ao is clumsy and brainless, and Wu Xun is distracted from running the army. They are two mediocre people! They have been walking in front for so long, but they have not been able to reach the top and achieve martial arts." Zhong Liyan became more confident: "I was born decades later. Abandoning martial arts and cultivating martial arts, I have caught up with them all. It means that the great responsibility has been entrusted to me, and I am destined to open up a new world!"

He recovered really quickly. He spoke so excitedly that he no longer felt any pain on his body. He rolled up like a carp and sat opposite Zhongli Zhaojia: "Old man, I want to go out."

"Don't even think about it!" Zhongli Zhaojia didn't give any face at all: "You still think that the money I compensated is not enough? I have to spend every penny to earn back, and you lose because of your car's weight! What a prodigal thing!"

"I have something serious to do this time!" Zhong Liyan said hurriedly: "I won't go to the Fallen Immortal Forest, the border wilderness, or any Jedi place. Is that done?"

Zhongli Zhaojia looked distrustful: "Ask yourself if you believe it."

Zhong Liyan immediately pointed his finger to the sky: "I, Zhong Liyan, swear to God! If I tell any lies, I will break my oath and call my whole family——"

Zhongli Zhaojia slapped him back: "Stop swearing!"

After thinking for a while, he added: "In this case, keep your moon-piercing demon horse with me. If it violates your promise, don't take it."

This moon-piercing demon pony was a gift from Emperor Chu of Zhongli, who had opened the twenty-fourth level of the sky, Bijian Dongzhen. It was usually a very precious thing. Zhongli Zhaojia begged for it many times but failed to get it.

Zhong Liyan glanced at his father with hatred, recorded this humiliating moment in his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a deal!"

A man is capable of bending and stretching. When he comes back after accomplishing great feats, there is no telling who the Zhongli family will be named after!

Jiang Wang, the thief, asked Zuo Guangshu to write a letter to Duke Huai, saying "if something happens to Yue"...

Doesn’t this make it clear what’s going on in Vietnam?

With the current situation in Vietnam, what else could happen? The range locks in nicely!

Gao Zheng is dead, isn't he, Uncle Zhongli, wandering across the country?

This time he was going to be the first to get there, use Jiang Wang's intelligence to take away the Zuo family's credit, slap two people in the face, and let out a fierce breath!

If the water is high, there will be flooding; if the energy is high, there will be hatred.

The flood is unstoppable and the hatred cannot be endured. It is the so-called "If you have depression in your heart, you must express it".

Yan Sheng, who had lived in Shushan for many years and had no interest in world affairs, wanted to find Rakshasa Mingyue to vent his anger. Zhong Liyan, who wanted to make trouble out of nothing and couldn't bear the beating, wanted to go to the country of Yue to vent his anger.

Fengdu Yin, who is in charge of the "ghost kingdom on earth", has to vent his anger.

While he was airing his feelings on the ghost streets of Fengdu, he suddenly remembered the little bald man who had been imprisoned before - at that time, he had been ready to take action, but he had to leave temporarily due to something else, so he had to put it on hold.

After finishing those trivial but necessary things, I think about today.

"Go and bring over the bald man from the past few days. The matter involves Jiaowu Mountain, and I want to personally examine it." He ordered.

From the houses on the street, a ghostly voice sounded: "I'm afraid it won't work."

The Chu State has never been afraid of ghosts and gods, and there are countless strong men in the country who are proficient in this way, but they are not like the former pastoral countries who have subjugated the country to the throne of gods.

If Zhuge Yixian represents Chu's highest exploration of Shinto, then "Fengdu" is the forefront of ghost Tao research.

It can even be said that a large part of the power of "Fengdu" comes from the Fallen Fairy Forest. Fengdu's use of ghosts can reflect the results of the Chu State's research on the Fallen Fairy Forest over the years.

Gu Chi may not be the person with the most in-depth research on ghosts, but he, the Yin of Fengdu, definitely has the highest authority regarding the knowledge of ghosts in Chu State.

In fact, the last time something happened unexpectedly, the Duke of Wei, Dou Yunxiao, summoned him urgently and asked him to explain the power of the ghosts in the Fallen Fairy Forest.

Dou Yunxiao is the only real person in the four kilometers of Chu State, and is usually not regarded as a competitor to the other three princes. Compared with Duke Huai, Duke An, and Duke Yu, it is usually Bodhi of the Song Dynasty.

But as the leader of the Divine Sin Army and the contemporary Duke of Wei, Dou Yunxiao is still the most powerful figure in Chu State. He had questions, and Gu Chi had to answer them. He wanted to obtain information about ghosts, and Fengdu had to give it to him.

If there are too many "have to" situations, it will be difficult for Gu Chi to feel better.

He turned his neck sadly: "Why not?"

The faint ghost voice said: "The little bald man was transferred to be a neighbor by the man deep in the ghost prison. The two of them seem to get along very well. And he said that we are not allowed to touch the little bald man."

Gu Chi raised his thin eyebrows: "What does His Highness want?"

"Hehehe..." the ghost voice said, "How about you go and ask yourself?"

Of course, Gu Chi, who is Yin of Fengdu, cannot talk to Xiong Zidu, who is a prisoner in the ghost prison. During the time that Prince Dachu was in prison, he could not give any excuse to anyone. Anyone who dares to turn Xiong Zidu's ten years of raising his hopes into a joke on the world will be Xiong Zidu's life and death enemy and will be torn to pieces.

"Let him go." Gu Chi waved his hand: "With His Highness personally watching, this little bald head can't make any waves."

Let’s just let this matter go.

But at the end of the long street, a voice suddenly sounded - "Fengdu Yin is enjoying his leisure time and is basking in the sun again!"

What appeared with the sound was the starlight falling into the ghost country. The dreamlike starlight flows slowly and condenses into a vague figure.

This is a rickety old man with a smile, holding a stick in his hand with a gourd-shaped head. He had a thick white beard, was wearing festive clothes, and his forehead was bulging high, like a flat peach.

He seemed to be born with the ability to make people feel happy. The moment he came to Fengdu, he dispelled a lot of the gloom and terror here and replaced it with a kind of peace and joy.

There seemed to be noisy human voices in the distance, with light smiles, chuckles, and all kinds of laughter. The human voices overwhelmed the ghostly voices.

Finally, it merged into a high-pitched cry - "Congratulations to the birthday boy and may your family be healthy!"

[The longevity star], the god of the twelve stars of the zodiac, comes to the world of ghosts.

Gu Chi's mood became worse and worse.

It's not that he and the Star Witch have anything against each other, but the scene before him is a glimpse of countless times in the past when power was suppressed.

Fengdu was the shadow department of the Chu State, an organization directly affiliated with the imperial court. He, Gu Chi, was also directly responsible to the emperor. Theoretically, he did not need to care about anyone else's thoughts. But when the Duke of Wei was summoned, he went away, and the Star Witch also summoned gods and ghosts at will... He had no choice but to ignore them.

As a direct subordinate of the emperor, there are too many gods above his head. It’s impossible not to bow, but it’s really hard to straighten up if you keep bowing one by one!

But the political environment of Chu State was like this, with aristocratic families entrenched and mountains lined with trees. The Da Chu royal family itself was just the largest aristocratic family.

This problem did not persist overnight, but was a hidden danger that had been planted since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Xiong Yizhen made a righteous alliance with the world and raised his arms. Many powerful men and women fell in love with him, and many heroes died for him. He became the emperor and established a hegemony, so how could he mistreat his brothers and sisters who risked their lives for him?

In the past, there were many people who founded the country, but later those who enjoyed the country prospered. These were the predecessors of those great Chu families that prospered with the country.

Xiong Yizhen and his sworn brothers and sisters are indeed brave and courageous throughout their lives and live up to each other. But how can Xiong Yizhen’s descendants and the descendants of his brothers and sisters remain unchanged from generation to generation?

Chu State itself did not shy away from this matter.

According to the "Book of Chu" -

Xiong Yizhen once said to his prince, I know that the world is uneasy because of 'disunity'. However, all your brothers and sisters have followed me through life and death, and have helped me climb the dragon through the grass. I would rather hurt my fingers by holding the sword's edge than I could lift the sword against it. From now on, the world belongs to you, and you can do it for yourself.

As we all know, it was Yan Yanqiu, the Taizu of the Yang Kingdom, who repeatedly frustrated the great monarch who was once closest to the emperor of Liuhe. Since then, Ying Yunian, Helian Qingtong, Hong Junyan, and Tang Yu have emerged one after another, all of them have dominated one side and seized the key points, completely shattering Jingguo's dream of unification.

Even if the Taoist sect resolutely turned around later and even did the work of Tong Zong Dezhen, asking the hero to abdicate and go to Yujing Mountain, and bring the once dominant Sui State into Jing State, which greatly strengthened the power of Jing State, it would no longer be able to suppress the world. The smoke rises.

All the heroes are fighting together, and to this day, there is no "one".

If Ji Yanqiu was the biggest obstacle to Jing Taizu Ji Yusu, then Xiong Yizhen was the tormentor of Jing Wen Emperor Ji Furen.

Ji Furen inherited his father's legacy, centralized power in the central government, allied with the princes, and dominated the world. Jingguo almost saw the hope of unifying the world again, but he gave birth to the Chu emperor who "only wanted to go to the south and not submit to his subjects."

"Jingshu" records: In that year, the central emperor moved to the Yellow River and called the world to make an appointment. All the princes arrived, but Chu could not come, so he attacked it.

The Chu State's resistance to the Jing Dynasty was a bloody battle and cannot be described by the word "bloody battle" alone.

Xiong Yizhen's life was saved by countless people on his behalf. Rolling in blood, crawling in mud, being knocked back every time, and standing up every time. After he was sure that he could not prove the emperor of Liuhe, he could not bring himself to kill his brothers.

He explicitly left the problem to the future.

Just like what he said in his will: "The past is unprecedented, and the future is unprecedented. The friendship between our generations is complete! You are our country."

Xiong Yizhen is an anomaly among the kings in the world. He is bold and informal, and he is not like a human king in his emphasis on love and justice. He wished he could share everything he could with his adopted brother and sister. Throughout his life, he treated his honorable ministers favorably. He established his hegemony, but it stopped at the Southern Region.

But it is obvious that his descendants have not been able to solve the problems he left behind.

His prince and his brothers and sisters grew up together, wearing the same pair of trousers and wielding a knife. They were homeless and well-fed together, and their friendship was deeper than that of their juniors.

The rare unity of various forces within the Chu State under the power system allowed the Chu State to become the glorious existence that "only goes to the south and does not submit to ministers", and the Chu State's hegemony will last forever.

Finally, some problems are so deep-rooted that they are difficult to solve.

Perhaps it is like what Xiong Zidu said when he was reading history when he was young: "The descendants are like Taizu, the grandchildren are like Taizu, and the other generations are all like Taizu. If you pity him and neglect his strategies, you will turn a small illness into a serious one that is difficult to recover from!" "

——At that time, the palace maids and eunuchs who were studying with Xiong Zidu were all executed by the emperor for some reason.

Of course, it was not Gu Chi's turn to think about these issues.

"Lord Star God!" A bright smile appeared on Gu Chi's thin and disfigured face: "What kind of wind brings you here -"

He stepped forward to meet him: "What are your orders?"

[Birthday Star] represents the will of Zhuge Yixian, and he goes straight to the point: "The emperor of Yue has been making frequent moves recently. Have you paid attention?"

I have set up a monthly ticket to add one more update,

But 4,000 words is a guarantee, and we can add as much as we have at that time.

Merry Christmas to everyone! have fun!

I continued to work overtime and save manuscripts.

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