Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2225 A long life is a blessing, a short death is a disaster

A long life is a blessing, a short death is a disaster.

Among Zhuge Yixian's twelve star gods of the zodiac, the one that least fits the atmosphere of Fengdu should be the longevity star, but he chose to cast this star god. The implication was that Gu Chi had to think about it.

As a strong man of the same generation as Xiong Yizhen, and a founding figure who conquered the world with Xiong Yizhen, Zhuge Yixian's strength is unpredictable.

At this moment, the birthday star came to the ghost country, and in the contradictory environment that was supposed to be extremely antagonistic, it actually showed an inexplicable harmony.

This is a performance that far exceeds that of Fengdu ghosts.

The ghostly shadows on the street were low and silent, and the rustling dark sounds flowed like fog.

The brilliance of the Star God is not aggressive, but instead brings an indescribable sense of security that makes the ghosts want to sleep - or it can be regarded as the peace before danger.

Gu Chi stopped and changed his attitude to a cautious one: "Yue people have never been honest. Wen Jingxiu has always made small moves and dare not make big moves... What is Lord Star God referring to?"

[The birthday girl] bluntly said: "These days, I have put some effort back and thought about it again and again - I think there is something wrong with Gao Zheng's death."

The so-called twelve star gods of the zodiac have guarded the Chu land for many years, constantly dying and being repaired. Each one has its own will and power. But [The Birthday Star]’s speech at this moment was obviously completely taken over by Zhuge Yi.

Gu Chi showed a dangerous expression and said in a deep voice: "The transaction with Raksha Mingyue Jing and the crusade against Nan Dou are the country's top secrets and will never be leaked beforehand. Only a few people know about the former. Does the Great Witch have any suspicions?"

"Don't be nervous, Fengdu Yin." The birthday star gave him a faint look: "I have no intention of criticizing the intelligence work, and there is no way that senior officials with knowledge of the matter will leak the secrets. The deal was made with Raksha Mingyuejing and asked her to kill Gao Zheng. This matter is King Fu personally took the lead and only communicated with the emperor. The emperor asked me again. What I mean is - for a smart man like Gao Zheng to be trapped in the quagmire of the Yue Kingdom, did he expect his death? Did he have any expectations? What preparations can be made in advance to start after his death?"

The Star Witches are not the enemies of Fengdu. They all work for the Emperor of Chu. This is also in line with the national conditions of the Chu State. "No matter the gods or ghosts, they all obey the emperor's orders."

Although Gu Chi was dissatisfied, he still knew what to do and what not to do. Besides, Star Witch’s thinking is very necessary.

"We never held back on Sanfenxiang Tower. Until Luosha Mingyuejing took action to kill Gao Zheng, Fengdu set Sanfenxiang Tower as the target of execution. Even I didn't know about this, and Gao Zheng had absolutely no idea. Maybe a prophet. But your consideration is right. Gao Zheng should have expected his death. In other words, even if he was confident that he would not die, he might have made the worst plan - such a smart man , I just like to plan things before they happen. A lot of them are useless efforts, but there are also a lot of them that are ways to turn things around."

The Fengdu Yin pondered and said: "Based on the worst possibility, Gao Zheng did have a plan for his death. This man's influence in the Yue Kingdom is unmatched. If he plots a plan, the entire Yue Kingdom will be affected." His chess..."

His thinking became clearer: "I think even if he has the skill of slaying dragons, he has to rely on the help of his elders and cannot cook without rice. During this period of time, Fengdu has been closely observing key figures in the Yue Kingdom. For example, the Yue Emperor Wen Jingxiu , Gong Zhiliang, the Prime Minister of the State of Yue, Bian Liang, the commander in charge of the three thousand Yuejia, and Zhou Sixun, the naval commander in charge of the Qiantang Navy, did not find any big movement."

"Where is Bai Yuxia?" the birthday girl asked, "didn't he go back to his country to visit his family?"

Gu Chi was stunned for a moment and said: "Bai Yuxia has abandoned the country a long time ago. When Bai Pingfu died, Ge Fei maliciously sat by and ignored it. Fengdu also specially handed over relevant evidence and ordered him to be cut off. It was expected that he would never return to the Yue court. Moreover, Bai Yuxia is currently in charge of Xingyue Yuan, and he represents Mr. Jiang Ge. The friendship between Mr. Jiang Ge and the Duke of Huai is known to the world, and it should be impossible for him to become an enemy of Chu for the sake of Yue."

The birthday boy looked at him: "Why do you say 'expect' and 'should' when you are the dignified Yin Gu Chi of Fengdu? Is it Jiang Wang's name that scares your courage? Jiang Wang is here in Qi, representing the country of Qi. Jiang Wang is here The mountains and seas represent the Duke of Huai. Jiang Wang represents himself in Xingyueyuan. Can we take national events for granted?"

This is a very severe accusation!

Although you, Zhuge Yixian, are the founding hero of the country, you are certainly the only great wizard in the Chu Kingdom, and you are certainly respected by all the Chu emperors...but do you have the right to rebuke the top person in charge of Fengdu like this?

Fengdu is the Emperor’s Dark Sword!

Gu Chi held back his anger and said: "Langya City is also within the scope of Fengdu's supervision. We are also paying attention to Bai Yuxia, but the importance is slightly lower and not at the highest level."

The birthday boy said: "Give him the highest level of attention. We have underestimated Gao Zheng once, so don't be careless again."

He stared at Gu Chi indifferently: "Before coming, the emperor and I have a breath."

Gu Chi didn't say any more nonsense and lowered his head directly: "I obey Jun's orders!"

The birthday boy said again: "Gu Chi, Gu Chi, you are very smart. Zuo Hong said back then that there is no more sinister person in the world than you, Gu Chi. I deeply believe it. These days I play chess with Song Huai and calculate chess with Wang Xixu. , distracted and useless. The court's game of chess has been played so far, and it has won repeatedly, and the situation is almost certain, but I am a little uneasy. Please help me think about it - is Gao Zheng using his death to cover up something? "

"General Zuo is so flattering!" Gu Chi responded, and then said: "Gao Zheng is not an idle person. You can indeed find some doubts when you say this. Rong Beizhi collected the information from all parties and thought about it carefully. I will report to you separately."

"Then I won't disturb your work." The birthday girl paused lightly with the peach stick, and then it disappeared, leaving only the starlight in the sky.

Gu Chi stood in the middle of the ghost street and remained silent for a long time.

"Look at his tone! He is always angry with the emperor!" A ghostly voice could be heard from the ghost house on the street, dissatisfied: "The emperor has been in power for many years and has held power for a long time! Even if he respects him as an elder, can he? Can you speak so casually?"

Gu Chi suddenly looked over: "You talk too much! How dare you sow discord between Lord Star Witch and Your Majesty! Send him to have his tongue pulled out!"

There was a flash of white flames in the ghost house, and the ghost sounds gradually turned into screams.

The screams gradually faded away, but the roar that broke through the sky quickly approached Fengdu.

Gu Chi squinted his eyes and looked up at Gao Qiong——

As soon as the stars in the sky dispersed, an arrogant figure descended from the sky.

Penetrate the starlight and break through the ghost fog.


Hit the ghost street hard.

Zhong Liyan, who was specially dressed in heavy armor and carrying the Nanyue Heavy Sword on his back, stood up slowly in the ghost mist with a circle of blood around his body steaming like flames.

Short beard, eagle eyes, evil like gods and demons.

Fortunately, he hasn't been so arrogant yet, and hasn't completely dispersed the warrior's energy and blood to consume this ghost country on earth.

Contemporary Fengdu Yin's eyelids twitched.

He had endured the Duke of Wei, he had endured the Star Witch, and now even a young man from the empire like Zhong Liyan dared not to take him seriously, and trespassed into the ghost kingdom on earth without even saying hello.

Is there any royal law?

Since when did his reputation as a child crying at night become so useless?

"Zhong Liyan!" Gu Chi crossed his teeth and said coldly: "Have you ever thought that if you trespass into the important place of Fengdu, you should-"

Zhong Liyan raised his armored hand high, and in his palm was a golden order with a gorgeous phoenix pattern, which naturally had the majesty to overwhelm the ghost kingdom.

"We should sit down and talk slowly!" Gu Chi said kindly: "You kid, you are so busy, how can you do anything big? Come and tell Uncle Gu, what help do you need?"

"The situation is urgent, Mr. Gu, I won't sit down." Zhong Liyan said solemnly: "I am sent as an envoy to Yue Kingdom by the emperor's order to pay tribute to the Wen Family Ancestral Temple - I am here to coordinate relevant information with your company. Please cooperate with me. .”

Zhong Liyan considers himself a smart man. He is different from the brash men like Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang who are full of muscles. He acts in an orderly manner and relies on wisdom in his actions.

It is known that the intelligence came from Jiang Wang, and it is known that Jiang Wang's intelligence was about something happening in the country of Yue.

Then as long as we investigate Jiang Wang's whereabouts in the country of Yue, we can determine where the abnormal situation occurred, and finally follow the clues to catch it!

And if you want to find information, where else can be more convenient than Fengdu?

Of course, Fengdu is not a good place to talk, and Gu Chi is not a good person either - Zhongli Zhaojia's original words.

Therefore, it is best to have someone with serious official duties and ask Fengdu to help coordinate the intelligence work.

It is very suitable to be sent as an envoy to Yue.

Even if there was any real danger in Yue Di, no one would dare to kill the Chu envoys.

As for the reason for the's easy to find.

Gao Zheng has been dead for a long time, and it is not appropriate to pay condolences again. But looking through the history of the Yue Kingdom, it is not difficult to find that in two days, it will be the death anniversary of the founding emperor of the Yue Kingdom.

As good neighbors of the Yue people, it is reasonable for the Chu people to go to express condolences and burn a few sticks of incense - even if the Yue people themselves don't remember this day very well.

Although the Xiangu Zhongli family cannot be compared with the four great Xiangguo families, it is not difficult to operate such a small thing.

This was the first time Gu Chi heard that "going to Vietnam as an envoy" could be associated with the words "emergency situation". There were ten thousand things bothering him in his heart, but he just said: "Okay, my nephew represents the country on this trip, and Fengdu will definitely cooperate with him fully."

"The relationship is great!" Zhong Liyan was very satisfied: "Master Gu is much more cheerful than my father!"

Gu Chi chuckled: "Zhongli Zhaojia scolds me a lot, right?"

Zhong Liyan is not a fool, so of course he won't admit it, but he doesn't want to deny it against his will. Then he pretended not to hear: "Mr. Gu, who should I go to regarding this information?"

"Come with me. In our relationship, I have to personally entertain you." Gu Chi put his hands behind his back, floating in the air like a bamboo pole. Zhong Liyan followed behind him with long strides, each step was sonorous and powerful, and he was very confident.

Gu Chi tilted his head slightly and said casually: "Is it your father's idea to give you the title of envoy? You shouldn't be so complicated - do you have something to do with the country of Yue yourself?"

Of course, Zhong Liyan didn't want to let this old ghost take the credit, so he just said: "As a frontman of the great Chu, if the court asks me to be an envoy, I will go! It is a national event and it is my duty to do so!"

"Come on, come this way. This is the facade of Fengdu." Gu Chi casually touched it with his toes, pushed open a low door on the street, bent down and got in.

"This facade is not very good!" Zhong Liyan muttered.

"Yes!" Gu Chi said quietly.

"The Star Witch has come to the Ghost Kingdom."

In the ghost prison, Xiong Zidu suddenly raised his head. At that moment, the room was filled with brilliant light, and the golden glow was circling like a dragon.

But Wang didn't blink. Xiong Zidu was still an ordinary person sitting in the cell opposite. All the visions were like phantoms, and he missed them in a trance.

"Who is the Star Witch?" Wang Wei asked seriously.

"This is really difficult to introduce." Xiong Zidu thought seriously for a while, and finally said: "An old man who has worked hard and achieved great results."

Wang Wei said "oh".

"You don't seem to care much?" Xiong Zidu asked.

After staying in the ghost prison for so many days, Wang Wei got used to his neighbor's talkative nature: "If you want to talk, just do it."

Xiong Zidu laughed "hahahaha": "I found that in such a big country of Chu, you only care about the affairs of Duke Huai. The status of Star Witch in Chu is not inferior to that of Duke Huai!"

"No -" Wang Wei wanted to deny it, but he hadn't learned how to lie yet: "I care about everything, and I have nothing to do when I'm free. You can say whatever you want. Just say it."

Xiong Zidu continued: "You are especially concerned about my cousin Zuo Guanglie!"

Wang Wei remained silent.

I don’t know what to say anyway.

It's the same when he can't stand up to his master, and it's the same when he can't stand up to his junior brother. I won’t say it if I can’t say it.

But it’s okay if you can’t speak to your master, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t speak to your junior brother. I can't tell outsiders... I'm very angry.

He clenched his fists.

If Xiong Zidu didn't realize it, he lazily leaned against the wall. He had a kind of nobility that could not be concealed by the prison uniform. With a gesture of controlling the overall situation, he said leisurely: "You actually want to know what the fate of Master Ku Jue and Zuo Guanglie is." What is the relationship? Why does he insist on accepting Zuo Guanglie as his disciple? You are looking for a connection that you think should exist, or cause and effect!"

This sound is earth-shattering!

Wang Weizhen was on the spot.

Xiong Zidu asked again: "Am I right, Liuli Buddha, Zen Master Jingli?"

Wang Wei suddenly wanted to cry.

The first disguise in his life failed in the first major action.

He is obviously working very hard!

He was very serious, very serious about wanting to do something. But he didn't do anything well.

The master is gone and the junior brother is bullied. He can only listen and watch. He is an indifferent clay sculpture in the central saha world. He is not as good as a small grass on Sanbao Mountain, but he can still face the violent storm with his junior brother!

The more Jingli thought about it, the sadder he became, and the sadder he became, the more speechless he became.

Xiong Zidu tried to change the subject: "Zhong Liyan has also come to the Ghost Country!"

Jingli is silent.

Xiong Zidu asked again: "Do you know Zhong Liyan? The one who deserves a beating."

Jingli continued to remain silent.

"Hey, don't cry!" Xiong Zidu spread his hands and said helplessly: "You make it seem like I'm unforgivable for bullying you! If I even bully a harmless little monk like you, what will happen in the future? Not a fool?"

Jingli grabbed the cast iron railings engraved with fine runes with both hands and prepared to escape. This was how it was played out in the storybook. After his identity was exposed, he would be silenced. He didn't want to be silenced. He still had things to do.

"Little monk!" Xiong Zidu suddenly shouted: "Do you have someone you want to protect? You work very hard to do something, even if you are not good at it, because you don't want that person to be hurt again, and you feel you have a responsibility .”

Jingli held the railing and said nothing.

Xiong Zidu continued: "I also have people and things that I want to protect. I love this land deeply, love its history, love its culture, love its spirit, and love its mountains and rivers. I have loved it since I was a child. Just know that I came to this world with such a mission. Let’s make a deal—you help me, and I’ll help you, okay?”

Jingli held on to the railing without letting go. He lowered his head and wiped his tears with his sleeves. He raised his head and asked firmly: "Where did the poor monk reveal his flaw?"

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Thanks to Dalleng for another silver reward from "Cha Cha Cha Hao Hao Hao"!

Thank you to book friend "Zero Saki's Mind" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 741st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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