Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2226 The winter is blowing and the summer is coming, the eagle is watching the wolf.


Zhong Liyan, the envoy of Da Chu, finally arrived at the foot of Yinxiang Peak.

A strong man wearing armor can easily shake a mountain!

The little bumpkin in front of him didn't concern him at all.

His official mission was to represent the Chu State as an envoy to the Yue State, participate in sacrifices at the Ancestral Temple, and pay homage to the founding emperor of the Yue State. But what can I say - unless Gao Zheng suddenly jumps out, Uncle Zhongli will be too lazy to go to Kuaiji.

The deputy envoy has already led the team to Yuedu, and he is expected to have a lot of etiquette. What's wrong with him, the envoy, who occasionally feels the cold and takes a rest on the way?

Jiang Wang's trajectory in the Yue Kingdom was very clear. According to Fengdu's intelligence, the first time this thief appeared was at the foot of Hidden Phase Peak. He and Bai Yuxia went to Langya City together, had a family banquet, stayed one night, and arrived in Chu State the next day.

Then the problem is clear enough. Hidden Phase Peak is where Jiang Wang noticed the problem!

Although Zhong Liyan looked down upon Jiang Wang's brains, he admitted that he had a keen sense of smell and was very good at seizing opportunities. This kid has participated in major events in the Misty Realm, Huoshui, and the Snow Kingdom. This time in the Yue Kingdom, he should not be untargeted.

Yinxiang Peak is the solitary mountain where Gaozheng studied in seclusion for hundreds of years.

If Gao Zheng had left any plans, there was no more suspicious place in the entire Yue Kingdom than here.

Uncle Zhongli was impatient, and he was in a small pond like the Yue Kingdom that he could cross across. His iron boots had already landed on the top of the mountain before he even heard a soft "ha".

One step down, shaking the roots of the mountain.

He looked around and realized that being famous was not as good as meeting him. This shabby academy had no reputation. With a casual kick, he kicked the door open, and the scorching summer wind swept away the leaves. The leatherfly that was locked under the knotted tree in the courtyard shrank back in horror.

Zhong Liyan turned his eagle eyes and looked at this place calmly.

There was a sword wound on the body of the Baojie tree. Judging from the wound, it should only be at the divine level. It is reasonable to infer that it is related to Bai Yuxia - because of Bai Pingfu's death, he may have wanted to kill Ge Fei, but in the end he failed to be cruel.

There are still many traces of iron chains twisting out of the tree body, and the bark is missing in many places, indicating that the leatherworm often goes crazy around the tree and has never broken away from the iron chain.

Ge Fei's condition was verified by An Guogong himself.

The dignified Xiangu Zhongliyan certainly has no interest in bullying a fool.

He walked around Ge Fei and walked back, carefully searching for any clues with rare caution. After searching back and forth for a few times in this academy that never had a name, he opened the back door and came to the cliff hanging in the clouds.

The endgame is still on the stone platform, and the mountain wind and dew have not stained the chess pieces.

It is unknown how many years the situation of death can last.

Zhong Liyan’s eyes lit up!

The Xiangu Zhongli family was from a famous family. Although Zhongliyan was not very good at chess, he had memorized some scores under the stick of his father when he was a child.

When he was a child, he played chess with Wu Ling in the Royal Chess Club. Wu Ling's thick sons surrounded him, but he refused to be promoted, saying that he could defeat a large number of people with a small number. Wu Ling was still not convinced, so he pushed him to the ground and beat him.

Later, when the complaint was brought before An Guogong, An Guogong not only did not blame him, but also said with a smile, "Zhongli Huzi" and gave him a set of Hanyu chess.

Although Zhong Liyan was unyielding and fought with everyone, he never fought with Wu Ling again.

Wu Ling often joked later that his big and small eyes were caused by Zhong Liyan's beating.

In Uncle Zhongli's evaluation system, what kind of person is Wu Ling?

-Nice guy.

Nice guy is dead.

Dad often said he had nails in his butt and couldn’t sit anywhere. After Wu Ling's death, there may never be a peer in Ying City who can make Uncle Zhongli sit down for a drink and a meal with peace of mind.

Zhong Liyan is not a person who is sad about spring and autumn. He simply lets go of many things after thinking about them. Sitting in front of the chessboard now, I am ready to spend my whole life and carefully examine this game to see what is so great about Gao Zheng.

He took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and then...explored his blood and touched the chess pieces one by one.

There are no abnormalities, just ordinary stone chess pieces.

At most, it can be judged from the texture of the chess piece itself that it was ground out one by one.

Maybe it was Gao Zheng himself, maybe it was the master craftsman who made the chess, I can't tell.

Grinding is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive process. The process of turning stones into chess pieces requires extraordinary patience.

The impatient Zhong Liyan forced himself to sit still for a while, feeling that this chess game was really baffling - what exactly did Jiang Wang think was wrong? Does Jiang Wang know chess very well?

According to Fengdu's information, Jiang Wang has been to Yinxiang Peak more than once. The last time I came here was after I went to Xiangu to ask for an account - it was really embarrassing to come to ask for such a small amount of money!

Jiang Wang came here when Gao Zheng was alive, and he came here even after Gao Zheng died. So the anomaly has nothing to do with Gao Zheng?

Zhong Liyan was upset and raised his hand to mess up the game - he was not a quality person.

But his wrist was caught.

Opposite the chess table, a person sat.

This man appeared very suddenly, but it seemed that he should have been sitting there a long time ago, or that the stone chess bench was designed for him, and he was integrated with everything, including the chess game.

There was never anyone across Gao Zheng's chess table. No one within the Yue Kingdom could play chess with him, and no one outside the Yue Kingdom was willing to play chess here. This moss-covered stone bench has been blown by the mountain wind for many years. He had only sat on it once when he had just come out of the Mountain and Sea Realm, and now he sat on it again.

The chains on his wrists were still there, and the two huge chains were still trailing behind him. His hair was disheveled and his face was ugly. But he showed an unusual gentleness.

The last breath was still locked in front of the tree!

The soul was torn apart and fell into the Wufu Sea and the Fog of Obscurity. An Guogong personally investigated but couldn't find the problem. The only information in the information was Ge Fei, who was cultivated in the realm of gods!

It was also Ge ​​Fei who led a large group of people into the Meteor Immortal Forest with Wu Ling, but finally walked out alone.

He sat on the chess bench opposite, held Zhong Liyan's wrist tightly, looked into Zhong Liyan's eyes, and said slowly: "This is the last chess game left by the teacher. You don't want to mess with it."

"Ge Fei?" Zhong Liyan asked.

"Ge Fei!" Zhong Liyan's voice was cold.

The energy and blood of the top martial artist in the world no longer retains any reserve at this moment, like a Qiantang bursting its embankments and a corner of the river falling over. It is as if there is a huge heart beating at this moment, making a sound like a heavenly drum. Since then, the majestic power of the mountain roaring and the tsunami has been pumping. His hand pressed down, and the entire Hidden Phase Peak seemed to be sinking!

"You can rearrange it after I've smoothed it out - if you remember."

Zhong Liyan's sharp eyes met Ge Fei's cruel eyes. The power of the two people collides most directly at the junction of the phalanges and the wrist.

Click! Click! Click!

There was a clear sound of bone cracking.

Zhong Liyan's hand lowered resolutely.

Veins popped up around Ge Fei's eyes in an instant, bloodshot eyes intertwined on the surface of the eyeballs, and his skin cracked! Like small pieces of paper, they were torn apart and lifted up one by one under the ravages of the violent storm. From the gap in the skin, you can see this weird body——

It seemed like a void world that could accommodate all things.

It was dark inside, and in the darkness, red flesh and blood emerged. It's like a red snake that has been hibernating for a season, approaching the entrance of the cave.

In this process, Ge Fei's power continued to rise. He has long been able to understand the truth, and his thoughts are "truth".

At this moment he is like a mountain and a sea.

He defines majesty.

"I'm done!"

Ge Fei's fangs protruded from his lips, his hair danced wildly, and he roared almost angrily: "I've had enough of pretending to be crazy and acting stupid! Abba, Abba, drooling with laughter, spinning around a broken tree."

"I've had enough of being depressed and depressed, wearing a human skin to dress and eat."

"I'm fed up with you guys coming to see me one after another with your own agenda and playing with me like a monkey."

"What are you, you trash--what do you think I am?!"

In this angry roar, he actually raised Zhong Liyan's wrist!


Zhong Liyan's rock-like arm made a subtle but intensive cracking sound, and the martial artist's terrifying body could not bear such a confrontation. The blood mist that exploded on his arm had already exposed the armor and was floating in the air.

This doesn't stop there.

Ge Fei's extremely ferocious eyes closed suddenly. His eyelids seemed to have closed the door to the world. The entire Hidden Phase Peak fell into an absolute long night. In the darkness with no end in sight, only the energy and blood erupting in Zhong Liyan's body was still burning like a torch, dazzlingly bright.

The darkness covering everything surged in again and again like a sea wave, and each time it swept away a large amount of energy and blood.

In this fierce confrontation, Zhong Liyan always held his head high. In the roaring torrent of blood, a set of ancient armor loomed. This set of armor stands in front of nothing, with blood and energy filling it, filling the vague shape of a human being. Hold on to your armor and show your strength. It was the [Martial Arts God] created by Zhong Liyan!

Martial arts is a new path, and there is not much previous experience to follow. Today, Zhong Liyan is also one of the explorers.

But Ge Fei's eyes suddenly opened again at this moment, and the sky brightened, and the night disappeared together with the martial arts god. Under the bright sunshine, you can see that Zhong Liyan's face is pale.

Ge Fei blew another gentle breath, and suddenly a strong wind blew up in Yue Kingdom. From the sky above the entire Yinxiang Peak, fluttering snowflakes fell, and the sky was filled with snow!

Look at the day and watch the night, blow the winter and call out the summer.

He is Zhu Jiuyin who subdues all mountain and sea monsters and dominates the mountains and seas. He is the leader of the order of mountains and seas.

Now in this has come true!

Ge Fei showed absolutely tyrannical Dongzhen power, grabbed Zhong Liyan's wrist, and lifted him up from Gaozheng's seat: "How dare you, underestimate me!"


Above the mountains, there are mountains.

The heavy sword carried on Zhong Liyan's back no longer existed at some point. In its place was a sword-shaped mountain peak high in the sky, burning with boiling blood and pouring down.

Zhang Zhi's snow curtain in the sky was broken by the sword peak.

Nanyue is the leader and has been in power for thousands of years.

But Ge Fei was so tyrannical at this moment. He grabbed Zhong Liyan and did not let go. He stood up directly, left the chess table, raised his chained fist, and punched the top of the mountain!

Boom boom boom!

The earth-shattering collisions all occurred at high altitudes and did not shake the chess table in the slightest.


Amidst the violent shaking of the chains, the sword-shaped mountain peak was blasted back into the heavy sword. Then it fell back into the hands of Zhong Liyan, who was on an unsteady footing.

Ge Fei lowered his head and saw in his hand a broken arm covered with blood and covered with armor. The flesh and blood lines on the broken arm were uneven, and it was obviously torn apart——

Zhong Liyan used this method to earn back his short-term freedom and win the possibility to continue fighting.

Ge Fei grinned and smiled cruelly.

This was the way wild beasts fought, and he was familiar with it.

"Heaven comes to the Holy Lord, and builds a temple in the south. He carries all the people on his shoulders, and is responsible for the country. He eliminates disasters and suppresses evil, and God never misses the year..."

As the capital of the Yue Kingdom, Kuaiji City is still quite majestic.

In front of the Ancestral Temple, the ceremony officials read the sacrificial rites loudly. The loud voice rippled around in circles in the huge square.

All the civil and military officials of the Yue Kingdom lined up neatly, all looking sad.

Doumian, who was the deputy envoy of Da Chu, twisted his neck impatiently.

He knew very well what kind of virtue the founding emperor of the Yue Kingdom had. In his opinion, it was just a lucky break. The guy who took advantage of the chaos to get a share of the inheritance still bullied the orphans and widowed mothers and killed the master to gain the throne. It is too funny to say that we should "carry the people on our shoulders and bear the responsibility of the country".

The second emperor of the Yue Kingdom was quite capable. He was ordered to save the country in times of crisis. He single-handedly founded the Qiantang Navy, which was capable of conquering and fighting, which truly laid the foundation of the Yue State and established the territory of the Yue State that continues to this day. But the reason why the Yue Kingdom was able to survive was because the emperor took the initiative to express his submission to the Emperor of Chu. At that time, the state of Chu was at war with many parties and had no means to deal with it. The Emperor of Chu ignored it and allowed it to develop.

Throughout the entire history of the Yue Kingdom, in Dou Mian's eyes, there was only one Gao Zheng who could be said to be powerful.

But Gao Zheng also died. In the aftermath of the Chu State's attack on Nan Doudian, he was easily pushed to death. This process is like crushing an ant to death, not even causing waves in the Qiantang River.

Gao Zheng can no longer be considered a hero.

How can a hero die without a name?

Since ancient times, the heroes of the Southern Region have all come from Chu, but Chu is the only one with talent!

Doumian didn't want to come on this mission. After all, he was the only genius in the Dou family to win the Dou Zhan Golden Body in the past five hundred years, and he was the legitimate son of the Duke of the country. He was so precious that there was no reason to serve as a deputy to a boy from the Zhongli family.

But when Zhong Liyan called his name in the court, he said that the Weiguo Palace was full of talents, and that Dou Mian and Dou Zhao could be regarded as twin prides... In short, he couldn't shrink his head and show weakness.

This trip was meant to take a look around Kuaiji and relax. Unexpectedly, Zhong Liyan ran away halfway, and in the end he was the only one who came to watch the ceremony with his team of envoys.

There is nothing more complicated than etiquette in the world.

Of course he is proficient, but he is also troubled. Although he is troubled, he cannot be like his brother Dou Zhao, who has the power to crush all rules and is arrogant and uninhibited.

He could only deal with the affairs of the envoys with dignity, so as not to disgrace the great country and make the world laugh.

At this moment, he stood quietly in front of the envoy team, silently looking at the back of the Yue Emperor Wen Jingxiu, thinking that this man was really unlike a human king. Not only was he weak in temperament, he was also very cowardly in character. It's very funny that he treats such a careless deputy envoy of Chu State with all respect.

Somehow, his mind wandered and he thought of a person named Jiang Wang.

When they were in Chi Yun Mountain, they competed for the legacy of the Immortal Palace, and they fought back and forth. Now, even his elder brother, who is known as the most talented person in Chu, is slightly outclassed by him.

Opportunities in life are truly unpredictable.

When he came back from Chi Yun Mountain, he was still conceited about his family background and talent, thinking that he had just lost some experience of life and death and would be able to win it back sooner or later.

Now of course I know that sooner or later it will be impossible...

He is not like Zhong Liyan, who refused to admit defeat even after being beaten to death. He had long since realized that he was not the unparalleled protagonist in the face of the increasingly huge gap despite his hard work. Knowing that he could never catch up with his brother, he naturally could not catch up with Jiang Wang.

Knowing oneself is a painful process. He thought that these Yue people might need time.

Just when Doumian was drowsy after listening to the sacrificial speech, and his thoughts were all over the place, he suddenly saw the Emperor of Yue who was standing in front of the officials move.

The man stood tall on the altar, as if he had suddenly received some news, and looked back without moving.

Those eyes were not looking at me——

But Doumian was shocked.

He saw a sinister expression that he had never seen before on this face that was too elegant, too delicate, and always had a gentle smile.

Like a wolf!

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