Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2230 Why is it like old times?

Taixu cabinet members are the responsibility of the public opinion of the world, regardless of whether there is support from the forces behind them and which party supports them. The quota is nine people and cannot be increased or decreased.

The term of a Taixu cabinet member is thirty years, and no one can be exempted from changing cabinets upon expiration.

Under what circumstances will Taixu Cabinet members change members before their term ends?

——The original Taixu Cabinet members were unable to exercise the rights of Taixu Cabinet members and assume the responsibilities of Taixu Cabinet members due to various reasons.

For example, Li Yi practiced behind closed doors and completely ignored Taixu Pavilion. He only let Wang Kun be the representative under the leadership of Jing Guo. The other cabinet members kicked Wang Kun away and made a special rule to expel Li Yi as well. But this position still represents Jing Guo's interests by default, and Jing Guo still needs to recommend another person.

Although Dou Zhao also missed the last two Taixu meetings, the situation was completely different.

Why did the Chu State push Zhong Liyan out to take the position of Taixu Cabinet Member?

Why does the Chu State feel that Dou Zhao is no longer able to exercise the rights of a Taixu Cabinet Member, assume the responsibilities of a Taixu Cabinet Member, and fight for the interests of the Chu State in the Taixu Cabinet?

This pretty much only points to one result...

That was a result that no one had ever thought of.

Because Douzhao is such a dazzling genius and an unparalleled talent!

Even though Dou Zhao went to the most evil Jedi land in the world, his boots stepped on the Immortal Meteor Forest where countless strong men were buried. Even if Douzhao is targeting top real people like Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli, his opponents are extremely powerful. No one thought anything would happen to Dou Zhao.

In people's minds, people like Dou Zhao would at most...leave seriously injured.

To say that he became more courageous as he fought, that he made breakthroughs between life and death, and that he powerfully killed Lu Shuanghe would make people think there was some possibility, but not so suspicious. Because miracles are what happen to people like that.

How could he?

There was no sound for a moment in the entire Taixu attic. Even Zhong Xuanyin paused writing,

Looking at the seat that was still empty and would be occupied by Zhong Liyan later, Jiang Wang found it difficult to describe his feelings. He suddenly felt that Zhong Xuanzun should attend today's meeting.

Chong Xuan Zun may always regret that he did not appear here.

At the meeting of the Yellow River in the year 3919 of the Daoist calendar, he and Douzhao jointly created the legend of the coexistence of two prides.

Does the legend end here?

Ju Gui's voice sounded again, and Ju Gui's expression had returned to seriousness: "Please...please make a decision."

Jiang Wang stood up: "I abstain from voting on this proposal. Everyone, I have something to do, so I'll take the first step."

He stepped out of Taixu Pavilion and appeared in Ying City instantly in the shadow of Taixu's infinite stream of light.

Appeared outside the Duke of Huai's Mansion.

When the door saw him, he ushered him in, trotting in front and shouting: "Young Master Jiang is back!"

Zuo Xiao had returned from Beitianmen, and of course Zuo Guangshu was also there. Even Xiong Jingyu, who had ignored foreign affairs for many years and focused on raising ants in a closed garden, also came to the meeting hall for the first time.

Without it, Douzhao's incident really touches people's hearts!

It is no exaggeration to say that once this matter spreads, the entire Chu State, the entire Southern Region, and even the entire world will not be able to avoid discussing it.

Also the heir to the Xiangguo family, Wu Ling's death was a deep-water thunder within the Chu State. As long as An Guogong was still there, it could still be stabilized. If something happens to Douzhao, it will definitely shock the world.

To put it bluntly, who can better represent the Dou family, Dou Zhao or Dou Yunxiao, the contemporary Duke of Wei, is a question worth thinking about in the minds of many people.

He is not only the young master of the Dou family, but also a leading figure in the new generation of Chu State, representing the future of Chu State.

"Is Douzhao really dead?" Jiang Wang asked before he sat down.

Xiong Jingyu sat upright and said nothing. Today she was not as simple as usual. She was dressed in luxurious clothes and full of etiquette. She probably had plans to enter the palace to meet the saint——

In the past, Zuo Guanglie's accident happened on the battlefield. There was nothing to say about it, but Zuo Xiao ignored the court's opinion and searched for Li Yi for a long time. This directly led to Li Yi disappearing until he appeared on the river viewing platform as Master Taiyu.

When something happened in Wu Ling the previous time, Duke An Guo went to the Meteor Immortal Forest in person, and then came to Yinxiang Peak forcefully, asking Gao Zheng to throw Ge Fei to the ground to investigate. Before that, Emperor Chu personally communicated with Duke An for a long time.

The status of the four great aristocratic families in Chu State is different from that of other aristocratic families. Even when the Xiang family was at its peak, the famous general Xiang Longxiang was still there, and the Xiang family could only be ranked second.

The impact of Dou Zhao's accident this time is simply immeasurable. Xiong Jingyu must enter the palace at this time to grasp the latest trends and feel the true attitude of her emperor brother.

Zuo Guangshu waved away the maid, placed a cup of tea in front of Jiang Wang, and sat down next to him.

Duke Huai was in the upper position and pressed his forehead slightly tiredly: "Before Song Zhenjun captured Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli, it cannot be said that this is the final result. But Tianxiao has been broken and was swept out by the ghost tide. The Immortal Forest fell into the Bing Ruins - only then did this matter become known to us. The true spirit Douzhao left on the sword has also died."

An arrogant and unruly person like Dou Zhao would never give up his sword until he died, because putting down his sword would mean giving up the fight. Dou Zhao never gives up fighting.

When he was exploring the limits of the border wilderness, he was chased by two real demons. He lost his arms and legs, but not his sword.

Zuo Xiao said that it was not yet certain that this was the final result, but the Chu State had already asked Zhong Liyan to replace Taixu Cabinet Member, which showed that everyone still had a judgment in their minds.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while: "Can Song Zhenjun catch Lu Shuanghe?"

"It's hard to say." Zuo Xiao said: "The Meteor Immortal Forest will never favor anyone, and it doesn't care how powerful you are. If you want to find someone in the Meteor Immortal Forest, luck is the most important thing. The last time An Guogong went to the Meteor Immortal Forest Lin, wanted to find Xiaoling’s body, but couldn’t even find any trace of him.”

Zuo Guangshu asked: "Then how did Douzhao find Lu Shuanghe and the others?"

Jiang Wang sighed: "Because they are both willing to find each other."

Dou Zhao has a character that fights against heaven and earth. When facing Meng Tianhai, he will "kill you for fifty-four thousand years." When facing fellow monks like Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli, he will never give in even an inch.

Lu Shuanghe was a man of integrity and absolutely ruthless. He didn't care about Dou Zhao's identity, and he didn't have any emotions like fear or jealousy.

Their collision must be head-to-head, and no one will flinch.

Xiong Jingyu said at this time: "Although Dou Zhao is arrogant, he is by no means the kind of person who goes to die needlessly even though he knows he will die. He must be prepared. When going to the Meteor Fairy Forest, he has to use Lu Shuanghe to sharpen his knife - but it is obvious that Lu Shuanghe I am more prepared with Ren Qiuli. These two are top real people, there is really no reason for them to be underestimated."

This is a warning to Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang was silent and didn't know what to say.

Zuo Xiao said slowly: "I have personally seen the broken Tianxiao Sword. The battle marks displayed on the blade are very dense, with a span of forty-nine days - Dou Zhao, Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiu The battle of separation is a process of constant wandering, constant contact and constant separation. It is not so much a battle as a process of hunting and counter-hunting. They are each other's prey and each other's hunters."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, that was really a brutal battle.

He had a rough idea of ​​the strength of Lu Shuanghe, Ren Qiuli, and Dou Zhao. Of course, Lu Shuanghe, Ren Qiuli, and Dou Zhao are all unique geniuses among millions of people. It is impossible to judge completely accurately a person who has reached such a position.

But there should be no doubt that Douzhao has not yet reached the level of top real people.

In other words, Douzhao, with a lower combat power than Lu Shuanghe, was alone in the Fallen Fairy Forest against the joint efforts of Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli. The danger that could bury them at any time in the Fallen Immortal Forest also became his weapon and barrier. He chased and escaped like this for forty-nine days, running on the edge of life and death every step of the way, always maintaining his peak fighting spirit.

What a warrior!

Being able to fight fiercely for so long in this game of hunting and counter-hunting, Jiang Wang fully believed that Dou Zhao had many opportunities to escape, but he did not choose this way - he firmly believed that he could become the final winner, even if In each collision, he never gained the upper hand.

And what about Lu Shuanghe?

It would be difficult for anyone to maintain peak performance in the face of such a tenacious and terrifying opponent as Dou Zhao. And any negligence is a fatal reason in front of Dou Zhao. This forty-nine-day pursuit was a huge test for both warring parties.

Lu Shuanghe still persisted until the end and cut off Tianxiao.

This fight that took place in the Fallen Immortal Forest may not have had an audience, but it must be the most exciting Dong Zhen battle in the current era. Because both sides of the war are real people who can create miracles and give the most extreme performance.

"What's your opinion on Taixu Pavilion?" Zuo Xiao asked.

Jiang Wang understood what the old man was asking and answered seriously: "Dou Zhao went into the Meteor Immortal Forest to find Master Nandou for Chu State affairs, not for Taixu Pavilion affairs. His own public statement was that this was between him and Master Nandou. personal grudges - Taixu Pavilion will not interfere with the private grudges of cabinet members, nor will it do anything because of a cabinet member who died of private grudges."

"But?" Zuo Xiao looked at him.

"But Lu Shuanghe and I have a fight." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Dou Zhao failed to help me solve this trouble, so I had to face it myself."

He didn't hate Lu Shuanghe, but what happened to Dou Zhao did make him regretful.

This kind of regret needs to be wiped out with a hearty battle.

Lu Shuanghe used a broken Tianxiao to rekindle his emphasis on this duel - originally he only regarded this battle as a passing scenery on the way to practice, but now he is willing to experience the edge of [Chaowen Dao] personally.

What kind of sword can cut off [Tianxiao]?

Seeing Jiang Wang like this, Zuo Xiao said: "You are now a real person in this world. You are also a master. You are relied on by many people. You have your own opinions on everything. In principle, I should not point fingers at you anymore."

Jiang Wang lowered his head: "I really need your teachings."

"I only have one request -" Zuo Xiao said slowly: "Don't let Dou Zhao become the reason for your fight. There is only one reason for you to duel with Lu Shuanghe, and that is that you have indeed reached the point where you are. The limit of this realm.”

Xiong Jingyu also said: "Jiang Wang, I don't want to make an analogy like this, but for the battle in the river valley, the Chu people made all the preparations they could, and the Qin people also made all the preparations they could. In the end, one family always lost - Who must not lose? The biggest lesson I learned from this incident is to never think that you are the exception. The long river of fate does not favor anyone, only the person who reaches the end can control the flow of fate."

Jiang Wang stood up and bowed deeply: "I have received the teachings and care from Grandpa Zuo and Aunt Zuo. I know it well and will not mess around."

"You have been working hard on the foreign battlefield during this period. Go around Ying City with Guang Shu and relax." Xiong Jingyu stood up and walked out: "I will go to the palace to do some things, and I will bring you some money when I come back. You can take the elixir to the battlefield and eat it."

"What the hell is Taixu cabinet member? I don't care about it!" Zhong Liyan overturned the dining table: "Now everyone comes to persuade me, whoever wants to be the one should be accepted!"

Zhongli Zhaojia had the foresight to hold his rice bowl, with a plate of his favorite boneless snowfish hanging in front of him, and let the mess happen everywhere.

This brat started flipping tables when he was seven years old, and he never changed his behavior no matter how hard he hit him, so much so that he is still used to it now.

The Lord of Xiangu said casually while picking up the fish with chopsticks: "I remember you really wanted to be the one. When Taixu Pavilion was first established, you insisted on saying that you could best represent the interests of the Chu State, and even unilaterally announced the separation. Xian Gu—you didn’t even have Dong Zhen at that time.”

"Is this the same thing?" Zhong Liyan said angrily: "I wanted to fight for it back, now let me make up for it. Dou Zhao'er can't even beat Lu Shuanghe of Nan Doudian, so what qualifications does he have to let me be his substitute?"

Zhongli Zhaojia tapped the bowl with his chopsticks and said slowly: "You can't even defeat the leather worm. It would be nice to have some help."

Zhong Liyan gritted his teeth and wanted to curse something, but he was too defeated and couldn't curse, so he went out angrily.

He would definitely not be convinced by losing to Ge Fei.

But later I learned that behind Ge Fei was a monster from the mountains and seas who had been cultivating for nearly a thousand years. This thief came from the realm of mountains and seas where fantasy came true, and was the creation of the most romantic Huang Weizhen in the past three thousand years.

Although he was still not convinced, he could barely accept it.

It’s just accumulated over the years, it can’t be considered a hero! Maybe Gao Zheng even gave that guy a blessing. Wait until Uncle Zhongli is the same age as Huang Weizhen and try it? Ge Fei is nothing, but he dares to kill Huang Weizhen.

"Where are you going?" Zhongli Zhaojia asked, chasing his back.

Zhong Liyan didn't even look back: "Look for Doumian!"

"Why are you looking for Doumian?" Zhongli Zhaojia was confused.

"Teach him a lesson!" Zhong Liyan said angrily: "I kindly took him on a mission to Yue to give him a chance to show off. How dare he embarrass me!"

Zhongli Zhaojia said deliberately that Doumian's performance in Yue State was not very good, but you yourself were pushed to the ground, and you didn't look very shameful. But he also knew that as soon as these words came out, the bastard would rebel again. It was meal time, and he didn't bother to spank his son himself. It's okay to let this bastard be taught a lesson by Doujia, but he won't be beaten to death anyway. So he remained silent.

But Zhong Liyan came back angrily.

"What's wrong?" Zhongli Zhaojia looked at him helplessly.

Zhong Liyan sat down on the chair: "Damn, it's boring."


Wu Ling is gone, and so is Douzhao.

So fucking boring.

Even if Doumian is defeated, his fighting golden body will not be the same.

Zhongli Zhaojia picked up the immortal rice rice raised secretly by Huangtian, and the grains rolled into his stomach like pearls. He said calmly: "Then let me tell you something interesting?"

Zhong Liyan sat with his back stretched out, resting the back of his head on the chair, like a dog's guillotine, waiting for the guillotine to fall... showing a gesture of losing worldly desires.

Zhong Liyan, who could never sit still, seemed to have endless energy and was always fighting against the sky and the earth, showed fatigue for the first time in his life in front of the Lord of Xiangu whom he had always wanted to replace.

Is there anyone in the world who is tireless? He just held his breath, determined to overthrow Douzhao openly, defeated and fought again and again, even if his teeth were broken, he would not hesitate. but now……

The fist that had been charged for a long time seemed to only be able to hit the void. In the days to come, it seemed that he could only keep punching the air.

Zhongli Zhaojia looked at his traitor and said slowly: "If you don't want to increase the number of Taixu Pavilion members, Xiang Bei will go to the next Taixu meeting. Do you believe it?"

"Is the mountain and sea monster in Ge Fei's body Zhu Jiuyin? At that time, I felt that his death was a bit strange."

Zuo Guangshu likes to eat some market snacks recently, which have no benefit to the Taoist body and are just pure human fireworks. This is a hobby he and Qu Shunhua developed from traveling around.

Now he is also taking Jiang Wang into small alleys to experience the fly restaurants with excellent reputations one by one. Just like this bowl of beef noodles, the beef tendons are soft, the tripe is springy, and the beef intestines are delicious.

The young father-in-law was eating and talking, and his mouth was full of oil.

"How do I know?" Jiang Wang also snored, and then added in his busy schedule: "No one in Chu State will confirm such a crucial matter?"

"Alas." Guang Shu sighed slightly: "Grandpa said that regarding Huang Weizhen's return, the court did not want to do anything that might cause Huang Weizhen to misunderstand, and did not want to have any interference with the process. Therefore, including An Guogong, No one comes into contact with Ge Fei anymore."

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment. The relationship between Chu State and Huang Wei was very subtle...

He had always felt that Huang Weizhen was Chu's biggest card. When Huang Weizhen returned, the entire Chu State would work together to build roads, pave bridges, and sweep beds to prepare for her return.

But the current attitude of Chu State is really not like being intimate with Huang Weizhen.

"Huang Weizhen..."

Jiang Wang hadn't figured out how to ask, but Zuo Guangshu already knew his question.

Young Master Da Chu held a pair of noodles between his chopsticks and turned to look across the street with complicated eyes: "What Huang Weizhen did back then was the same thing as him."

Following Zuo Guangshu's gaze, he happened to see a bent young man unloading a bag of rice on his shoulders in front of the low house. The old woman at the door bowed repeatedly but was supported. The child sitting on the ground playing in the mud received a wooden sword as a gift.

I can hear this sound in my ears——

"We set up a volunteer school in Wutong Lane. Children's admission is free and we also provide two meals..."

The young man was explaining in a low voice, and seemed to realize something. He turned around and met Jiang Wang's eyes——

Chu Yuzhi!

This chapter is nearly 5k, and I haven’t finished the rest yet, so I won’t post it tonight. There will be an extra update tomorrow night.

This story has entered the final stage.

All questions will have answers.

Thank you to book friends "Sauvignon Blanc and Hoshi Yukiro" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 742nd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "2 Salt Chong Chong" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 743rd Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "Gylphies" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 744th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to the book friend "Resident Beggar A" for the reward!

Thanks to Dalleng for the two new pieces of silver rewarded by "Cha Cha Cha Hao Hao Hao"!

Boss, why don't you join the group chat for a few words? I'm quite worried about being so silent all the time on Silver.

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