Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2231: Swallows under the Eaves of the Common People in the Old Times (Please ask for monthly

This "Liu Ji Beef Noodle House" is very small, and the business is very good. There is no room to sit in the room, and the tables and chairs are placed outside, occupying half of the street.

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu were sitting outside the house eating noodles, each with a small noodle bowl on a stool, just sitting opposite each other in an inconspicuous manner.

June is when the heat is rampant. The diners are shaking cattail fans vigorously, men are unbuttoning their lapels, and women are rolling up their sleeves to their elbows. From time to time, shirtless men pass by.

Although the two brothers were dressed as ordinary as possible, they were still a little too tight. Especially Zuo Guangshu, who didn't reveal anything, was actually more conspicuous.

Chu Yuzhi saw Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu, but did not come over to say hello. He just nodded imperceptibly and turned around to leave.

Zuo Guangshu also lowered his head to eat offal, seemingly unaware.

In the past few years, the young prince of Da Chu has traveled around the country, looking for food in the streets and alleys, not just for the desire of food and drink - no one in the world has the most food and food cravings than Huangliangtai, and there is no reason to abandon the near and seek the far.

As the heir to the Duke of Huai, his responsibilities did not allow him to spend his days leisurely.

It's just that since he obtained the Nine Phoenix Magical Power in the Mountain and Sea Realm, he has been suffering from the influence of divinity. This unprecedented magical power has no precedent for exploration. It is extremely complex and difficult to grasp. This has also led to his slow progress in the realm of gods - of course, the so-called "slowness" is only compared to the top few. Word.

Ling Yue in the Taixu Illusion Realm still firmly controls the location of the Tenth Danxia Mountain in the Blessed Land.

Zuo Xiao suggested that he feel more about the world, while Qu Jinkui's suggestion was more direct, asking him to explore the food in the streets and alleys and breathe in the fireworks of the world.

The two extremely powerful men both saw the key to this magical power and taught him to control divinity with humanity.

Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua fell in love happily, which can be regarded as a kind of such practice.

For members of a top aristocratic family like them, it was quite a novel experience to walk through the streets, go to markets, and experience the lives of ordinary people. Of course they can only experience the happy part.

"Isn't the Huang family also a Chu family?" Jiang Wang asked in surprise.

After traveling all over the country for so many years, Jiang Wang deeply realized one thing - the most difficult thing for a person to fight against is his own butt.

This is not just a superficial description of benefits.

Speaking more broadly, as a human being, the position of the human race is the biggest butt. In the racial battlefield, how can we not draw our sword for the human race?

To put it bluntly, nobles from famous families such as Zuo Guangshu and Dou Zhao certainly possess the virtues of aristocrats and are willing to assume the responsibilities of aristocrats. They are by no means "vegetarians in the corpse position" as Chu Yuzhi said. But how difficult is it for them to understand the position of civilians?

Can Dou Zhao understand Chu Yuzhi's father who pushes a stall to sell noodles every day after he retired from the army?

Can Zuo Guangshu understand his childhood of naked buttocks picking locust leaves to sell for money?

They have mercy and can sympathize.

But I can't relate to it.

Jiang Wang went from being a mud-legged person to a high-level overlord and then regaining his freedom. He has experienced the life of a commoner, and he has also experienced the life of a noble. He looked at different scenery from different positions, and he found that there seemed to be no consistent correctness in the world, and the correctness he saw was different at each stage.

Sometimes "right" equals "butt."

"Huang Weizhen doesn't recognize relatives, has no connections, and doesn't open a house. The Huang family is listed in the Chu family, but there is no one else." Zuo Guangshu put it very straightforwardly: "It is the Chu family that needs the Huang family to be listed."

Jiang Wangshi ate two mouthfuls of noodles without knowing the taste, and couldn't help but ask again: "So Yanfa Pavilion..."

Zuo Guangshu pursed his lips and replied, "Yes. Huang Weizhen originally created the Yanfa Pavilion to give equal opportunities to common people and nobles - he wanted everyone to practice martial arts."

At the very beginning, Jiang Wang's deepest impression of Chu was Yanfa Pavilion.

Zuo Guangshu once told him that the Taoist stage in Taixu Illusion was inspired by the Yanfa Pavilion.

He often comes to Chu State, and he also understands what Yanfa Pavilion means in Chu State. Chu people often regard whether a family has an independent acting pavilion as a criterion for the strength of a family.

In other words, in order to allow ordinary people to practice their skills, the Yanfa Pavilion ended up becoming a monopoly of aristocratic families.

What a huge irony!

Jiang Wang also finally understood why Chu Yuzhi's actions were rarely favored by any powerful people in Chu State. Because Huang Weizhen, the arrogant genius more than 900 years ago, had already failed.

No matter how hard Chu Yuzhi works, how can he beat the past?

When Taizu Taizu of Chu decided to leave the problems of the aristocratic family to those who came after him, did he expect such a result?

The inertia of history is so powerful. When it forms a tide over a long period of time, even a peerless figure like Huang Weizhen cannot change the direction of the tide.

There is a nest of swallows living under the eaves of the noodle shop. They are used to the sound of people and are not afraid of diners. A group of little heads huddled together on the edge of the mud, taking a nap in the hot afternoon.

Jiang Wang looked at Yanchao, thinking of the Qiming New Deal that failed not long ago, and had some indescribable emotions: "I really want to see what Huang Weizhen went through back then. It's a pity that the part about him in "Chu Lue" is the only one he created. Most of the records of Yanfa Pavilion and the killing of You Yuheng are unclear, and most of them are circumstantial evidence."

Zuo Guangshu said: "In fact, when Mr. Sima Heng wrote "The Story of Chu", he wrote in detail about Huang Weizhen. But later, the mountain and sea realm continued to sublimate, and Huang Weizhen showed signs of returning, and the conclusion about him became It’s blurry.”

Historical writing emphasizes the importance of coffin closure, but now that Huang Wei's coffin has not been securely closed, everything in the past must be re-considered. The historical classic "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea" is not a permanent work, but has been continuously overturned and revised over a long period of time. Because the truth of history often has many dimensions.

The word "faith" in trusting history does not mean that it will never be wrong, but that it will always obey the truth.

Jiang Wang sighed: "Huang Weizhen's conclusion has become blurred, and the positioning of Yanfa Pavilion has also become blurred."

Zuo Guangshu said: "Sometimes I feel the same way - the evolution of the Yanfa Pavilion itself is more unpredictable than the techniques it deduces."

Jiang Wang couldn't help but asked: "In the old days, common people kept swallows under their eaves, but now they keep them in bird cages?"

"That's true." Zuo Guangshu did not hide anything because of his identity, and said seriously: "But the huge construction cost of the Yanfa Pavilion itself has already destined that it cannot be owned by civilians. Huang Wei Zhen himself built several performance halls, which were open to everyone, but they were only a drop in the bucket. After his death, they were nationalized."

The construction cost of the Yanfa Pavilion is indeed an issue that cannot be ignored. It itself constitutes the threshold and completes the screening of classes.

But this is definitely not the core issue.

Because the cost problem is a problem that can be solved. The real unsolvable problem is that the Chu nobles are unwilling to solve it.

The impenetrable barrier between the Chu family and the common people is the foundation.

Now more than nine hundred years have passed. What Huang Weizhen wanted to do back then is actually already being done by Taixu Pavilion, such as "Taixu Xuanzhang".

In terms of construction costs, Taixu Illusion Realm is far more expensive than Yanfa Pavilion. But this cost was shared equally by all the forces that dominated the world, especially the Ethereal Sect themselves who paid the most. In the end, it was only through the compromise and weighing of various forces that the Taixu Pavilion was established and the "Taixu Xuanzhang" was fully implemented.

As far as Jiang Wang's feelings are concerned, the process of implementing "Taixu Xuanzhang" did not encounter too strong resistance.

This made him couldn't help but think today, did everything Huang Weizhen did back then really not shake anything?

"Is Huang Weizhen's death related to the path he chose?" Jiang Wang asked again in this crowded shop.

"It has been too long, and the truth of that year has been buried. For a long time, the name Huang Weizhen was taboo, but his contribution has always been affirmed, and his legend has always existed." Zuo Guangshu said: "Although I don’t know the details of his death that year, but I think for a person like Huang Weizhen, if he didn’t want to die, no one could kill him.”

"Perhaps he left then just to return now." Jiang Wang looked at Zuo Guangshu: "Guangshu, what do you think of the changes that Huang Weizhen may bring?"

Zuo Guangshu had obviously thought about this issue. He said seriously: "Personally, I need to safeguard the honor of the Zuo family, but I don't think the long-term foundation of honor is to monopolize all opportunities. I think people like Chu Yu People like this should have broader possibilities. I am not afraid of competition. If one day I have children, I hope that they will not have to be afraid of competition. And the way I take care of this hope is to teach them well, not Kick off their competitors early.”

He only talked about "personal", "believe" and "hope", because the ship turned around in a disaster, and the helmsman's will was sometimes swayed by the waves. From the founding of the country to the present, the Zuo family has continued to spread its branches and leaves, and it has become such a huge family. It is deeply rooted in every corner of this country. Today Zuo Guangshu is Zuo Guangshu, he can have his own ideas. Zuo Guangshu will be the Duke of Huai in the future, and what he needs to represent is the collective will of the Zuo family.

Jiang Wang had already got the answer. He patted Zuo Guangshu on the shoulder: "Remember to pay the bill. I'm going to Yue Country."

Zuo Guangshu didn't ask him what he was doing in Yue, he just looked at him: "If you were me, how would you choose?"

"I'm not you. I can't feel everything you feel. All the choices you take for granted are too stupid." Jiang Wang stood up and said: "Don't ask me for advice. But if you just ask me about my personal choice - I will support the left All decisions made by Guangshu."

Zuo Guangshu was very moved and was about to say something.

Jiang Wang added: "No matter when it comes, as long as my Bai Yujing Restaurant is open for one day, there will be a place for you to boil water."

"Boss, pay the bill!" Zuo Guangshu took out five copper coins that had been exchanged in advance and lined them up on the table.

He only paid his own.

The treasure of the cave [Zhang Huatai], whose original form is Taiyuan Zongzhen Heaven, ranks third among the top ten caves.

The existence named "Zhuge Yixian" in Zhang Huatai is the body of the convergence of the calculation power of the twelve star gods. For thousands of years, it has been working day and night to deal with many affairs tirelessly.

The people of Chu respected ghosts and gods, and there were many mountain gods and water gods in Chu. The gods' decrees, including sealing, deposing, and demoting... all came out of Zhanghuatai in response to the decrees.

Therefore, this body is also called "Chi Shen Chief Witch".

The highest-level channel in the southern region, the "Zhanghua Channel" led by the Chu State, relies on Zhanghuatai.

Therefore, Zhang Huatai also assumes the important task of "information hub".

As for "Chi Shen" and "Xin Dao", and even participating in the war as the most powerful cave heaven treasure in the Chu Kingdom, these are not all the responsibilities that Zhang Huatai bears.

One can imagine how much computing power is required for the supervisor, Zhang Huatai, to coordinate everything and arrange all matters in an orderly manner.

Zhanghuatai can also be regarded as a yamen that is not open to the public. There are about 300,000 permanent officials here, and in recent years, the number has exceeded 500,000!

These people are not soldiers and do not need to practice military formations. They all exist to assist the operation of Zhang Huatai——

The overly complicated affairs greatly squeezed Zhuge Yixian's computing power. As time goes by, old problems continue to accumulate and new problems continue to increase. This extremely powerful man who existed since the founding of the Chu Kingdom often felt powerless. Therefore, Zhang Huatai continued to add personnel to share the burden.

"The affairs of the Yue State should not be handled by me. It was Duke An Guo who was first in charge. After Wu Ling's death, he could not remain rational in the affairs of the State of Yue. He turned it over to Zhang Zheng, the senior official. Zhang Zheng was gentle to Yue, so His Majesty chose Fengdu. Yin Gu Chi. But Gu Chi is more than capable of scheming and planning, so he is no match for Gao Zheng. To uncover the mystery, I can only go to see the leader of the Yue Kingdom."

At the core of Zhang Huatai, over the endlessly flowing galaxy, Xing Ji, dressed in black armor, was speaking: "Everything I saw, heard, and thought was shared. Your Majesty has your Majesty's thoughts, and I don't No comment. But is there some key information that has not been disclosed to me?"

In the center of the vast galaxy, a voice responded like this: "Star God has the position of Star God. You can order the gods of the world because of your position, because of Zhang Huatai, not because of you. Don't do anything wrong. There are demands.”

The person who spoke was a tree that was over ten thousand feet tall - to be precise, it was a tree with human features. The bark is like armor, the roots are like sieves, and the branches and leaves are shaking.

The first of the twelve star gods is called "Star Ji". The last of the twelve star gods is called "Ximu".

According to legend, Ximu is the wooden fence that intercepts the Tianhe River and is the last barrier before the mighty torrent. The position of Star God [Ximu] is quite similar to this. Whether internal or external, He is always the last resort.

Looking closely, it is not the stars that are rushing, but the complicated flow of information entangled into characters.

The tree stands in the middle of the river, and all the torrent of information flows through its roots, branches and leaves, completing the initial screening.

As the "work" of the Xing Witch Gathering, He spoke unkindly to Xing Ji.

Xing Ji seemed to be used to it and said, "You seem a little dissatisfied with me?"

Compared with Xing Ji's condescension, Xi Mu's voice had a sense of gravity: "Gu Chi is not lacking in planning, but he is cautious by nature and puts more emphasis on protecting himself. Your judgment of Gu Chi is narrow, and your understanding of Gao Zheng is also narrow. Not accurate."

Xingji didn't get angry, he just raised his hand and pointed: "You can question me, but when I was in the Yue Palace, I borrowed the computing power from there."

The location He points to is at the end of this torrent of information that is like a star river. It is a majestic body where the calculation power of the twelve star gods converge, like a mountain blocking a river. It sits there forever in the name of "Zhuge Yixian".

You can't see that location with your sight, but they can all feel it.

The branches and leaves of the tree rustled and moved, as if they could not help but sneer. Ximu grinned: "Calculation power cannot reflect wisdom, especially the calculation materials you get may not be true."

"I can still judge the authenticity of arithmetic materials." Xing Ji felt that it was very ridiculous: "How dare Gu Chi lie to me? Can Wen Jingxiu hide it from my eyes?"

Ximu said "ho ho" twice: "Do you really want me to put it that bluntly? You are quite smart, so you can get into the game. You can judge whether the calculation material is true or false, so you believe it. But your calculation material Others have prepared it for you, so your calculations will naturally be correct."

Xing Ji sneered: "I would like to hear your accurate understanding of Gao Zheng."

Xi Mu slapped the torrent of information with a branch: "The series of arrangements made before and after Gao Zheng's death were not to cover up the truth that 'Ge Fei is the key to Huang Weizhen's return', but to confirm this so-called truth. Let's We believe that Ge Fei is the key to Huang Weizhen’s return.”

Xing Ji seemed to have heard a huge joke: "You mean, Ge Fei is not the key to Huang Wei's return? Then tell me, what is the key?"

"You are still so stubborn." Ximu said: "No one knows what the key to Huang Weizhen's return is. Maybe it's Ge Fei, maybe not. But one thing is obvious - Gao Zheng wants us to think so."

"This is just your conjecture." Xingji said indifferently: "You are Zhuge Yixian, and I am Zhuge Yixian. Who is right and who is wrong?"

The two star gods faced each other across the galaxy, unable to convince each other.

And the torrent of complicated information is still rushing all the way to the end - the body named "Zhuge Yixian" has a huge cavity in the abdominal cavity, where the galaxy eventually pours, and then flows from the back of the body's spine. Thirty-three ridge points are like thirty-three gates, from which the river of information spurts out and rushes towards the endless void to where they should go.

It is difficult to determine whether he is a person or a creation, but for a long time, he did exist under the name of "Zhuge Yixian".

Wow~Wow~Wow, the flood of information is flowing.

In the depths of the galaxy, a little bit of light floats up.

Since the founding of Da Chu, there have been a total of 3,759 years. At every major historical node, this "Galaxy" in the core area of ​​Zhanghuatai has been photographed.

At this moment, it echoes from afar, crossing the barrier of time and space, completing a long, sigh-like echo.

At this time, the huge body named "Zhuge Yixian" opened his eyes, like two nebulae, shining in the boundless universe.


He suddenly opened his mouth and vomited violently.

The last time he lent his calculation power to Xing Ji to take over the position of Zhuge Yixian, he was still vomiting. This time, he released too much and was unable to control it.

His whole body was bent down, his whole face was wrinkled, his mouth was open in pain, and he vomited out countless bizarre fragments, which hung upside down like a waterfall and poured into the galaxy. Every fragment is constantly changing, just like a quick tour of life.

Xingji and Ximu were both silent.

The thing he vomited was called "lifespan".

The life of a true king is ten thousand years, but ten thousand years is actually not that long.

This body, sitting alone at the end of the galaxy, finally stopped vomiting and made a voice: "Maybe you are not wrong, but you have been diverted and ignored the really important information. Because it is too easy to obtain, even traffickers can know it. , so you don’t take it seriously?”

It was painful when he vomited, but peaceful when he spoke. Like a river of stars on a summer night, flowing quietly.

Xingji and Ximu turned their heads at the same time and saw two noble characters jumping up in the endless galaxy, each representing a series of information. These two characters, one is "Lege" and the other is "White".

Deep in the vast galaxy, there was a distant voice, as if it sounded from the past time, and resonated with the body sitting alone at the end of the galaxy, and said this -

"Chu has dominated the southern region for a long time! The more you follow Chu's system, the more disadvantages you have. The disadvantages of Chu are also the disadvantages of the country."

"Gong Zhiliang tried his best to invite Bai Yuxia to return to China and induce him to swallow the Ge family. Bai Yuxia did not do that, and the change did not happen. But have you ever thought about what Gong Zhiliang's intention was?"

"Have you noticed something? The only two families in Yue that can be called famous, the Ge family exists in name only, and the Bai family remains in name only."

"Have you ever seen what kind of place Yue is now?"

"Everyone is discussing Huang Wei's true return, thinking about the pros and cons of this matter, resolving grievances, and opening knots, but no one is really thinking about Huang Wei's true return—Gao Zheng is thinking."

"Do you still remember Huang Weizhen's ideals when she was young?"

"Is there such a possibility that Gao Zheng left Ge Fei at Yinxiang Peak and taught the mountain and sea monsters to become a human being, just to let Huang Weizhen's eyes stay on Yue soil and let Huang Weizhen see every bit of Yue country? . He didn’t tie up Huang Weizhen, he knew he couldn’t do it. He just gave Huang Weizhen a choice and Yue Guo a chance.”

"He left Huang Weizhen a piece of free land, an ideal place. Let Huang Weizhen choose."

"Everything else, including igniting the conflict between Huang Weizhen and the Chu family, including igniting Huang Weizhen's depression, are just adding weight to the choice and are the details on this road. Gao Zheng left a blank canvas, Huang Weizhen The Word is in it!”

"Gao Zheng never wanted to play chess with us. He wanted to leave the chess table to Huang Weizhen."

Xingji and Ximu have different guesses about Gao Zheng's layout.

At this moment, the real Zhuge Yixian, who has been sleeping deep in the galaxy for a long time, gave the third possibility——

They build nests to wait for the swallows to return, and trees to wait for the phoenix to come.

Jiang Wang has been to Langya City several times. His shopkeeper asked for a family leave, but decided not to leave in his hometown.

He had to think twice.

"How can you give yourself such a holiday? How many months at a time! How many months a year?" Jiang Dongjia launched an attack to accuse him.

"Otherwise you can fire me." Shopkeeper Bai said.

"If you don't go back, who will run the restaurant and keep the accounts?" Boss Jiang attacked Shopkeeper Bai's sense of responsibility.

"Otherwise you can fire me." Shopkeeper Bai said.

"The restaurant can't survive without you. Chu Yao misses you so much and talks about you every day." Boss Jiang started to play the emotional card.

Shopkeeper Bai scraped away the foam with the lid of the cup, with graceful movements and a calm tone: "Even Yuchan knows how to settle accounts, let her do it for a while. As for Chu Yao, give him a set of policy topics when you leave. "

"How long is a period of time?" Jiang Dongjia asked.

Bai Yuxia looked at the rapid raindrops outside the window: "Let's wait until the storm subsides."

It's windy and rainy.

Recently, it has been raining and thundering continuously.

I don’t know who is spreading the word, saying that Qiantang River is crying for Gao Zheng.

Jiang Wang put down the tea cup and looked at Bai Yuxia: "I know you are not worried about Auntie. I can personally send her to Bai Yujing Restaurant. I don't think anyone will stop me."

After thinking for a while, he added: "If you have relatives you can't let go of, you can also send them to Xingyueyuan for resettlement."

"Let's forget it." Bai Yuxia finally smiled: "I know my tribe very well, and few of them can afford to endure hardship - I will just follow you and eat chaffy vegetables, they are so innocent!"

"Why are you eating bran-thick vegetables?" Jiang Wang was furious: "Didn't I give you wages? Didn't I let you eat the untouched leftovers from the guests in the restaurant?"

"Okay, okay." Bai Yuxia gave tea to see the guests off: "You are very busy all day long, so don't worry about it. Go to the alien cave that killed you quickly. I still have something to do here!"

"I'm telling you seriously. In the next period of time, maybe a few months, maybe a few years, the country of Yue will not be very peaceful." Jiang Wang refused to leave just like that, and generously promised: "You can move your family to the stars." Yue Yuan, no matter what, I will take care of you."

Bai Yuxia was a little touched, but she still shook her head and said with a smile: "Have the boss settled the accounts before he said these words? Do you know how many people there are in the Bai family? Do you think I just carry my mother on my back and carry a baggage?" Have you left? You said you can take some relatives you can’t let go of. Who should you take with you? How many fathers, husbands, wives, and children are there? The father must take his children, the husband must take his wife, and the wife must also take him. Her parents, teachers have to take students, friends have to take friends... In the end, the whole family is relocated. No matter how proud you are, Mr. Jiang Ge, Wen Jingxiu can't just watch you move so many people, right? "

Jiang Wang was asked for a moment. He really didn't think so much. He just wanted to protect Bai Yuxia and Bai Yuxia's family.

Bai Yuxia said again: "Even if the Emperor of Yue is afraid of you and allows you to take so many people away, have you ever thought about your own problems?"

"What problem do I have?" Jiang Wang frowned and said, "If you are talking about money, I can ask Qingyu to borrow it."

Bai Yuxia's tone of voice was filled with hatred for iron that cannot be transformed into steel. It must have been smoldering for too long, and she had been holding it in her heart before: "Why can you remain aloof in Taixu Pavilion today? Because you don't have a cabinet department, you don't manage power, you are in the cabinet Try to be public-minded in your work. But today, there are so many people who relied on you in the past, and the situation is different. If you support them, they will become your branches and leaves, your vines. Whether you are willing or not, you will be taken care of in the future. The people they tied up - where do you think the aristocratic family and the noble family came from? You, Li Qi, are going to bring me as a retainer to arrange an escape route for Dugu Xiaoxiao. There are so many people now, can you take care of them? "

Jiang Wang couldn't sit still.

Bai Yuxia continued: "My mother's surname is Wen, and she has the same surname as Wen Jingxiu. Can she leave the country of Yue? How many years has the Bai family been rooted in Langya City? My father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-grandfather... are all buried here. . Boss, is it so easy to move?"

"Then what are you going to do?" Jiang Wang asked.

"I know the situation in Yue State better than you do." Bai Yuxia finally showed a princely smile on his face: "My boss, you can trust my ability to handle things, and also trust my wisdom a little bit."

"But -" Jiang Wang's tone was a little heavy: "If Chu really wants to attack Yue, no one can save people in front of the army, and neither can I."

"Don't worry... don't worry." Bai Yuxia ended in a very light tone: "If that moment really comes, I will take my old mother, find the flag of Duke Huai, and surrender as soon as possible. I will be fine. "

Although Bai Yuxia has always regarded himself as Jiang Wang's disciple, Jiang Wang has never interfered with his free will.

I have tried to persuade him to return to Xingyueyuan several times, starting from the moment I learned the outcome of the battle between Ge Fei and Zhong Liyan. But Bai Yuxia had a good idea. Ever since he ran away from home with Xiang Qiang, he was no longer the person who followed the rules.

Perhaps as Bai Yuxia said, moving is not that simple. The Bai family has taken deep roots in Yue, and if they are to be forcibly pulled away from the soil, they will inevitably be dripping with blood.

Jiang Wang couldn't tie him up and leave.

The rain hadn't stopped yet, and the owner of Bai Yujing Restaurant said he was going back to Xingyueyuan, but through the rain curtain, he saw the shadow of the mountain.

After bidding farewell to Bai Yuxia and leaving Langya City, he came to Yinxiang Peak again.


The boots stepped over the puddles, but before the ripples dispersed, Mr. Jiang Ge, with his hair tied in a jade crown, had already appeared in front of the nameless academy.

The courtyard door seemed to have been pushed open by the wind and rain. Ge Fei, who was wearing a Confucian shirt and neatly packed, was standing under the eaves of the main hall, looking at the sky with a look of sadness.

"Ah - long time no see!" He looked away and looked at Jiang Wang.

This time there was no Abba Abba, no dodging. The whole person seemed polite.

Perhaps it was the rapid improvement in strength after Dezhen gave him confidence.

Jiang Wang stood outside the door and looked at him: "Are you Zhu Jiuyin? Or Chaos?"

"The name is just a code name." Ge Fei brushed his clothes: "This is just a body - it doesn't matter what my name is or what I look like. What do you think?"

"Then let me tell you what is important-"

Jiang Wang didn't bother to talk too much nonsense to him. Just as he told Gao Zheng at the beginning, he couldn't understand this chess game, so he chose not to watch it. He just raised his index finger and drew across the void, as if drawing an invisible bottom line. "No matter who you are, no matter what your plan is, or what goal you want to achieve in the end. Bai Yuxia is my friend, you are not allowed to hurt him, do you understand?"

"What are the consequences?" Ge Fei folded his arms and said, "I mean, if I accidentally violate your request."

"You'd better not be so careless." Jiang Wang said slowly: "Because living is not that easy."

There were some dangerous emotions flowing in Ge Fei's eyes: "Are you threatening me?"

Jiang Wang outside the door was very calm: "I'm just telling you the results in advance to prevent you from making mistakes."

Ge Fei was silent for a long time, but in the end he still didn't ask the question - 'Do you think you can kill me? ’

He asked: "What if Bai Yuxia comes to kill me?"

"You have two choices." Jiang Wang said.

Ge Fei said politely: "I would like to hear the details."

Jiang Wangdao: "First, kill them when you point their necks. Second, turn around and run."

Ge Fei laughed 'hehehe': "It seems you don't intend to give me a choice."

"He can kill you, but you can't kill him." Jiang Wang said this calmly, without any more physical expressions, but his eyes were fixed on Ge Fei.

It was a sight as sharp as a sharp edge, cutting the rain curtain into pieces, cutting through the mountains and seas, stinging Ge Fei's eyeballs, as if asking - 'Do you understand? ’

despair! despair! despair!

Showers knock tiles.

In the mountains at the end of summer, every drop of rain is heavy.

"I know." Ge Fei finally said.

The line of sight then disappeared, and the figure in green shirt outside the courtyard gate also disappeared.

There was only a 'bang' sound, and the sudden free mountain wind slammed the courtyard door shut.

Ge Fei took one last look at the sky and was about to go back to the house, but his steps stopped again. He looked steadily at the middle of the yard. On the rain-wet ground, there was a deep crack that slowly appeared.

It is so deep that you can't see the bottom, so it is called "abyss".

(In Zhuge Yixian's analysis of Gaozheng's situation, represented by the Twelve Star Gods, I imagine that this stage of the plot has three levels. They are interpreted by Xingji, Ximu, and Awakening Star Witch respectively.

I wanted to unfold it slowly in the plot, but now I think it's better to throw it out first, because if you don't stand firm in the first step, you have to speed up's easy to fall.

What I envision is the first level of persuasion to the reader.

The second level convinces readers.

The third level is to convince readers.

All three different directions must be convincing. In this way, I can show a kind of wisdom that I myself can't even achieve.

In this three-stage solution process, Zhuge Yixian's wisdom is constantly liberating.

But I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been too tired and low on energy recently, or the clues I gave are not clear enough, or maybe I’ve fallen into the “taken for granted” bound by my knowledge. The first level doesn’t seem to convince the readers.

Fortunately, the overall structure has not been affected.

Please brainstorm and help me think about how to persuade more readers at that node on the first level under the given clues. Let me get some time to go back and fix it. Or I can rest for a few days after finishing the paper and think about it slowly.

Anyway, try your best and don't leave too many problems.

Well, 2023 is over. I hope all the unhappiness will stay in the past. See you all next year.

Finally, ask for a monthly ticket. )

This chapter has 8k+, of which 4k is added by Da Meng Half Drunk Yuzi (3/3) and Da Meng Green Robe Ancestor 111 (3/3).

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