Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2232 Stormy weather (asking for the first monthly ticket in 2024)

"On July 9, 3928 in the Dao calendar, the main line of the Li family in Yancheng was massacred, and the branches were divided into families."

"On August 16, 3928, in the Dao calendar, the head of the Wu family in Hancheng was found dead in his study, with blood all over his orifices. He had no heirs and no heirs."

"On September 4, 3928 in the Dao calendar, the Song family's legitimate son disappeared..."

Bai Mansion in Langya City, in the study of Bai Pingfu in the past.

Bai Yuxia sat at the desk and pasted pieces of paper with different information on the table, reading them while pasting them. Every piece of paper is aligned and neat and orderly.

All the furnishings in the study are as they were before. After Bai Pingfu died, no one used this study again until his only son came back.

Bai Yuxia still remembers how his father held him on the table when he was not as tall as the desk and happily asked him to memorize articles, while he dipped in ink, drank wine, and wrote wildly, saying, "My son is happy." "

Later, when I got a little older, I rarely had such moments. His father increasingly emphasized the rules and required him to become a noble son of the Bai family who fully complied with the rules.

He knew that in his final moments, his father was disappointed in him.

Because he put aside the responsibilities entrusted to him by his family, threw aside all the rules he had followed in his past life, and wandered just like he was going forward——

He thought he was just looking for an answer to his life, but his father didn't wait for him to come back.

Bai Yuxia faced the pieces of paper one by one, as if playing Scrabble as a child.

But those who truly understand Yue will know the weight of these words.

Yancheng and Hancheng were both important cities in the Yue Kingdom.

The Li family, the Wu family, and the Song family are all famous and prominent families in the Yue Kingdom, and they are only lower than the Ge family and the Bai family.

In the eyes of the arrogant Chu people, only the Ge and Bai families in the entire Yue Kingdom could be considered famous. But Li, Wu, and Song are also well-known surnames in the Yue Kingdom.

Things have happened one after another in these wealthy families, which naturally makes people panic.

Rumors were flying all over the country, and everyone hated Chu and dared not speak out.

Who killed Gao Zheng?

The owner of Sanfenxianglou, Rakshasa Mingyuejing.

Why did the good-natured Rakshasa Ming Yuejing want to kill Gao Zheng?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it is related to Chu State.

So now these Yue Kingdom dignitaries are having troubles one after another, what is the source of the trouble?

Besides Chu State, where else could it be?

How evil the people of Chu are!

In June, Zhong Liyan, an envoy from the Chu State, broke into Yinxiang Peak without authorization and disturbed Gao Zheng's residence. Ge Fei, Gao Zheng's personal disciple, woke up from his confusion and drove him away angrily.

Ge Fei defeated Zhong Liyan, and the Yue court also imprisoned Chu's deputy envoy Dou Mian for accountability - but in the end, due to the power of Chu, they could only release these two men.

The Chu people were in a bad mood, so they remained silent on the bright side. But turning around, troubles occurred frequently in the territory of Yue State. Everyone, including ministers and powerful officials, was in danger. Who can say that it had nothing to do with the Chu people?

The mighty hegemonic country in the world actually uses such underhanded methods to become a great country in vain!

Of course Bai Yuxia also knew about this fierce discussion.

He knows far better than public opinion.

So he remained silent in the study.


The knock on the door was followed by the voice of mother Wen Juanying: "Xia'er, can mother come in?"

Bai Yuxia casually wiped it, covered the table with a piece of snow-white rice paper, and said with a chuckle: "Come in - I remember writing in this study when I was a child, but you never wanted to knock on the door."

Wen Juanying opened the door and walked in. She also smiled: "Then I'm not guarding your father? Man, you talk about socializing and work all the time. The door is closed for several hours. Who knows what you are hiding in there? Mom, this is called a surprise attack."

Bai Yuxia drew a pen on the paper and smiled lightly: "My father is famous for his duties and rules. Your doubts about him are really unreasonable."

"Hey! What do you know, when he was young -" Wen Juanying stopped and rolled her eyes at him: "Why am I telling you this?"

Bai Yuxia painted without raising her head, but grinned: "If you want to tell me about his foolishness when he was young, I, as a son, can't listen to you. You should always think of a wise man."

"Slap your mouth!" Wen Juanying said angrily: "It should be said, 'When you see the unworthy, you should reflect inwardly'!"

Bai Yuxia chuckled: "I mean, you just need to understand."

Wen Juanying looked at her son and the painting she was drawing spread out on the desk - a branch, a jackdaw, and some wind and rain.

A very lonely painting.

At some point, she had stopped smiling. Bai Yuxia also pursed her lips.

Neither mother nor son laughed.

"What's underneath the painting?" Wen Juanying asked.

Bai Yuxia paused her painting and said softly: "There are not many things that you don't know about the borders of the country."

"Son," Wen Juanying said, "It's time for you to go back to Xingyueyuan. A good man has ambitions all over the world, but he has no future if he stays at home."

"I don't have much potential in Xingyueyuan. My boss is very stingy and never raises my salary." Bai Yuxia said: "I'd better spend more time with you. When you are happy, you will slip some pocket money between your fingers. You are no better than me working as a cow outside." Be a strong horse?"

Wen Juanying was silent for a while and said: "It's been quite chaotic recently. You said-"

"It has nothing to do with our family." Bai Yuxia said: "Those who have troubles are all family members, those who have successively gained power and monopolized resources. Our family has been in trouble for a long time, and it doesn't matter what we say in Langya City. It's not our turn. .”

During Bai Yuxia's leisurely stay at home, she didn't do much. She just caught those people in the clan who had returned to their old ways and opened their mouths and shut up about the revival of the Bai family, and beat them hard.

After he returned, the Bai family was even more deserted than when he was away.

Wen Juanying said: "Whether there is a clan or not, it is all the fault of the Chu people. The Chu people are used to being arrogant, but they don't care about your actual situation. Do you still choose a time to kill someone?"

"Are they really from Chu?" Bai Yuxia asked.

Wen Juanying's face changed: "Jade flaw!"

Bai Yuxia said: "I can't even think of who the Chu State can use to deal with such shameless means. Duke An Guo? Duke Huai? They will overthrow the country. Qu Shunhua? Zuo Guangshu? Xiang North? Haha, based on my understanding of them, no matter how they fall, it will never be more than this."

"The State of Chu is so huge, it is inevitable that branches and leaves will rot. My son is talking about heroes, but you didn't see the bear." Wen Juanying said: "What kind of dirty things can't someone like Gu Chi do?"

"Mother." Bai Yuxia sighed in a complex tone: "You are truly a member of the royal family!"

Wen Juanying originally had a lot to say, but when she heard her son sigh, she couldn't help but lower her eyelids: "Your mother's surname is Wen, and your father and mother are both from the Yue country. My son, you are also from the Yue country. You were born here and grew up here. this."

Bai Yuxia simply opened the painting he had just painted, revealing the densely packed pieces of paper on the desk. He pointed at the words on it and said: "The Li family in Yancheng said that the branches divided their families, and all the gold and silver were divided among them. Where have the property and authority gone? Where have the promotion channels gone? They are all nationalized. The Wu family in Hancheng said that the side branch would not succeed. With such a big family's business, wealth and title, wouldn't the side branch be willing to succeed? No inheritance. So there is no heir. ——”

"That's enough." Wen Juanying interrupted.

Bai Yuxia refused to stop: "Our emperor is very talented and has made up his mind to cut out the sores. Fortunately, my father died early. If he had died late, he would have been stabbed."

"It's okay..." Wen Juanying's voice was almost pleading.

Bai Yuxia continued: "Since the emperor has such determination, it is impossible for him not to bleed. The royal family surnamed Wen has been growing for so many years, and it will soon be pruned. No, Prince Min has been found. If he gives orders in the wrong place, his fiefdom will be lost. If he is not sensible enough, his head will also be lost."

"Bai Yuxia, what do you want to do?" Wen Juanying shouted in a high-pitched voice, then softened, with tears already in her eyes: "What do you want to do? Do you know that as long as these words of yours spread, you will instantly become a national thief? You Father, grandfather, and the reputation of your ancestors of the Bai family can’t be saved—what do you want to do?”

Bai Yuxia was very calm: "My grandfather dedicated his life to the country and shed the last drop of blood on the battlefield. My father cherished feathers throughout his life and abided by moral principles. My ancestors of the Bai family have never been ashamed of the country. Their reputation cannot be preserved. Because of what? Because I told the truth?"

Wen Juanying looked at him sadly: "Once the torrent of public opinion forms, anyone who tries to stand in front will be crushed. What's the point of the truth? How important is the evidence? People don't care about the truth, they just need to vent their emotions - this principle Don’t you know better than me? It’s something that everyone knows about my mother-in-law.”

Bai Yuxia said: "It is said that a lot of words make gold, but accumulation destroys bones. But I think it is not true gold that can be derogated by slanderous words. It is not hard bones that can be defeated by rumors."

"What does it have to do with us? Mom doesn't understand. Yuxia, they said it was the Chu people who did it, so it's just the Chu people. The Chu country is so powerful that we can't blame them for many things." Wen Juanying stepped forward. Taking a step forward: "Don't say these words again."

"Don't worry, I'm just telling you now." Bai Yuxia smiled: "Besides, this is what the country of Yue needs, right? The emperor wants to make thorough reforms, unite as one, and grasp public opinion - Mom, I can understand it .”

What is there about Li, Wu, and Song that he can't understand? It's not a close relationship at first, but after all, it can be regarded as a family matter of Wen Jingxiu. The only thing he couldn't understand happened in the past and had nothing to do with today.

Wen Juanying wiped her tears, looked at the room with nostalgia, and walked to the desk: "Yu Xia. Mom has thought about it clearly. Let's go to Xingyue Yuan together, just the two of us."

Bai Yuxia said with surprise: "Uncle Zhang and Deng, my uncles and brothers, the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt, what about these people? Are they all ignored?"

"It doesn't matter. They are all adults and they are responsible for themselves." Wen Juanying said: "Your father is gone, and you have no interest in the family business. Mom is working hard to support it. Just give the family business to them, and I will Bring some belongings with you and go with you to retire somewhere else, away from right and wrong."

Of course, Bai Yuxia knew this outcome a long time ago, because it was he who took advantage of the turmoil in the country of Yue to force his mother to make such a choice.

It was difficult to leave his hometown, his family fortune was huge, and Wen Juanying's surname was Wen... If he didn't deliberately show signs of danger, he knew that his mother would never leave.

"You can't just bring some personal belongings." Bai Yuxia said with a smile: "Don't leave any Yuan stones or anything else behind. You don't expect your son to earn enough money to support you in old age. That's not something you can count on."

Now that she had decided to leave, Wen Juanying suddenly let go of her worries. She raised her hand and hit her son: "Prodigal virtue!"

Bai Yuxia smiled and begged for mercy, pushing her mother out: "Hurry up and pack your luggage. I will arrange a vehicle to take you to Xingyueyuan."


The study door is closed.

The owner of the study has left the room and will part with it forever.

Spring rain fell, summer rain fell, and autumn rain fell. Throughout the year 3928 of the Taoist calendar, the country of Yue seemed to be covered in rain.

The shower knocked on the window, bringing a sense of humidity. Finally, a wisp of autumn wind came through the net and entered the study.

The piece of paper stuck to the table seemed to be imprinted on the table, unmoved.

The rice paper that recorded Bai Yuxia's random drawings almost floated in the wind, but was held down by the paperweight. Most of it was rolled up, but there was still a corner nailed to the table.

At this time, it was blowing in the autumn wind, and there were two lines of words on the back of the painting -

"Winds and rains come and go. Thick quilts are curled up to wrap the sick bones, and jackdaws are thinned by the solitary branches."


The sound of horse hooves and the pounding of rain showers seemed to be in harmony. The former is soothing, the latter is urgent.

"I said, the rain is quite annoying. Let's chop it into pieces." Sitting forward in the coachman's seat, leaning against the door, he said listlessly with his eyelids drooped.

Bai Yuxia, who was sitting next to him, said angrily: "Can't you kill it yourself?"

I glanced at him sadly forward, not wanting to say it was because I was lazy.

Bai Yuxia managed to remain patient: "The sun rises, the moon sets, the rain blows and the wind blows. These are all natural laws. Although we practitioners can change the celestial phenomena, there is some interference, which is not necessarily a good thing for the environment..."

"Okay." Xiang Xiang didn't bother to listen anymore and just said: "Let's go."

Bai Yuxia asked: "My mother has no cultivation and can't stand the bumps. You drive slowly and don't be in a hurry. I'll catch up when I'm done."

If we travel slowly from Yue Kingdom to Xingyue Yuan, it will take three to five months.

It hurt a lot when I looked forward, but I just said 'hmm'.

"Don't tell others about this." Bai Yuxia emphasized again.

The dead fish eyes moving forward showed no signs of trouble: "It's so hard to get around. Just tell me not to tell Jiang Wang."

Bai Yuxia said: "He is just worried about his life. If he knew, he would have to come and take care of it himself - is the alien cave really so easy to kill? In which race battlefield does he not have to fight hard? It's better not to disturb him with this little matter, wait until we meet up Let’s go to Xingyueyuan together and tell him again.”

Cover your eyelids forward and then lift them up again, using this action to express your nod of agreement.

Bai Yuxia raised her voice and said to Wen Juanying in the carriage: "Mom, it's windy outside, don't open the window to avoid catching the cold. If you have anything to do, just tell Qiang Qiang directly. He is my good brother. Lazy is If you are lazy, you will be reliable."

Xiang Qian also tried his best to keep his voice as lively as possible: "Auntie, if you need anything, just ask me!"

"Thank you, Xiaoxiang, for causing you to make this trip." Wen Juanying's voice sounded in the carriage, feeling a little sad about leaving home.

"It's okay, aunt. I don't have any other advantages, but my legs and feet are diligent. I have been on the road all these years -" Xiang Xiang finished all his kind words for this year and said, "Tell Yu Xia, he is about to Walk."

Wen Juanying's voice said again: "Yu Xia. Uncle Zhang and Aunt Deng have devoted most of their lives to the Bai family. We must not treat them badly. And your sixth aunt, she has a hard time..."

"You don't have to worry about the affairs of these parents and their relatives. I will make the arrangements. Divide the property clearly among them, and no one will have anything to say. Don't worry!" Bai Yuxia advised: "As for you, take care of yourself. Get some sleep, eat and drink when you need to. After sorting out this little bit of belongings, explain what needs to be accounted for, and I will catch up."

"Alas." Many of Wen Juanying's words turned into a sigh.

Ta, tap, tap.

Bai Yuxia disappeared into the rain.

2024 is here, I hope everyone is really happy.

Let the bad things stay in the past.

Please ask for the first guaranteed monthly pass in 2024!

[Thanks to the book friend "Wither Story" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 745th alliance of the Sky Patrol! 】

[Thanks to book friend "三二1二" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 746th alliance for the Heavenly Sky Patrol! 】

[Thanks to the book friend "Long Road Goes Forward" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 747th alliance for the Sky Patrol! 】

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