Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2233: Teaching by words and deeds, when will the dream come true (please ask for guaranteed

Ge Fei's first lesson on Yinxiang Peak was about "arrogance" and "nervousness".

Gao Zheng believes that these are the two first problems that need to be solved when the mountain and sea monsters come to the world.

But looking back many years later, Ge Fei believes that the most important thing he learned in that lesson was "forbearance."

"Let go of arrogance" and "keep calm" are words, and the word "tolerance" is a lesson.

The true legitimate son of the Ge family became a disciple of Gao Zheng at the age of five and studied with him for seventeen years. From a child who was no taller than a broomstick, he grew up to be the pride of the country of Yue.

Later, the skin was stolen, and the mountain and sea monster that occupied the skin went to Hidden Phase Peak to control Gao Zheng.

Gao Zheng chose to accept this apprentice and accept everything that had happened.

At that time, Ge Fei didn't know much about what "master and apprentice" meant. Until his identity as a direct descendant opened all tangible and intangible doors for him; until everyone he came into contact with repeatedly reminded him of the rich political legacy he had received. Only then did he understand that the so-called "robe" refers to the ability to eat, and "clothes" refers to the dignity of a human being.

From master to apprentice, Gaozheng gives you a lifetime of accumulation.

From this, Ge Fei could understand more and more the word "forbearance".

Tolerance serves the country.

When Gao Zheng was alive, Jiang Wang came to Yinxiang Peak. At that time, he was so angry that he wanted to tear open the skin immediately and teach Jiang Wang a lesson he would never forget. Only under the suppression of Gao Zheng are they willing to lie dormant.

Later, Gao Zheng died and Jiang Wang came to Yinxiang Peak again. He chose to endure when he was pretending to be stupid and when he didn't need to.

Wen Jingxiu praised him for growing up.

But he suddenly realized that he had become dependent on Gao Zheng. A kind of dependence of children on their parents.

Although he was born in the mountain and sea realm created by Huang Weizhen, he had never really come into contact with Huang Weizhen. Like many people in the world, he had only heard the legend of Huang Weizhen. He is a lonely beast in the mountains and seas. He has reached the top of the mountains and seas step by step in the cruel competition. No one has ever really taught him anything.

Roaring angrily and almost losing control in front of Gao Zheng, shouting about going on a killing spree, was actually a wayward way of expressing his emotions under the supervision of his parents. When the teacher dies and the parents are gone, he needs to face the wind and rain alone to pick up what he has learned.

On the embankment of the Qiantang River, Gao Zheng's silence when the tide came was the last lesson he heard.

Although he has come to reality as a monster in the mountains and seas, he is not a being without wisdom. He subdued all kinds of beasts in the mountains and seas, defeated all competitors, and finally wanted to destroy Huang Wei's life... it is not something that can be done without brains.

It was only after leaving the realm of mountains and seas that I experienced a lot of ignorance and had difficulty controlling my animal nature, so I was unable to restrain my brutal instincts and lost control from time to time.

He has just begun to learn to be a human being, but the human world is far more treacherous than the mountains and seas.

For example, he couldn't understand it at first. Wen Jingxiu's purpose was to strengthen the country, but his method was to weaken himself. Before the Chu State could do anything, he killed all the nobles and old heroes of his country.

Later, he gradually understood that this might be a process of cutting out the tumor and removing the sore. He was bleeding now in order to survive in the future.

Only those who are clear-sighted and know how to make choices can survive the disaster by handing over power in advance and disbanding the interest network that has been woven for many years. This can be regarded as the self-healing of the ulcer. Once it is cured, there is no need to remove it.

For example, the Zheng family, who was also in Amancheng, had held the position of the city lord of Amancheng for generations. The Zheng family's children filled the city lord's palace, not giving any chance for foreigners to breathe. Even the pet dog in Mrs. Zheng's arms is an officially registered bandit hunting dog and enjoys the support of the state. In Yancheng, there is a saying of "Ten Officials and Seven Zhengs", which is far more powerful than the Li family who followed the military route.

But when the storm came, the head of the Zheng family immediately stepped down as city lord, and before resigning, he fired all the Zheng family's children who were serving in government affairs. There is no need to engage in the trick of eliminating the poor and the poor, nor to argue with the court about which people are qualified or even outstanding, just clear everything, lie down and let the people be cut, and start all over again.

There were almost no deaths in the Zheng family.

The few deceased persons were killed by the head of the Zheng family himself. He read out the charges and spelled out the punishments, which was very satisfying. After so many years of "Ten Officials and Seven Zhengs", the people of Amancheng still remember the Zheng family.

In contrast, Li Shi could not see the situation clearly at all. Thinking that the Zheng family had lost power, he decisively extended his tentacles and wanted to be seized by the military and political affairs... In the end, no one in the main line was left.

Nowadays, no one in Kuaiji City is honored. In the past, people often talked about "bloodline" and "history", but now everyone has to disassociate themselves from each other and say that they have been born in vain for three generations.

The joys and sorrows are different from person to person.

The old aristocratic forces of the Yue Kingdom were wiped out overnight by extreme means, resulting in a huge power void, which was also a huge opportunity.

Official examinations were launched in all counties and cities throughout the Yue Kingdom. All examiners were officials from civilian backgrounds - the emperor had already reserved a large number of talents for today.

In the past, the nobles controlled the government and it was difficult for common people to be promoted. The emperor loved talents and built a Hanlin Academy to support the children of poor families who he liked but could not be promoted.

The daily work of these people is to write articles, read, and compile history and debate. Only a false name, no real power. The nobles were also happy to leave a good reputation for respecting the virtuous.

Now all these people have been released to fill the government and the public, occupying the key positions that have been vacant, and fully cooperating with the new policy promoted by the Yue court - they are so key and so noble, so the world calls them "Qing Hanlin".

Once the ascending channel is opened, the waves will surge instantly and the stagnant water will turn into living water.

Children from poor families rushed to tell each other, full of ambition.

In this turbulent season, everything is happening and everything is happening.

People at that time might say: Step on the bones of the prince and climb the ladder of blue clouds!

Of course, political reform is not such a simple matter. It does not mean that His Majesty the Emperor can change the situation immediately with a sudden whim, a thought, or a slap on the thigh.

Ge Fei saw that the new policies of the Yue State were as overwhelming as the cliffs and waterfalls. This was the result of Gao Zheng's layout many years ago. Planted in spring for many years, harvested this autumn.

At that time, Gao Zheng used the power of promoting the Fallen Immortal Covenant to comprehensively launch administrative reforms in the Yue Kingdom, requiring "fair selection of officials and equal power between high and low". No one in the court dared to openly oppose it. However, in the end, it was not implemented smoothly and was hindered by The major cities under Yueting. With high-level political methods and from top to bottom, it is not difficult to defeat everything - but at this time, he was forced to step down. The official reform was naturally abandoned, the political platform was suspended, and the official system collapsed. After that, he lived in seclusion and did not care about the affairs of the government.

Many years have passed, and many of Gao Zheng's political ideas, including official reform, have never been mentioned again. Both the government and the public respect him, and the nobles obey him. However, in the face of huge real interests, many people still prefer that he remain a "hidden prime minister".

Ge Fei also listened to Gao Zheng talk about the past many times, but the teacher never seemed to feel regret or regret. He just calmly summarized what he had done back then and what he had not accomplished. There are no waves, only order, as if telling another person's story.

During the period after Gao Zheng's death, Ge Fei lived alone in a small courtyard deep in the mountains, recalling the current situation of Yue one by one. Only then did Ge Fei slowly understand those past events and sort out the context, one by one. As in front of you.

When Yinxiang Peak also disappeared into Gaoqiu, he seemed to have finished reading Gao Zheng's life.

He decided to go down the mountain.

Sow in spring, harvest in autumn, grow in summer and hide in winter. Now is the time to go down the mountain.

The Yue court has not publicly stated the existence of Ge Fei so far, which also makes him a relatively ambiguous existence in the current situation of the Yue state.

He was Ge Fei. When he came down from the mountain, of course he had to go home first.

The Ge family is the oldest family in Yue, with a history older than that of Yue. Before launching a coup, the first thing Yue Taizu did was to seek the support of the Ge family.

Such a family, which has been prosperous for generations, can truly be called a famous family, and its heritage is unfathomable - of course, this is only a matter of the past. Now everyone can clearly see her underwear.

Ge Fei felt that the father of this body, the patriarch named "Ge Yu", was really stupid.

Sending his son to Gao Zheng as his apprentice, doesn't this mean exposing his innermost feelings to Gao Zheng? Why are these people not aware of the danger at all, and even when they are about to die, they don’t know that they are the chronic disease that Gao Zheng wants to solve?

Is the teacher pretending to be too good and cunning, or is the father too stupid?

For Ge Fei, this is not a dilemma. The two are not contradictory and can occur at the same time.

Ge's old residence is in Fuji. This city is famous for its flowers, birds, fish and insects, and the people are fond of gambling.

Ge Fei stepped into the city gate with his front foot, and the whole city was boiling with his back foot.

People kept saluting along the way, and they all bowed from a distance to show their sincerity and never came close to disturb them.

This enthusiasm reaches its peak after entering the mansion.

"Master, you are back!"

"Master, my servant is going to make tea for you, or is it your favorite Dong Yemei?"

"Master Fei is back!"

Ge Fei walked in without any emotion, just nodding lightly along the way.

He also caught such funny whispers——

"Great, Master, come down the mountain. No one dares to touch us now!"

Humans are such complex creatures. The powerful abyss is as deep as the universe, and the weak and humble is as dust. Some people are wise and far-reaching, and others are ridiculously stupid and shallow.

How to define it?

Ge Fei walked all the way inside and saw his father in this body.

It is not polite for a father to welcome his son, but as a real person of the Ge family who has been eliminated for so many years, and as a strong supporter of the Ge family's foundation for the next thousand years, it is very reasonable for the head of the Ge family to come out to greet him.

Ge Fei remembered his teacher's teaching that people should observe etiquette.

So he bowed deeply to Ge Yu, the leader of the Ge clan in front of him: "My son has seen his father. Father, you have lost weight."

Ge Yu was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. He just said: "Okay, okay. My son is interested."

"It's windy outside, shall we go to the study to talk?" Ge Fei asked filially.

Ge Yu, who was sixty-one years old this year, turned around and walked inside: "Okay, come with me."

The current patriarch of the Ge family and the future patriarch of the Ge family just dismissed all the servants and walked into the study alone. As soon as the door is closed, the hustle and bustle subsides. The excitement just now seemed to be something from another world.

"The layout of this study is different." Ge Fei looked around and said suddenly.

Ge Yu sat down behind the desk with a very straight posture: "What's the difference?"

"It's very similar to Bai Pingfu's study." Ge Fei said, "It's almost the same."

The Ge clan leader's eyes were very deep, like two caves, and there were indeed insects living in them. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, "That's great, you still remember."

The ancient art of controlling insects certainly has merit, but there has never been a breakthrough in the Ge family and it has lagged behind the times. Ge Fei was originally from the realm of mountains and seas that Dong Zhen's vision had left, and he had studied with Gao Zheng for so long, so he had long disdained the so-called 'family tradition' he had learned. He said casually: "I am deeply impressed by Zhang Linchuan. He is the first loss I have ever suffered."

Bai Pingfu was indeed not worth mentioning, but the process of Zhang Linchuan killing Bai Pingfu was an art, and he appreciated it carefully.

"Where is Yi Shengfeng?" Ge Yu's tone was also very emotional: "The one in South Dou Hall."

"He just ran faster. If you really want to count it, it can only be counted as half——" Ge Fei said casually, and felt something was wrong: "Why do you think Yi Shengfeng caused me trouble?"

Ge Yu didn't answer and asked instead: "Do you know why I decorate the study room the same as Bai Pingfu's?"

In the realm of mountains and seas, weak people are not even qualified to cry, let alone speak at length. Ge Fei's patience was running out: "Just tell me."

Ge Yu did not feel dissatisfied and said to himself: "There is nothing new in history. Similar things will always happen again and again. I have been fighting with brother Pingfu for half my life, and I know that I will be like him."

This was quite interesting. Ge Fei said without emotion: "Why do you say that?"

There was an open book on the desk. It was a very thick book and the pages were a little worn. Ge Yu closed it with a dull sound. The cover of the book reads..."Book of Chu·Juan Jiu".

The head of the Ge clan, a famous family in the Yue Kingdom, was reading the history of the Chu Kingdom. And often read.

The head of an ancient and famous family in the Yue Kingdom looked at his nominal son and said in a very calm tone: "You came down the mountain this time to kill me, right?"

Ge Fei looked back without concealing it. Looking at the person in front of him, he suddenly felt that this person was different from the stupid image in his mind. I couldn't help but ask: "When did you find out?"

Ge Yu said: "From the first day you came back, I knew you were not him. That is my son. I raised him since he was a child. There are so many differences between you."

Gao Zheng once said that human beings are very good at self-deception. Ge Fei's family did not dare to face the truth, so they did not discover Ge Fei's problem. But now Ge Yu gave a different answer.

Man, what an interesting creature!

Ge Fei finally pulled out the chair opposite the desk and sat down. His sitting posture was also very upright and polite: "But you still admit it. I am very curious about what human emotions are. I have read a lot in the past few years. Books, many books say that feelings are very important, but from my real-life experience, it doesn’t seem to be important—is it important?”

Ge Yu did not answer directly because he had no obligation to educate this mountain and sea monster. He just continued his expression: "You are not my son, but you are indeed a disaster beast, causing disaster wherever you go. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are a real 'Fei'. I, the Ge family, have been praying for disasters for generations. Even if you are a beast of misfortune, you will be treated as a benevolent person."

"That's it!" Ge Fei said with a smile: "You found out that I am not your son, but you pretended not to know. You deliberately paralyzed me and wanted to train me as a real Fei beast so that you could renew Ge's secret method. Please Get a new real person and win a future for the Ge family - why did you give up this idea later? Because of my teacher?"

Ge Yu's eyes were filled with astonishment. He was surprised by the intelligence of this mountain and sea monster, and even more surprised by Gao Zheng's teachings. Gao Zheng seems to really regard this mountain and sea monster as his personal descendant and has devoted so much effort to it.

This discovery saddened him.

He said: "It is the unfairness of the system, the inaction of those in power, and the selfishness of everyone from top to bottom that has led to everything today... Standing in this tower of greed, every level is They suck the blood from below and stand at the top, but they regard the so-called powerful people in the middle as cancer. Of course, it is not an exaggeration to say that these powerful people in the Yue Kingdom are cancerous tumors today, but the Yue Kingdom was built from scratch. The reason why the powerful became powerful was that they were initially full of enthusiasm to build this country."

He asked: "Have they changed? Have we changed? Or has the soil changed or the country changed? Ge Fei, you said you have been studying in the past few years, do you have an answer for your father?"

Ge Fei carefully recalled what Gao Zheng had said. He regarded it as a precious treasure of memory and food for the monsters to survive the winter.

He said: "Strong medicines are used to treat serious illnesses. If the teacher had been given more time and more freedom, and if he had not been forced to leave the field back then, he would not have to be so rude today. All this should have been done peacefully, but now there is no time, teacher Not here anymore either.”

"Let me tell you this -" he looked at Ge Yu: "Senior Brother Wen's methods are indeed a bit rough. If it were a teacher, it wouldn't be like this."

"So that's how it is..." Ge Yu nodded: "If it's such a dark murder, and it's the prime minister's plan, I will feel that there is no hope in all this. If you say this, my father will feel relieved."

"Don't worry?" Ge Fei raised his eyes, not quite understanding.

He is becoming more and more like a human being, but he also has more and more misunderstandings about human beings.

"Come on!" Ge Yu still didn't answer because he was filled with hatred and refused to teach his enemy. But he didn't choose to fight. He just sat upright on the chair, opened his arms, and said calmly: "It is most appropriate for Gao Zheng's disciple, my son, to personally remove this cancer that is growing in the heart of the empire."

Ge Fei... was a little at a loss.

He fought his way out step by step in the competition between countless strange beasts in the mountain and sea realm. He knows best what to do in order to survive.

But for such a smart person as Gao Zheng, it seems that he has never thought about seeking a living.

The physical ‘father’ in front of me, the stumbling block before the New Deal, the rot in this country... actually died calmly.


Ge Fei wanted to ask this, and he did make a sound.

But Ge Yu didn't answer, just closed his eyes.

——Hope it's all worth it.

This chapter is 5k, not counting additional updates.

[Thanks to Xinmeng who was rewarded by Dameng for his "Troubles are gone and far away from the mortal world"! 】

[Thank you to the big alliance for the two new silvers and the two general alliances that were rewarded by "Cha Cha Cha Hao Hao Hao"! The boss doesn’t talk or join the group, just give rewards...]

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