Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2234 Who upholds justice?

The Ge family's old house in Fuji City lit up the night.

The glory of an ancient and famous family is the hottest firewood, making the flames more wild.

Ge Fei's movements were very swift, and he did not make his father suffer, nor did he make the family members in this mansion feel too much pain.

Despite his cruel nature, he is willing to enjoy the pain of his prey before it dies. But he wants to be a polite person, and he cannot make his relatives suffer too much.

Ge Fei has decided to inherit his teacher's legacy and strengthen the country. This is also the best choice for him. As the only direct descendant of Gao Zhengming, he can naturally inherit everything of Gao Zheng, including his huge reputation.

He and the country of Yue have prospered together.

Killing is the simplest thing, but the more complicated thing is after killing.

It was not an easy battle to break out of the barrier and defeat Zhong Liyan, the envoy of Chu State. Being defeated and unable to kill made him feel even more aggrieved. Afterwards, Senior Brother Wen asked him to wait on the mountain to avoid the limelight - he could only understand this matter after he came to this world.

There is no such thing in the mountain and sea realm. In that place where the weak prey on the strong, you need to always show strength. If you show the slightest bit of weakness, you will be devoured by the surrounding evil beasts.

He came down this time to serve as a representative of the family's awakening, to take the lead in reforming the family and embracing the New Deal.

Above, there is the leadership of the emperor and the prime minister in the court. In the middle, there is Xun Jiuli, the first genius from the oldest and most famous family, as an example. Below, there is the support of the vast number of common people. In history, there is the legacy of Gaozheng, and outside, there is the support of the Chu State. Pressure, and secretly there is a knife that kills crazily and creates terror...

With so many parties working together, there is no unreasonable reason for Yue's national political reform.

As for whether it can be successful and whether it can really be as Gong Zhiliang described in the court hall, "the sky will be clear and the earth will be bright, and the great prosperity will last forever," it will take time to verify.

Theoretically, there would be no problem for him to set an example for the aristocratic family.

But the word "exemplary" is easier said than done.

To attract the attention of the world, you must withstand the scrutiny of the world. Especially when setting up such a high shelf, to perfectly inherit Gao Zheng's reputation and assets and win huge popularity, every word and action must be carefully considered.

How to gather the remnants of the old aristocracy and lead them to embrace reform at this precarious moment is a complex issue.

Of course, before that, he still had one more thing to do——

The wanted criminal of the Xuan Kingdom, the butcher secretly manipulated by the Chu Kingdom... This person's blood will be used to stain his determination, embellish his prestige, and help him win the support of the remnants of the old nobles.

What's that man's name?

It seems to be... Zhang Jiefu.

A man who sells everything to avenge his family in order to gain strength.

He already had the result he wanted, and he had to pay the price for the rest of his life.

Ge Fei can easily end this person's pain and take away this "triumph".

Things could have been simpler. The whereabouts of the "Butcher of Canye", who made everyone in Yue's powerful family feel in danger, was not a secret at all to the Yue emperor.

But Brother Wen is very cautious. He wants Zhang Jiefu not to know who is driving him until his death. Of course, Zhang Jiefu may not care.

Therefore, Ge Fei still needs to investigate his whereabouts and go through the necessary process of killing him. It doesn't matter, as long as no one else interferes, Yue country is just another jungle, and he is very good at hunting.

"There's a fire! There's a fire! The Ge family is on fire!"

"There are so many experts in the Ge family, how come they can't suppress the fire? There must be something wrong!"

"Hurry, hurry, call the officer!"

"Isn't Mr. Ge back? What happened that even he can't suppress?"

When Ge Fei let go of his ears and consciousness, the noise of the city came in droves.

The Ge family is still very popular in Fuji City. When Ge Yu was alive, he did a lot of comforting him. He provided relief in bad years and built roads in good years. At least on the surface, he did so that people didn't have too much gossip. The neighbors in this city They also gave superficial care at this time.

Tonight, Ge Shi will be reborn in the flames, abandoning his corrupt and greedy old self and welcoming a clean and sincere new life.

Ge Fei, the last heir of the Ge family, will live forever this night.

In the midst of the blazing fire, Gao Zheng's closed disciple adjusted his grief-stricken facial expression, added a bit of determination to his eyes, coughed slightly, making his voice heavier, and then walked up to the sky step by step on the blazing flames. Ready to speak——

"Ge Fei!"

Suddenly there was such a loud shout, the sound became sharper and sharper, like a sword coming out of its box. Cut off the sound of drums that brought Ge Fei to the stage.

In that endless night, where the flames failed to illuminate, there was a man with a face like the bright moon, as if he was coming with clear frost. His skin color is extremely white, his facial features are extremely delicate, he is dressed in a thin shirt, and his body is full of sword energy. Across the night, it looks like a white rainbow.

Bai Yuxia!

The only famous family in the Yue Kingdom that can be compared with the Ge family, he is the heir of the Langya Bai family. A finalist in the Yellow River Tournament, the genius of this generation.

He actually came to Fuji on this very night.

What does he want to do?

Ge Fei was interrupted and extremely impatient.

But he saw the white jade halberd pointed at him, and Zhengyi rebuked in an angry voice: "You are a crazy beast, a vicious dog thief, you actually killed your father, your mother, and your whole family!"

Ge Fei heard the noise around him. Of course he could clearly hear the unsavory discussions among the people watching.

The person who stands up to accuse him tonight is not an unknown person, but a Yue Di Tianjiao who is as famous as him. Such a fierce public confrontation is planned with a lifetime of reputation. Only one person from both sides will be able to keep his reputation tonight.

"Bai Yuxia, why are you so crazy?" Ge Fei asked tentatively. He wanted to see Bai Yuxia's trump card.

Bai Yuxia pointed at the blazing old house of the Ge family, and the sword energy whizzed down, directly extinguishing the flames soaring into the sky: "The tragic image of the Ge family is in front of you, do you want to deny it? Do you want to do an autopsy now to see if it was you? hand?"

Ge Fei just wanted to sneer!

This Bai Yuxia is still so confused about the situation. Exactly the same as that Bai Pingfu. The same thing happened when Dai Xiao went to court a few years ago and wanted to win the support of others.

In the words of the book, this is called "not understanding the king's heart".

Do you really think that it was a crime for him to go home and slaughter his family?

This is exactly his merit!

Ge's crime is certainly there. The ancient family has a complicated root system. It is impossible that it has not harbored dirt and evil practices for so many years and cannot withstand the sun. All the crimes committed over the years are too numerous to list!

The relevant evidence has been prepared by Senior Brother Wen for many years.

It was only fitting that he should take it out.

He killed his relatives tonight out of righteousness.

What kind of discussion is he afraid of?

"Since ancient times, people with lofty ideals must put their country before their family. How can they tolerate personal affairs before righteousness?" Ge Fei's first sentence set the tone, and then began to carry it forward with pathos: "The Ge family belongs to a famous family, but blocks the upper class, and is guilty of the world. .I am cutting it off with my own hands today, to endure the pain and gouge out the sores, to respond to the state affairs, and to pave the way for the world. What my late teacher sought, "fair selection of officials, equal power between high and low" is also my lifelong wish. If you don't get rid of the old problems, you won't open up a new world. The Ge family swallowed the people's fat and became fat. The first blow in this crisis should start from the Ge family. Although I feel pain, I have no regrets!"

This performance is much more complicated than pretending to be crazy and acting stupid.

After he said this, he received positive feedback and sympathetic voices from the people of Fuji City as he wished. Public opinion is a straw, and human tongue is a murderous knife. He realized this deeply today.

Ge Fei turned to look at Bai Yuxia, showing a kind of indignation and pain: "Although all the people have sinned against me, I bear the responsibility myself. But what position do you, the noble son of the Bai family, stand on, pointing your sword at me today? Who are you doing for?" And fight!"

Bai Yuxia gave him an unexpected answer, equally impassioned - "I stand for the country's new policy, and I fight for fairness!"

Ge Fei, who was about to overwhelm others with his righteousness, was stunned for a moment. I am also working for the country’s new policies, and you are also working for the country’s new policies. Aren’t we our own people?

"But Ge Fei, you are the embodiment of the country's chronic diseases." Bai Yuxia hung in the night sky, pointing his halberd angrily: "You are standing in front of me now, which is the greatest injustice!"

A big hat was put off first, but the hat in Ge Fei's hand could not be put off.

Justice is sometimes a sharp sword that anyone can wield to hurt others.

"Yes, I killed people today with violent means. But I think a righteous person can understand my patriotism. In life, sometimes loyalty and justice cannot be balanced! We can go to the court to discuss it, and confront the Prime Minister and the king." Ge Fei kept everything in mind: "I can't bear to talk about Ge's filthiness, but I have to say it. Right and wrong can be known in just one discussion!"

It was a good idea for him to discuss it in front of Wen Jingxiu and Gong Zhiliang and let them sideline and repeat what happened a few years ago.

Bai Yuxia came well prepared this time and naturally refused to be led astray by Ge Fei. He just asked loudly: "You said you are very sincere in your patriotism. Let me ask you - you have been ignorant for several years and have been crazy and ignorant. How can you enjoy this?" What benefit does it bring to the country to enjoy titles and honors? Why can you be the censor of Youdu? Are you the heir of the Ge family? The position of a high official in the imperial court was privately awarded to you by the Ge family? Isn't this exactly what the country wants to reform today? The evil!"

Ge Fei is not a person who is good at quarreling. In the mountains and seas, he will do whatever he says, no matter where he needs to explain to anyone. For a moment, my thoughts changed rapidly, and I tried my best to express myself: "This matter——"

"Don't tell me it's because of Gao Xiang!" Bai Yuxia interrupted him: "Gao Xiang personally proposed 'fair selection of officials and equal rights for high and low' last year. How could he go against his own political opinions for a person like you? Could it be that Do you want to say that the so-called justice of the Prime Minister is still the justice that comes from him? He himself stands on the top of power and is the greatest old noble?"

Of course Ge Fei cannot deny Gao Zheng, which is tantamount to denying his greatest reliance as a human being.

But he really wanted to move Gaozheng out, but he was choked there for a while, unable to get up or down.

Fortunately, he has not read the books in vain in the past few years. The first one got angry and said: "Well, you Bai Yuxia, even if you hate me, you don't have to use such ridiculous reasons!"

Then he said: "I am the genius of the country, a real person in this world, how much I have contributed to the country! When I had an accident and was ignorant, was it too much to reserve the official position of a mere censor of Youdu for me? Or is it too much? Say, you never wanted me to wake up?!"

"Well said! How much contribution have you made to the country!" Bai Yuxia was waiting for his words. He directly threw out a stack of information and threw it at Ge Fei in a dark way: "Do you want to see these evidences before you speak!"

"Liu Zhiguang, who was beheaded and abandoned the market last month for corruption and perversion of the law, had a close personal relationship with you. He also followed your path and entered the Yushitai. Otherwise, he would not have been qualified for promotion at that time! How do you defend yourself?"

"Zeng Shixian, who raped a civilian girl five years ago, was already in jail at that time, but he was able to escape the crime because of you. After investigation, it was found that he went to a private school with you when he was a child. You remember that you were a classmate in childhood. Fei really never forgets his old love!"

Bai Yuxia's voice floated widely under the night sky: "These are all the good deeds you have done, Ge Fei. How much you have contributed to the country is all on your lips. But you are in the right position. The evil done in your position in history is all in the evidence! What else can you say? Who reserved the official position for you and why? Are you waiting for you to do more evil? "

Ge Fei was completely unable to respond.

He has not experienced what the original Ge Fei experienced, and he has no idea about these things!

So he couldn't even deny it, because he couldn't be sure whether it was true or not, whether there was any solid proof. Once you make a mistake, you will fall into the abyss.

The explosion of discussion made him upset.

One after another, specious things were jumbled together in his mind.

His breathing became rapid for a moment, and his eyes showed a fierce look. In the realm of mountains and seas, the opinions of others are not important at all. Whoever is not convinced has an opinion, and it is just until he is convinced - it is unreasonable to become a man and then restrain his hands.

He jumped out of the prison of the mountains and seas, but put on human shackles!

Ge Fei didn't speak for a while, but Bai Yuxia didn't stop. He said coldly: "You can destroy the evidence, but you can't erase what you have done. You stand up today and say that you support the New Deal. I hope you are sincere! But if you don't cut off the cancer, what about the New Deal? Can it be implemented?"

With a flick of his hand, more evidence of the case flew into the sky and scattered throughout the city: "Everyone in the country, please take a look at what kind of evil heart Ge Fei hides under his gentle and elegant facade!"

The cases prepared by Bai Yuxia were actually the crimes of Ge Fei and had little to do with Ge Fei himself. In the past, Ge Fei focused on his cultivation and would not pay attention to this at all. Ge Fei, who was inhabited by mountain and sea monsters, would not make any friends at all.

But these people are indeed related to Ge Fei. For example, Liu Zhiguang did have a good personal relationship with Ge Fei at Yushitai, and Zeng Shixian was indeed Ge Fei's deskmate at the Meng School.

He knew very well that the current Ge Fei was not the real Ge Fei, and he was completely unable to defend himself against these seemingly non-existent things. Does Ge Fei dare to admit that he is not Ge Fei?

If Ge Shi was still alive and Ge Yu was still alive, these things could still be explained clearly one by one. But now, the Ge family has just been wiped out by Ge Fei, and even Ge Fei can't wash it off even if he jumps into the river!

The situation in Yue Country was full of fog. He chose to jump out of the game back then, but he waited until this autumn to see it clearly - Yue Country had long wanted to change, and for the country, this might be a good thing. But the methods used in this process can never be said to be correct.

If you only pursue rough correctness, it will inevitably lead to specific pain!

It was as if he had only learned this year that his father, Bai Pingfu, was the tacit political victim of the Yue Kingdom. The main cause of that death was not Ge Fei's evil thoughts, but the beginning of Yueting's purge of the family. Without Zhang Linchuan, something else would have happened. It's just that Wusheng Cult Ancestor passed by and committed evil acts, leaving no trace behind.

In other words, if Gao Zheng was still there, Li, Wu, and Song would not have disappeared so ugly. Like Bai Pingfu, it will be a natural scene when spring passes and autumn comes. It doesn't even raise suspicion.

Bai Yuxia had hatred, which was deep in her heart. She followed him to the country for many years, and then returned with him.

Since the country wants reform, fairness, and eradication, should reform, the most conspicuous target and the most unfair factor, be erased?

The Yue court took advantage of the situation to kill Bai Pingfu.

Today he will also kill Ge Fei with great force.

Either the Yueting destroys the key to Huang Weizhen's return and erases the 'weapon' used by the Chu State to throw rats away, or they admit that they did something wrong and used the wrong method!

He wants revenge not only on the mountain and sea monster that stole Ge Fei's body, but also on Wen Jingxiu!

"Ge Fei! Just confess to the truth! Are you trying to destroy the evidence and get away with the massacre of your family today? What kind of beast are you to kill your blood relatives to survive?"

Bai Yuxia roared in the night sky: "The great governance of the country must start from the beginning! Your Majesty the Emperor - I know that you are sitting on the power of the country and holding the truth of the world, so you will definitely be able to hear it. Bai Yuxia, a grassroots man, represents tens of thousands of people in the Yue Kingdom. , please have far-reaching plans for the world, act decisively, and send down heaven’s punishment to punish this evil beast!”

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