Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2235 The Flaws of White Jade

Bai Yuxia had been to Yinxiang Peak and was as cautious as he was. In order to prevent accidents, he specially asked Mr. Jiang Ge to accompany him. Sure enough, there was no wind or rain on that trip.

But he did not kill Ge Fei in the end.

Not just because he was too proud to draw his sword against a fool. It was also because he knew very well that Ge Fei, who turned into a madman, was by no means the real cause of death of the head of the Bai family.

At that time, the leader of Wusheng Cult was knocked down to the level of false gods. At that time, the Yue Kingdom had already been reminded and was ready to prepare. Zhang Linchuan stirred up troubles in other countries, mostly by surprise. How could he be allowed to come and go freely in the Yue State, which had a large formation to protect the country, a strong army to defend the country, and a high political presence, and was well prepared?

The outside world may think that Zhang Linchuan is full of evil and has extraordinary methods, and nothing unusual is done. Growing up in the country of Yue, Bai Yuxia has a deep understanding of this country, but he has never believed in the phrase "accidental neglect".

The evidence Fengdu handed him in a roundabout way was just for supplementary verification, not the key to his knowledge.

He has been thinking about a question - why his father Bai Pingfu?

The Langya Bai family has made great contributions to the country and is still making contributions today. His father, Bai Pingfu, had been abiding by etiquette and rules all his life. Although he had no talent for serving the country, he had never made any mistakes or committed any crime.

Even Bai Pingfu was loyal to the emperor! He was taught from a young age what benevolence, justice, propriety, filial piety, and loyalty to the emperor and patriotism are. Therefore, he studied civil and military affairs diligently and was determined to serve the country. He also poured out his passion and tried his best on the river viewing platform. He would rather be injured or die than dare to lose his national dignity.

He couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't figure it out not because he wasn't smart enough, but because he wasn't cruel enough.

Even from the perspective of a wise king and a wise minister, he could not think of a reason why a loyal minister like Bai Pingfu should die.

Can the emperor punish his ministers without committing a crime?

This year, this fall, he finally had the answer.

The fierce changes in the southern region allowed him to touch the truth behind the mud amidst the wind and rain.

The foreshadowing of the Vietnam New Deal, which is being promoted suddenly today and is almost rough in process, has been laid for many years.

Through Gong Zhiliang, Wen Jingxiu asked him to come back in a roundabout way, explicitly and implicitly asking him to avenge his father and swallow up Ge's family, but he had no good intentions at all.

These people are just trying to motivate him to do what Ge Fei is doing today - he is more suitable than Ge Fei to be the banner of the family. He is more innocent, more honorable, more symbolic.

As for Ge Fei, who was involved in Huang Wei's case, his identity was still somewhat sensitive after all. Otherwise, Wen Jingxiu would not have waited any longer. When there was indeed no response from the Chu State, he slowly allowed Ge Fei to go down the mountain.

Bai Yuxia also had every reason to suspect that Wen Jingxiu also took a fancy to his identity as the owner of Bai Yujing Restaurant and wanted to use his connections to drag Jiang Wang into trouble. Let the world-famous Mr. Jiang Ge stand for his New Deal.

That's why he wanted to coax Jiang Wang away and repeatedly told Qianqian not to tell Jiang Wang.

He decided to face it all alone and complete this belated revenge.

With his divine strength, he is indeed no match for Ge Fei, and he cannot kill the king like Jiang Wang. He is even less willing to drag Jiang Wang to help him kill people - both Ge Fei and Wen Jingxiu are in huge trouble at this stage. , no matter who it is, it is difficult to say that they can bear the consequences of killing them.

But revenge doesn’t have to involve killing. Cutting off the head may not relieve the hatred.

He wants to destroy Wen Jingxiu's grand plan and tear apart the majestic mask of this wise king. He wants to make Ge Fei, who has worked hard to become a human, turn into a mountain and sea monster again!

As for himself...


In the noisy long night of Fuji City, Bai Yuxia drew his sword and pointed it directly at Ge Fei, pushing the drama to its climax: "Although Bai is not as good as you in cultivation, I am still willing to fight for the country and fight for the New Deal." Fight. The world is fair and all people are just, the Bai family has made a blood contract!"

So far tonight, Wen Jingxiu is silent, Gong Zhiliang is silent, and Zhou Sixun and Bian Liang are silent.

But they will never remain silent.

Can they watch as Bai Yuxia, the genius of the Yue Kingdom who defended the New Deal and was devoutly patriotic, was killed by Ge Fei, who had conclusive evidence of crimes and obstructed national fairness?

Isn’t the current vigorous new policy of Yue State a joke! The justice that the people of the world seek is not a lie!

Bai Yuxia raised her sword to kill Ge Fei: "Come and kill me! Or let me chop off your head and sacrifice it to the banner of the New Deal to apologize to the world!"

Ge Fei felt aggrieved and could not explain. He knew less about what he had done than the people in Fuji City who were watching all this at the moment, and he had no way of making excuses.

He had a hard time figuring out the human political game. How come he, the proud man of the country, the pillar of the country, a man of great influence who was about to take up the banner of high politics and help the world, suddenly turned into a national thief.

He was still killing relatives in a righteous way, but he was destroying corpses and leaving traces behind?

Human beings can give completely different definitions to the same thing. This completely different definition can be easily changed between the tongues.

Ge Fei still had a lot to learn, but he was really angry and aggrieved - he could be a scumbag, he could be a bastard, but why should things he has never done be done to him? Go find that Ge Fei from before!

Brother Wen is rough, but Gong Zhiliang is really stupid! They're all smart-ass bastards!

To lure Bai Yuxia back, she was not fully prepared. You also let Bai Yuxia's mother go, hoping that we can get together and have a good separation - my biological father is dead, can I get together with you and have a good separation?

Now fucking Bai Yuxia has become a pioneer of reform and a defender of the country.

I have become a national malignant tumor!

Seeing Bai Yuxia righteously coming to kill with his sword, Ge Fei could hardly restrain the violence in his heart——

I say "almost" because he finally restrained himself.

The murderous intent that almost burst out of his eyes was pushed back, leaving blood streaks on his eyeballs.

Use your will as a dam to keep the emotions like an angry sea in your skin.

His figure is like a floating leaf, and it is falling down at this time with the loess as its way back.

The gesture was extremely slow, but he left quickly in the misplaced vision.

Autumn is finally over.

When the Comet Tail Sword pierced the night brilliantly, Ge Fei had disappeared.

Bai Yuxia paused in mid-air, held the hilt of the sword, stopped the whistle of the long sword, and faced the vast night, silent for a moment.

He had imagined many situations.

For example, Ge Fei completely gave up his human identity, showed his unscrupulous and violent nature, and fought against him.

For example, Wen Jingxiu came a step too late and was "too late" to save him...

He's already prepared for this.

Bai Yuxia, who supported the New Deal, died in the hands of Ge Fei, who became angry. There was no room for change between the Revolution and the New Deal of Yue State. Wen Jingxiu had to choose one of the two. No matter which side Wen Jingxiu chooses, it will inevitably affect Gaozheng's chess game.

To this day, Bai Yuxia still doesn't know what the overall situation of Gao Zheng is, and he can't get the most core information.

But he understood very well that Gao Zheng was the only person in the history of Yue who could compete with Chu. If Gao Zheng's layout is affected, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of Wen Jingxiu's situation.

High-ranking officials have to compromise and live in poverty for so many years. This time, Wen Jingxiu stood opposite Chu almost semi-openly. How could he?

Bai Yuxia wants to fight Ge Fei with all his strength and live as long as possible to welcome victory, but he also has the consciousness to die.

He knew that Jiang Wangqian would take good care of his old mother, and he had no other regrets in his life. The glory of the famous family that was once engraved in the heart, and the family that wanted to be glorious for thousands of years, can no longer stir up any waves. When he dispersed his family property, cut off the acres of land, and gave them all to the people of Langya, he only felt relieved, not regretful.


He thought a lot and made preparations in every aspect, but he didn't expect this one...

Ge Fei actually ran away.

And he ran so resolutely and decisively. No excuses, no self-testimony, no violent killings, not even casual attacks to vent anger!

Would a mountain and sea monster that could defeat Zhong Liyan head-on be afraid of the sharp edge of the Comet Tail Sword?

Is he really afraid that Wen Jingxiu will kill him?

Bai Yuxia felt confused as if the sword was slashed in the air. He immediately reacted and realized Ge Fei's evil: "Don't let him escape! Ge Fei killed his father and mother, and fled in fear of crime. All the people who cross our country will be able to get it." Kill him!"

The entire city of Fuji responded with a roar. Everyone was resentful of Ge Fei's ugly face and beastly heart, but they all stopped at verbal condemnation and did not take many practical actions.

Ge Fei is a real person in this world, who can catch up with him?

At this moment, this historic city burst into glory.

In the glorious light, the throne of the king is condensed.

Behind the throne, there are faint rivers roaring, and mountains and rivers guarding it. The phantom light is brilliant, the phoenix dances and the dragon flies.

The shadow of Wen Jingxiu, the emperor of Yue Kingdom, sat in that distinguished position, casting an unfathomable look: "Bai Yuxia, you did a good job."

"The common people are just doing their duty!" Bai Yuxia didn't mind showing that the king and the people are united. He said loudly: "The traitor Ge Fei fled in fear of crime. Your Majesty must not let him go. This thief is a wolf-hearted person. He will live another day." , I don’t know how many people are going to be harmed!”

"Don't worry, my dear, I will never forgive anyone who dares to obstruct the New Deal or undermine justice!" Wen Jingxiu also showed the anger of the emperor: "Send the order and immediately seal the border. Send out the army and dig the ground three feet! Jia Kui is personally responsible for this matter and must bring Ge Fei back for investigation. I want to see his true face!"

Of course, the formation to protect the country was activated, and Bian Liang once again led Yue Jia to the expedition.

The whole city of Fuji fell to their knees, and the people shouted for longevity.

This process came out very naturally, as if it had been rehearsed many times.

Bai Yuxia felt something was wrong.

Everything went smoothly tonight, including the key evidence collected in advance, including taking action after Ge Fei destroyed the family, seizing the right time, and even Wen Jingxiu's attitude at this moment - most of the details were as planned, he Well done.

Contrary to the plan, Ge Fei, who was cruel and tyrannical and unable to control himself, actually chose to escape.

It was Wen Jingxiu who had to stand up and express his position at this moment. There was no emotion in his eyes such as anger or hatred, or even murderous intent.

Wen Jingxiu was not angry and had no murderous intention, which could only mean one thing - the Emperor of Yue had not been retaliated against.

Isn't Ge Fei important?

What is important in Wen Jingxiu's plan?

"I'm going to help General Bian!" Bai Yuxia made a decision immediately, raised his sword and left: "Even if I chase him to the end of the world, I will catch this thief Ge Fei, make him spit out his people's wealth, and kneel down to apologize to the fathers of the Yue Kingdom!"

"Wait a minute——"

Wen Jingxiu raised his hand and pressed it, and took advantage of the power of the country to hold down Bai Yuxia's figure. His tone was very gentle: "The son of a rich man cannot sit down in the hall. Yuxia, that Ge Fei is evil and impermanent. After all, it is true. You You are the pillar of the country, why should you put yourself in danger? A hundred revolutionaries cannot compare to your weight in my heart!"

The bad feeling in Bai Yuxia's heart became stronger and stronger, and he retorted loudly: "Your Majesty, you are the lord of all peoples. You must never say such words again. General Bian can put himself in danger, and Yue Jia soldiers can put themselves in danger. I Why should Bai Yuxia not be involved in danger? For the country and the people, how can I be safe? If you don't let the common people go after Ge Fei, do you not trust the determination of the common people? I swear to the sky today that I will punish this thief——"

"Yu Xia, don't be anxious when something happens! I have taught you a long time ago that the more critical it is, the more important Xu Tu is. Why are you still so impatient after practicing with Mr. Jiang Ge for several years?" Wen Jingxiu made no secret of his feelings towards Bai Yu. Xia was so considerate that even his criticism seemed very cordial: "Don't worry, Ge Fei will definitely not be able to escape. I won't let you chase Ge Fei because I have a more important task for you. You are a great talent in the country, so you should How can I paint mountains and rivers and surrender myself to the task of arresting thieves?"

Jiang Ge Lao, Jiang Ge Lao!

The name Wen Jingxiu suddenly mentioned made Bai Yuxia's heart skip a beat. He seemed to have seen the net covering the sky and the earth, with nowhere to hide. But I can’t see it clearly.

where is the problem?

No time to think anymore!

"Nothing is more important in the world than the people! Capturing Ge Fei and giving an explanation to the people is the most important task at the moment - Your Majesty, the situation is urgent. If there is anything, please wait until the common people bring back Ge Fei's head before talking to him! Sorry! Come on!" Bai Yuxia decisively activated her sword energy, the Comet Tail Sword exploded in her palm, and a brilliant star rainbow flashed across the night sky.

Tonight the comet passes through the sky, the endless darkness of night is washed away, and the body is transformed into white jade.

He expected that Wen Jingxiu would not make the situation too ugly, so he broke away from the country and forced his way out. The bigger the scene, the more it is a kind of protection for himself.

But Wen Jingxiu's hand touched lightly in front of the throne, and the rainbow light in the night sky was erased bit by bit. The comet tail sword in Bai Yuxia's palm also instantly dispersed the sword energy and extinguished the sword light. . His body of gold and chalcedony was clumsily stuck in mid-air.

"Everything will be done as explained, and what should be done will be done." Wen Jingxiu looked at Bai Yuxia with admiring eyes: "Bai Aiqing, the Bai family of Langya, has been loyal and loyal for generations. Your father is loyal, and you are also loyal. Since you are standing From the standpoint of the country's New Deal, we fight for fairness and expose the unjust facts of Ge Fei - it is when the country needs you and the New Deal needs you, and you will definitely not shirk your responsibilities at this time!"

Of course Bai Yuxia had to shirk the blame.

But Wen Jingxiu didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and continued: "The high minister said that 'the selection of officials is fair, and the superior and the inferior have equal power', and Bai Aiqing also said 'the world is just', which agrees well with me! I have decided to remove Ge Feiyou." As the censor of the capital, I appoint you Bai Yuxia as the censor of the right capital of the Yue court. No, the censor of the right capital is not enough to commend your loyalty. I want to give you the censor of the left capital and make you the general constitution of the Yue court!"

The emperor of Yue Kingdom sat on the throne and asked all around: "Do you think it's fair? Is the white jade flaw of the Langya Bai family worthy of this position?"

The people in Fuji City responded: "Fair!!"

"My emperor lives forever!!!"

Some people even shouted "Mr. Bai!"

Bai Yuxia's body was frozen in the air, but her heart sank infinitely.

Only then did he realize that he was still trapped.

I tried every possible means to avoid stepping on Gong Zhiliang's trap and not becoming Yue Ting's chess piece, but after many twists and turns, I was still stuck in this place and decided in this game of chess.

There seemed to be an invisible hand in the darkness, which had already finalized the chess game. All the changes he made that took so much effort failed to go away.

He overestimated himself and underestimated Wen Jingxiu!

He thought that his preparations during this period were that he had been lurking for a long time, and with one attack, he would be like a flash of light passing by, inflicting heavy damage on the chess game. But perhaps everything he did in Yue was under Wen Jingxiu's watchful eye. He thought he was flying with wings, but he was actually falling into a trap.

No—it’s not Wen Jingxiu!

This was not Wen Jingxiu's handwriting, nor was it Gong Zhiliang's move.

He carefully studied the layout style of Wen Jingxiu. This emperor of Yue State liked to hide the sharp edge and never put the sharp side on the table. Gong Zhiliang is only a talented person who can only do what Gao Zheng has assigned him. He does not have the ability to control such a situation.

To take a step back, if it was Wen Jingxiu or Gong Zhiliang's plan, with his wisdom, it was impossible for him to be unaware of it in advance. He had been studying these two people for too long.

There are chess players behind the scenes!

who is it? !

Bai Yuxia felt like she was in a desolate mountain covered by clouds and fog, with no way forward and no way back. She looked in all directions, but she was in this mountain and couldn't see the whole mountain at all.

But he clearly felt the danger approaching. In this long dark night, a huge bloody mouth that chose people to eat had already opened.

When will the fatal blow come?

Now that he has decided to take revenge and choose to stay alone to seek justice for his father, Bai Yuxia has the consciousness to lose everything.

He is not afraid of danger, but he must not...

At this time Wen Jingxiu's voice sounded: "Okay, okay! Mr. Jiang Ge supports me like this, how can I let him down?!"


Bai Yuxia almost burst her throat and shouted loudly: "What does it have to do with him! I have left Bai Yujing, and I have nothing to do with Jiang Wang!"

But he discovered to his horror that his voice could not be heard at all.

No, his voice got through.

People heard Bai Yuxia's voice shouting like this - "My emperor will live forever! I will fight for the country and fight to the death!"

At this moment, Bai Yuxia felt the malice coming from Wen Jingxiu.

This was almost a repeat of the previous scene.

Just like he used Liu Zhiguang, Zeng Shixian and others to make it unclear to Ge Fei. No matter how reluctant he is, Bai Yuxia can still be linked to Jiang Wang!

He is the shopkeeper of Bai Yujing Restaurant, and he is the only customer that Jiang Wang acknowledges and always keeps with him. How could the relationship between him and Jiang Wang be severed?

Doesn't he know this? He knew it.

He refused Jiang Wang's kindness and refused to move to Xingyue Yuan. Wasn't it because if too many people came into contact with Jiang Wang, it would inevitably affect Jiang Wang?

But he was conceited of his wisdom and thought that he could handle the affairs of Vietnam on his own without involving other people. Turns out he was wrong!

Wen Jingxiu used him to do everything he wanted to do, and he used him.

He tried to break away, but nothing happened.

At this time, Wen Jingxiu, on behalf of the Yue court, forcibly linked the political reform of the Yue state to Jiang Wang, the Taixu cabinet minister, and his actions were bound to go beyond that.

Bai Yuxia could fully predict what kind of continuous movements would be waiting behind him. This killing game had already started, and he could only continue to respond and run for his life until he could no longer save his own palace.

In this process, the chariots, horses, artillery and physiognomists will die whatever they want.

Even he himself can imagine many developments.

He didn't want Jiang Wang to be the one who was exhausted.

He felt a great despair!

At this moment, his throat was being strangled by an invisible force, making him feel like he was drowning.

Since Jiang Wang took charge of the cabinet, he has never favored any party in cabinet affairs, has not established a cabinet department, has not granted private power, and has not fought for too much advantage. Several proposals were made to promote the development of the entire spiritual world.

It can be called innocent! He has always enjoyed the highest reputation among the pavilions.

Is it because of him, Bai Yuxia, that today he will be involved in a complex and muddy chess game between Yue, Chu, and Huang Weizhen, and will no longer be able to maintain his position as a Taixu cabinet member? To be dragged from the clouds to the quagmire and no longer able to be detached?

Wen Jingxiu was still talking and announcing.

The emperor Chrysostom nailed the so-called "truth" inch by inch.

Bai Yuxia was just like Ge Fei the previous moment, unable to argue. Even his voice cannot be heard, there is no sound to speak of.

Can’t explain clearly!

At this moment, Bai Yuxia's really delicate eyes erupted with a light that was impossible to look directly at.

He looked in the direction of Beidou and murmured: "Seven years of service to you will be of no use to you. I am a white jade blemish, and I will wipe it out for you today. I hope you are innocent and have no harm from now on."

The Yuan Shen Sea, the Hidden Star Sea, the Wufu Sea, and the Tongtian Sea all move together, creating huge waves.

The terrifying sword energy exploded in his body, disintegrating this divine body from the inside out with an unstoppable momentum.

He would rather die than become Wen Jingxiu's pawn!

Wen Jingxiu's shadow stood up on the throne at this moment and quickly solidified. He wanted to stop Bai Yuxia's suicide - but where could he do it in time?

The brilliant white light like the tail of a comet almost shines through the white skin. His already fair skin was illuminated as if it were white paper. Thin will break.

It seemed that only then did people remember what a strong inner man he was on the river viewing platform. In that kind of gathering, where everyone knows the world every step of the way, he refuses to take the place in the main competition that is sent to him. He only wants to win an honorable victory and finally win the title in a bloody battle.

And today, he only wanted to die in an honorable manner, not to survive in other people's chess games, and he would never be the puppet string that would implicate his employer.

The comet's tail will sing again and again tonight, shining brightly in the long night.

The world seems to be blooming with a second bright moon.

The end of heroes' sons and daughters is always an unforgettable picture in the world.

People widened their eyes and saw——

One hand is placed outside the "bright moon".

Wearing a green shirt, he stood next to the bright light that had almost disappeared.

What a tall and straight figure that was, with a backbone that broke through the sky in this dark night.

He looked at the Emperor of Yue calmly with a cold and scrutinizing attitude, but said slowly: "I am not white jade, I don't have to be flawless!"

Bai Yuxia's sword light, which exploded from the inside out, was pressed back bit by bit.

6k+ for this chapter. Among them, 2K is added for the major alliance Phecda! (1/3)

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