Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2236 Divine Dragon Diving into the Abyss

Jiang Wang is in the game!

This is something Wen Jingxiu is happy to see, and it is also something Bai Yuxia tries his best to avoid.

Shopkeeper Bai, a calculating man in Xingyue Yuan, a bloody man of the Bai family in Langya City of the Southern Kingdom, did not hesitate to die to cut off the relationship, and used his life to show that this was a scheme——

But Jiang Wang came anyway.

He calmly walked into the game, risking his own life, and wanted to see what Wen Jingxiu could do to him.

Twenty-eight years have passed in his life, and there are many people who want to take advantage of him, but in the end they all become lessons for others.

At this point in Bai Yuxia's life, the most brilliant sword light shines today. Help him gain the freedom of death from the constraints of the Yue Kingdom.

But this determination to die was not allowed by Jiang Wang.

He is the shopkeeper of Bai Yujing's restaurant. Bai Yujing's boss, who cannot read the ledger but is still very stingy, does not give him the freedom to die.

The Yue Kingdom's national defense formation has been activated. Unless the national defense formation is forcibly broken, the Yue Kingdom at this moment will be in an unpredictable state.

So Jiang Wang didn't come with Taixu Wuju.

He hid it from everyone's eyes and ears, and had already hid all over the place before he knew it, so that he could take action in time at such a critical moment.

The completely out-of-control sword energy in Bai Yuxia's body was suppressed in an instant, became orderly, and returned to the world of the human body inextricably.

The dazzling, almost melting light slowly returned to the shape of a person.

The violent waves that burst the embankment were about to flood the sky, but they were pushed back to the tranquil sea drop by drop.

This is a very complicated process that requires extremely fine control, but Jiang Wang seemed very relaxed. He didn't even look at Bai Yuxia during the whole process, and just stared at Wen Jingxiu.

He smiled and said: "Emperor of the State of Yue, you said that this pavilion supports you, and I am also very curious - what does this pavilion support you for?"

Wen Jingxiu under the night sky was already his true form, but the moment Jiang Wang appeared, he became in a trance and became a shadow.

The monarch stood in front of the throne and did not sit down again. His expression was very calm, and he did not feel the slightest embarrassment of being exposed in person. With a flick of his hand, he wanted to isolate their conversation so that no one else could hear it. But the sound barrier disappeared as soon as it was established, and the sound gap was filled up as soon as it appeared. He had no intention of starting a war or raising the sword himself, so he simply gave up.

Even at such a moment, he smiled and looked at Jiang Wang with the demeanor of a king: "It has been three thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight years since the beginning of the Dao calendar! It is just a fleeting moment in this world, but I don't know how many generations have passed in the human race. , enough to live the life of a real person three times.”

"The national system has revolutionized the times, but the new system is also gradually getting older. In today's world, there are many ills, and people who accumulate minor illnesses into major harms have never stopped in history! Mr. Jiang Ge has always supported reform, and I know it very well."

He was very earnest: "Lao Jiang Ge was full of praise for Emperor Yong Han Xu's political reform. It is said that Zhuang Guo's new policy was supported by Lao Jiang Ge. The spread of the Star Road method and the establishment of Taixu Xuan Zhang, these It was all promoted by Mr. Jiang Ge personally - Mr. Jiang Ge, since you are determined to do something for the people of the world, explore a more correct system, and pursue a fairer future, isn't Yue Country the most suitable place?"

Jiang Wang raised his eyelids slightly: "The Emperor of Yue Kingdom should probably know Emperor Yong well before he knows why this pavilion is full of praise. As for Zhuang Guo's new policies, this pavilion just watched and never participated. You are the Supreme Being of the Nine Five Years, the Lord of these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. , It should be a eloquent statement. It really shouldn’t be like this night, every sentence cannot be implemented!"

"In life, misunderstandings are inevitable. There are often times when I cannot understand the truth, which makes Mr. Jiang Ge laugh." As a true emperor of a country, and within the borders of the country, with the blessing of national power, Wen Jingxiu's attitude It really can be called humility.

He frequently expressed his goodwill to Jiang Wang, and even said a word of 'laughing': "But I think there is a slight misunderstanding, and it should not hinder the ability to see the truth. You are a person with great ambitions, and you will not be affected by small things, let alone in your emotions." Making decisions under the interference of others - what do you think of Yue's new policy? Has it injected living water into the Qiantang River and given fairness to the people?"

To be fair, the New Deal of Vietnam was sound at least in terms of planning. It is much more mature than the "Qiming New Deal" carried out by a few young people in Zhuang State.

So Wen Jingxiu had the confidence to let Jiang Wang make the evaluation.

"You are really funny." Jiang Wang just smiled: "He listened to the warning I gave Ge Fei, but you don't seem to have listened?"

Wen Jingxiu frowned. He really didn't know about this: "What warning?"

"If there is still a chance - you can ask him yourself." Mr. Jiang Ge withdrew his gaze and stopped communicating with the emperor of Yue.

Because all the sword energy in Bai Yuxia's body has been recovered, he has saved his golden body and chalcedony, and he can now speak.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Wang looked at Bai Yuxia and asked.

Bai Yuxia twitched her lips: "Are you asking about physical or mental health?"

"Ask them all."

"The former is worse, the latter is very bad!"

Jiang Wang laughed.

Bai Yuxia said: "So my boss has already anticipated my actions? Or is it the advice given to you by Bowang Hou?"

This matter really has nothing to do with Chongxuan Fatty!

No matter how smart you are, you can't calculate everything without information. The chessboard of the Yue Kingdom is now a mess, and people outside are not sure where the threads are.

But Jiang Wang was embarrassed to brag about his clever calculations in front of Bai Yuxia. After all, Bai Yuxia settled Bai Yujing's accounts, and he was one of his own who knew everything.

He said this: "Although Xiang Qiang is very lazy, he is still willing to take the initiative when caring about his friends - he contacted me."

Bai Yuxia's tone was complicated: "He promised me not to tell you."

Jiang Wangdao: "Qianqian's mouth is certainly very strict, but if I beat him, how will he respond?"

Bai Yuxia smiled: "Then he has no choice but to betray me."

"Mr. Jiang Ge!" Wen Jingxiu's voice sounded at this time: "There is no need to rush to reminisce about the past. It just so happens that Bai Aiqing was promoted to the General Constitution today. I asked people to set up a table in the palace. Let's celebrate him together. What do you think? "

The fireworks that had exploded were pressed back to the way they were before the fuse was lit. This move made him intuitively feel the power of Jiang Zhenren.

Killing the Six Realms in Tianjing City, and Shura outside the Great Wall, these are too far away, like legends, and are unlikely to be implemented in reality.

Respecting the virtuous is the virtue of a king. Wen Jingxiu is willing to show his qualities in front of the real genius.

But Jiang Wang is obviously not knowledgeable enough.

The hand that held Bai Yuxia down and helped him suppress the chaotic sword energy was withdrawn and placed on the hilt of Sauvignon Blanc's sword. He turned around expressionlessly and looked at Wen Jingxiu: "The sages said that those who do not teach will be punished for abuse, so it may be necessary for me to tell the emperor carefully——"

He said carefully: "Bai Yuxia is the shopkeeper of Bai Yujing Restaurant and the person who controls our money. He is not your lover."

Since there is "teaching", there is also "killing". These words are almost a naked threat.

For a time, Qiantang roared on the land of Yue Kingdom!

Zhou Sixun, the commander of the Yue navy, appeared in the sky on a huge ship, wearing a helmet and armor. He glared at Jiang Wang: "I, the Emperor of Dayue, am the emperor Zhengshuo and the lord of the country! Your Majesty is magnanimous and does not want to care about common etiquette. But the Lord I can't remain silent even if my minister dies in humiliation - Cabinet member Jiang, please pay attention to your identity and correct your attitude!"

"Emperor Zhengshuo?" Jiang Wang looked over indifferently: "Have you never killed me before?"

How many years has it been since Zhuang Gaoxian died?

People seem to have forgotten how the ambitious Emperor Zhengshuo of the Western Region was dragged off the throne. Once upon a time, he was very ambitious and looked at the world, but in the end he was stabbed to pieces and then spread to the Dragon Palace.

This look...

The bright moon seemed to be covered with frost.

The murderous intent turned into reality, raging like a prison, boiling for thousands of miles, like a sea that suddenly descended, pressing on the roaring Qiantang. The pressure caused Zhou Sixun's figure to sink several feet, and the phantom of the huge building and ship was almost crushed!

As the number one person in the Yue military force in charge of the Qiantang Navy, Zhou Sixun himself was a divine warrior. With the help of the most powerful military force in the Yue Kingdom, he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Dong Zhen. But under Jiang Wang's look, Yan Xiang collapsed.

This is no ordinary gap.

And Jiang Wang's power was still spreading.

Even the figure of the Yue Emperor Wen Jingxiu rippled like water at this time.

Even the king of a country, Emperor Zhengshuo, is not worthy of seeing Jiang Wang as a shadow when he faces Jiang Wang today, who is beginning to show hostility.

"My boss!" Bai Yuxia spoke up at this moment. He shouted almost sadly: "Forget it!"

never mind.

He doesn't want revenge.

Let tonight be his last night in Yue Kingdom, let this be his last contact with Yue Kingdom.

He was deeply involved in the situation and knew the danger. He deeply hated Yueting for vowing to take revenge. He said... forget it!

But once the storm breaks out, how can he, a man who has no control over his life or death, declare the end?

People who are not strong enough will not be able to count even if they say "forget it".

The power of the entire Yue Kingdom was shaking.

And the waves that were thousands of miles away were silent for a moment——

The nearly disintegrated shadow of the building boat driven by the Governor of Qiantang, and Wen Jingxiu's swaying figure, all stopped.

Bai Yuxia still kept shouting.

Even Jiang Wang pressed his sword and stared coldly, motionless.

The entire Fuji City was as silent as a land made of ice.

Time and space stop at this moment!

And in the sky, a huge bronze statue of Sinan appeared.

The "land" is square and square, with many lines from a distance, very much like a chessboard. There are twenty-four directions engraved around the disk, and a smooth semicircle is embedded in the center. There are symbols symbolizing the Big Dipper in the circle.

A long-handled copper spoon rested in this semicircle and was rotating slowly.

Time and space are still, the five elements are in chaos, and ghosts and gods are unpredictable.

At this moment, Fuji City seemed to be independent from the world.

Then there seemed to be an invisible giant pen that shook the sea of ​​clouds and passed under the night sky, taking away the cause and effect. The night is still that night, the moonlight is still that moonlight, Fuji City is still Fuji City...

But Jiang Wang’s figure disappeared!

Like a drop of water, it was mixed in the water and disappeared without a trace.

The National Defense Formation is an important weapon of the country. To a certain extent, it is a sign that the national strength has reached a certain level. Zhuang Gaoxian, who originally looked forward to the Western Territory, did not wait until his death to complete the formation to protect the country. In the past, the country of Yang, which was in decline and had a weak army, had a large formation to protect the country, which was just a shadow left by its glorious ancestors.

The Yue Kingdom's national defense formation was built by Emperor Taizong of Yue, despite the opposition of his courtiers, emptying the national treasury and still protects this land today.

Once it is turned on, every breath consumes a huge amount of Yuan Stone.

Under the cover of the national defense formation, everything that happens in the territory of Yue will echo within the territory and will not make waves.

Fuji City is moving.

Ordinary people were still kneeling and had no idea what was happening. Those who dared to look up at the sky would suddenly find that Mr. Jiang Ge had disappeared at a certain moment - from their perspective, it was a piece that was suddenly erased from their field of vision. Most people would only think that Mr. Jiang Ge left Yue on his own initiative.

Only when one has reached the state of divine presence can one vaguely notice what happened just now.

Only real people in this world can have the opportunity to see the truth!

At this moment, the only real person in the world, the Emperor of Yue Kingdom, Wen Jingxiu, lowered his eyelids in front of the throne, looked at Bai Yuxia and said with confusion: "What's going on? Where did Mr. Jiang Ge go?"

Bai Yuxia was silent!

After Ge Fei escaped, Wen Jingxiu came to Fuji City as a ghost, and immediately opened the national defense formation, saying that he would block the national border and capture Ge Fei. In fact, Bai Yuxia was locked in the game so that no one could interfere with her. But in fact, there is a third level, just for this moment - for Jiang Wang.

Wen Jingxiu really had no reason to go to such lengths to deal with Jiang Wang.

So Bai Yuxia finally knew who the other chess player after Gao Zheng was sitting on this chessboard!

Back on the river viewing platform, it was the first meeting between Baiyu Jingdong and the shopkeeper in the year 3919 of the Dao calendar. Bai Yuxia said at that time - "Thank you Jiang Tianjiao for recognizing my strength. But my self-esteem does not allow me to accept it."

Today he was equally unwilling to accept it all.

But he was no longer allowed to refuse.

"Bai Aiqing?" Wen Jingxiu asked again.

Bai Yuxia looked up at the king and said slowly, "You will regret it."

From this sentence onwards, his words could no longer be heard.

Wen Jingxiu no longer acted confused, but looked at Bai Yuxia calmly: "If I had known that Gao Xiang would die, I would rather not have started all this - is there any use in regretting it?"

"Your Majesty, to this day I have to admit that you are a capable and courageous king." Bai Yuxia said: "If there were no crouching tigers next to the Yue Kingdom, the New Deal would indeed give people hope. At the national level , I think you did a good job. But you made the wrong choice now, and you thought it was not fatal."

Wen Jingxiu didn't speak.

Bai Yuxia continued: "Bai Pingfu can die because he is foolishly loyal to you. Bai Yuxia can die because he is so mediocre. But who is Jiang Wang? He is not a chess piece that you can pry. You pulled a dragon into you I thought I could tame it, but in fact when the dragon ascended into the abyss, this pond was at best a small puddle that could not cover the soles of my shoes. A heavy sigh could crush it."

Wen Jingxiu said: "What chess piece is Aiqing talking about? Why can't I understand it more and more? Where did Mr. Jiang Ge go?"

"I would like to advise you - if your Majesty still cares about this country and remembers the hard work of the Prime Minister, it is still too late to regret it." Bai Yuxia said: "I have forgotten everything in the past, and I can admit that it is my fate. I can also advise my boss not to care about this matter. There is no need to have anything to do with Bai Yujing Restaurant and the State of Yue."

Wen Jingxiu sat down on the throne, with a calm expression, and flicked his sleeves: "Bai Aiqing, you are tired too. The New Deal has just been implemented, and you still need more efforts - come on, take him down to rest, remember, don't call anyone disturb."

Bai Yuxia, whose golden body and chalcedony had not fully recovered, was taken away like this. His struggles were pointless and his voice was not heard.

The phantom of the Qiantang building boat condensed once again.

Zhou Sixun stood on the bow of the ship. He thought for a while and finally said: "Your Majesty, this matter about Cabinet Member Jiang..."

Wen Jingxiu stopped him with a raised palm: "I gave him a chance. As long as he nods his head at any time, I will support him unreservedly. This multiple-choice question is very simple. But Bai Yuxia is determined, Jiang I hope I will be determined--I have no choice but to be determined."

"Zhou Qing." He looked up at the distant night sky: "We have no way back."

Zhou Sixun lowered his head.

"Where is Ge Fei?" Wen Jingxiu asked again.

"We don't know yet." The voice of the Prime Minister Gong Zhiliang sounded through the national defense formation.

"I don't know?" Wen Jingxiu looked away, wondering if she heard something wrong.

Gong Zhiliang's voice was also filled with confusion: "He seems... to have really run away."

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