Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2237 Jinghu Sinan

"The four seasons are inauspicious, and there are officials in all directions. Now we know the south."


When time and space were still, Jiang Wang's thoughts were still flowing, and his immortal thoughts were still flickering - this showed that the horrific changes that were taking place had not yet reached the point of completely crushing him, and the still time could not freeze his thoughts. He also had strong expectations for the next development.

With the presence of my colleague Huang Sheli, he is very sensitive to changes in time. When [Reverse Journey] is activated, he is not aware of the reverse flow of time.

Just like on the river viewing platform, Huang Sheli suddenly gave up. He was stunned for a moment, not knowing that he had won repeatedly.

The current freeze of time and space within the city comes from the power of a certain formation, cleverly connected with the Yue Kingdom's national defense formation... It is invisible when it is produced, and nameless when it is used. It cannot be said that it leverages such a large range of time and space. Not powerful. But it's not to the point where Jiang Wang just wants to escape.

It was precisely the person who controlled the chess game behind the scenes who was not sure how to imprison Jiang Wang point by point, so he chose to attack such a large area of ​​time and space.

Of course, even if you want to run away, you can't move now.

Time and space are fixed at this moment.

Jiang Wang waited cautiously for changes.

There is no need for the blessing of the country, no need to rely on the national defense formation. Even though he is here alone, with a sword at his side, it is enough to capture the truth of this world.

At the age of twenty-three, he became a real person, and at the age of twenty-seven, he made a big fuss in Tianjing City, killing six real people with one real person.

More than a year has passed since today.

For more than a year, he was either killing the alien Dongzhen or on the way to killing the alien Dongzhen.

He couldn't tell how strong he was now. But from the demon world to the border wilderness, from the border wilderness to Yu Yuan, no matter the demons or Shura, those who have gained the truth now dare not walk alone on the front line.

Although he stepped into the game resolutely and prevented Bai Yuxia from committing suicide, showing his arrogant courage.

But he never really underestimated Wen Jingxiu.

In his life experience, no one who can sit on the position of the master of the country and truly hold the supreme power is a fool.

The sudden change now is just another verification of cognition.

He remained silent, not trying to resist the oppression of time and space, not wasting his energy in vain.

He was waiting for the person who caused such changes, waiting for the truly cruel means, even the method of killing——

Any attempt to kill him will inevitably cause ripples in this static time and space. That is also the moment of freedom when Sauvignon Blanc is no longer static. It would be convenient for him to see the truth between life and death, he was never afraid.

The Yue Kingdom's national defense formation cut off his connection with the Taixu illusion, otherwise summoning the Taixu Pavilion at this moment would be enough to break the blockade of this time and space. Or write a few letters and go out... He, Mr. Jiang, just passed by the Yue Kingdom and witnessed some dirty things. The emperor of the Yue Kingdom wanted to kill him and silence him. Does he still take Taixu Pavilion seriously? Do you still have the Taixu Covenant in your heart?

How can the dramatist tolerate it? How can cabinet member Li Yi sit back and watch?

It's a pity that I can't write it.

The Xiannian Galaxy crosses the Yuanshen Sea, and the long-awaited longing has not sounded in this world for a long time, and I am also waiting for that sound——

Then the huge Sinan in the sky appeared.

With a turn of the copper key, things change and stars move.

In Jiang Wang's perception, time is like water and space is like a cage at this moment.

The small piece of time and space that blocked him was twisted out of the larger scope of time and space by some force and thrown into an unknown place.

This process is interesting. If the other party was stronger, he probably wouldn't be able to feel all this. At this moment, carefully appreciating the power of time and space can be regarded as practice.

He can keep moving like this until he understands the mysteries of time and space and finds his way back. Unfortunately, the person who secretly controls the situation is not so considerate and throws him out "rudely".

And so he reached the end of his journey.

"Still in Yue Kingdom." Jiang Wang made this judgment in his heart.

He found himself in a translucent corridor, like an animal thrown into a cage to be watched. On both sides were prison-like rooms with closed doors.

Various inscriptions are carved on the walls. Every distance on the ground, there is a potted plant, filled with unnamed flowers and plants, exhaling the aura of "hiddenness".

On the translucent roof of the corridor, you can see the flow of water, even aquatic plants, shrimps and crabs, and all kinds of messy things. There was a huge pale thing right next to the roof of the corridor. Later, it gradually moved away, and people could see clearly that it was the eye of a giant fish.

Too cramped!

This is the space that gives Jiang Wang the most direct feeling.

He spread out his consciousness and moved his Qianyang Red Eyes, easily exploring the boundaries of this space, but was unable to expand further and could not capture any useful information. It's as if the existence called "information" has been purged.

[This shows that there are some clues here, and this place was not created specifically for him].

As a real person in this world, I can’t even feel time here——

This might be a clue.

Time is a life's perception of the universe, and it does not really exist. In other words, he has now lost his feeling of time, rather than losing "time".

This world is still flowing and will not end because of his departure.

Jiang Wang used careful observation to supplement his own knowledge. Walking slowly in the corridor, he raised a finger at random and lightly wiped the inscription on the wall.

The function of confirming these inscriptions is very simple and does not involve the fundamentals of this place.

So much valuable information.

Jiang Zhenren didn't have any trouble and casually opened the door next to him.

He knows someone is waiting for him, but with the sword in his hand, he faces everything.

It was a small, square room with whitewashed walls.

The room was unobstructed, without any decoration, not even a bed - and of course no one was inside.

But popularity can be captured.

This indicates that there have been guests here at least for some time in the past. It just disappeared later for some reason.

This kind of popularity is unfamiliar, and Jiang Wang is sure that he has never been exposed to it before.

He was even more certain that the person waiting for him tonight was not the same person as the person who had lived in this room. Because of this "popularity", he is fierce enough but not strong enough.

At least not enough to stand in front of him.

Jiang Zhenren stood in the empty corridor, looked at the empty room, held his sword in silence, and had no intention of leaving.

Perhaps a long time had passed, or perhaps it was at the moment he was looking at—time lost its measure here after all—that there were sections of black lines suddenly appearing on the wall opposite the door. . It's like someone drew it with a pen.

This gives people the terrifying feeling of being in the painting and facing an unknown gaze.

Jiang Wang watched the changes in the lines leisurely.

The messy lines intersect to form a chair. This chair gives people a really weird feeling, with a sense of illogical conflict, which makes people feel bored. But if you look closely at its context, it is very delicately woven, showing an astonishing amount of calculation - if you think of these thin black lines as rattan, everything may become reasonable.

Then a little glimmer of light emerged from the white of the wall, condensing on the seat, and manifested a human figure.

A female crown with a beautiful face and starry hair was sitting there quietly.

Of course Jiang Wang didn't measure the patterns of the chair. He only looked at the woman on the chair.

He had never actually met this woman, but he knew who she was the first time he saw her.

He did not draw his sword immediately because he knew that the female crown was not in front of him.

If there is a Sinan in the world, it is Nandou Palace!

So interesting.

"A few months have passed since Lord Song Zhenjun personally entered the Fallen Immortal Forest..." Jiang Wang looked at the woman who used the Yue Kingdom chessboard to make moves, and said, "It seems that she has not found you."

The female crown sitting in the room is none other than Ren Qiuli, the most powerful real person in the world!

She was very calm. She had been preparing for this game for a long time. She had already done the calculations beforehand, and now she was just waiting for the results.

Finally met the first genius in the world!

Ren Qiuli said quietly: "Thanks to the complexity and danger of the Fallen Immortal Forest, as well as the numerous affairs in Chu State, the Dou family does not have the talents to take the lead. Of course, I also worked hard to hide it."

The Fallen Immortal Forest is the place where saints' lives are transformed. Even all the saints have fallen there, so naturally the True Monarch cannot go there. Even if True Lord explores it, it is considered risky. If Song Boti wants to catch someone in the Fallen Immortal Forest, what he needs is luck, and it has nothing to do with strength. When something happened to Dou Zhao, the Dou clan needed support. A true king like Song Boti couldn't waste all his time in the Fallen Immortal Forest. Just like Wu Zhaochang had been searching for a while in the Meteor Immortal Forest, but found nothing and could only quit with regret.

To put it bluntly, if Song Boti had an accident in the Falling Immortal Forest, the Dou family, which had been glorious for three thousand years, would probably become the first Xiangguo family to be expelled.

Jiang Wang could understand this, but he just said: "Since I met Master Tianji first, I wonder if you can answer me a question. I have wanted to ask you for a long time - is Dou Zhao really dead?"

Ren Qiuli's eyes were still, but at this moment they moved, and he couldn't help but look up at Jiang Wang, as if he knew him again: "I didn't expect that you didn't care about yourself in such a situation. The first question is for Dou Zhao."

"What should I care about?" Jiang Wang said lightly: "My opponent is you."

What a huge contempt!

But his attitude was not condescending, but...natural.

All the powerful people in the Southern Territory know it. Ren Qiuli suffered a fatal injury in his early years. Although he later survived using special methods, he also paid a huge price, resulting in a defective origin and almost no possibility of evolving.

The reason why I say "almost" is because the journey of spiritual practice is a journey of constantly creating miracles. If you don’t have the determination to break through the “impossible”, you don’t have to fight against the odds.

Ren Qiuli never gave up, even though she never saw hope. Along the way, other top real people were paving the way for the ultimate peak. Looking at the transcendence, she had no choice but to continue exploring in the realm of cave truth.

It is also because of this reason that she cannot reach the ultimate combat power in the Dongzhen realm.

Therefore, when the Nandou Palace collapsed, Lord Changsheng placed his hope for survival on the ruthless Lu Shuanghe, rather than on Ren Qiuli, who still had feelings for the sect, because the latter could not take that step.

But even though Ren Qiuli was hindered at the extreme point, he still proved himself time and again. She is indeed the undisputed number one in computing power among real people in this era. This time, I took advantage of the Yue chess game to make a move, and it was a shocking thought. It was also considered a small test.

Jiang Wang once asked Yu Beidou who was stronger, him or Xiang Fengqi.

Yu Beidou said: "When we meet on a narrow road and fight within an inch of space, I'm probably not as good as him. When both sides open up a posture and use the sky and the earth as a chessboard to divide life and death, he is definitely not as good as me."

Jiang Wang thought at the time that it was most likely the old man who was bragging, but later he increasingly recognized the value of this self-assessment.

He has never seen another real person who can lead people to hide in the river of destiny.

A real person who is good at computing power is best at taking advantage of the situation to make plans and control the power of heaven and earth for his own use. The most typical representative of this type is Taihua, the Zhendao master of the former Xia Kingdom——

He once participated in the siege of Jiang Mengxiong and was beaten to death by Jiang Mengxiong in Jianfeng Mountain.

Jiang Mengxiong chose to beat him instead of beating others, which in itself is proof of strength.

A real person like Ren Qiuli has been planning this game for an unknown amount of time. Her danger should never be ignored.

But Jiang Wang is indeed calm!

Because Ren Qiuli is far inferior to Yu Beidou.

And Xiang Fengqi is not the end of Jiang Wang.

The pride of influential people is indeed admirable sometimes, but being treated with such pride is definitely not a good feeling.

Ren Qiuli, who was also known as the "unparalleled genius" when he was young, was not angry at this moment. He just said calmly: "Did you know that your opponent was me?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I didn't think about you before, and you weren't on my list of suspicions when the change happened, but now that I see you, I think everything is reasonable -"

He looked at the man with the most powerful computing power today and said, "You're scared."

"What am I afraid of?" Ren Qiuli asked.

Jiang Wang said calmly: "You are afraid that Lu Shuanghe will die in my hands. You know that if you don't do something, he will die in my hands."

Who did he think he was up against?

What does he consider to be the most lethal person in the world?

Does he know what it means for a person who came from the small world of Nandou to the real world, broke through the innate barriers, and became a world-famous person?

He didn't know anything, yet he was so confident.

This kind of confidence is simply unreasonable!

But Ren Qiuli... couldn't respond.

Ren Qiuli, who had fought head-on with Douzhao, even felt that this kind of confidence was normal. Maybe the young geniuses of today were like this.

Doesn’t that Zhong Liyan claim to be the best in the Chu Kingdom?

Ren Qiuli did not directly respond to Jiang Wang's words, but just said: "Nandou Hall has been the supporter of the Yue Kingdom for thousands of years. Even this [Mirror Lake] stops here, it is the eternal king and The deal that Yue Taizong Wenzhong made back then. You are not a stupid person, why did you not think of me beforehand when you stepped into the situation on the land of Yue?"

The predecessor of [Jinghu Lake] was the "Jixuan Great Yuantian" ranked tenth among the thirty-six small caves.

This cave-heaven treasure has always been hidden and hidden from the eyes of the world. Unexpectedly, it was controlled by the Yue Kingdom.

Jiang Wang looked at the surrounding environment again and said with admiration: "It turns out that this is Jinghu Lake!"

After learning that this place was the interior of the Cave Heaven Noble Phantasm, he had a better understanding of the weird environment here.

Ren Qiuli didn't mind letting him understand, and was even willing to let Jiang Wang think more. She was sure that she had an absolute advantage in planning. The more Jiang Wang thought about it, the deeper he got into.

The Cave Heaven Noble Phantasm is the only artifact that can affect the battle situation of high-level monks. The role of the Cave Heaven Noble Phantasm is by no means limited to combat.

For example, [Jinghu]'s main function in the Yue Kingdom was to suppress the country's power and isolate cause and effect. This is why there are dead men such as Zhang Jiefu who are not related to cause and effect and cannot be traced.

Of course, there is also the present, as a perfect container, forming this "time-space mirror river and heaven formation", picking Jiang Wang out of the static time and space, jumping into this place, isolating cause and effect, and confusing time. Let Jiang Wang's traces not be caught by any existence.

In this way, she would have enough time to take advantage of her computing power and complete this painstakingly planned round.

After Jiang Wang praised him, he replied: "Because Lu Shuanghe said that he would wait until I reached the limit that I recognized before looking for him. If I didn't reach that point, it would be meaningless to him. He has been waiting for so long , it’s just a joke. I believe in Lu Shuanghe’s determination, he won’t take action against me before this. So I didn’t think about you either. I ignored one thing - a real person like you, of course, has his own ideas, and you are not completely respect his wishes."

Ren Qiuli was silent for a long time, and then said: "I didn't expect that in this world, you are the one who believes in him more!"

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