Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2240 The weak fight for life and seek death, while the fool is trapped in death without know

"Huai Guo Gong!" Wen Jingxiu stood under the night sky, his humble expression faded little by little: "I respect you as an elder. I respect your identity and your contribution to guarding the Tianmen of the human race. . But there must be a truth in everything. What kind of person Jiang Geyu is is known to the world. He has traveled to all realms and traveled all over the world. The dragon has never seen its end. In recent years, he has been especially wandering in the demon world, border wilderness, and Yuyuan. There is no place that can be predicted. You knock on the door of Yue State to ask for someone, where can Yue State go to find someone for you?!"

Facing the indifferent eyes of Duke Huai of Chu, the emperor of Yue stood straight and did not flinch at all.

People can't help but think about what kind of confidence he has.

Zuo Xiao raised his hand and slapped him——


The crown of peace soars high. Wen Jingxiu didn't even make a gesture of resistance, and was already flipping in the air. The majestic king of a country was slapped into a spinning top!

"It's been a shame for you for so many years!"

Zuo Xiao shook his hand, as if he disliked the toughness of his face: "Think again about how to answer me."

Wen Jingxiu's spinning figure finally stopped, covering his face that was red with anger, his eyes filled with shock and anger. He never expected that a man as lofty and respected as the Duke of Huai would behave in such a rude manner!

He walked directly out of the national defense formation and faced Duke Huai. Wasn't he sure that Duke Xiangguo of Chu would be proud of his status and that everyone would sit down and chat and laugh on the stage?

Is the war between countries like green skin on the street, spitting out spit and rolling up sleeves and taking action?

In the vast country of Chu, where are the rituals?

Whether it's false feelings or hypocrisy, Chu and Yue have been friendly in the Southern Territory for so many years, and they have shared the responsibility of the Fallen Fairy Forest. On New Year's Day, we send letters of credence to each other and wish each other good fortune.

Where will Zuo Xiao's slap put the diplomatic relations between the two countries?

This slap insults the monarch, despises the country, and at worst shows disrespect for the country's status!

"Old thief!"

A heart-piercing roar rang out in the court.

Gong Zhiliang, with disheveled hair, rushed out of the palace, holding a sword in his hand, and slashed towards Zuo Xiao without thinking: "Insult my king, I swear to kill you today!"

Zuo Xiao just glanced at him.

As if struck by thunder, he fell straight into the sky, smashing through the roof of the palace and shattering the glass.

But Gong Zhiliang quickly got up again.

"...old thief!"

He stared at his bloodshot eyes, staggered towards Zuo Xiao again, and fell straight down again.

He climbed up again and fell again.

During this process, Zuo Xiao remained expressionless. He was just swatting flies away indifferently, not against anyone.

But even just a hint of disgust was more than Gong Zhiliang could bear.

This was repeated seven times, and Gong Zhiliang's aura was getting weaker and weaker.

Wen Jingxiu finally shouted sadly: "Prime Minister! Don't come again!"

Gong Zhiliang flew up staggeringly again. He was already bleeding from all his orifices, and the aura of Shenlin was not as decayed as the ordinary inner palace, but he still held the sword, and veins popped out in the hand holding the sword.

"The country of Yue may not be worth mentioning in the eyes of some people, but it is the country where I grew up. How can the country be trampled upon, and the national character cannot be insulted!"

He cried out sadly: "Today the king is humiliated, Gong Zhiliang cannot defend himself against the enemy, he will only die!"

With a backhand sword, he cut his neck and died.

The golden body collapsed, and the old body fell into the sky for the last time.

Zuo Xiao was indifferent and looked at Wen Jingxiu again: "The slap just now was not seen by more people and saved your face. It's not yet dawn and lunch is still early, so you still have time."

"Old man!" Wen Jingxiu pointed at Zuo Xiao, his fingers shaking constantly: "You are so deceptive..."

Zuo Xiao just raised his eyes.


This index finger was bent directly over and broke on the spot!

"Ah!!!" Wen Jingxiu was almost crazy and screamed: "Come on! Kill me! You can kill the emperor of Yue!"

He held up his bloody severed finger and strode towards Zuo Xiao: "Let the history books record it this way: Duke Huai of Chu, forcibly killed Wen Jingxiu, Emperor of Yue, ignored the etiquette of the country, corrupted the rules of monarchs and ministers, and trampled on the country. System—how?!”

Zuo Xiao looked at him deeply: "...Okay! I will do as you wish, take off your head, break the national defense formation, and then search across the country to find the missing Taixu cabinet member . Let’s see if this Taixu Covenant, which is recommended by the whole world and can be implemented in Tianjing City, can work in your city of Kuaiji!"

"Of course the Yue Kingdom respects the Taixu Covenant! Taixu Cabinet Member is my guest!" Wen Jingxiu gritted his teeth: "If you find Jiang Cabinet Member in the Yue Kingdom and confirm that it was me who harmed him, I will die without complaint. But What if you can’t find Mr. Jiang after you kill me?”

Zuo Xiao grinned: "Then I will toast you with a glass of wine in front of your grave to make amends to you."


If you kill the right person, then kill the right person.

If you kill someone by mistake, then apologize - who else can make Zuo Xiao die?

Huang Weizhen is indeed worthy of fear, and the relationship between Huang Weizhen and the Chu State is also very delicate.

Zuo Xiao admired Huang Weizhen very much.

But this time I am not here for Ge Fei.

Not involving the mountain and sea monsters, and leaving aside the matter of Huang Weizhen, what confidence does the Yue Kingdom have?

Of course, the national system must be maintained, and the current world must be in order, but who is the one who maintains order? It is the six overlords!

In most cases, hegemons are very willing to maintain the current order because they themselves are the biggest beneficiaries of this order. But this is not an absolute iron law, because the knife is in their own hands, and the only ones who can supervise them are each other.

The Taixu Covenant can shine in Tianjing City because all forces are watching the battle with their swords raised.

Perhaps the worst thing Wen Jingxiu did tonight was to leave the national defense formation and stand in front of Zuo Xiao - the last time he faced Zhuge Yixian's Star God, he sat motionless in the core palace the entire time. of.

Maybe he had other plans, maybe he was getting more courageous, but at this moment, Zuo Yao didn't play riddles with him, he just slapped him, cut off a finger, and said "I'm sorry" to nakedly reveal the cruel truth of this world.

If Wen Jingxiu were alive, he would be part of the order, and the Yue State would have no apparent crime, and perhaps the world would support him.

If Wen Jingxiu dies like this, let’s see who among the other five hegemons will attack Chu for Yue!

"Come!" Faced with such a naked threat from Zuo Xiao, Wen Jingxiu did not retreat but advanced, did not run away but embraced him, which somewhat demonstrated the courage of the emperor of a country: "Use my head to defeat the justice of Chu, why not?" ! Wen Jingxiu will lose at this moment, and Chu will lose in the future!"

Zuo Xiao said no more, directly raised his right hand, bluffing his fingers, and pressed Wen Jingxiu——

Just when the five fingers met, Wen Jingxiu's real body expanded rapidly and was about to burst!

"Master Zuo, please show mercy!"

A gentle voice made it easier to come to this moment.

It's like the spring breeze blowing over the moon, and the warmth melts away the coldness a little bit.

The dean of Mugu Academy, wearing a plain Confucian shirt, appeared in front of Wen Jingxiu and bowed to Zuo Xiao: "Chen came uninvited. I hope Mr. Zuo won't find it rude."

When the monarchs and ministers of the Yue State were discussing privately, Wen Jingxiu asked - in order for Jingguo and Qin State to publicly express their positions, how far should we, the Yue State, go and what else can we pay?

The answer is in the question.

After the death of the hidden prime minister Gao Zheng, Chen Pu intervened and Yan Sheng came down from the mountain.

Today, Gong Zhiliang, the Prime Minister of the State of Yue, was forced to death by Duke Huai of Chu!

Chen Pu from Mugu Academy had to stand up. There is indeed a reason to stand up.

Shushan has always been a supporter of the Yue Kingdom and has done more than Nan Doudian. Many Confucian disciples became officials in the Yue Kingdom. For many years, Shushan and Chu were not in contact with each other. Yue was a buffer and a barrier, which was an important reason why Shushan could maintain its aloofness.

If Chu State annexes Yue and borders Shushan, perhaps both sides will have to explore new ways of getting along. That is definitely not what Shushan would like to see.

Zuo Xiao retracted his bluffing fingers, his face still expressionless. Of course he knew that Gong Zhiliang wanted to die, and he also understood why Gong Zhiliang wanted to die. At this moment, I just asked: "Dean Chen wants to wade into this muddy water?"

Chen Pu casually smoothed Wen Jingxiu's body, making it return to normal and away from danger, and said warmly: "After all, the Emperor of Yue is the Emperor Zhengshuo, and the law of heaven has decreed it. I don't know what crime he was punished for?"

"Not guilty." Zuo Xiao said casually, "He asked for death, and I granted it, that's all."

"I think he was just impulsive. The world is responsible and the country is shouldering the responsibility. How could he commit suicide?" Chen Pu said: "Please forgive Mr. Zuo for a moment."

Zuo Xiao looked behind Chen Pu: "What did he say?"

Wen Jingxiu walked out from behind Chen Pu, the ferocious color on his face was gone, and the hysterical and desperate attitude was gone. He even tied up his hair again. He was extremely calm and harmonious. He raised his hands and said to Zuo Xiao: "I was impulsive and made angry remarks. Don't take Duke Huai seriously."

Zuo Xiao remained calm: "I have always only known that 'you have no joke'! How come the Emperor of Yue is an exception among kings?"

Chen Pu said: "Although the Emperor of Yue is the emperor of the country, he is also the junior of Zuo Gongye. In front of the elders, it is inevitable to be a little laissez-faire. This Gong Zhiliang is diligent and loyal. He has built bridges and roads for the country for many years. …It’s a pity to die.”

Gong Zhiliang is a bloody bargaining chip, offering Wen Jingxiu the final bet.

Zuo Xiao was indifferent and just looked at Wen Jingxiu: "Does the Emperor of Yue recognize that I am your elder?"

"Of course!" Wen Jingxiu said: "Although I am unworthy, I also know how to respect the elders and the virtuous. From the beginning, I said that I respect the Duke of Huai Guo very much, so I went out to welcome him - I never thought that like Huai Guo What will a respected elder like me do to me?"

Zuo Xiao raised his eyelids slightly: "Then Emperor of Yue, as an elder, I will ask you again - can Jiang Wang make it in time for lunch at my house?"

Chen Pu said nothing.

"Master Zuo!" Wen Jingxiu called out to Qu: "I really don't know why you have to connect the whereabouts of Cabinet Member Jiang with the Yue State. The State of Yue has been weak for a long time! It has the ability to harm Cabinet Member Jiang silently. What kind of hero is that! He can successfully return from the hinterland of the demon clan, how can he capsize in the small Qiantang River? Maybe he went to the border again and came back in a few days. If you care about it, it will cause chaos. I accept it. Unexpected disaster!"

Zuo Xiao looked at him steadily for a while, and then said: "Okay, with your patience in the past few decades and your toughness today, you can be considered a king. You are indeed of Wenzhong's blood!"

"The Duke of Huai has misunderstood me, and I have no choice but to live with it." Wen Jingxiu and Zuo Xiao looked at each other: "I don't have any great ambitions. I have worked hard for the country all my life and tried my best to keep my heart. I just want not to shame my ancestors."

Zuo Xiao looked at Chen Pu: "Dean Chen, are you going to bail him out today?"

Chen Pu smiled bitterly and said: "Master Zuo, it is really unjustifiable to kill the emperor without guilt. Song Tianshi was also coming, but in order to avoid discord between Jing and Chu, he didn't show up. I know you are eager, but Jiang Wang is really in the country of Yue. ?"

Jiang Wang stayed in Yue to protect Bai Yuxia, and he was hiding his tracks. With his current methods, not many people in the world can discover him.

In the final analysis, his appearance that night was just information obtained by the Chu State in Fuji City. Where he went after that, no one except Wen Jingxiu knew.

Zuo Xiao couldn't produce any evidence.

"Song Huai can come, and the four great heavenly masters can come. If you don't come today, there will always be a chance another day. New accounts and old accounts must be settled." Zuo Xiao looked at Chen Pu: "Dean Chen, you should know my Personality. No need to say unnecessary words, I can also give you this face today——"

Chen Pu sighed: "Thank you for your understanding, sir."

"Wen Jingxiu, please remember." Zuo Xiao looked at the Emperor of Yue Kingdom: "I don't care how you excuse it, Jiang Wang disappeared in your Yue Kingdom, and I will definitely record this account on you. If something happens to Jiang Wang - -you will die."

He said slowly: "Even if Huang Weizhen comes back, even if Huang Weizhen really recognizes you, chooses you, and treats you as his own son, you will die. This sentence was said by Zuo Xiao. It can be recorded in the history of your Yue Kingdom !”

Chen Pu was about to speak but stopped.

"Everyone is destined to die, and I don't have the appearance of eternal life." Wen Jingxiu acted very calmly. He seemed to have known what he would face. He only said to Zuo Xiao: "Mr. Zuo, no matter how you decide, I still have to do it." Let me reiterate to you - the Yue Kingdom does not know the whereabouts of Cabinet Member Jiang. I also want to find him and prove his innocence! Of course, maybe you don't need this."

Zuo Xiao grinned, as if he was smiling. He was so angry that he laughed: "Wen Jingxiu, Wen Jingxiu, the reason why I came here, but An Guogong was silent for so long. It's not that An Guogong can bear it and I can't bear it. It's because An Guogong doesn't like to slap people, and he will kill them to wipe them out."

He pointed at Wen Jingxiu: "You have offended me today. When I came this time, I just wanted to slap you, but now you want me to dig up your ancestral graves - you'd better not let me do such a thing. "

Without waiting for Wen Jingxiu to say anything, he turned to look at Chen Pu and said in a very serious tone: "Dean Chen, Shushan is a responsibility you must bear. If you stop me this time, I will I understand. If you stop me next time, you will be my enemy."

After saying this, he flicked his sleeves and stepped on the bright moon, causing the sky to be filled with frost and his body scattered.

It wasn't until Zuo Xiao's figure had completely disappeared that Wen Jingxiu could not hide his anger and said to Chen Pu: "I don't know how I provoked him? Just because the Yue State is weaker than the Chu State, he can be so unreasonable and bully and coerce him at every turn. What? He asked me for Jiang Wang, but I’m not Jiang Wang’s nanny! Why didn’t he ask me for Zuo Hong or Zuo Guanglie?”

Chen Pu glanced at him lightly.

Wen Jingxiu pursed her lips: "I made a mistake, sir."

The world-famous gentle gentleman and dean of Mugu Academy said softly: "I also have a question to ask your majesty. Your majesty will answer me after you have thought it through."

"Sir, feel free to ask!" Wen Jingxiu said immediately, "I will definitely tell you everything I know!"

Chen Pu looked at him: "Where did Jiang Wang go?"

"I really don't know!" Wen Jingxiu looked aggrieved: "When I was a prince, I also went to Mugu Academy to study, and I always regarded you as my teacher - don't you even believe in me?"

Chen Pu moved his eyes away, looked at the sky with his hands behind his hands, and sighed: "Gong Zhiliang was not a top talent, and his luck was not good. His achievements in his life were limited, but he was a man with the word 'loyalty and encouragement'. His funeral affairs, Emperor, don’t be lazy.”

Wen Jingxiu said solemnly: "When I lose my chancellor, it's like losing a close relative. I must use the national gift!"

Chen Pu thought for a while and then said: "For the sake of Gao Zheng and Gong Zhiliang, I would like to advise you again - you are destined not to get full marks in this exam, and you should not waste your energy and try to get full marks. In such a situation If you can pass the test, it is enough. Some multiple-choice questions are not mandatory."

Wen Jingxiu held the disciple's courtesy and said respectfully: "The student listened."

Chen Pu knew that he didn't listen: "The Duke of Huai said he would kill you, so he will definitely kill you. If something happens to Jiang Wang in Yue, make preparations for the aftermath...and take care of your ancestral graves. People As the old saying goes, if you offend people a lot, you’re leaving now, so there’s no need to see you off.”

He just turned around and became very far away. In the vast night, the bright moon is lonely.

"Sir!" At such a moment, Wen Jingxiu shouted suddenly and chased after his back: "In the world of chess, the weak fight for life and seek death, while the fool is trapped in death without knowing it. The student plays the chess with all his strength, and for the sake of It’s something you can’t do without thinking of a happy ending!”

"I am not your husband. Your Majesty, please take care of yourself." Chen Pu did not look back and fell into the night.

[Thanks to book friend "Senior Sister Bai" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 748th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol! 】

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