Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2241 The truth of immortality transcends ancient and modern times

For many years, Shushan has used the Yue Kingdom as a barrier, a pure forest outside the study house, and a bamboo fence outside the study room.

The sound of reading can pass by, but wind and rain cannot intrude.

Before the new beginning of Daoli, Mugu Academy was responsible for this responsibility.

It is built at the foot of Shushan. When the evening drum sounds, everything is quiet.

The disputes among the various sects ceased at dusk. Even at the beginning of the new era when dragons and snakes rose from the land and the world was at war, the flames of war never reached Shushan.

Of course, if Jing Taizu was allowed to unify the world and become the emperor of Liuhe, as the supporter behind him and the Taoist sect that coexists with him, it is almost foreseeable to unify the thoughts of hundreds of schools of thought.

After the new beginning of Dao Li, countries large and small served as the fence of Shushan.

The Song, Yue, Li, Liang, and even the previous Xia, and even earlier Shao and Yan states also had many Confucian disciples serving as officials.

Of course Chu State also has it. Wu Ling, who advocated the integration of military and Confucianism, once lived in Shushan for three months.

To be as strong as to dominate Chu, of course, you can control hundreds of families and use it for your own use. No matter which school you cultivate, you must put Chu State as your top priority and plan for Chu. But the identity of a Confucian disciple is itself a fence, blocking the wind and rain first.

Since the establishment of the state system, countries have risen and fallen, fallen and revived, but the mountain of books has always stood tall.

"Being born in the world" and "entering the world" are the relationship between Shushan and the four major academies.

Shushan hopes to maintain a detached posture, unlike the Taoist sect that is integrated with the Taoist country, nor like the current Mo sect that actively joins the world, and it does not want to be like the Kurongyuan, which was bulldozed overnight.

Now Mugu Academy has been moved to Huoshui, and the Chu State has destroyed Nandou and suppressed Wenyue, which is actually outside the gate of Shushan.

At the moment Gao Zheng died, the country of Yue was in danger. The millennium of Sheji has been turned into an upside-down hourglass, waiting for its end. The quicksand clock is the last time of the Wen royal family, so why is it not the starting point for the Kingdom of Chu to knock on the door beyond the mountain of books?

Shushan has made his attitude clear again and again. From Yan Sheng to Chen Pu, tonight he was just forced out by Wen Jingxiu. He finally stood face to face in front of Chu people and had a clearer expression of his position——

The life and death of Emperor Zhengshuo should be within the rules of the state system, and he should not be executed without guilt. Yue Ting is innocent and should not die suddenly.

Dongtian Master of Jingguo also stamped this sentence.

The reason why the Yue Kingdom enjoys long-term peace and stability has never been because of the Yue Kingdom itself. When Gao Zheng led the Fallen Immortal Alliance, he also recruited Mugu Academy, Nandou Hall, and Shushan to occupy one of the four fixed entrances to the Fallen Immortal Forest.

Wen Jingxiu has always known that the Yue Kingdom has no future at all!

It's not that the country of Yue has no talented people, it's not that the country of Yue has no loyal ministers. The only reason why the country of Yue has no way forward is that the country of Yue is next to the country of Chu. The Chu State has a huge root system and a tree crown that covers the sky, robbing the southern region of the sun and moisture.

All other roots and trees, the closer they are, the more dangerous their situation is.

A person with outstanding talents, such as Gao Zheng, can only exile himself and sit in the Hidden Peak. The ambitious political picture was stopped after only a few strokes. There is only one step away from Yandao, but you can't take it.

What will happen to the country next to the hegemonic country?

The Yang State next to Qi State is a bloody example.

Even the situation of Yang State was much more embarrassing than that of Yue State.

Ji Cheng of the Tianxiong Ji family was not even allowed to visit the gods.

Yang Jiande, the last emperor of the Yang Kingdom, was once a figure on par with Chongxuan Chu Liang on the battlefield, but in the end he was fascinated by the magic power - it was not that he was weak-willed, but that he had no choice.

The Qi State swallowed up the Yang State, and it was a matter of course, and it came down in one fell swoop.

Because the supporters behind Yang Guo have been eliminated first. Either their overly long arms and legs will be broken, or they will be wiped out directly.

Now that the Chu State has destroyed Nan Dou and killed Gao Zheng, is it not a repeat of the story of the Eastern Region?

Peel off the carapace and try to swallow the soft meat.

If this piece of soft flesh wants to protect itself, it must either grow some thorns, be poisonous, or hide in another shell that cannot be peeled off.

Standing in Kuaiji City and looking out, looking at the past and present, looking at Liuhe and Bahuang, it seems at first glance that there are countless choices, but these countless twists and turns will eventually lead to death.

Without earth-shaking changes, it would be impossible to stir up trouble in this pool of stagnant water.

For a gentle gentleman and a Confucian elder like Chen Pu to say "I am not your husband" and clearly draw a line between them, it is already a sign of strong opinions.

Of course Wen Jingxiu knew. But he had no choice.

If he doesn't do anything, who will help Yue? If he doesn't make a choice, who will give him the road to cross the country?

In the early morning when Gong Zhiliang also died, he walked alone through the royal capital, walked to the Ancestral Temple, and walked into the community of spiritual halls for worshiping ancestors.

There are only everlasting sandalwood incense, sacrificial prayer flags, and silent shrines.

He walked into one of the most glorious spiritual temples and slowly knelt down in front of the tall and majestic spiritual statue.

A futon, a lone figure, silence everywhere!

He looked up at the golden statue whose features were blurred by the fireworks, and his face also became blurred: "Taizong, I seem to already know what it means to be alone."

The State of Yue often claims that it has a history of thousands of years, but in fact it includes the history of the State of Nanchen.

Of course, the relationship between Yue State, Nan Doudian and Shushan was also inherited from Nan Chen State. It's nothing more than taking Chen Qi's place and taking Chen's responsibility. For Nandou Palace and Shushan, their support for the Yue Kingdom lasted for thousands of years. "Yue" or "Chen" makes no difference to them.

In the year 2335 of Dao Li, Min Chuifan, the deputy governor of the Kanglong Army of Nanchen State, killed the young master of Nanchen, and the Nanchen Kingdom was destroyed. Wen Yuan, the commander-in-chief of the Kanglong Army, was welcomed by everyone and was pushed onto the dragon chair.

According to the "Book of Yue" records - Young Master Chen in Nanshi was unlucky, and hundreds of officials gathered to discuss it. The tribes swarmed in, but Taizu didn't notice and was pushed to sit on the dragon chair. Taizu was startled and about to get up, and his general said: "The governor is sitting on the dragon chair now, it is a death penalty. The king is sitting on the dragon chair now, it is the law of heaven." Taizu couldn't afford to cry, so he sat on the dragon chair, and this was the founding of the country.

Wenyuan changed "Chen" to "Yue" and established the Yue Kingdom. The royal family surnamed Wen has been the master of this land for one thousand five hundred and ninety-three years.

For a long time after the establishment of the Yue State, the old system of the Chen State remained unchanged and the old system was followed. There are people who have diplomatic relations with other countries and send letters saying "Emperor Chen". Wenyuan, Taizu of Yue, moved to the capital city, which was a sign of his complete control over the country. After this, we began to change the country's system and clean up all traces of Nanchen.

Of course, many dragons have emerged in this river of history that lasts for 1,592 years. Naturally, there have been some real people in this world who are qualified to rule the country.

For example, the three friends of Huling who founded the country together with Yue Taizu Wenyuan.

For example, the head of the Ge family was persuaded only after he had paid Taizu five visits.

For example, the real person who was later lost in search of fame...

But there is not even a true king.

The road to the top is already steep. If the Chu State has a butcher's knife on it, it will be beheaded if it goes further, and no one can advance further.

Looking through the history books, many names shine for a while, but none of them cross the line. The majesty of the Chu State and the depression of the Yue State are all contained in this.

Jiang Wang had met almost all the famous people in Yue Kingdom.

In the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array" arranged by Ren Qiuli, he kept fighting - I don't know whether the fight lasted for a long time or just for a while.

In short, most of the names in the history books of the Yue Kingdom have already said goodbye to Sauvignon Blanc.

"Losing the sense of time does not seem to affect your fighting." Ren Qiuli's voice sounded in the room.

"Time is just another measure besides quantity. When reading history and observing people, you don't need to calculate anything. It's just about reading the whole book and killing all the heroes in the book -" Jiang Wang stood in the long and narrow corridor, holding a long bag in his hand. The sword, the body is spotless: "Is it ready for the main dish?"

From the cells on both sides of the corridor, people were coming out slower and slower. At first, they were pouring out in droves, then a few popped out sporadically, and now there is no movement.

"Good books need to be read carefully, and great dishes must be tasted slowly." Ren Qiuli said quietly: "Does Zhenren Jiang feel that the history of the Yue Kingdom is not exciting enough?"

Jiang Wangdao: "If this is just the current situation, it is indeed not enough."

"Although the Yue Kingdom is not a hegemonic country, it still has its great turbulence." Ren Qiuli's voice was vague and he did not observe: "We should all respect history. Because everything today comes from the past."

"Everything in the past ends here, because 'in the future' starts from 'now'. Mr. Tianji, you'd better have some other means." Jiang Wang said calmly: "Otherwise, I will be dissatisfied with the name 'number one in computing power' I am very disappointed. I even don’t expect much from Lu Shuanghe anymore.”

Ren Qiuli's voice said: "Having fought against so many famous people in Yue history, you should feel the changes in your body... Do you think you will die of old age here?"

In this battle to rule the country and fight against the past, Jiang Wang witnessed the history of the Yue Kingdom, and was inevitably taken away from some time——

Even if you just take two steps at will, time will pass during these two steps and no one can avoid it.

It's just that in the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array", this passage is amplified.

If ordinary people were here, taking one step would probably lead to a lifetime.

Jiang Wang looked around calmly. He never stopped observing: "My body has indeed gone through some time, but this process is really slow."

He casually put a sword flower on his arm: "I have a life span of a real person, and I am not over thirty now. If time and space are your only barrier, I will definitely be able to find you and kill you before I die of old age."

When the god came, his physique had already caught up with Zhong Xuanzun who had been tempered countless times.

When it comes to Dong Zhen, he kills six Zhen and surrounds the Tao. After a long period of practice, the body of this real person is almost immortal. The most special and unavoidable danger of the passage of time in the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array" cannot help but be greatly compromised in front of this immortal body.

And he's still so young! There is plenty of time to fight.

If it were a thousand-year-old real person, I'm afraid he would have become anxious and begging for a way out.

Today's Jiang Wang faces everything calmly and has no weaknesses.

Ren Qiuli didn't speak this time.

But in another room, another voice sounded. This is a low and magnetic male voice, speaking slowly and in an orderly manner.

"Good character, good ambition, good future life!"

Following the voice came a rich middle-aged man with hanging ears and hands above his knees. He was wearing a royal robe and a sword hanging from his waist. His facial features were kind and he had a faint smile on his face, but he gave people a strange feeling. A feeling of "laughing but still majestic".

Only those who have been in the upper position for a long time can have this kind of energy.

He said the word "good" three times and stood at the end of the long and narrow corridor, as if that was where everything began. The river with a history of 1,592 years in the Yue Kingdom originated from him.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "More than Taizu Wenyuan? Yue Taizong Wenzhong?"

The man smiled and said: "How can there be a strong son and an old father working hard? I am Wenzhong. The misfortune can only echo in history, so I won't ask my father to come out to fight with you."

A strong son does not work for his father, which is a euphemism for Yue Taizu Wenyuan who cannot fight. If Wenyuan was strong enough, this meeting would probably be like "father and son going into battle" and "two generations of kings joining hands."

As we all know, in the history of the Yue Kingdom, the king who ranked first in both civil and martial arts was Wenzhong, Taizong of Yue. Even Yue Taizu, who established the country, was recognized as far inferior to him.

As expected, Wen Zhong's appearance is completely different from the previous celebrities in Yue history - Min Chuifan is crazy, Long Ruzhi is stubborn, the three friends of Huling are strong, but their thinking is obviously delayed, and the real person Ge is almost half asleep.

The text at this moment is completely like a living person coming out of history.

But what surprised Jiang Wang even more was... Wen Zhong seemed to be able to control the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Formation", or at least have certain authority in the formation hosted by Ren Qiuli. Because he seems to be able to decide whether Yue Taizu Wenyuan will go to war!

"Since it's time to fight, the younger generation will not be polite." Jiang Wang looked at this legendary monarch in the history of the Yue Kingdom: "I am Jiang Wang."

"Your surname is Jiang?" Wen Zhong looked at him: "Qi clan?"

"People from the mountains are not noble." Jiang Wang said calmly: "My father is Jiang Changshan, a medicinal merchant in Fengxi Town, Maplewood City, Zhuangdi. I myself opened a restaurant in Xingyueyuan, and the business was pretty good."

"Heroes don't ask where they come from, but I am old!" Wen Zhong did not rush to take action, but raised his eyes to look at the flowing time on the dome, and sighed: "Time flies by like water, and I don't know what year it is today! "

"Daoli 3938." Ren Qiuli's voice said at this time.

Jiang Wang raised his sword without saying a word. Before he fell into this formation, it was Dao Li 3928!

He was not sure whether it was true that time had passed by for ten years, or whether Ren Qiuli said this deliberately to mess with his heart - it didn't matter before killing Ren Qiuli. He didn't care about anything at the moment, including time, he only cared about this battle.

"I came to the throne in the year 2433 of the Dao calendar and ruled for ninety-seven years. I failed to truly rejuvenate the country and abdicated in the year 2530 of the Dao calendar. In the year 2531 of the Dao calendar... Gu Dao failed and Dao Jie failed. and died." Wen Zhong sighed with his hands behind his hands and fell into the past: "The person who prevented me from becoming enlightened at that time was the Star God 'Xuan Zhen'. Has he been reconstructed now?"

Ren Qiuli's voice said: "You should ask Jiang Wang in front of you this question. He is the first Taixu cabinet member and has close relations with the top leaders of Chu State."

What she specifically said was Taoism, and the meaning was explained by the sound.

Therefore, one can understand the importance of Taixu Cabinet Member from his writings written more than a thousand years ago.

Yue Taizong looked at Jiang Wang with great interest: "I didn't expect that you are so young and have such achievements! Is Zhuge Yixian still alive?"

"I'm not familiar with the Star Witch." Jiang Wang said: "But the life of True Lord Yandao has lasted for ten thousand years, and Chu State has not lived for more than four thousand years! Did you destroy 'Xuanzhu' back then? That was only twelve years." One of the Star Gods. I can’t think of a reason why the Great Wizard of Chu should not be alive.”

Wen Zhong laughed: "It seems that the information about the Jurchen in Nan Doudian is wrong. This young man is not very close to the Chu State."

"He is close to the Duke of Huai." Ren Qiuli's voice said: "No, the contemporary Duke of Huai has come to visit because of his disappearance, and the contemporary emperor of Yue is close to being killed."

"Since Taixu Pavilion upholds neutrality and serves the world, and this member of Taixu Pavilion is so young and important, and he also has the connections that the contemporary Duke of Huai has gained through him... why does he appear here?" the article also stated. He was not in a hurry to care about his descendants, and just asked: "Tianji Tianji, don't say anything now - where is the Changsheng Lord?"

As expected, Ren Qiuli didn't speak.

At this time, a voice replied: "The Changsheng Lord killed his name and fled, and the South Dou Palace is gone!"

Jiang Wang stood in the middle of the long and narrow corridor, holding his sword sideways.

In another part of the corridor, as if at the end of time, a lonely and stern old man suddenly appeared.

His brows were furrowed, as if he was worried about the world. There were obvious waves in those eyes that were as quiet as ancient wells. The first time he appeared, he didn't pay attention to Jiang Wang. He just walked across the narrow corridor and bowed deeply to the text on the other side: "The common people are high in government. Before becoming an official, he served as the Prime Minister of Yue State - I have met His Majesty Taizong!"

Thanks to the General Alliance "Empire|Qin Shang" for rewarding Zuo Guanglie with the character Bai Yin!

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