Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2242 The chasm between time and space is inseparable

The 1,592-year history of the Yue Kingdom flows through the corridor of time and space.

Yue Taizong's Wenzhong and Yinxiangfeng's high politics stand at the origin and end of history respectively.

They looked at each other at the two ends of Yue's history, and a distant glance conveyed the past.

The river of time is so vast, but every drop of water in it is the magnificence of countless Yue people's lifelong struggle.

At this moment, Jiang Wang stood in the middle of the long and narrow space-time corridor, standing with his back to the door.

The time of Yue Kingdom flows like water on the top of the translucent corridor.

In the room behind him, the real person who had walked out of Geshi Xunfei before was now with the door closed.

In the room in front of him, Ren Qiuli, the master of Tianji, was still sitting on the armchair with intertwined regular lines, facing him from a distance.

To his left is the text of Taizong Yue, and to his right is the hidden minister Gao Zheng.

There is no difference between leaning against the wall and leaning against the door, because this is [Mirror Lake] and this situation is controlled by others. Jiang Wang was wary of every corner here. He only trusted his sword.

He is not surrounded by enemies on three sides, but on all sides.

But it doesn't matter.

Now that he has stepped into the quagmire of Yue Kingdom, he will naturally have to face everything.

There is often a question like this - if the ancestors have spirits in heaven, how would they feel when they see their descendants like this?

The answer seems to be available now.

Yue Taizong Wenzhong, who died in 2531 of the Dao calendar, is reading the history since him.

No matter how great they were in their writing or their high politics, no matter how great they were during their lifetime, they are all dead people who can be reappeared because of the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array".

Their intelligence perception also exists due to the "Time and Space Mirror River Sky Machine Formation".

So they actually don't know what happened to the Yue Kingdom outside the formation after their death and what is happening now. Ren Qiuli, who presides over the formation, controls their window to observe the present world and is their only source of intelligence.

Therefore, the article asked Ren Qiuli not to speak, lest he be misled by wrong perceptions.

This shows that he does have a certain degree of freedom and that he does not trust Ren Qiuli.

After the projection from history, in just a few sentences, he had a certain judgment about Ren Qiuli. Perhaps these conversations gave him important information. Or maybe from the beginning, when he cooperated with Lord Changsheng, he never trusted Nandou Palace.

Ren Qiuli used silence to make him relax his vigilance and give him time to communicate.

Jiang Wang is also happy to read history in the text.

After all, no matter Wenzhong, Gao Zheng or Ren Qiuli, they are all top-notch real people. Perhaps Ren Qiuli's ability to fight head-on is slightly weaker - he is limited by his imperfect origin.

He was 70% sure of killing Ren Qiuli in one-on-one combat. Even if Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng could both demonstrate their peak combat power at the real level in a large formation, he would still have the confidence to face one of them.

With three top real people coming together, he could only say that he would give it a try - Wen Zhong, a real person who had been dead for more than a thousand years, although he was a top real person at the time, he had not necessarily kept up with the times. He and Ren Qiuli may be the breakthrough point in this battle and allow him to seize life.

But it's one thing to dare to risk one's life, it's one thing to be prepared, and it's another thing to be able to avoid risking one's life.

The step that involved him in the chaos in the Yue Kingdom only happened after Gao Zheng's death. Perhaps Gao Zheng and Wen Zhong do not agree with this step, so if they have a certain degree of freedom, this situation may not be dangerous.

I don’t know how long it took, but it seemed like just a moment. Wen Zhong opened his sleeves, raised his hands in front of his body, and saluted Gao Zheng: "I am an ancestor who is neither virtuous nor powerful. I have spent hundreds of years in vain and cannot establish the country. This has caused difficulties for future generations and made it difficult for them to bend their bodies. That's right! Prime Minister, I have suffered so much for you these years, please accept my tribute!"

Thousands of years have passed since his death, and the country of Yue is still in trouble. There has not been a new chapter as he expected. But he didn't blame future generations, only that he didn't do more while he was alive. The strong take responsibility and the weak shirk the blame.

Gao Zheng even bowed his head to the ground and said sincerely: "His Majesty Taizong built the Qiantang Navy and established the national defense array. They are all eternal achievements and have benefited the country to this day. You have done your best in your position. You are The unworthy people of future generations will not be able to make progress in the country. I have no shame to bear this tribute from you. No one in the country can bear it!"

Wen Zhong died in the year 2531 of the Dao calendar, which was the death of Dao Jie.

Gao Zheng died in the year 3927 of the Dao calendar, and was personally killed by Luosha Mingyuejing, the owner of Sanfenxiang Tower.

Their methods of death were different, but the root cause was that they all died by Chu's methods.

There are one thousand three hundred and ninety-six years of history in between, with all the high political knowledge and all the literary thoughts.

No matter how many thrilling past events there are, they must see the essence - after so many years, the situation in Vietnam has still not fundamentally changed.

In Yue State, Shushan is like a fence. When it is used, it is used as a screen, and when it is destroyed, it is rebuilt. The owner of the house sometimes comes out with a stick to drive away the wild beasts that damage the fence, but he never cares about the fence itself.

The State of Yue was a screen to the State of Chu, allowing the Chu people to maintain a certain degree of grace and etiquette. Once this screen attempts to turn into a high wall and is equipped with barbs, it may pose a threat and will be cut off mercilessly by the Chu State.

"From my perspective as a bystander, both of you have done your best in your position. Even though I'm a mountain man and don't know much about state affairs, I admire you very much." Ren Qiuli's voice said: "The Yue Kingdom What we have come to today is because we were oppressed by the Chu State, and it is not the responsibility of any of you."

"But I have a responsibility." Gao Zheng suddenly turned around, and the wall of the space-time corridor became transparent for an instant, revealing Ren Qiuli sitting in the chair in the room.

He also has certain authority in this great formation!

Also, whether it is [Jinghu Lake] or the Yue Kingdom's National Defense Formation, these are things he has studied all his life. Ren Qiuli took advantage of this to form a formation. It was impossible for him to just enjoy the benefits and not accept the influence.

The most famous person in the Yue Kingdom's eternal achievements looked at Master Tianji indifferently: "You interfered with my game and acted extremely selfishly. You only care about your own goals when making moves, regardless of the original game, and you don't even care about the integrity of the chessboard - you and the emperor What deal was made?”

"She and the Seven Killers Lu Shuanghe will join the Yue Kingdom, and Wen Jingxiu will cooperate with her to trap me in this battle!" Jiang Wang saw that Gao Zheng didn't know about it, so of course he actively told the truth: "I have an extremely strong relationship with Lu Shuanghe. You know the covenant of life and death, Master Gao. Ren Qiuli was afraid that Lu Shuanghe would die in my hands, so he set up a trap!"

Yue Taizong held the ceremonial sword in one hand, with no expression on his face, but looked at Ren Qiuli.

The long river of time seemed to be still, and the entire corridor of time and space seemed to be sinking under his gaze.

Ren Qiuli was still sitting upright, but just spread his hands: "Jiang Zhenren did not add any exaggeration, it is indeed the case. But Gao Zhenren, I only care about my own goals, isn't it reasonable? How is the Yue Kingdom, how is your situation, and how is the chessboard complete? , should all be considered by you Yue people. Obviously, the contemporary Yue Emperor has already considered it and made a choice - today's process is promoted by us together, and I did not force him."

"Master Gao!" Jiang Wang said again: "When I first visited you at Yinxiang Peak, I already said that I couldn't understand your chess, and I didn't want to read it. As a member of Taixu Cabinet, my position is very clear. Belong to any party. I have a close relationship with the Duke of Huai, but I never interfere in the state affairs of Chu. But Bai Yuxia is the shopkeeper of my restaurant. He was tricked back to Yue and died. I have to protect him. Today It was not my intention to step into this situation, and I am innocent of being trapped in this situation! I have no ill intentions towards the country of Yue, but the country of Yue has trapped me with thorns. Today we have reached this point——"

He looked at Gao Zheng and then at the text: "The two of them are the most outstanding figures in the history of the Yue Kingdom. You might as well draw a line! Today we meet in time, we are enemies or friends. We can say the same thing. Decide!"

With Gao Zheng's wisdom, after hearing this, he already knew exactly what Wen Jingxiu did after his death.

Bai Yuxia was let go under his instruction, but Wen Jingxiu brought her back. This alone deviated from his original intention. Not to mention this deal about Jiang Wang.

But he just asked: "Zhenren Jiang, is Ge Fei still alive?"

Facing wise people like Gao Zheng and Wen Zhong, Jiang Wang didn't think anything at all. He just stated the facts clearly: "When I came in, Ge Fei had already escaped. As for what happens now, I don't know. It’s clear. Didn’t Master Tianji say that it’s already the year 3938 in the Dao calendar? Ten years have passed! The outside world may have changed a lot.”

"You tell me the truth, and I should also tell you the truth." Gao Zheng said slowly: "The passage of time only occurs within the scope of this formation, and only affects Jing Lake. Even if you experience ten or a hundred years here, The current world will be how it should be, and time flows normally. When you came in, it was the year 3928 of the Tao calendar, and it was the same when you left. After three or two days at most, it shouldn't cross to the year 29."

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "It's a worry for me. Jiang doesn't want anyone to worry about him."

Ren Qiuli didn't seem to care about the truth of the time, and added thoughtfully: "Yes, few people in the world know that you are missing. That is, the Chu State has a deep intelligence network in the Yue State, and only the Duke of Huai Guo knows Then come to the door quickly - the more I understand the situation between Chu and Yue, the more I know how difficult it is to play chess. It is not easy for Yue to get to where it is today!"

Wen Zhong looked at Jiang Wang with interest: "Compared to the feelings of your relatives and friends, you don't seem to care about the time you lost?"

The time flowing in the "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array" is wasted time.

Because this is not the real world, the Tao is far inferior to the real world, Yuan Power is very limited, and it is still under Ren Qiuli's control, and will not be given to him at all. We have reached the level of real people in this world. At most, there is only the accumulation of experience, and there is no real progress in practice.

For a genius like Jiang Wang who has made terrible progress in cultivation, every day is precious.

If you really lose a hundred years here, it will be a huge waste of life.

"Emotions such as regret and regret are all things that happen after the enemy is killed in battle." Jiang Wang still smiled: "I am not the invincible Xiang Fengqi, or Yu Beidou, whose calculation power is the best among all ancient and modern people. Unfortunately, I fell into a fate. In a real game, it’s okay to lose some time.”

"It's not necessary to have any regrets." Gao Zheng said coldly: "The time you lost can be recovered by killing the person who set up the formation. The earlier you kill, the more you will recover."

The malice expressed in this sentence is barely concealed. Gao Zheng is not Ren Qiuli's helper, and he doesn't want to be the sword held by anyone. He even wanted to cut off the hand holding the sword.

Jiang Wang also fell with this sound and moved suddenly!

With a sword in his hand and a green rainbow running through his body, with just a thought, he had already broken through the corridor, penetrated into the cell, and forced himself in front of Ren Qiuli. The seemingly insurmountable gap in time and space was instantly crossed.

From the beginning to now, he has never relaxed his observation of Jinghu Lake and this formation. The white flames that burned and faded on the walls of the corridor, each time they withered, they gave rise to new insights.

Both Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng have already demonstrated the authority they have in this "Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array". Both Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng have demonstrated how to activate this formation.

Jiang Wang has seen it very clearly!

He advanced seven times and retreated four times, walking out of a complicated fold line. His body was like a sword, cutting off distances. His footsteps were like swords, cutting through the formation. In the mirror lake, everything seems to be reflected waves, but this Sauvignon Blanc is called "true"!

It also truly struck Ren Qiuli, slashing the Master Tianji out of the other side of time and space, and nailing his face with one sword——


The chair where Ren Qiuli was sitting suddenly flew out of thousands of black lines, shuttled at extremely high speeds, intertwined in front of her, and formed a black cocoon.

Sauvignon Blanc is just nailed to the cocoon, making the sound of gold and iron, and the lingering sound is long, shaking the long river of time.

The world-famous sword with unrivaled sharpness cannot enter!

In the black cocoon, Ren Qiuli's voice sounded: "Master Jiang! We agreed to put the sword on my neck and ask me some questions... Why did you hit the front door with the first sword?"

Jiang Wang did not speak, but took a sudden step forward - pushing the sword with his hand, touching the cocoon with the sword, and hitting the wall with the cocoon. The black cocoon has not been broken, but the walls of time and space have been slightly dented!

This is a performance that even [Jinghu Lake] itself cannot bear.

Jiang Wang instantly retracted his sword and drew it out again. The speed was so fast that it seemed that he had not moved at all, but he had already struck nine swords in a row. These nine swords have different properties, different angles, and different strengths, but they all failed to break through the black cocoon.

The whistling sword light poured over the cocoon like a waterfall. The sword light dispersed, leaving the black cocoon unharmed. But from the scattered sword marks, the Samadhi True Fire, which was divided into three colors, quietly climbed up and jumped precariously. The black cocoon was instantly swallowed up, causing it to reflect swaying light and shadow in the darkness.

Both Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng stood quietly in the corridor of time and space, looking extremely alienated, and they changed from participants in the war to spectators.

In particular, Yue Taizong's article is quite leisurely, like a comment or a reminder: "This is the dark side of time and space. When twisted, it becomes silk and interweaves into a cocoon. It is difficult to imagine that a real person can do this on his own. The Changsheng Lord left a Leave [Jinghu Lake] to us, there are indeed some tricks involved."

Gao Zheng said: "With the character of Changsheng Lord, he will not trust anyone. The fact that he could tell Ren Qiuli the secret of Jinghu Lake can only mean that at that time, he had already planned to use Jinghu Lake to do something - but Chu State suddenly The soldiers surrounded Du E Peak, disrupting his plan. Nan Dou is the master of life, and Ren Qiuli holds the [Eternal Life Sinan], which can interweave the world of mortals and the turbulent sea of ​​suffering. The historical figures who have appeared before have been chopped into pieces and woven into Time and space make the thread of time and space endless... This is also the reason why this dark cocoon of time and space is unbreakable. Master Jiang is not just fighting Master Tianji."

The true fire of samadhi relies on the accumulation of knowledge to deepen the damage.

As soon as Wen Zhong and Gao Zheng said these two words, the true fire of Samadhi covering the black cocoon of time and space suddenly became violent, and the flames were so bright that the indestructible black cocoon of time and space made a beeping sound!

The endless threads of the dark side of time and space are constantly intertwining and constantly breaking. The speed is so fast that it can ring thousands of times in an instant. No matter how prepared Master Tianji is and how much time and space he has reserved, he cannot withstand such consumption.

In the black cocoon, Ren Qiuli's voice was still calm: "I created the 'Time and Space Mirror River Tianji Array', I reflected the history of the Yue Kingdom, and I called you - but you are able to be independent in the array, and The freedom of thought leads to the freedom of the Tao body. You can even see through the subtleties of the formation and counterattack me. If I give you a little more time, you may not know who will lead this formation. It's really amazing!"

She admired Wen Zhong and Gaozheng, and also sighed for them: "But this time and then were different, and the ancient monuments cannot be true today. This game... has just begun!"

As her words fell, the huge Sinan that once appeared in Fuji City, Yue State, appeared above the time and space corridor again, in the surging time.

The copper-colored Sinan's long spoon seemed to be carrying a mountain, reaching into time and space with difficulty, and scooped up——

From the long river of time, scoop out a jade seal that shines brightly and makes the long river of time clear!

The seal text says: "I am entrusted with the treasure of the Son of Heaven of Dayue"!

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