Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2250 Yin and Yang separate the world, the bridge of three ways

Dou Zhao has never doubted himself, he will definitely become the strongest in history.

He never doubted whether Tianxiao was sharp enough, he only asked himself whether he had done his best!

Since Lu Shuanghe believed that Jiang Wang was the most powerful genius, he would use a knife to change this so-called "killing power first" perception.

Jiang Wang and Lu Shuanghe have a secret agreement that is known to the world.

Then he took a Yunmengzhou and faced Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli alone, and he had not reached the limit of his cave...then he could not be said to have taken advantage of Jiang Wang.

He did not compete with Jiang Wang.

It's just that the road leading to the strongest one is right at his feet when fighting someone.

Lu Shuanghe just happened to be a roadblock.

His fight is to sharpen his sword with the strongest real person in the world, to sharpen his edge on the edge of life and death. Jiang Wang killed six true beings in Tianjing City, but the six true beings combined could not compare to one Lu Shuanghe!

He thought that when he walked out of the Fallen Immortal Forest and carried the heads of Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli, Jiang Wang, Chong Xuanzun, and Li Yi would also be convinced.

His arms and legs accidentally fell into Jiang Wang's hands, but it didn't matter - is this worth mentioning? Your Taoist enemies, Jiang Wang, are still under my sword!

The Chu State's exploration of the Fallen Immortal Forest was far better than that of the South Dou Palace, which was one of his advantages in this long pursuit. But the so-called exploration progress that is far better than that of South Dou Palace is still insignificant compared to the entire Fallen Immortal Forest.

He only grasps one thread in this huge mystery, but he doesn't care about the intricate ending.

The Meteor Fairy Forest gave him the same dangers as Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli. When faced with different dangers and on the verge of life and death, he had to fight with the two Nan Dou masters.

We are all fighting on a single rope above the abyss. If we are hit by a critical wound, we will die, and if we accidentally fall, we will die.

Yun Mengzhou gave him the freedom to advance and retreat, allowing him to extend the front line and look for opportunities in enough time and space.

The Golden Body of Fighting keeps him in good condition throughout the long battles, allowing him to get back into the fight as quickly as possible after suffering heavy damage.

The various dangers in the Fallen Immortal Forest make the situation change rapidly!

Under the huge pressure of Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli joining forces, he becomes stronger every moment than the previous moment, and must come up with something different every time they meet again.

This makes him enjoy it!

The moment he jumped down from the Abi Ghost Cave, his smile came from the bottom of his heart. He was indeed happy. Because he has shown his strongest self and seen stronger possibilities!

As long as he doesn't die this time, he will definitely come back stronger.

And how could he die?

Who in the world is worthy of cutting off this head of the Six Yangs?

As for where Abi Ghost Cave is.

He didn't know either.

no one knows.

There are only various legends about Abi Ghost Cave in the world, and there are only countless horrific records that will never return.

But it does not matter.

He came here to defeat the impossible in this life.

If anyone wants to say that he is not the protagonist of destiny, he will kill the existence of destiny.

All incredible stories must begin with him!

Tianxiao is broken, it doesn't matter.

He will find and recast it.

It doesn't matter if the Dao body is chopped off.

He'll fix it soon.

It doesn't matter if your strength is exhausted or your blood is exhausted.

He can definitely recover.

This fucking Abi ghost cave seems to have no bottom, and it keeps falling and I don’t know when it will fall.

It doesn't matter.

Everything must come to an end.

It won't keep declining, or wait until he regains some strength to crush this damn luck.

Well, the Dao body is in some pain, and ghosts keep coming and biting the body.

After many years of training, his body was strong enough to compete with any real person in the world. It was cut, torn, and corroded - it was just the process of sharpening the knife.

Today is like yesterday, like the day before yesterday, no different from Lu Shuanghe and Ren Qiuli chasing each other.

This long fall is just another battle.

Dou Zhao no longer had the strength to open his eyes, but he could feel that his body was covered with ghosts, his skin was bitten by fangs, and the corrosive mucus dripping from the mouth of the evil ghosts burned his skin. The flesh and blood were torn away piece by piece, including the muscles and skin. The pain was far worse than Ling Chi!

More and more ghosts piled up on the body, and the competition became more and more fierce, which also accelerated the speed of the body's fall. The deeper you fall into the Abi Ghost Cave, the stronger the monsters that rush to bite you become.

It doesn't matter...fuck you, it matters!

When I recover, I will definitely smash your Abi Ghost Cave to pieces and kill all the ghosts here!

Falling seems to be an eternal process.

Dou Zhao could barely remember the time at first, but then it became blurry.

He had to let go of the minutiae and focus on what was most important.

He needs to fight against the increasingly heavy sinking feeling deep in the ghost cave and prevent his will from falling forever. He maintained an unquenchable rage. He felt his flesh and blood leave him one after another. This process was too determined, just like the Tianxiao that escaped from his hand.

Later he began to suffer from skeletal pain.

The bone marrow was sucked away drop by drop, and the bones were chewed away bit by bit. He is like a stone hollowed out by time. When the wind blows, the cracks roar, as shrill as crying.

Deep in the Abi Ghost Cave, there are whispers of evil spirits.

"Is he dead?"

"You should be dead, how can you still live?"

"There has been no movement for many days..."

"Oh, I still want him to give it a try, but this isn't fun enough."

"Eat quickly! If you wait any longer, the bones and residue will be gone!"

Countless ghosts were constantly added and expelled by those who came after them. In this way, in the long process of falling, they chewed up a real person until only the bones were left... and the bones were also broken into pieces.

How delicious!

Throughout the ages, Abi Ghost Cave has buried many strong men. Some ghosts who live long enough and are lucky enough can be lucky enough to taste some and share a few bites.

But something as delicious as this one is almost impossible to find in memory.

Blood and food are easy to come by, but fighting spirit is hard to find.

Because Abi Ghost Cave is so deep and dark, Douzhao's Taoist body was the only light in it for a long time.

It fell for a long, long time and was far from reaching the end. This falling process seems to be condensed into eternity, so much so that it is like a still painting - only the glimmer of the human figure in the center of the painting becomes smaller and smaller as it falls, still describing movement.

This picture is so weird.

The ghosts gnawed at Tao's body, just like the process of darkness swallowing up the glimmer of light.

Douzhao's flesh and bones gradually decreased, and his Tao body was extinguished long ago.

A stone was thrown into the cave, and that's what he looks like now.

All that was left of him was a skull.

The outline of the skull was also gnawed away until it was unclear.

"Look! His eyes!" said a ghostly voice.

"Are you blind? How can he still have eyes? He has been eaten long ago."


The ghosts soon saw two spots of light emerging from the bare eye holes of the remaining skull.

They are so subtle, but so dazzling.

Brilliant, glorious, and unruly. Like the arrogant sun, suddenly leaping into the sky under the endless horizon of the long night. The golden light points transformed into golden flames!

This head will live forever from now on!

That is Douzhao's soul and Douzhao's eyes.

His body is dead, but his mind lives on.

Abi Ghost Cave is nothing more than that.

The endless pain is just the process of forging a knife.

As the fireworks shook, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light filled his eyes!

And an unparalleled sword light was born, as if it was sheathed on the skull, and it spread across thousands of miles. It was just a flicker, but countless screams were heard blending into one, and the haunting evil spirits turned into smoke!

It was a mountain of evil spirits that turned into thick smoke billowing upwards, almost forming heavy clouds.

The blood devoured by these evil spirits lingered in the black smoke, as if blood-colored ribbons were flying!

Honor the returning warriors with this!

Thousands of ghosts devoured the body, and thousands of calamities refined the sword.

Flesh and blood no longer exist, but the soul sheds its true form!

The way of gods and ghosts in Chu is the most prosperous.

The Dou family is a family that enjoys the country of Chu.

Dou Zhao is the most talented Dou family that has not been seen in thousands of years, and he is confident that he can surpass all existences.

Of course he is no stranger to ghost ways.

He possesses the richest research on ghost ways, the most miraculous ghost cultivation methods, and the most important unquenchable fighting spirit.

He gave up his flesh and blood, and in the endless pain, he once again realized the ghost way, and his thoughts became true.

The golden light surged, and in this deep darkness, he opened up his own territory, reshaped his bones, and grew his flesh and blood.

Douzhao's bits and pieces of fuzzy and scattered consciousness slowly came together and gradually became clear.

Where is my... Tianxiao?

Already broken.

To find it again, to recast it.

Where is Yun Mengzhou?

After being worn down and reorganized repeatedly for forty-nine days, it was chopped into pieces by Lu Shuanghe's extremely lethal sword.

The caves and heavens in the world all have certain numbers.

The treasure phantom of the cave can be destroyed, but the cave will last forever. This side suddenly dies, and the other side is reborn. Of course, the reborn Cave Heaven will not stay where it is, and it may not be the same as before. It will take a long time to will only wait until a certain day and moment of a certain year to be captured again and refined into a new Cave Heaven Noble Phantasm. Show your power in the world.

Dou will not owe anything in his life, and he will definitely regain a cave for Chu.

But at this time, Dou Zhao's gradually returning and increasingly clear perception captured the remnants of the [dream].

Yunmengzhou is a dream boat and has the ability to travel through dreams. It was the cave-heaven treasure that was most suitable for him before. It also gave him all-round help in the battle, allowing him to weave many life-and-death traps and almost killed Ren Qiuli.

His strength was once exhausted, his flesh and blood were devoured, and his bones were gnawed away.

The dream continues.

The power of dreams, invisible to ghosts, still lurks around this body. During the long period of falling into the bottomless ghost cave, a lot of it was dispersed, but there are still some residues.

These dream powers accelerated his transformation and return, and also amplified his daydreams.

He actually... saw the phantom of a goddess in a trance.

The God of Chu Land and Xiang River dances the dance of "Heavenly Questions".

In this Abi Ghost Cave, in this world where evil ghosts gather!

Really? Fantasy?

Dou Zhao jumped up, grasped the dream sword, and was about to slash out——

Monsters, confuse my mind!

But just as he raised the knife, it stopped again. He stopped in mid-air, shocked and confused.

Because he heard a very familiar voice.

Too familiar to believe.

This voice echoed in his dreams and poured into his subconscious sea. This voice said——

"Dou Zhao!"

The voice of Jiang Wang who killed a thousand swords!

Ren Qiuli used Mirror Lake to promote the space-time Mirror River Tianji Formation, reflecting the long river of history. No matter how you fiddle with the mirrored history, you can't change the real history.

But there are also some extraordinary powers that can break through the barriers of inadequacy and have an impact across time, space, and cause and effect.

For example, Zhuge Yi first looked at Ren Qiuli in real history and through the mirror of history, stripping away the power of Ren Qiuli's false nature and Taoism.

Such as this moment.

In the 3729th year of the Daoist calendar, a jade pendant named "Mrs. Xiang" was lost and trapped in the Abi Ghost Cave. The power of the gods of Chu was shared by thousands of ghosts here.

Also in the year 3729 of the Dao calendar, a golden arm fell in the Abi Ghost Cave and lost its divine power. That is the "truth" in mirrored history.

In the mirrored Tao calendar, it is 3729 years, and in the real Tao calendar, it is 3928 years. In this Abi Ghost Cave, there are two "true" statues.

Jiang Wang is true, and Dou Zhao is also true.

People and ghosts have different paths, and yin and yang are separated from each other.

It just so happened that they got the inheritance of the two sages of Yin and Yang.

One is the subconscious sea.

One is that daydreams are true.

There is exactly a ship of shattered dreams.

Dreams are a reflection of the subconscious mind! ! !

Therefore, Jiang Wang's subconscious echo of the mirrored Dao calendar year 3729 set off a tsunami in Douzhao's subconscious in the real Dao calendar year 3928.

Jiang Wang built three bridges in the distant mirrored past, Mrs. Xiang's jade pendant, Douzhao's arm, and the inheritance of the Yin and Yang family - these are the "Three Ways", and they have been like this for thousands of years.

He searches for Dou Zhao in the past.

Dou Zhao heard it clearly today.

I actually found this place...

But he only paused for a moment, and then continued to slash with his sword: "Dou Youyou has been unruly all his life and has returned to the world. How can he need help from your little Jiang Wang! What a troublesome thing!"

Ohh Ohh ohh……

The wind is strong.

Also at this moment, a phoenix named "Lian Hong" was flying high in the sky of Liguo. The wings are spread out, the sky and the earth are clear.

In the Abi Ghost Cave, endless ghost cries suddenly erupted, and the sound of ghost cries filled the sea with screams!

Ghost Phoenix was born, and the entire Abi Ghost Cave was in riot!

Dou Zhao was currently in an extremely deep part of the ghost cave and could not reach the exit of the ghost cave, but he could feel the extremely terrifying aura erupting deeper into the ghost cave.

The ghost is about to appear! And there’s more than one!

He suddenly put away the long knife, grabbed it forward, held the lingering image of Mrs. Xiang, the divine intention of the golden arm, and the waves of the subconscious sea transmitted from the past in his hand, and swallowed them all in his body in an instant.

Mrs. Xiang is from Chu! The arm is my own! The inheritance of the Yin Yang family is also deserved! This doesn't count as accepting Jiang Wang's help at all!

His Taoist body was extremely bright for an instant, like a ball of bright golden sun, illuminating the Abi Ghost Cave upwards from him!

From the bottom of the cave, black mist surged up like a sea. Countless hands searching for reality in the black mist all grabbed Douzhao——

At this moment, the entire Abi Ghost Cave shook.

No one paid much attention, including Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao themselves -

The Meteor Immortal Forest also has a name, which is "the place where the lives of all saints are transformed".

Zou Huiming, the True Saint of Yin and Yang, is among them!

Zou Huiming is also known as the "Ghost Saint"!

Humans and ghosts are yin and yang.

Ancient and modern, yin and yang.

The subconscious sea, daydreams are real, yin and yang.

Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao separated the Yin and Yang worlds and built a three-way bridge. Through the supreme inheritance of the Yin Yang family, they completed the echo across time and space, inspiring the residual thoughts of the Yin Yang True Saint, and then a black and white rainbow emerged from the extremely remote place. It came from the ground and penetrated into Douzhao's body instantly.


Douzhao's golden body was dazzling, his hair was dancing wildly, he looked up to the sky and roared, breaking all the restraints in an instant, leaping out of the Abi Ghost a ball of golden sun, leaping out of the horizon!

The war ghost is born! Come out before the ghosts!

Today's Meteor Fairy Forest brings great light to the world!

[Friendly recommendation is a book "Say good martial arts and add some points, and you will become a Mecha Martial Saint". 】

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