Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2251 Nine Phoenixes Equaling the Sky

A mass grave somewhere.

The ghoul brothers who had just slaughtered a Jingguo caravan were taking a rest here.

The two brothers cooperated tacitly and the distribution was reasonable. One got the body and the other got the soul. There was no interference and everyone was happy.

Of course, according to Lin Zhengren's character, he was determined not to provoke the people of Jingguo. But the corpse brother is really cruel, so he has to accept the petition.

With weeds and rugged rocks, the environment is very friendly.

At this time, the two brothers were sitting on their own graves, each breathing something out - of course, neither one of them dared to practice wholeheartedly in front of their good brother, so they closed their eyes and focused entirely on the other.

No, Lin Zhengren frowned, and the concern of the good brother came over: "Brother Xian, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?"

Lin Zhengren just suddenly had a dark feeling, as if his destiny had been taken away and the road ahead was suddenly dark.

This is not the first time this feeling has occurred.

That was the case when I first saw Zhu Weiwo in the National Highway Courtyard. It wasn't until I took the opportunity to drive away Zhu Weiwo that I finally dispelled the gloom in my heart and won the sky in the small Zhuang Kingdom.

Later, when I saw Jiang Wang on the river viewing platform, the feeling of overwhelming darkness became even stronger. It was not until he "died" in front of the living monument in Maple Forest City and reappeared in the world as "Lin Guangming" that he felt See the vast world.

Today, I don’t know why. I was sitting here calmly and didn’t meet anyone. Suddenly, the world was covered by thick clouds. A moment ago, I had an inexplicable feeling that the ghost path was bright and the road ahead was open, and I was about to find a place to improve my cultivation!

"Brother, I'm fine." Lin Zhengren adjusted his mind: "I just suddenly thought that this caravan may not be that simple. We just left too many clues - it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we should move as soon as possible."

The officer Wang Jiang glanced at his little brother suspiciously. He was sure that he had left no clues just now, and had laid out seven kinds of traps and six false marks in inducing directions. It was impossible for anyone to track him here.

However, based on the cautious principle of safety first, he still nodded: "I will follow my brother's instructions."

Li Guo, Yining City.

When the ghost phoenix practices the rainbow, the light of virtue shines everywhere, and ghosts all over the world cry.

This cry is not for sadness, but for joy!

Because the true birth of the ghost phoenix in this world will greatly benefit the ghost world.

Therefore, as a ghost cultivator, Lin Zhengren feels that the road ahead is broad. Therefore, the Abi Ghost Cave in the Fallen Immortal Forest will be restless due to this.

Huang Weizhen changed the five phoenixes into nine phoenixes. The creation of Tianhuang Kongyuan, Corpse Phoenix Jiaxuan, Divine Phoenix Jade Bird, and Ghost Phoenix Lianhong is to promote the heavenly way, the corpse way, the divine way, and the ghost way, which will greatly benefit the human race!

And these are just the virtues that Fengming has done in the world.

Just like today's country, bathed in the light of the phoenix, the country's fortunes are prosperous countless times. It's just a prelude to this big drama, an insignificant embellishment.

Huang Wei's true path to transcendence is not achieved through merit.

The governance of the country at this time was watched by the whole world.

Fan Wushu stood on the flooded street, raising his neck and looking at the sky, his eyes blurry.

This is Liguo!

A country that was destroyed and resurrected.

He manages the country involuntarily whether it rises or falls.

Whether it's Hell's Gateless Country, Pingding Country, or today's Gefei, there is no taboo against causing trouble and killing people here.

It is such a country, one of the weakest countries in the world, but it has received such great blessings.

Those who are willing to plant flowers will lose their mountains and rivers.

Those who have no intention of planting willows will be covered with green trees!

Fan Wushu looked at it, then suddenly turned around, no longer paying attention to the "Brother Ge" whom he had just become familiar with, and flew straight to the palace.

A long time ago, someone asked him a question - is the "reason" for governing the country a principle or an ideal?

He had read many books and walked for a long time, but he still had no answer.

Now there is.

What the hell are you asking for an answer now?

Of course it is ideal!

What ideal?

Of course it is Huang Wei’s ideal!

What is Huang Wei’s true ideal?

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know now. You can ask, you can learn, you can research. In short, the "reason" for governing the country is the "reason" for Huang Weizhen's ideals!

The general trend is today. If you don't change, you will die. If you change, you will become wise. Your Majesty the Emperor! It's time for reform!

Heavenly phoenix, corpse phoenix, divine phoenix and ghost phoenix fly together in the sky, the light of blessing suffuses the heaven and earth, and the mountains and rivers are covered with splendor.

There has never been such a beautiful moment in Liguo, and even the air is particularly sweet.

At the moment when Fan Wushu turned around and flew away——

Rumble, rumble!

It was like muffled thunder rolling past from high in the sky.

The clear sky seemed to be run over by something, and there was an embarrassing wail.

This is the sound of a huge building pushing forward——

It's not even the real thing, it's a shadow projected from a very far distance, existing across space, and gaining eternal certification at the present level.

What a majestic silhouette it has, like a majestic mountain range that crowns the earth.

Its projection is too heavy, making anyone who looks at it feel like it has collapsed and is difficult to lift up.

Time, space, Yuanli, the five elements... everything has a fixed trajectory.

All visible and invisible lines are tamed by it and join its order.

This is a steel city and a mechanical fortress. It is the pinnacle of human creation in history. It is the most powerful man-made city in the world, hewn with axes and built by heaven.

There are sounds of countless gears turning crazily in the depths of time and space, intertwined and converging into a mechanical roar. This voice says——

"The great city of the Mo family protects Huang Weizhen!"

As we all know, Huang Weizhen had an only daughter in the world, her name was Huang Jinmo, and she called herself the "Cruel King". She built the Unredeemed City at the junction of the three kingdoms of Zhuang, Yongluo and Luo.

The city of Unredemption is being destroyed by the Mohist Tiangong Master.

Huang Jinmo was also captured by Master Tiangong, and he is still in Jucheng.

The Mohists claimed that everything that happened in the Unredeemed City was a misunderstanding and was instigated by the deceased Emperor Zhuang Gaoxian - they only found the Unredeemed City based on clues to verify the truth about the death of the true successor of the Mo Sect. He was polite to Huang Jinmo from beginning to end, and even built a palace for Huang Jinmo, which was witnessed by the world during the thousand opportunities that restarted a while ago.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the matter is not that simple, because Huang Jin is a prisoner of silence and has not left Jucheng from beginning to end, nor has he spoken a word. It is obvious that he is unhappy.

The Mo family's attitude towards Huang Wei is also a scene that many people are looking forward to in this great drama of "Return from Fantasy".

It's clear now.

But it's not that clear either.

Regardless of whether the past between the Mo family and Huang Jinmo was a misunderstanding, conflicts existed after all, and they still exist.

Is there room for change in this contradiction? Can it be solved by protecting the Tao?

Today, the Mo family defended Huang Weizhen, even going so far as to mobilize the city. How realistic is this?

The Mohists projected such terrifying power here, and the reality was only a matter of thought. With the force of Jucheng, it is enough to cleanse the entire Liguo thousands of times in one breath.

Are you really here to protect the Tao?

Or do you protect the road under a false name and block it?

No one can be sure until things actually get that far.

Click, click, click...

The sound of gears turning seemed to reconstruct the rules of the world and became the eternal background sound of this world, as natural as the sound of wind and rain. It's like a practitioner standing in the holy tower of the ancient star dome, telling the truth all the time - the world of institutions represents the future.

But even such a great voice is just an interlude on this stage.

In the next moment, it fell silent.

Not only was the sound of the city moving, not just the turning of the mechanisms, but at this moment, all sounds within the entire Liguo were suppressed.

As if the common people surrender to their king!

People have an inexplicable waiting, as if their whole life has been dedicated to this moment, in the innate order, and they can't help but devote their loyalty.

Even if he is a puppet or a creature created by an agency, he must obey his orders and wait in silence.

In this silence of heaven and earth, there is a most noble and supreme voice, which comes slowly and resounds in people's hearts——

"Da Chu serves the country, cherishes the world, and does not move lightly - today Xiong Ji protects Huang Weizhen!"

It turned out to be the Emperor of Chu!

The relationship between Huang Weizhen and the State of Chu is complicated and deeply entangled.

People had more or less thought about whether the Chu State would send people to protect Huang Weizhen on the day she returned. If you decide to protect the road, which prince or princes will be sent.

But the appearance of Emperor Da Chu in person was beyond everyone’s imagination!

Everyone present, whether it was Zen Master Zhaowu of Xumi Mountain, Mohist Jucheng, or those powerful beings who were overtly or covertly shadowing here, were all silent!

The governance of such a small country was kept silent from top to bottom, and even the king left his position to pay homage without daring to be disrespectful.

Xiong Ji is the emperor of Chu and the nominal co-lord of the Southern Territory.

At least for the hundred years he reigned, he had the loudest voice in the Southern Region. His will will definitely be implemented in the Southern Territory.

First all the people fell, and then the emperor ascended the throne.

People can see——

Above the endless sky, there was a man standing with his hands behind his back.

This gentleman was dressed in casual clothes, with a jade hairpin in his hair. His face seemed to be in a sea of ​​light, and he could not see it clearly. But anyone can feel his power. His feet stand at the center of the universe, and his hands hold the sun and the moon.

It turned out to be the true body coming.

The emperor leaves the country!

Looking at the current world and counting the years, the last time the emperor of the hegemony was dispatched was the meeting of the Yellow River in 3919.

The last time the emperor of the hegemony country left the country in person, recorded in history, probably dates back to the time when the emperor of Qi State personally conquered the country - that was the king who created hegemony with his own hands.

Today, the Emperor of Chu personally came for Huang Weizhen. It cannot be said that he lacks sincerity and cannot be said to be less vigorous.

Especially since he did not stand up as Lord Chu, but in his own name, to protect Huang Weizhen. In other words, the national power of the Dachu Empire will not participate in the drama of Huang Weizhen's return.

The meaning of this is very intriguing.

But no matter what, since Emperor Chu appears here, and since he has promised to personally protect Huang Weizhen, there is almost no obstacle to Huang Weizhen's return.

Unless the people of Jingguo now stand up and say they want to avenge the death of a certain Nantian Master You Yuheng in Kunwu Mountain.

Unless Ji Fengzhou drives south!

Within the territory of Liguo, there was only Fenghui for a while.

Thoughts, whether explicit or implicit, are silent.

The newly born Kongyuan, Jiaxuan, Feiqiao and Lianhong are also hanging in the air and no longer flying - even if they don't know who Xiong Ji is, they can still feel the unfathomable terror.

The turbulent Liguo suddenly turned into a pool of still water without any ripples after the true form of Emperor Chu appeared.

But no one knows what kind of undercurrents lurk beneath the water.

Can Emperor Da Chu... really be able to control everything?

Especially an emperor who only represents himself and appears in his own name.

Regardless of the power of the Chu Kingdom and the mountains and rivers of the hegemonic country, although Xiong Ji is still one of the strongest Yandao True Monarchs in the world, he cannot grasp the transcendent power!

In this still and waveless state, changes are still happening.

There are no words to govern the country, the mountains and rivers are silent, and human beings are silent with their own thoughts.

But there are still non-human beings in the world.

There are beings that do not belong to this world, there are beings that were just born in this world, and there are beings that are disobedient and undisciplined.

Beyond the starry sky and the sea, there is inner freedom that cannot be controlled by the king's orders and the strongest shackles in the world!

People couldn't help but see five brilliant balls of light appearing in the sky at some unknown time. It is divided into five colors: red, red, green, purple and white, like five suns of different colors.

There is no process for their birth, as if they have always been hanging there, and are only now being captured by people's eyes.

Then at the next moment, the phoenix sounded, very clear and clear.

Like feathers breaking their shells, all things are reborn. These five balls of light appeared almost at the same time, lighting up this world and shining upon the world——

From these five balls of light, five kinds of phoenixes flew out: red phoenix, eagle, green luan, eagle, and swan!

They fly high, bow low, or spread their wings... They are extremely beautiful in the world. Every feather interprets color, and every cry cleanses the dusty heart. The tail feathers moved slightly, and the virtue light spread like rain.

Kong Yuan, Jia Xuan, etc. who were still in concentration also "came alive" for a while and joined the picture of Phoenix Yu Fei.

At this moment, in the entire world, no matter the Qi Kingdom in the east, the Mu Kingdom in the north, the Jing Kingdom in the center, or the Li Kingdom in the northwest, all countries, all regions, and all birds——

Whether it is a canary in a cage or a bird of prey in the army that hunts enemies, they all sing in unison toward the direction of the country to show their respect.

It is the so-called "hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix"!

From "Phoenix's Five Virtues" to "Phoenix's Nine Virtues, All Virtues Are Not Violated", it is not only beneficial to the Way of Heaven, the Way of Corpses, the Way of God, and the Way of Ghosts, but also opens up a new world for feathers.

From today on, how many feathered beasts can further grow, how many birds are born extraordinary.

The phoenix is ​​the leader of all birds and is beneficial to the world.

At this moment, not only the powerful people in the world are watching to govern the country, but wherever there are birds, everyone knows that the phoenix is ​​born.

"Auspicious, auspicious!" An old man opened his hands wide and cried with joy: "The world is blessed!"

Nine phoenixes sing together and dance in the sky!

But I saw thousands of auspicious colors, spreading high in the sky. The sky was full of flowers, like rain.

Blessings are like falling flowers, falling on the homes of millions of people.

With the light of virtue, how can we stop managing the country?

Those who studied hard suddenly became enlightened, and those who were at a loss suddenly saw the new sky.

All the southern regions are bright, and the whole world is happy.

People are watching and looking forward to it.

But while the nine phoenixes were flying around, they all suddenly turned around and headed southwest side by side. Except for the nine brilliant tail rainbows that cut through the sky, and except for the rain of virtue that spread all the way, there was nothing left.

"What's going on? Where is Huang Weizhen?"

someone asked.

Zen Master Zhaowu clasped his palms together and said nothing. The bronze bell at his waist shook gently but made no sound.

"Isn't it obvious?" Emperor Xiong Ji of Chu chuckled and walked away: "He has returned!"

Everything is silent.

The phantom of the Mo family's huge city also shook for a moment and then disappeared.

How many powerful people have come to govern the country today. People's hearts are different and their purposes are different. No one can do it all.

But whether it is blocking the road or protecting the road.

Huang Weizhen returned before everyone waited!

The world has long recognized that Huang Weizhen will return from fantasy, and his return has become a reality.

Since it is a fact, it is no longer necessary to block the way, and it is too late to protect the way!

It turns out that there is no need to work hard.

"Articles are made by nature, but come by chance."

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