Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2253 Fisherman

Jiang Wang settled Qiantang with one sword and walked away through the wind and clouds.

Wen Jingxiu was left standing stunned on the river embankment, and the Yue army was silent and didn't know what posture to maintain.

as well as……

A wisp of sword energy suddenly flew high into the sky, triggering the tail of a comet and piercing the sky across the Yue Kingdom.

Bai Yuxia's voice rang out: "Boss! I'm still in prison!!!"

This sound is desolate, roaring through the late autumn.

Wen Jingxiu looked down at Jia Kui Bian Liang.

The leader of Yuejia immediately turned around and flew straight to Kuaiji. He didn't even have time to dispatch his troops. He started shouting from far outside the city: "Let him go! Let him go quickly! Your Majesty just let him rest. Who allows you to put Lord Bai away?" Locked up? He is the pillar of the country and the mainstay of Qiantang, how can you be so unreasonable!!"

He showed a charging attitude and rushed all the way into the sky prison. Before the jailer could unlock the door, he punched open the door.

Step into the midst of the flying prison door fragments.

"Master Bai! I'm so wronged by you!" He reached out to hold Bai Yuxia's hand.

"Huh -" Bai Yuxia held his sword in front and separated him: "This broken country of yours is so unlucky. I have been blessed so much in my life that I have repeatedly capsized in your sewer. Damn it, my boss must be angry. I will turn around." I have to check the accounts again—brothers, please give way and don’t let me have any bad luck on you!”

With just this sentence, he walked out of the prison door and walked away.

From now on, there is no longer a noble son of the Bai family in Langya, only the innocent shopkeeper Bai of Xingyue.

Wen Jingxiu always felt that the sword would fall——

Or Jiang Wang would wipe him out with a sword after pacifying Qiantang.

Or Bai Yuxia would stab him angrily after getting out of trouble.

But nothing.

Bai Yuxia left without looking back.

Jiang Wang didn't even leave a shadow behind.

He stared at Bai Yuxia's back from a distance, and for some reason, he suddenly thought of the summer of 3919 in the Daoist calendar. At that time, he was on the embankment of Qiantang River, personally supporting Ge Fei and Bai Yuxia.

The meeting of the Yellow River, which attracts the world's attention, is the time of great crisis between dragon and tiger.

At that time, he spilled a glass of wine, poured it into the Qiantang, and said boldly: "Today I will give the world a drink, and I will first congratulate my proud son!"

At that time, Ge Fei and Bai Yuxia were both strange and handsome. Although they came from a small country, they were high-spirited. They were really young heroes and high-spirited.

At that time, he was also full of ambitions, thinking that he could bring Yue to an unprecedented future——

He had endured it for many years and endured a lot of suffering. He should finally become famous and finally be rewarded after all the hardships. This is how history plays out, isn’t it?

The real history is more cruel than the history books.

He is probably a person who will leave a mark in the history books, but must be very stupid, or, in other words, the "King of the Subjugated Country."

All his attempts failed, all his efforts went in the wrong direction.

At this time, he stood on the embankment of Qiantang River, and the soldiers and civilians were driven away.

He knew it was over.

He was thinking, on the day when Teacher Gao left, what was the last thing he thought about when he was standing here?

Painful? Still calm?

Feeling the river breeze blowing on his face and looking at the autumn scenery of the distant mountains, he tightened his grip on the yellow shaft he took out of his arms.

The edict left by Taizong was a promise made when the country collapsed. Whether he saw it or not, it didn't have much impact. But perhaps it was his clumsy efforts that made Taizong hear it, and the history of the Yue Kingdom left a lingering sound to him.

He saw it.

He wanted to do something, and he was ready to do something, but when things came to pass, he didn't dare to do anything.

This is really ridiculous! As the lord of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and the king of the Yue Kingdom for thousands of years, he was scared! Afraid that he is still stupid, afraid that he will self-defeat himself again and do something wrong - and who else can patiently teach him to correct it?

At this time he looked towards the Qiantang River.

There are fishermen on the Qiantang River.

This man has a short beard and a curly face, with aged eyes. He wears a bamboo hat and a raincoat, carries a harpoon on his back, holds a bamboo pole in his hand, and has a bamboo raft at his feet.

Use a bamboo pennant to paddle the water and come here on a raft.

Wen Jingxiu knew that this was the person he was waiting for. In other words, this is the person Yue has been waiting for for many years. There was no waiting for many years.

It's not that this person doesn't want to come, and it's not that Yue Guo doesn't want this person to come, it's because he never waited for the opportunity.

Now is not an opportunity, it is the last option for this country.

The fisherman pushed the bamboo raft closer, looked at Wen Jingxiu carefully for a while, and then said slightly sadly: "I didn't expect to come back here again after so many years. Sometimes I don't even remember where I am. born."

"This country has not specially reserved any memory for you." Wen Jingxiu said, "Because any trace of deliberate intention cannot escape the eyes of the Star Witch."

The fisherman said seriously: "But the Qiantang tide has always swept through my heart."

"Li Mao?" Wen Jingxiu looked at him.

The fisherman touched his heart with his hand and bowed his head: "Your Majesty."

The protector of the Ping Dynasty, Li Mao of Zhao Qian’s grandson Li Zhong!

"You don't need to address yourself as Your Majesty. From today on, there will be no imperial family in the Yue Kingdom. In the name of the last king of the Yue Kingdom, I abolish all the honors and rights of the royal family surnamed Wen, and destroy the last and largest aristocratic family in the Yue Kingdom!" Wen Jing Xiu Dao: "I have established the Privy Council. From now on, all major political affairs will come from the Privy Council. The nine privy envoys will supervise each other and govern the country. The officials of the imperial court will all pass the official examination. There are no nobles in Yue. From now on, those named Wen and Ge will Everyone with the same surname is Bai, and all people in Yue are born at the same starting point - Li Mao."

He looked into the fisherman's eyes: "Is this the equality you want?"

Now Li Mao is a person from the country of equality, and he cherishes the ideal of "equality".

But he shook his head: "Even if such a Yue country can still exist, it does not exist because of equality. Equality is not a slogan or a fragile ideal. Equality is a kind of strength."

The fundamental reason for the continuous expansion of the Yue Kingdom and Zuo Kingdom has always been only two words - "checks and balances".

This has nothing to do with whether the people of Yue are industrious and brave, or whether the country of Yue has produced several generations of wise kings and virtuous ministers.

It was the restraint and undercurrent of various forces in the southern region that allowed the Yue Kingdom and the Ancestral Temple to continue to be prosperous on the "side of the tiger's bed".

Since this country does not exist because of "equality".

Of course, there is no way to talk about true equality.

Without the ability to protect yourself, you cannot rely on your own strength to support this equality. So no matter how thoroughly the New Deal is implemented and how fair the new country is, it is water without a source and a tree without roots.

Wen Jingxiu understood.

He shook his head. Although he was already very awake, he still couldn't help but ask: "You have been outside for so many years and your vision is broader. Do you think the current Yue Kingdom can attract the one who returns?"

Li Mao, who left his homeland and watched the rise and fall of the country, had more complicated feelings in his heart as he watched the Yue Kingdom step by step to where it is today. He also had a lot to say, but in the end he just sighed: "No matter what happens in the future, it has nothing to do with Your Majesty or the royal family named Wen."

Wen Jingxiu said bitterly: "To this day, the surname Wen Sheji has long ceased to exist in my heart. I just hope that the people of Yue will not be inferior to others."

Teacher Gao told him more than once——

You must realize that you are powerless, you must realize that the outcome of the country of Yue is gloomy, and nothing you do can change it, and then think about whether you want to do something.

But he seemed to be unable to truly understand this sentence until today.

People teach people, but they can’t teach. To teach people, once is enough!

And there is no chance to do it again.

Wen Jingxiu opened his arms and faced the Qiantang River, as if embracing it. Finally, he closed his eyes, and there was still hope in his voice: "Will the world become a better place?"

Hua La La, the river wind pushes the tide.

A bamboo pen penetrated his neck diagonally.

The man holding the pole said: "It can't get worse."

Wen Jingxiu's body began to decline, and the emperor's dragon energy in him followed his last will and turned to Li Mao. The emperor's dragon energy transformed into two small dragons, one gold and one black. The former represents the supreme nobility, and the latter represents the sorrow of the country's subjugation.

The two dragons flew together, then parted ways, and fell into Li Mao's eyes respectively.

Those two sad eyes are so deep, like a dragon lurking in the abyss.

Wen Jingxiu's hand let go, and the yellow scroll that he had held for a long time fell into the Qiantang. Before it touched the water, it was caught by Li Mao's rough hands.

It was a hand fighting against the wind and waves, full of carvings of time. On this Qiantang River, the yellow axis slowly unfolded.

Li Mao, a fisherman from the Ping Dynasty who is accustomed to looking at the vast sea, this rough man who has experienced countless hardships, masters the long pole, has a dragon in his eyes, and the aura on his body is constantly rising... but suddenly he burst into tears.

The wind blows the yellow silk, like autumn leaves fluttering. There are no redundant sentences on it, only two words——


The most famous genius in the history of the Yue Kingdom, a proud figure in the history books!

"Although Bolu is strong, he may not be able to benefit the country."

——"Yue Lue"

"Belu fled the country."

"Taizong killed Bolu because of the disaster, and was extremely sad."

——"Yue Shu"

In that period of mirrored history of the Yue Kingdom, Jiang Wang met many romantic figures of the Yue Kingdom. Loyalty or rebellion have different definitions in history books, but they are all shown in the last photos, fighting for the country of Yue.

Jiang Wang had never seen the extremely famous Bolu, the one who could be included in "The Biography of Cheng Chen".

Bolu was born in the year 2420 of the Dao calendar, which was at the end of the reign of Yue Taizu Wenyuan.

In the year 2433 of Dao Li, Wenyuan, the founder of Sheji and in charge of the Yue Kingdom for ninety-eight years, officially abdicated. Wen Zhong, the third son of the emperor, sat on the dragon throne as Emperor Taizong of Yue.

Two years later, in the year 2435 of Daoli, Wenyuan died. Before his death, he specifically targeted Bolu and left the comment that "it cannot benefit the country."

Some people say that this was Wen Yuan's insight into people, and some people say that it was this comment that caused the rift between Bolu and Yue.

In the year 2458 of Daoli, the 38-year-old Bolu defected to the Yan State and led his army to compete with the Yue State in the same year.

In the 2460th year of Daoli, Wen Zhong killed Bolu in a flood.

These are chapters engraved in history and can be called "historical facts."

But history books are written by people.

To make mistakes is human.

No matter how hard you work and seek truth with all your heart, there will definitely be "missing notes" and "wrong writings". Either limited by vision, limited by knowledge, or misled by others, or simply lost in thought.

Bolu is an intentional "error" in "Yue Shu".

He never really dies.

The State of Yue succeeded the State of Nanchen, and Nanchen has always been prostrate in front of the minions of the State of Chu.

Wen Zhong realized early on that he was born too many years too late. The State of Chu is already a giant tree, plundering the nutrients of the southern region, and it is impossible to allow the neighboring State of Yue to grow.

As a vine or a weed, there is still room for survival.

If you try to straighten your spine and compete for the light in the same way, you will definitely be strangled.

Vietnam has no future.

Even though Bolu is extremely talented, he will never reach the top.

Just like himself, he clearly has the ability to attain enlightenment, but cannot move forward. The most beautiful scenery in the world is the guillotine of the Yue people.

That's why there's the chapter "Bolu throws himself at the swallow", and that's why there's the big scene of "the emperor takes the fish and kills Bolu in trouble".

Fish wear fish clothes, so do fishermen.

Bolu died in the flood, and Li Mao became a fisherman. He is also like a fish, returning to the sea and hiding in hiding.

According to Wenzhong's original plan, Bolu was to leave the country and become a true king abroad. After laying the foundation for the country's prosperity, he himself abdicated and continued to move forward. Waiting for an opportunity, Zhenjun Bolu will return to Yue, and he will reach the top in one fell swoop.

In this way, the country of Yue has one country and two true kings, and the power of the country can still support the new king as the true king. The three deities spread the law and merged with the country, and the Yue country was established. With greater investment value, Shushan and other forces can put down more chips, stand upright and stand opposite the Chu State, and at the same time expand eastward to seek the possibility of becoming the second hegemonic power in the Southern Region.

It's a pity that Wenzhong was killed by the Chu people before he could wait for the day when Bolu became the true king. No matter how much planning is done, it can only be swallowed in the stomach. No matter how grand the blueprint is, it is just a piece of waste paper.

Zhanghua channel is like a huge net, which makes the people of Yue unable to breathe.

Zhuge Yi's accidental glance was about to overturn the mountains and rivers.

This is the suppression of absolute power. In the face of this terrifying power gap, many plans will inevitably become a joke.

The huge Qiantang River is so empty and quiet that it makes people feel nervous.

The previous swallowing of heaven and earth seemed like a dream - just like the shattered dreams of countless Yue people over the years.

Wen Jingxiu's Taoist body no longer exists, but his gifts are in Li Mao's eyes.

A lonely raft flows across the river.

Li Mao stood barefoot on the bamboo raft. His feet were dark and rough, with watery scabs that could only form after being soaked and healed.

His aura is still rising.

At this moment, the only person standing on the river like him was Zhou Sixun, the naval commander of the Yue Kingdom. He was also one of the nine privy envoys of the Yue Kingdom appointed by Wen Jingxiu.

"I still can't believe it," said the armored Zhou Sixun. The armor covered his expression, and people couldn't see his sadness.

"What can't you believe?" Li Mao asked.

Zhou Sixun said: "Bolu has been dead for many years. Even if he had not died then, he would still be 1,508 years old today, which is far beyond the life span of a real person!"

Li Mao raised his eyelids: "Who said I am a real person?"

Zhou Sixun said slowly: "You are not Yan Dao either."

Li Mao looked down at his hands. The roughness on his hands seemed to describe the ups and downs along the way.

During this long period of time, he really failed to achieve enlightenment.

He is the genius with the highest spiritual talent in the history of Yue Kingdom, and he has achieved enlightenment at the age of thirty-seven. He carried Wen Zhong's huge expectations and was supported by the whole country of Yue. In his pretended surrender to Yan, he took away a glimmer of glory in the last dusk of Yan.

He really should reach the top. And be as fast as possible and as strong as possible.

But he didn't do it.

The more eager you are, the closer you fall. That one step of distance evolved into inner demons over time and became an eternal chasm.

The more he doesn't want to disappoint Wen Zhong, the harder it will be to get to the other side!

When the news of Wen Zhong's death came, he collapsed and vomited blood, went crazy, almost died, and was buried as a sacrifice for his ancestor. Finally, at the critical moment, I turned to ghost cultivation and started all over again.

He is no better than those who have accumulated experience and are no better than those who have prepared in advance. Before cultivating ghosts, he knew nothing about ghost ways. This is not an easy path to take.

People become ghosts only after they die.

Only if you don't close your eyes, don't give in, and have the right time and place, can you cultivate for ghosts.

Since ancient times, this has been the choice in desperate situations. It is for those who have no way out to walk on the rugged road through thorns and hardships.

He has also come to this point in pain.

Because I was born in the country of Yue, and because I have experienced so much, I personally feel the injustice between countries, so I chose to join the country of equality. Aiming to erase this injustice. Let people from Yue, and people from any country, be "born with the same qualifications" and not be inferior to others.

What Wen Jingxiu said in the end was exactly what he wanted in his life.

"I am a real ghost." Li Mao said, "I will become a ghost in heaven."

The two little dragons in his eyes had completely melted into the deep sea and evolved into golden and black flames. The coir raincoat on his body burned into a black Taoist uniform.

"See you later, Qiantang."

He stood up and headed south.

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