Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2254 If you walk on water, you will die; if you walk on grass, you will die.

After Jiuhuang left, all the powerful people from all sides, whether overt or covert, also dispersed.

A small country has huge emptiness.

Ge Fei, who was kneeling on the long street, covered his face and continued to cry, but no one paid attention to him.

Those who can influence him are too lazy to pay attention to him. If you can't influence him, don't dare to talk to him.

The sound of sobbing in the long street continues, the sky does not stop, and the light rain does not stop.

At a certain moment, Ge Fei suddenly felt very cold.

He slowly let go of his hands, as pitiful as a withered thorn tree. In the water on the ground, there were a few spots of bright red, which were his blood and tears.

He blinked hard and saw a reflection in the water——

He was a tall man, very majestic. His face is like light and fire, and cannot be looked directly at.

Ge Fei stood up suddenly and wanted to run away, but lost his strength in an instant. He raised his head in horror and saw only an infinitely pressing palm - the edge of the palm seemed to be the end of the universe, and the palm was an infinite stretch of mountains and rivers.

But passers-by on the long street only saw the extremely vicious Master Ge Fei, whose body was suddenly round and flat, being rubbed at will by an invisible big hand.

Crack, the bones exploded.

Gurgling, the blood is running out.

In the horrified eyes of the people, Ge Fei raised his head——

The ugly facial features became even uglier. The nose was high, the nostrils were expanding, and the lips were turned out. Two bumps appeared on the head, and threaded corners grew out of the bumps!

His figure kneeling on the ground also swelled, and the Confucian shirt on his body collapsed, revealing a body of white skin with tight muscles. His hands and feet turned into four hooves, supporting his huge body. A scaly tail grows from behind the buttocks, swimming like a snake.

His eyes widened, full of horror, unwillingness, and fear.

He was left with these painful emotions because there was nothing he could do to stop the changes in his body.

Ge Fei from Yinxiang Peak has long been a complete real person in this world.

But Yi Zun Dezhen, at this moment, turned into a mountain and sea monster alive, and it was not Zhu Jiuyin!

What kind of terrifying method is this?

"It looks like an ox with a white head, one eye and a snake's tail, and its name is 'Fei'. If it walks on water, it will be exhausted, if it walks on grass, it will die, and if it is seen, there will be a great epidemic in the world." - "Stories of Strange Beasts in Mountains and Seas".

Ge Fei turned into a legendary beast!

Before his death, Ge Yu said that Ge Fei was the "Fei" of the Ge family.

That was a vicious description, and he must have never imagined that it would come true. Now Ge Fei has really become "Fei"!

The 'disaster' of the disaster beast and the 'blessing' of the auspicious phoenix are offset at this moment. Ordinary people on the street did not suffer from this.

However, if a disaster beast exists in one place for a long time, it will inevitably cause disaster to one area and spread across thousands of miles.

Fan Wushu, who was still discussing the new deal in the palace, rushed over after receiving the news. But all he saw was a big hand holding the changing beast in the palm of his hand.

The angry and painful struggling Fei turned into such a small one, rolling back and forth in the big hand.

Even the desperate roars and angry struggles look very cute.

Life is like this, your pain is insignificant to others, and they will only see it as fun.

Fan Wushu may have some sympathy, but he didn't have time to sympathize. When he saw the impressive tall figure, he heard that very powerful voice - "Do you have an answer to the question I asked you back then?"

Fan Wushu opened his mouth.

Then the man said again: "You don't have to answer me, the answer is in your heart."

With just this sentence, the man held the Fei in his palm and disappeared down the long street.

Fan Wushu was left standing there, silent for a long time.

The question of that year - "What is the 'reason' for governing the country?"

The person asking the question...

It's King Zhao.

The three chief leaders of the Ping Dynasty are Sheng Gong, Shen Xia and Zhao Wang.

They represent "gong", "righteousness" and "reason" respectively.

These three words are the cornerstone of "equality".

When Nine Phoenix was born, the world was in turmoil.

The Yue Kingdom, the Li Kingdom, the Chu Kingdom, and Jucheng, both bright and dark, are everywhere.

There are various forces and powerful people, each with their own agenda.

The Huaiguo Duke's Mansion was very peaceful.

Jiang Wang is having dinner here.

In the dining hall, there were only five people, Duke Zuo Xiao of Huai Kingdom, Princess Yuyun Xiong Jingyu, Zuo Guangshu, Qu Shunhua and Jiang Wang. A serious family dinner.

After securing Qiantang with one sword, Jiang Wang went straight to Chu State.

Grandpa Zuo personally went to Vietnam to ask for someone. He didn't want to keep the old man waiting.

Of course, he also didn't forget to inform the Duke of Wei that Dou Zhao was trapped in the Abi Ghost Cave - Shensin had already set off with his army, and Song Boti also fell into ruins on a golden bridge, looking for his unfilial great-grandson.

"Brother Huang has made up his mind." Xiong Jingyu filled a small bowl of soup, placed it in front of Qu Shunhua, and said casually: "Father, do you know about this?"

Qu Shunhua held the soup and smiled sweetly. In order not to affect the elders' speech, he only said with his mouth: "Thank you, mother."

Zuo Xiao held the bowl in one hand and the chopsticks in the other. He carefully swallowed the rice and then said: "The problems in Chu State did not start today. How could I not know?"

The problem of Chu State lies in the determination of Emperor Chu.

Any king who aspires to the world cannot fail to see the shortcomings of Chu State. But it has been entangled for many years, and it is too complicated a tangle of flesh and blood. The slightest touch will hurt the muscles and bones.

It has been nearly 4,000 years since the founding of the Chu Kingdom, and no matter how many famous people there are, they cannot solve this dilemma, because everyone is involved in the situation, and they are connected by flesh and blood. We can only watch the Chu State becoming more and more prosperous, the most brilliant country in the world, but also becoming more and more deformed.

"Now is a good time." Zuo Guangshu spoke: "Shenxiao is around the corner, and the overlord will not attack. Nandou Palace has been destroyed, and there is no threat to the Yue Kingdom. We are not afraid of anyone using it as a sword. Huang Weizhen has returned successfully. Old things Buying—uncle wants to promote reform, and there is no better time than this.”

When talking about business, Qu Shunhua also became serious: "At first, I thought that without the support of me and Guangshu, Chu Yuzhi would be in trouble and would not be able to stay any longer. But not only did he survive in Chu, he and his Tongyi Society is still alive and well. At that time, I knew that there must be someone secretly supporting it. Now this person is obvious - the latest slogan of Tongyi Society, what does it say?

‘Wealth can be inherited, but wealth cannot be passed down. Love can last, but power cannot be passed on. ’, the essence is nothing more than weakening the family. It should be the intention of the emperor, who represents the core of this new deal, and throws it out to ask for direction. "

Zuo Guangshu lowered his eyes and said, "My uncle went to protect Huang Weizhen in his own name. His attitude has been very clear. When the Chu country must change, he can give up everything for this."

Jiang Wang was a little restless for a moment. Although this banquet was a family banquet, the people present were all the top dignitaries of the Chu State. The speeches involved the state affairs of the Chu State and contained many secrets. It was really inconvenient for him to observe too much.

Zuo Xiao glanced at him and pulled him back from the unaccustomed 'outsider' to the 'in the middle': "You just came back from Yue, what do you think of their new policy?"

Jiang Wang put down his chopsticks respectfully and shook his head: "I have no experience in presiding over government affairs and know nothing about these. I think everyone's policies are reasonable, and I can find thorns in anyone. But really, I don't know what to do." Do."

"There are always many people who can point out the country, but there are only a few people who know that they are not worthy of giving advice." Zuo Xiao smiled without forcing it, and looked at Qu Shunhua again: "How is your grandfather's mood recently?"

Qu Shunhua was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment and then said: "As usual, I went to Huangliangtai to cook."

Zuo Xiao sighed: "Qu Jinkui will be the one to enjoy the blessing! Anyway, let me take the lead."

He was a decisive character. He raised his hand and pulled out a red tiger talisman and put it on the table: "Jingyu, would you please go to the palace again and give this tiger talisman to the emperor. The country has supported the Zuo family for three thousand years. The clan also sprinkled the border with blood! Today is a great time like no other in history. This Chi is in charge of the country. Just hand it over to the country!"

Jiang Wang was stunned when he heard this.

Xiong Jingyu was shocked!

She was actually having a hard time during this period. On one side is her brother, her natal family, and the royal family of Da Chu. On one side is her son, the inheritance that her deceased husband and son fought for. The entire Duke of Huai Kingdom will belong to her son in the future.

The country needs reform, the emperor wants to undermine the family, and she is in a dilemma.

In the past, I lived alone in Shaoyuan all year round, ignoring worldly matters and raising ants and looking at flowers every day. Since this year, he has visited the palace frequently, just to keep abreast of the trends and avoid too fierce conflicts - although from the history books, this is inevitable.

When Jiang Wang came back for dinner, he chose to talk about the emperor's determination. He also wanted to take advantage of Zuo Xiao's good mood to sort out the context of this matter and not to intensify the conflict.

She thought that her father-in-law might support the emperor, but she never thought that he would be so determined, so unreserved, and even hand over military power!

Chi Yi is the strongest army in the world!

From the founding of Da Chu to the present, it has been run by the Zuo family. It can be said that it is the foundation of the Zuo family, the Zuo family's private army. If placed anywhere, it is enough force to establish a country!

On the contrary, she felt a little distressed.

This is Guangshu's future fortune. In the future, when you marry a wife, fight with others... what should you do to avoid being tough?

"Father." Xiong Jingyu pursed her lips and said, "Isn't it too hasty? Brother Huang has never thought about... touching Chi Xie. He has seen the efforts of Hong Lang and Guang Lie."

"No one can deny Zuo's contribution, and I believe the emperor will not either. But if the reform is not thorough, it means no reform. Today, let me be naked, but will I be evil tomorrow? What about divine sin? Where about Hu Zhen? Xiang, The Zhongli family, the Han family, and so many aristocratic families below are all looking at us. At this time, there is still hesitation, and the country is divided in an instant." Zuo Xiao said decisively: "Our four families, Zuo, Qu, Dou, and Wu, are as proud as Chu. Sharing the same glory, one loses and the other loses. The disease of the Chu State is also the disease of my Zuo family, and it is the disease of the family that enjoys the country. Today, Your Majesty is determined to cut off the sores and fight for this world, won't I help you!"

Jiang Wang originally thought that the reduction of power would cause dissatisfaction with Grandpa Zuo. After all, it involved the fundamental interests of the Zuo family, and the old prince had a notoriously fiery temper.

I didn't expect Zuo Xiao to accept it! Even willing to hand over Chi Xie!

What a magnificent mind!

Only then did he remember.

When the "Taixu Xuanzhang" was first implemented in Taixu Pavilion, Dou Zhao, who represented the interests of the Chu State, voted in favor.

Is that really Dou Zhao's own willfulness?

Or have the four great aristocratic families of the Chu State already had the awareness of self-innovation?

At that time, Dou Zhao, as a role model for the Chu family's genius, had already expressed his attitude.

Perhaps these years of exploration by various surnames in Dachu have begun, and Huang Weizhen’s return is just the prelude!

The Emperor of Chu has been waiting for this moment!

Xiong Jingyu stood up and bowed deeply: "Father is right, but Jingyu is short-sighted... I will enter the palace right now."

She picked up the red tiger talisman, as if she could feel the blood of her dead husband and son stained on it, held it tightly in her hand, and left in a hurry.

Handing over [Chiji] to the state was an earth-shattering event for the Zuo family and the Chu State, and would certainly shake the world. It was probably the most intense trumpet sound before the start of the reform in Chu State.

But Zuo Xiao was very calm.

He smiled at Jiang Wang: "Eat, why are you standing there in a daze?"

"Oh." Jiang Wang obediently took a few mouthfuls of rice and then thought of business: "By the way, Grandpa Zuo. I want to borrow the Zhanghua Channel. Is it convenient at the moment?"

"It's a small matter. Guangshu can handle the channel authority below the prefecture level." Zuo Xiao said casually: "What do you want to do?"

The authority of Zhang Hua Channel is divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang. People like Zuo Xiao have the highest authority. In general, if the emperor can know the secrets of the Chu Kingdom, he can also know it.

Jiang Wangdao: "On the way here, I saw nine phoenixes flying together, as if they were heading towards Tianjue Peak - I want to know the current situation in Jucheng. I have a friend there."

"There's no need to call the channel anymore, just ask me." Zuo Xiao said: "That friend of yours is 'Huang Jinmo', right?"

"Yes." Jiang Wang said: "For Senior Brother Zhu, that is the most important person in the world."

Zuo Xiao said: "She has left Jucheng."

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "Then Jucheng..."

Zuo Xiao looked at him: "You want to ask, what punishment did Jucheng get?"

It was hard for Jiang Wang to forget that time when he turned around in a hurry, only to pick up half a broken gun in the city that was almost in ruins. There were many powerless moments in his life, and this was one of them that he could never forget.

"If you do something wrong, you always have to pay a price." Jiang Wang said.

"Even if it's a show of knowledge?" Zuo Xiao asked.

"Even if it's a show of knowledge." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Xiao did not comment and just said: "The Mohist family has already admitted its mistake in not redeeming the city. It was Qian Jinhua, the powerful son of the Mohist family, who pretended to be deceived by Zhuang Gaoxian in order to study the Yandao puppet. He took advantage of the death of Zhenzhuan to kill Huang Jinmo. Catch him - this is information disclosed by the Mo family on their own initiative."

Jiang Wang had already vaguely guessed the truth earlier. Because Lu Maoguan personally came to apologize, the Mo family had already had the dignity to apologize, but Huang Jinmo refused to take a step away. There must be a deeper secret, and it was by no means as simple as a "misunderstanding".

But now that he is really sure of the truth, he still cannot help but feel angry.

He couldn't help but ask: "Is there anyone in the world's holy land with such virtue?!"

Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua looked at each other and saw disgust in each other's eyes.

"The smell of copper is not bad, but the smell of the heart is the worst." Zuo Guangshu said: "Qian Jinhua is a prominent leader. Has he ever thought about how many people his actions will lead to moral collapse? If the Mohists really From the moment he started pursuing profit, he will never be redeemed!"

Zuo Xiao said calmly: "Currently, it seems that this is the only one among the famous schools in the world that has made such a mistake, Qian Jinhua. But whether there are other schools secretly, and how many secretly there are, I can't tell."

He had seen too many things in his life that made young people like Jiang Wang, Zuo Guangshu, and Qu Shunhua angry. Xianxue carries more expectations and of course should have higher commitments. But how to put it - no matter how great the ideal is, every individual is small. No matter how noble the thought is, it is very complicated when it comes to every individual.

"So, what's the price of the mistake?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zuo Xiao said: "Qian Jinhua committed suicide to apologize. Now Lu Maoguan, who worships the ancients, succeeds Juzi. He has completely rejected Qian Jinhua's thoughts since he came to power and re-established the old Mohist rules. Keep the Palace of Sin King, As a crime of the Mohist family, let the Mohist disciples remember it and be brave after knowing their shame. Those Mohist disciples who participated in the torture of Huang Jinmo are all in prison, waiting for Huang Jinmo's accountability. If Huang Jinmo does not make any subsequent claims, he will follow Mohism’s ancient rules on punishment.”

Lu Maoguan had always been a clear-cut opponent of Qian Jinhua. The two sides not only argued ideologically, but also each occupied a side in the actual power system of Jucheng, almost making the struggle visible. After Qian Jinhua's complete collapse, what he did was not surprising.

But the fact that the Mohist emperor died to apologize should really shock the world - today's world is indeed a troubled period, and a series of major events that were rare in the past hundred years happened like a cluster during this period.

No matter how notorious Qian Jinhua is, he is still the leader of contemporary scholars. It is equivalent to figures like Zong Dezhen of Yujingshan, Han Shentu of Guitian Palace, and Chen Pu of Mugu Academy.

Considering his status, his death was rather hasty.

Even if such a person dies for evil, he should be condemned by the whole world and die vigorously. Why did he commit suicide so quietly?

Jiang Wang thought for a moment and then said, "I heard that Huang Weizhen has returned - do you know where he is now?"

Zuo Xiao stopped his chopsticks at this moment, his eyes were very complicated: "There is a transcendent existence in the Forest of Meteor Immortals. It is said that all the saints' orders were transformed there in recent times. It is said that it was his handwriting. His name is not known yet. , not specified by history. Huang Weizhen awakened Him, is watching Him, and... is trying to kill Him!"

Huang Weizhen has returned, has transcended, is he killing transcendence?

[Thanks to the book friend "Flying Wind Knife" for becoming the leader of this book, which is the 750th alliance of the Sky Patrol]

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