Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2292 Ping'an Town

"I won't see you off. You have to decide your own future." Zuo Xiao said at last.

The study room, which had been bustling all spring, became very quiet when summer came.

The grandfather and grandson who sat opposite each other at the desk every day to study and research the seal technique have both left.

After they left, the books in the room could not fill the emptiness.

There was a beam of window light on the desk, and outside the aperture, a closed book lay flat. It had not been read for a long time, and now it was silent when the strong light could not reach it.

It was the book that Jiang Wang read last.

The cover read: "My Views on the Evolution of Ancient Sealing Techniques".

The author is Zuo Qiuwu.


Before leaving Chu, I met Duke Yu.

He came in his ordinary clothes, intercepted the sky, and without saying anything else, he handed over a food tray: "Under the threat of an unnamed old man, I made a tray of 'Jingyi Shending Cake' for you. When you feel that you can't resist the Heavenly Dao, eat one, it will be more or less relieved. There are nine in total, eat sparingly."

Jiang Wang took the food tray, sniffed it gently, and smiled brightly: "It smells so good!"

Qu Jinkui said: "Are there more?"

He added: "More is useless."

So he bowed, and said goodbye.

Jiang Wang hung his sword and walked on the wind.

People say that the process of a celestial being moving towards the Heavenly Dao is the process of "seeing the Dao" and "attaining the Dao". In this process, a celestial being with extraordinary talent moves towards eternal power.

In Jiang Wang's feelings, the process of a celestial being moving towards the Heavenly Dao is the process of drowning.

Losing emotions, losing everything.

The moment he reached the end, he killed himself.

Now is not the time to comfort before death. There is no such thing as "enjoy life in time" or "last madness". He does not think he will die and does not accept the inevitable failure.

And even if it is inevitable to be swallowed by the way of heaven and die tomorrow, his freedom is to go up, not down.

Jiang Wang left Chu alone, carrying the semi-finished seal map designed by Zuo Xiao for him, intending to seal the [Peace Town] of the second heaven and man state.

This name certainly carries the good wishes of the elders.

But it can only be a semi-finished product.

The second heaven and man state is stronger than the first heaven and man state, and it is more difficult to seal. In addition, Zuo Xiao can only go from the outside to the inside. Without touching [Changsheng Town], he can't contact the second heaven and man state specifically. He can only make a conceptual construction through Jiang Wang's own perception description-this is of course a thousand miles away.

In addition to learning the sealing technique uninterruptedly these days, Jiang Wang has been constantly studying his second heaven and man state, so that he can fully analyze all its details, and strive to make Zuo Xiao have a more accurate understanding, so as to create a more targeted sealing technique.

Now we can only say that the road ahead is long and difficult.

The deduction of [Ping'an Town] becomes more and more difficult as time goes on. So Zuo Xiao even invited Qi Guanzhen to come - of course, he didn't really want Qi Guanzhen to treat the state of heaven as a disease. But he had some dangerous ideas and wanted to try them. For example, can the state of heaven be removed like a sore...

Qi Guanzhen was invited to save Jiang Wang's life.

In the end, it didn't work.

The state of heaven is not a tumor or a sore on the body. It is that at a certain stage, the practitioner enters a wonderful realm and approaches the eternal truth of heaven.

Even if Jiang Wang is skinned and bones are removed, the favor of heaven cannot be removed.

It has always been recognized by the world that the Yang Kingdom royal family is the best at sealing.

And the old Yang Ji royal family is the descendant of Qing Emperor Ji Yanshu.

This gentleman is one of the eight ancient sages. He once patrolled the human territory day and night, saving countless ordinary people who could not transcend from evil spirits. She also created a sealing technique unique to the human race, and on this basis developed the beast taming technique of using the weak to control the strong.

The myths and legends of the Sun Wandering God and the Night Wandering God evolved from her deeds. Later human practitioners regarded her as the ancestor of sealing and beast taming.

That is, these two practices declined and no longer had their glory. The Yang Kingdom was also destroyed, and the royal family of the surname Ji no longer existed. This "Eastern Ancestor" who was also the "Ancestor of Sealing" and the "First Ancestor of Beast Taming" gradually faded his sense of existence.

As the overlord of the East after the Yang Kingdom, the Qi Kingdom did claim to have inherited the legacy of the Yang Kingdom at a certain time, and also said that it was the legitimate successor of the old Yang Kingdom.

But the ones who really divided the Yang Kingdom in the first time and "fed Yang and became fat" were still the "Nine Kingdoms of the Sunrise".

Of course, the six of the Nine Kingdoms of the Sunrise that once shone in the East and competed for hegemony were destroyed by the Qi Kingdom, and the remaining three kingdoms of Xu, Zhao, and Chang also bowed their heads and surrendered.

It is not too much of a problem to say that "the treasures of the old Yang are all in the treasury of the people of Qi".

Even the former Sun Palace has become the current Jixia Academy.

However, after years of war and the destruction of many countries, most of the secrets of the old Yang royal family have been lost. The seal technique passed down by the Qing Emperor has long been scattered.

In the entire Qi State, there is really no master who is good at the seal technique, who can be said to be stronger than Zuo Xiao in the seal technique.

This is also the reason why Zuo Xiao wanted to leave Jiang Wang in Chu to solve the problem at the beginning.

Now that a spring has passed, the threat of the Tianrentai has not been resolved in Chu, so it is natural to try other methods.

Qi must go there. If time permits, Jiang Wang will not miss the "old Yang Zhengshuo" of Xu State, Zhao State, and Chang State.

But he did not go east immediately. For the affairs of the East Region, just write a letter. Chong Xuansheng is much more flexible than him in arranging these things.

The strongest sealing technique inheritance is the Qing Emperor's inheritance, and everyone acknowledges this. But in "My Opinion on the Evolution of Ancient Sealing Techniques" written by the contemporary dean of Qinku Academy, he repeatedly emphasized -

The most powerful feudal town in history, which is still standing today, was created by the emperors of the Middle Ages.

It is the "Nine Towns of the Changhe River".

The nine sons of Lieshan clan's Lianlonghuang Xihun clan became the nine towns. The Changhe River has been peaceful since then and has been peaceful for hundreds of thousands of years.

In Zuo Qiuwu's commentary, the Nine Towns of the Changhe River are the greatest wonders of the closed towns. It's just that the Lieshan clan and the Xihun clan once sat down to discuss Taoism and fought side by side, but later killed their nine sons to practice the Nine Bridges... The cruelty of this incident concealed its greatness to a certain extent.

In his work, Zuo Qiuwu quoted many historical materials to verify the unshakable great status of the Nine Towns of the Changhe River in the field of sealing arts, and also demonstrated in detail the influence of the Nine Towns of the Changhe River on the sealing arts of later generations.

Although Jiang Wang has just started in the field of sealing arts and does not fully understand the significance of the Nine Towns of Changhe in sealing arts, he still admires it.

Therefore, his first journey away from the Queen of Chu was to the Kingdom of Luo.

To be more precise, it was Qi Niu Bridge, the first town on the Changhe River near Luo Kingdom.

The Luo Kingdom, known as the "Land on the Water", naturally relies on water for drafts. Its domestic economy is mainly based on river harvesting, and it has never had any sense of existence. Until a certain monarch suddenly "enlightened". At a banquet, his ears were full of wine, and he raised his glass and shouted: "Aren't the aquatic people aquatic products?"

At that time, the officials were so frightened that they leaned over and the singer forgot to sing.

But since then, Luo Kingdom has started the Shui Tribe slave business semi-openly, ushering in a period of abnormal economic prosperity.

Later, he even formed a "three-legged alliance" with Zhuang and Yong. He was weak, but he didn't lose much in the matter of "rich treasury". Historically, whether Yong was trying to deceive Zhuang or Zhuang was attacking Yong, the existence of the Luo Kingdom could not be ignored.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

Since Zhuang Gaoxian's indiscriminate attack a few years ago, the power of the Luo Kingdom has been in a state of decline——

The man named Zhuang completed part of the transaction with Long Jun, but unfortunately he died in a hurry under Sauvignon Blanc without waiting for the reward. Their transactions naturally went to sleep.

But the blow that Luo Country suffered did not stop there.

The water tribe slave business is expressly prohibited. In the current environment of preparing for the war against Shenxiao, the top management of the human race must maintain the stability of the world, especially focusing on appeasing the Shui tribe.

The ancient covenant was mentioned again and again, and the contribution of the Water Tribe to the stability of the world was repeatedly confirmed. Changhe Longjun was even invited into Tianjing City, where Emperor Dajing Ji Fengzhou drank with him and admired the flowers.

The dotted line with a warning meaning that Luo Guo stepped on turned into a solid line with murderous intent. Times also became difficult.

Of course Jiang Wang was concerned about these things. Taixu cabinet ministers have no authority to interfere in worldly affairs, but the young man named Jiang Wang rescued the Bei girl by the Qingjiang River for the first time. It was indeed at that time, I saw the "difference" between the world I had known in the past and the real world.

Someone asked him at that time - "What history do you know?"

After that, he often asked himself - is what you saw really the truth?

A living being's understanding of the world begins with doubt.

Jiang Wang silently observed the situation in Luo Kingdom and supported the ancient alliance between the human race and the water race. Now we pass through the Luo Kingdom without entering, and go straight to Qiniu Bridge.

As the eldest son of the Xihun family, the word "Prison Niu" was also a well-known name in the medieval times.

Even now that the dragon clan has been expelled and a lot of information has been erased, the "Medieval History" passed down as the "serious scripture of the human race" also mentions the eldest son of the Dragon King. He was said to be "extravagant and extravagant, with a lustful nature and a fondness for extravagant sounds. He insulted various tribes and repeatedly missed major events."

But in "My Opinion on the Evolution of Ancient Sealing Techniques" that Jiang Wang had just read, Zuo Qiuwu also mentioned a few words about Prisoner Niu, saying that he "has a good temperament, a gentle nature, good deeds, and is respected by all parties."

The comment says, "Of the nine towns in the Yangtze River, the first town can use its virtues to achieve long-term peace and stability."

Even Ao Kui once said when he was scolding Ao Shuyi, the prisoner cow is lenient and good at happiness...

Now that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, which one is the more real prisoner cow may not be that important anymore.

At least Jiang Wang now has no intention of exploring.

He just wanted to know how the emperor of the Middle Ages sealed the town's prisoner cow, and how it lasted so long.

He also rode across this bridge across the Yangtze River when he first climbed to the top of the Yellow River. That is the bridge named "Suanni" in the fifth town of Changhe.

At that time, he didn't know anything about sealing techniques, and his cultivation level was far behind. The eyes are full of the majestic long river and the majestic stone bridges, and the heart is full of the view that the Yellow River is the leader and the best in the world. Where can you feel how great a seal this is, and what inspiration can you draw from it?

But to say that this time with the cultivation level of the most powerful real person in the world, he can fully understand the mystery of the seals of the Nine Towns, is just a dream.

After studying behind closed doors for a whole spring with Huai Guogong, he had indeed mastered the art of sealing. It could even be said without humility that he had reached a relatively high level, which was considered a master's degree.

But the nine towns of the Changhe River represent the highest peaks in the field of sealing.

He could only look at it with devotion, pursuing that elusive spiritual light.

He just followed the traces of countless historical figures and walked slowly from one end of the ancient stone bridge to the other. He memorized every pattern and touched every indentation.

What kind of power is it that travels through time?

This great stone bridge spans the long river and has been throughout the entire modern era. It is indestructible in both time and space. It is difficult for human beings not to feel their own insignificance in this world.

As he walked, Jiang Wang slowly squatted down.

But he stood up again soon and smoothed his frown. He held the hilt of his sword, straightened his spine and turned around.

His expression was calm.

At this moment, in the middle of the stone bridge, there was indeed a figure wearing armor and holding a sword. His broad face was majestic, but he smiled: "Mr. Jiang has a good sense!"

The water surface under the Qiuniu Bridge was calm, as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the high sky and flowing clouds.

The official of the Dragon Palace and the general manager of the Yellow River... Fu Yunqin.

Jiang Wang just looked at him and asked with his eyes - "What's the matter?"

"Gui Yuan's concentration is rare." Fu Yunqin's attitude was very intimate: "But you use the method of amplifying the pain to keep yourself in your emotions, so as to get rid of the influence of the way of heaven, which is ultimately a temporary solution. The effect of pain on you will become less and less - even if you are already in so much pain now."

"Fu Zongguan's eyes are so sharp! What can be hidden from you?" Jiang Wang said calmly: "I guess you took the time to come and see me, not just to see Jiang?"

"Oh, I haven't seen Master Jiang for a long time. I was so busy with greetings that I almost forgot about the business." Fu Yunqin bowed and said: "Since you have come to the long river, why don't you go to the Dragon Palace? The Dragon Palace presented gifts in the past, and it has been a year since we parted. It happened that the sky was clear and the summer wind was strong, and the new tea in the Dragon Palace was just picked... My master invited me."

"Next time, just say the last six words directly." Jiang Wang let go of the hilt, turned around, and continued to study the relief on the bridge: "No time."

He has always been a person who cherishes time, especially now.

Regardless of what the Dragon Lord was thinking, he didn't want to and didn't have time to explore it.

Fu Yunqin said: "My master has been in charge of the Dragon Palace for hundreds of thousands of years, and has seen the ups and downs of life. He also sat and discussed with the Emperor of Lieshan, and actually studied the sealing technique a little bit..."

Jiang Wang looked at the complex changes in the carvings on the stone bridge and smiled casually: "Why did Lord Dragon Lord study the sealing technique? Do you have any ideas about the Nine Towns?"

This question was really dangerous, and Fu Yunqin stood still on the spot.

Jiang Wang waved his hand: "General Manager Fu, go and do your work. Jiang is a little unwell, and it's not enough to alarm the Dragon Lord!"

In the final analysis, if Master Jiang has something wrong now, there are many forces willing to help - but Master Jiang will be willing to help no matter who shows goodwill.

And it involves his own state and fundamental practice, so he needs to be absolutely assured.

He can reveal his practice state to Zuo Xiao, and even open the five palaces and share the four seas, so that Zuo Xiao can prescribe the right medicine, but it is impossible for the Dragon Lord of Changhe to study him.

They are not familiar with each other at all, why are they so attentive!

Fu Yunqin was about to speak, when suddenly the waves rolled up behind him, and a voice rolled in the air--

"Master Jiang! We haven't seen each other since the Dragon Palace Banquet. I know you are busy, so I never sent messengers to bother you. I am lucky to pass by Changhe today, and I just want you to sit down and chat. Can't you spare a moment?"

Dragon Lord Ao Shuyi personally invited him!

Jiang Wang couldn't be negligent anymore, and retracted his gaze from observing the stone bridge: "It's true that I haven't been to the Dragon Palace for a long time. It's okay to have a cup of tea!"

The water was immediately divided into a road, and a jade staircase appeared in the vast waves.

Fu Yunqin led the way in front, and Jiang Wang followed behind him. After only one step, the towering Dragon Palace was in front of him!

Space is really a mud ball, in the palm of the Dragon Lord, it can be flat or round.

The Dragon Palace waiter pushed open the door, and Jiang Wang stepped into the hall.

In the extremely wide hall, there were only two tea tables facing each other.

But a figure in a golden robe sat behind the tea table on the left and extended his hand to Jiang Wang, saying, "Please sit down and have some summer tea."

There was a cup of hot tea on the tea table, surrounded by mist.

Jiang Wang walked forward, took the cup, raised it and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking, he wiped his mouth and smiled, "I have drunk the tea and seen the Dragon Lord. Jiang has limited time, so please see the Dragon Lord--"

"I know how Ku Xing died." said the figure in the golden robe.

The Dragon Lord Ao Shuyi, who has ruled the Changhe Dragon Palace for hundreds of thousands of years and has only descended as a shadow at this moment, stroked the teacup and added slowly, "I dare to say it."

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