Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2293 Dragon Palace Ceremony

Ping'an Town, Ping'an Town...

People live in this world, sometimes not just because of themselves.

After you have experienced some things and put in some emotions, many people care about you and wish you "peace".

But “peace” can sometimes be difficult.

Such as bitter sleep.

For example, Kujue’s junior brother, Kuxing.

Jiang Wang actually doesn’t understand the nature of bitterness.

I just vaguely knew that there was probably such a person who died due to some accident. It was his death that caused the relationship between Ku Jue and the brothers in Xuankong Temple to always be awkward.

He actually never thought about pursuing Ku Jue's past, because with the grand rain of blood in Tianjing City, Ku Jue's death had already ended in his heart.

The old monk has been busy all his life, saying he is happy and happy, and he is suffering even if he is suffering.

He himself has also said goodbye to the entanglements he had with his fellow apprentices.

So what else is there to disturb?

But today, Changhe Longjun mentioned the name "Kuxing" so formally and also used the word "dare". This is enough to show that the death of Kuxing is not simple.

Why doesn't anyone dare to speak out? Why does Changhe Longjun dare?

Then the fate between the old monk Ku Jue and himself... may be traceable.

Although he didn't care about what Ban Xia Lao Dao said at the last moment of the battle in Tianjing City, he didn't need to determine the reason why Ku Jue contacted him in the first place.

But does Kujue himself need an answer?

he does not know.

The master's last letter did not teach him how to do it.

"Kuxing is an eminent monk of the 'Ku' generation in Xuankong Temple. He is the same generation as the contemporary abbot Master Ku Ming, and he is also the one with the highest talent among his peers. By the way, he is the younger brother of Master Ku Jue, the closest to them. A master." Ao Shuyi, who was sitting in the chair, added this, probably because he was afraid that Jiang Wang would not understand the nature of suffering.

The armored figure of the Grand Steward of the Yellow River stood outside the palace gate. With his current cultivation of Taoism, he guarded the door and blocked this conversation.

People can know that Jiang Wang came to the Dragon Palace, but there is no way they can know what he and Long Jun talked about.

The hall is empty.

There were only Ao Shuyi who was sitting and Jiang Wang who was standing.

Jiang Wang put down the finished teacup, picked up the teapot from the side, and slowly poured himself another cup.

"Jiang was a little rude just now, like a cow chewing a peony, which is not elegant." He sat down in a very polite manner, across the wide hall from Changhe Longjun: "You should sit down and feel it."

Sitting here, he suddenly wanted to do purification.

He can probably understand now why the death of the suffering nature has such a great impact on the awareness of suffering.

The relationship between the nature of suffering and the awareness of suffering is like the relationship between oneself and purification.

The last time I came to Dragon Palace, I was with Jingli...

"Let's drink tea." Changhe Longjun said with a faint smile: "When you are thirsty, it is only to quench your thirst. When you are not thirsty, you can 'sip tea'."

"Well, now is really not the time for Jiang to appreciate the taste." Jiang Wang, who was still stirring up the water vapor and perfunctory with some tea drinking etiquette, would simply cover the tea cup and stop drinking. : "Your Majesty Longjun, what is this bitterness about? Why don't you speak out?"

Changhe Longjun smiled: "Zhenren Jiang, do you know that there are few people in this world who can tell you about this matter? Either they don't know the inside story, they are silent, or they are dead-set. There is only Gu, who does not take any side, and has no involvement."

Jiang Wang sat up with his hands on his knees: "It sounds like a very serious matter. But it has never been recorded in a book or heard of anywhere else."

Ao Shuyi smiled and said: "I once heard a saying - what cannot be recorded in books is the core truth of this world. What do you think?"

Jiang Wangdao: "But there are also historians like Mr. Sima Heng who record history directly and reproduce the truth. There are great historical works like "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea"."

Ao Shu said thoughtfully: "Then when you have the opportunity to see Sima Heng, you might as well ask him why the bitter nature died."

"If I have the opportunity to meet Mr. Sima Heng, if he is willing to answer me, of course I will ask him for confirmation." Jiang Wang said: "There are many things I want to ask for confirmation, not just the one said by His Majesty Long Jun."

Ao Shuyi looked at him: "When you presented the gift to Dragon Palace, you had a relationship with me, so I was willing to speak this way. But you have to know that it is not easy to speak this way."

"Gu Ye has nothing to be embarrassed to say." Ao Shu said meaningfully: "Looking around the world, all the heroes are fighting, and the water tribes in the world are all divided and ruled. Jiang Zhenren thinks... How can Gu, the Dragon King of the Yangtze River, who can't control the Yangtze River, sit still? The Dragon Palace can survive hundreds of thousands of years?”

Jiang Wangdao: "Of course it's because His Majesty Long Jun is wise, mighty, benevolent and generous——"

"Because you are alone and don't fight!" Ao Shuyi interrupted: "Don't care, don't ask, don't say anything. Cut off the claws and pull out the fangs, and you can exist as a mascot. Ha, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious!"

There was silence in the palace for a moment.

It always takes some courage to face embarrassing facts. This is especially true for someone with status like Ao Shuyi.

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said directly: "Jiang knows that it is difficult for His Majesty to speak. Why don't you speak frankly, what can Jiang Wang do for Your Majesty?"

Ao Shuyi gently opened the tea lid and said leisurely: "It's Gu who invites you to meet at the Dragon Palace. Maybe Gu should tell you first what Gu can bring you."

Jiang Wang remained calm and waited for the next sentence.

Ao Shu said meaningfully: "First of all, it is the nature of bitterness. What happened back then was actually very secret. There were only a few people who knew about it, and most of them only had one-sided information. But the causes and consequences of this matter, and the twists and turns, I can see clearly, and even in these years, I can see it clearly. He thinks clearly and stands outside, so he can tell you clearly. There is no one like him in this world."

He looked at Jiang Wang and said, "As for the human state in you, it is not convenient for me to take action directly. However, I may be able to share some of my experiences with you when the Lieshan Human Emperor established the Nine Towns of Changhe River."

Jiang Wang sighed softly: "So, it seems that I have no room for rejection?"

Ao Shu said thoughtfully: "For you, I'm afraid the first point is more important than the second point."

The facts are clear. On Qiniu Bridge, Fu Yunqin had already clearly hinted that Changhe Longjun knew the sealing technique well and could help him, but he only said that he didn't have time. Even though Ao Shuyi personally invited him, he still came over to drink tea and left.

But after hearing Buxing's name, he sat down honestly.

What makes him unable to move is called the nature of suffering, but it is actually the consciousness of suffering.

Jiang Wang said slowly: "I still have to listen and see if Mr. Long has any use for me."

Ao Shuyi's tone was casual: "Fu Yunqin picked you up in Niuqiao, I guess you are no stranger to the Luo Kingdom over there?"

"So I know." Jiang Wang said.

Ao Shuyi said again: "You also know about the dirty things they did in the past?"

"If you are talking about them secretly engaging in the aquarium slave business... I know something about it." Jiang Wang said.

"In secret?" Ao Shuyi asked.

"I must tell Mr. Long frankly that I personally respect the ancient covenant signed between the human race and the water tribe. I am firmly opposed to the water tribe slave business and will try my best to stop it within the scope of my authority...but this will not become a A deal." Jiang Wang said clearly: "Taixu Pavilion has no right to interfere with the order of the world. The premise of our detachment is that we respect the order."

Why didn't Jiang Wang provide any substantial help to Li Jianqiu, Du Yehu and others in their reforms in Zhuang State?

Because he has no such right.

Unless he is involved as an individual rather than as a Taixu cabinet member.

The only thing he could do was to prevent Du Yehu and the others from being interfered by forces outside the rules. The so-called "Three Heroes of Qiming" were indeed expelled because of the failure of political reform - of course, whether they admit it or not, this is the greatest help. Not everyone has the opportunity to compete on a level playing field.

Ao Shuyi looked into Jiang Wang's eyes.

Jiang Wang said with certainty: "If Luo Kingdom has not violated the Taixu Iron Rules, I will not do anything to them. Even if they violate the Taixu Iron Rules, it will only happen after the Taixu Pavilion's public discussion. action."

Now that Jiang Wang is in his current position and has such influence. A country like the Luo Kingdom could rise or fall with just a word from him.

But he will not really go up and down with a word.

The more power you really have, the more cautious you must treat it.

He had already experienced this deeply from Yuheng Xingjun. Guan Yan possesses the supreme supernatural power [other mind power], but he never uses it easily. He can understand everyone in the simplest way, but he uses his sincerity most clumsily.

Ao Shu smiled happily: "I don't want you to do anything to the Luo Kingdom. After all, even if you crush the Luo Kingdom, what will happen? It's just a nail. Some people Testing Gu’s attitude.”

Jiang Wang frowned.

Ao Shuyi said in a deep voice: "When the Lieshan clan expelled the Xihun clan, the Shui clan was divided. We stood on the side of the human race and were called traitors and lackeys. The blood of our clan dyed the river red! Because of what? Because We believe in the promise of Lieshan Renhuang, his great personality, and that only he can establish eternal peace and bring eternal peace to this world."

"But what about now? Peace seems to exist, but it has little to do with us. You have had a lot of experience in Zhuang State, and you know the experience of the Qingjiang Shui Tribe very well. How much did they pay for the establishment of Zhuang State, and how were they trampled on? Is there anyone who feels sorry for them? Looking further ahead, the Qingjiang Aquatic Tribe moved from Shenchi, and everyone is familiar with the fate of the Shenchi Aquatic Tribe. "

Ao Shuyi probably hadn't said these words for a long time, and couldn't stop for a while: "Do you think those people don't know that it is wrong to treat the Shui tribe like this? But what is really important to them? Is it possible that the Shui tribe is a threat? When it comes to the human race, we don’t dare to complain. We trust the Lieshan Human Emperor, but after the Lieshan Human Emperor released himself, they didn’t trust us. What did you say when we fought against the Xihun clan together?"

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

His sister Jiang Anan is good friends with Song Qingzhi, the little princess of the Qingjiang Shui Tribe. His brother Du Yehu and his friend Li Jianqiu are also like-minded and have close friendship with Song Qingyue, the young master of Qingjiang. They are known as the "Three Heroes of Qiming" and they are still together today, looking for the resources to turn their ideals into reality. grain.

His identity as a water tribe has never been a problem here, but it is undeniable that... this problem has existed for a long time in this world.

"I actually don't like drinking tea, but I need some... less dangerous hobbies." Ao Shuyi pressed the tea cup and said: "I don't give in because I'm afraid. In my state, after living for so many years, I can still Is there anything to be afraid of? I sincerely hope for peace. I hope that all the aquatic people in the world can live in peace. I thought that staying behind closed doors would lead to long-term peace. Master Jiang, you represented the future of the human race at the Yellow River Meeting. , I watched you climb to the top, tell me, am I wrong?”

"I can only represent myself. If I can represent the future of the human race, wouldn't the human race be in the mouth of heaven?" Jiang Wang said seriously: "Your Majesty Longjun, I can't answer the question you asked. I think Yuan Guang is like you. , and don’t really need my answer.”

"So, how should I respond to you?"

"Jiang Wang wants to tell you Jiang Wang's attitude."

He sat very upright, especially in his attitude: "I must admit that I am not a water tribe. Although I have seen the experience of the water tribe, I cannot fully empathize with them. I have had some fragmentary thoughts, but I have hardly ever really thought about the problem from the perspective of the water tribe. I always thought that there is still time, and I can leave it to a more mature time. Sitting here today, I feel that time is pressing, and I think of a lot of things inexplicably. I will think deeply about this matter in the future, and do my best-"

He said this, and looked directly into the eyes of the Dragon King: "But this is still not a deal. I will not deal with any force or anyone because of the help that His Majesty the Dragon King can give."

He raised the teacup: "Just drink this cup. Thank you for the hospitality of the Dragon King. Maybe I will come to bother you again when I am free."

He still drank it all in one gulp.

This Dragon Palace treasure, the new tea in summer, he really couldn't taste anything. He felt it was a waste, and he was embarrassed to smile.

But he turned around very resolutely.

The story of Master Ku Jue... maybe he will wait until he breaks free from the cage of heaven before exploring it.

But just as he walked out of the palace gate, he had a jade stick in his hand. The moment he touched it, a lot of complicated information flowed into his mind.

It was a book called [Nine Towns Leisure Talk].

It detailed several conversations between the Emperor of Lieshan and the Dragon King of Changhe, all of which were some of the experiences of the Emperor of Lieshan in creating the Nine Towns of Changhe. In the field of sealing, this is definitely a treasure!

Jiang Wang suddenly turned around with the stick, but the palace door behind him was closed, and the majestic and magnificent Changhe Dragon Palace had disappeared, leaving only the broken bridge of time and space.

At this time, Ao Shuyi's voice sounded in his ears-"This is not a transaction either, this is a small gift from me."

There was no jade step in front of him, but he had stepped onto the stone bridge.

The long river was vast under his feet, and the world looked different again.

The waves were surging, and the wind was blowing in his heart. The contents of the Jiuzhen Leisure Talk were flowing in his mind. When he looked at the Prison Ox Stone Bridge again, he felt that every texture had a new interpretation.

Compared with the mysteries of the Jiuzhen related to the Jiuzhen described in "Jiuzhen Leisure Talk", what first caught Jiang Wang's attention was actually the Jiuzhen Leisure Talk itself.

For a long time, Jiang Wang thought - many people thought so - that Changhe Dragon Lord Ao Shuyi was just a dog of Lieshan Human Emperor, a puppet of the dragon clan he supported, and a tool.

The sea clan called Ao Shuyi a "river dog", and the human clan respected him as the Dragon Lord on the surface, but in their hearts, they were also so contemptuous?

But judging from the contents of "Jiuzhen Leisure Talk", the situation does not seem to be the case.

This jade sign was recorded in the form of a dialogue, and from the form of the dialogue, the relationship between Lieshan Human Emperor and Changhe Dragon Lord was relatively close, even... almost like a master and apprentice.

Yes, no matter how he was belittled and cursed, no matter how low-key and tolerant he was, Ao Shuyi was a great existence who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years. How could there be such a transcendent person in the world? The magnificent history of the past is definitely not something that can be explained by a phrase like "Broken Back River Dog".

At such a moment, Jiang Wang leaned on the railing and looked out. He felt that although the pressure of the Heavenly Dao was close at hand, the world was so vast. The world is boundless and there is a lot to be done. What does this little shackle on my body mean!

History is as vast as a long river, with so many stormy waves in it. How will the story of me, Jiang Wang, today be passed down in thousands of years?

In the Dragon Palace Hall, only the Dragon King was left drinking alone.

Fu Yunqin, the general manager of the Yellow River, stood behind the door and asked softly: "Didn't you tell him about the bitterness of the Hanging Temple?"

Ao Shuyi ordered tea carefully, and finally said: "One day he will understand that this is also a gift."

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