Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2309: The Tribulation of Guixu

Of course there are transcendent and powerful people in the Sea Clan.

But with the "Haotian Gao Shang Mo Jie Alliance" in front, if you break the common agreement rashly, you will first suffer the backlash of the alliance - in the struggle of the transcendent, it is almost the same as self-destruction for eternity, and exile yourself to the danger of being slaughtered. situation.

Until the time comes when the race is exterminated, the transcendent ones will not fight.

In other words, the moment when the transcendent and powerful are forced to take action is the darkest moment for this ethnic group.

Is this such a moment?

That's right.

But Ao Jie believes that there is still a chance.

The final preparations he made were just his "final preparations" for Ao Jie.

No matter when and where, the existence of the transcendent is the eternal hope.

The only chance the Sea Clan has in this modern era is on the battlefield of Shenxiao. Without a moment in the past, the future is almost impossible to find.

So he would rather let him take action.

As a true dragon born with the new beginning of the Dao calendar, destined to take on the responsibility and fight against the most prosperous human race in this era, Ao Jie was born to be extraordinary.

Not only does he dominate his peers and rule the seas, but he also wants to compete with the dragon kings of the past generations for glory.

It was the result of over a thousand years of hard thinking that the final preparation he had made for the Hai Clan was to be born after killing Cang Hai.

Master Fuhai created a heaven-level spell called "The Return of All Laws to Ruins".

He created a world called "Guixu" that only he knows now!

It is called "the bottomless valley in the sea, where all the waters gather."

It is the "Eternal Hometown" he prepared for the Hai Clan.

One day Canghai is also lost, or at the end of the world, he will kill Canghai and use Canghai's depleted power to send the fire of the Hai clan into the Guixu world. In the place where "the ocean is the deepest, where there is no tranquility and no bottom", you can enter "eternal peace".

Until the universe restarts and life is rekindled. Or in the world of Guixu, the genius who can break the apocalypse and complete the salvation is born. Or, come back at the critical moment when the Shenxiao battlefield opens!

Of course he would not leave the vast sea to the human race, even if it was a barren and dangerous land.

The Sea Clan has given way once, and the last time it was left to the Human Clan was the Divine Continent. But time has not brought hope to the Sea Clan.

But when making the final preparations, Ao Jie never thought that this day would come so quickly.

He made the decision decisively because the opportunity was fleeting and the Sea Clan did not have much room for hesitation. That doesn't mean the choice is easy.

What he destroyed with his own hands was the Sea Clan’s home for hundreds of thousands of years!

At such moments, whether it is the sea people on the offshore islands or the sea creatures in various sea areas, they will inevitably feel sadness. That kind of emotion does not come from the five senses, but comes from the source of the soul.

They are born with water, live on the beach or in the sea, are naturally close to the sea, and are emotionally affected by the exhaustion of the sea.

[Hai Ming] is the sorrow of the sea, and it is also the sadness of a "mother".

Can a son not feel sorry for his mother?

Cao Du, who was in charge of an army of 100,000 Xia corpses, jumped down from the ancient heavenly path and tried to cut off the Dragon Lord's head, but he turned back after a single slash with the heavenly sword. There was room for this sword, and he was deeply wary of Ao Jie's methods. In an environment like Canghai, the top priority was to preserve his troops.

But his process of leading the army back to the Middle Ancient Heavenly Road was hindered by a high wall that was pulled up at an unknown time.

This wall is erected in the deep sea and high in the sky. It cuts off the east and west and blocks all directions.

At this time, what Ao Jie used was not his own power, but the world-destroying power that erupted during the collapse of the sea, the power of "the end of the calamity".

A high wall that cannot be crossed.

Use calamity as a prison to imprison and strengthen the army!

The Bingsha Heavenly Sword that cut across the sky and cut the sea instantly turned into Zhang Yu's Heavenly Snake. An army of one hundred thousand is like the energy and blood in the body, which can be controlled by Cao Cao as he wishes. Turning from offense to defense, just one thought.

The heavenly snake spits out a letter, like shooting at the moon and startling a rainbow. For a moment, confusion rolls around, covering up everything, and it gathers into a stubborn mist over the vast sea where the world is swaying.

But if there is no response, it is only a matter of time before it is swallowed up.

Even if Ao Jie is willing to pay the price, he won't even need time.

In front of the majestic dragon body that stretches almost endlessly, this snake looks like a loach!

Will the Jingguo people respond?

In the Eternal Sky Monument, Ji Fengzhou's voice echoed: "Longjun begs for death, so unwilling to do so?!"

Ao Jie laughed loudly: "If it weren't for me, I wouldn't die, but it would be Cao Jie's fault! Emperor Jing can take the sword himself!"

He smiled so openly that his majestic dragon body trembled. Like mountains rising and falling, struggling in the thunder and rain.

The wild laughter of the dragon king of the sea merges with the sorrow of the sea.

Who is sad and who is laughing again?

The bloody battle of Jiazi, the bloody battle of Xinyou, the bloody battle of Izuyunling... the history of the Hai clan after the Middle Ages is a history of bloody struggle. However, hundreds of thousands of years of struggle are in vain!

From the sages of the sea tribe to Gaodu, generations of ethnic groups have evolved and developed continuously, but they are limited by the innate poverty of the sea. They can't compare with the human race that dominates the Divine Continent and covets all the worlds.

The human race no longer seeks the human emperor, but the emperor of Liuhe. They are still far away from the former position of Dragon King.

After Gao Jie failed in his attack on transcendence, he locked the Mysterious Realm before his death. He also wanted to wait for the chaos in Shenxiao and combine the power of all the heavens and worlds to repeat the story of overthrowing the demon clan's heaven in ancient times. But the people of Jingguo opened up the medieval heavenly road, and Ji Fengzhou came to control the eternal heavenly monument and crossed the mysterious realm. They wanted to deprive them of the qualification to set foot on the battlefield of Shenxiao in advance!

Ao Jie had seen the determination of Jingguo people, so he also showed his determination.

The final war should not take place in Canghai, but the enemy has already reached Canghai - then kill this sea and send away the elite of the sea tribe until the time comes.

The Eternal Sky Monument exists to suppress the sea.

But this sea area is dying!

Even if the Eternal Sky Monument can subdue riots, how can it allow a declining corpse to enjoy peace?

The nine sons of the Dragon Emperor were almost born to enjoy the power of the sea. With the help of the people of Jingguo, they were born to control the sea. But if the "sea" is gone, where will the "right" remain?

The eternal monument has nowhere to go.

The main significance of the medieval sky road was just a bridge.

How can everything continue after Ao Jie has taken the heat from the cauldron?

Ji Fengzhou's voice remained calm in the Eternal Sky Monument: "It seems that you don't intend to leave anything to me."

Of course he took it easy.

Jingguo had made so many preparations and invested so much, and there was no possibility of victory other than victory in this trip.

And it will only be a complete victory, or a great victory.

The best result, of course, is to completely conquer the sea and make the sea tribe, like the water tribe, an ally of the human race.

The second result is to destroy the Hai Clan, eliminate a major problem in the Shenxiao battlefield, and occupy all the resources in the sea.

But even if Canghai "dies" at this moment, the Jinghai plan has been successful. The sea is exhausted, why not call it "Jinghai"?

As long as Shenxiao's advantage on the battlefield is ensured, this trip will not be in vain.

As the central empire, the victory of the human race is the victory of Jingguo.

"No, I still have to leave something behind!" Ao Jie laughed!

Leave behind these two powerful armies in the world, leave behind these two famous contemporary generals, and leave a deep mark on this ambitious Emperor Jingguo!

If the battle is overturned, if Yu Que dies, if Ji Fengzhou is hit hard... I wonder if Jingguo can still maintain its No. 1 position in the world, and can all the countries in the world still be at peace?

If Qi State loses Cao Du and Xia Shijun, can Ye Henshui, a mere Ye Henshui, still be able to control the offshore sea power?




There seemed to be infinite abyss gaps on the sea floor, all of which were swallowing water crazily. Amidst the desperate cries, Canghai as a whole seems like a living creature that has been brutally bled and is dying in agony. The sea level dropped rapidly, the dry water broke out of the rocks, and the dragon's body like the Aojie Mountains was increasingly exposed to people's sight.

At this time, people can see that every scale on the dragon's body is evolving into a doomsday scene.

"Death" is a dead end, but there are thousands of "causes of death". He is the dragon of the apocalypse.

The closer Canghai is to death, the stronger Ao Jie's dragon body becomes.

In the two blood-colored sun-like dragon eyes, there is a deep and bottomless vortex rotating in each, and the power of the entire sea of ​​decline is swallowed up by them like a tornado.

Ji Fengzhou's voice, at such a time, still has the power to calm everything: "The times are now approaching! The contemporary Dragon King of the East China Sea is a man of character and means! If you had been born in ancient times, you might as well have become the Dragon King and replaced Yuan Yuan. "Hong, Gai Xihun! I feel sad when I see the hero's end and civilization overthrown, but for the sake of mankind, I have no choice but to see you off!"

He sighed and suddenly said: "——Headmaster Lao Lingchen!"

He doesn't hesitate to praise, and he doesn't hesitate to use any means!

The three holy places of Taoism are Daluo Mountain, Yujing Mountain, and Penglai Island.

The person named "Lingchen" is none other than the Grand Master of Penglai Island, True Lord Lingchen... Ji Zuo!

He is also waiting for the battle!

Jingguo's preparations for today's battle are far more complete than outsiders imagined.

After the Prime Minister of Jing State sketched out the ambitious plan in the secret, the contemporary Emperor Jing promoted it with the greatest determination! It was almost overwhelming!

Facts have proved that after Ao Jie appeared, he directly negated many counterattack preparations by the strong people of the Hai Clan, and decisively launched the last resort to bury Cang Hai with his own hands. It may be the most correct choice to lead the Hai Clan to escape.

For example, the Great Prison Emperor Zhong Xi had been staring at the overlord for a long time, and wanted to try to provoke the way of heaven. Just like the Emperor Xuan Shen fought against Suanni... he was sent away on the spot by Ao Jie.

With the war preparations shown by Jing Guo, the so-called counterattack methods of the Hai Clan are just "adding fuel to the fire". It will only make the sea people lose blood step by step and end in the illusion of passionate struggle. By the time he woke up, he was so powerless that he couldn't even make the final counterattack and escape!

After the sea has been opened up and the human race can invest its military power in a big way, how can the sea people be qualified to play a game of constantly adding weight to the balance with the human race?

After Jingguo's sudden thunder and troops sent overseas, he did not finish his work in one move, but chose to unleash his methods step by step. It's not just waiting for everyone's reaction and waiting for some people to make mistakes, it's not like boiling the dragon in warm water!

But at the top of the sea and at the end of the void, there is the outline of an ethereal and magical fairy island, which seems to have fallen from the sky.

Penglai Xiandao Zhaotian Road.

On that glorious medieval road, a tall and thin figure wearing a Taoist uniform strolled over. The mysterious light surrounds, and the clear light moves the shadows.

His face is clearly very clear, but he cannot be remembered. See it and forget it. He walked past the majestic Dou'e army, stepped forward in front of Yuque Jingli with his head bowed, and walked under the gaze of all the strong men.

"The power of doom?"

He stared at the majestic dragon body below, with an inexplicable meaning in his voice: "If I had known that the Dragon King of the East China Sea would use such methods, I should have asked Zhenjun Taiyu to come and deal with it."

"This is the sea after all." Ji Fengzhou's voice said.

There is a fairy mountain overseas, and its name is "Penglai".

According to legend, Penglai Island, which is isolated overseas but never appears in front of people, has always been in charge of the overseas affairs of the Taoist clan.

There is indeed no reason to ask the Daluoshan Master for help for the matter of the sea.

Unless Penglai Island thinks it cannot handle it.

But Master Lingchen is here, how can he say that?

He walked on the medieval heavenly road, as if he was strolling on an ordinary day with golden sunshine. He just rolled up his sleeves, raised his clean palms, spread his five fingers to the sky, as if holding up the sky covered with dark clouds and thunder, and gently lifted it up. The clouds rose thousands of miles and the sky was hundreds of feet high!

Then turned over-

The whole sky and sea were very blurry for a moment, as if the bright bronze mirror was scratched! The world is like a mirror, and everything in the mirror is hazy. No matter how the sight is shuttled, it can't find the landing point.

Looking closely, it is not that the space has become blurred, but that dense dust has floated in the sea of ​​​​sky.

They confuse everything in the field of vision.

There are more than billions of these dust particles?

They gather together, like clouds and fog, tiny and spectacular.

No matter whether it is the human race or the sea race, they all change color when they see this!

True Lord Lingchen indeed has infinite means and supreme magical powers, but what he is best known for is his original "Dust Thunder Technique", also known as... "The First Thunder Method of Taoism".

This thunder method is used in his palm, and there is no fine carving or complex development. It is a direct and countless dust thunder.

The great way is simple, and the dust is revealed by turning over the palm.

Such dense dust thunder, floating between the sky and the sea, makes those who know this technique frightened.

His method to deal with Ao Jie is so simple - he also wants to destroy the sea!

The Dragon King of the East China Sea wants to destroy the world, and True Lord Lingchen also wants to destroy the world, as if they have the same goal. But whether the sea is destroyed by Ao Jie or Ji Zuo, that is a different result. Because it determines who controls the power of destruction!

And this will directly affect the layout of Ao Jie!

The sea is infinitely vast, and it is not so easy to "kill" it.

Ao Jie is the Lord of Canghai, and has the highest authority in this ocean. He has been planning for thousands of years, and he was able to exert his strength overnight and kill Canghai from the inside out.

If he hadn't done this first. No matter how strong Lingchen Zhenjun is, it is hard to say that he can easily destroy Canghai.

But it was Ao Jie who had actively catalyzed Canghai's death, and he was bleeding this Canghai world. Ji Zuo had enough space to show his supreme means. He is the first master of thunder magic in Taoism. In terms of destructive power, no one in Taoism can compare with him.

Once billions of dust thunders are detonated, his destruction of Canghai will be more thorough than Ao Jie at this stage-

By then, whether the Guixu world can be opened, whether the elite of the sea clan can be successfully transferred, whether the great escape of the sea clan can be realized, and whether it can wait until the Shenxiao battlefield is opened... So far, it is in doubt!


Between the sky and the sea, in addition to the billions of dust thunders floating at this moment, there is also a group of lingering fog that is almost ignored by people. That was Cao Jie leading the army of Xia Shi, and transforming into a sky snake to defend himself.

At this moment, the fog rolled.

When Ling Chen Zhenjun covered his hands and pressed the dust, Cao Jie reacted before all the parties!

The fog of the soldier evil was swallowed up in an instant, the winged sky snake was no longer there, and a ten-thousand-foot-tall evil creature appeared in its place!

This evil creature looked like a huge sharp-toothed monkey, but it stood up, with its hair hanging behind it, and walked alone on one foot. Wherever it passed, drought air spread, the sea water boiled, and the sea level fell faster!

The strongest form of the Xia Shi army formation...

[Ying Tian Chi Jie Han Ba ​​Sha Body]!

Cao Jie led the army and manifested this body, which seemed to accelerate the destruction of the sea and help Ling Chen Zhenjun grab more of the power of the end of the catastrophe. But he pulled himself out of the spot, turned nimbly, and took advantage of the gap created by the collision between the Dust Thunder Tribulation of Lingchen Zhenjun and the Return to Ruins Tribulation of the Dragon King of the East Sea, and passed the high wall erected by Ao Jie earlier, passed the world-destroying thunder that rolled across the sky, passed the dense and constantly colliding tribulation forces... and jumped back to the Medieval Heavenly Road!

Yu Que looked up at the military situation and was about to say something. But the drought demon jumped again and left the Medieval Heavenly Road.

Cao Jie led his army and returned to the coastal area without hesitation!

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