Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2310 The Eternal Dragon

The so-called "near sea" used to distinguish the "sea" is actually very vast and cannot be said to be small. It's just that you can't go east across the maze. To the south and north, there is almost unlimited space for development. But the farther you go, the more treacherous and dangerous it is.

Cao Jie, who was praised by the Emperor of Qi as "the best fighter in the world", asked himself that he had only done two things in his life--

leading his brothers to win victory and bringing his brothers home.

The determination of Jingguo for this action was too great and the preparations were too thorough.

It started with a small ripple of green duckweed, and once it rolled up, it was already connected to the sky!

No wonder they dared to wait for the reaction of the Qi people.

No wonder they opened the ancient sky road and let Cao Jie lead the army to seize the merit.

Lingchen Zhenjun came in person, and the holy land of Penglai Island was projected.

Who can rob the people of Jingguo under such circumstances?

To rob a bird feather or a fish scale, you have to look at the eyes of the people of Jingguo.

Under the current situation, if the Qi people really want to get a piece of the pie, I'm afraid that the Qi emperor will have to come in person, and Jiang Mengxiong will be indispensable. At least four of the nine soldiers will have to be mobilized. And this hastily organized army, the opportunity seen at a glance, also needs to consider whether it is another long-set trap.

Who would have thought that a mere giant turtle at the level of Dongzhen could be used as a trigger to cross time and space to attract the power of Baxia?

When Li Longchuan "escorted" the giant turtle away, when the information was handed back, everyone knew that it was the big turtle of Tianyou Country, but they didn't know what event it could be used as the starting point - at that time, it was nothing more than releasing the turtle in the sea and raising a Yandao fighting force.

Who would have thought that the battlefield of the maze that spanned the two tribes for hundreds of thousands of years and swallowed the flesh and blood of countless soldiers was actually crossed by the Jing people.

This is really a crucial step, a step that breaks "common sense" and "imagination".

Cao Jie still can't figure out how this medieval road of heaven, which spans time and space and has almost unlimited power, was laid out. He knows the general principle, but how to realize this glorious road and how to cross each pass in the process are too complicated.

The people of Jing will definitely not be kind enough to solve the puzzle. We can only wait until after this battle, collect more information, and then analyze it.

The sea clan defends the world like a dangerous pass. But once the medieval road of heaven was laid out, it was smooth sailing. The power of the people of Jing was directly deployed from Tianjing City and Penglai Island to the sea, which not only stunned the sea clan, but also caught the people of Qi off guard. The good maritime hegemony was suddenly torn open.

Seeing that the sea was about to dry up, the Dragon King of the East Sea and the True Lord Lingchen were fighting wildly there, "joining forces to destroy the world", and Cao Jie led his troops to escape without hesitation.

As the highest commander of the Qi army overseas, he was very sober and no longer considered "competing for merit", but "stopping losses".

The division of sea power is almost certain, but how can it be divided less?

When Hanbasha jumped back to the sea, Cao Jie was not surprised to see Song Huai, the Eastern Heavenly Master, standing beside Ye Henshui on the Tianya Terrace, waving and smiling at this side!

The people of Jing have not made any big moves for many years. The war with Muguo a few years ago was a passive challenge. In order to permanently eliminate the sea disaster this time, Jingguo must squeeze out every bit of victory value and maximize the results of victory.

Needless to say, Canghai is already in the hands of the people of Jing. Whether it is directly stationing troops in Canghai, building islands, or even temporarily moving Penglai Island there, it is the country that the people of Jing have conquered. Next, whether the Dragon King of the East Sea is dead or gone, Canghai is just a blank paper on Ji Fengzhou's desk, allowing him to draw it.

Even if Canghai is dead and no longer produces any resources, it can create land out of thin air as a military fortress to deter overseas.

For Jingguo, there is also a perfect entry point near the coast - Diaohai Tower!

No matter how Diaohai Tower remained silent in the Jingguo Jinghai incident, whether the owner of the tower left the island or the sect's number one prodigy Zhu Biqiong went into seclusion. The arrangements made by Zhenjun Shendu during his lifetime promoted the completion of the Jinghai plan. Jingguo can calm the Canghai and eliminate the sea disasters today. How can we not count the contribution of Diaohai Tower? How can we not reward the merits?

Jingguo, relying on Canghai, can fully expand its influence in the offshore islands. In this process, it is also very feasible to support Diaohai Tower to rise again and fight against the discourse power of Qi people in the offshore.

Is this the opportunity that Diaohai Tower has been waiting for in the past few years?

What did Dong Tianshi do when he appeared at Tianyatai?

Probably because he was afraid that Diaohai Tower would be accidentally destroyed by the aftermath, and that the strong men of Diaohai Tower would accidentally get lost!

Again, in the external war, everyone will naturally be united against the outside world, regardless of Qi and Jing. After all, they are in the same tide of heaven and earth and ride the same boat of humanity.

Behind closed doors, there is still a distinction between superior and inferior. After all, there is only one emperor of the world.

With Cao Jie's ability, even if he puts himself in the perspective of a bystander, he can't think of any possibility of the sea clan being able to save the situation. But in the "post-sea clan era", Qi State undoubtedly ushered in a more powerful opponent on the sea... How to deal with it?

Hanba Sha fell on Huai Island, and the 100,000 Xia Corpse Army rested in the military camp on Huai Island. Cao Jie escaped from the military formation and fell beside Song Huai: "Master Dong is so elegant! At this time of turmoil, why don't you fight in the sea, but enjoy the scenery here?"

Chatting with Master Dong and chatting about many poems, Ye Henshui had long been impatient, but he couldn't get away until Cao Jie returned. He exchanged a look with Cao Jie and left quietly.

The Xia Shi Army is stationed on Huai Island and the Tian Fu Army is stationed on Jueming Island. In the event of a conflict, these preparations are still not enough. Qi's many years of operations at sea should be reflected at this time - before the end of the sea is complete.

Song Huai didn't seem to care about Ye Henshui's departure, as if he was not the one who kept Ye Henshui before. He only said to Cao Jiu: "The sea is in trouble, so I won't join in the fun."

He looked at Cao Jie's condition and said solemnly: "In order to prevent the Hai tribe from jumping over the wall and attacking the sea. I should be here to protect the world!"

"As expected of the Eastern Heavenly Master!" Cao Jie clapped his hands and praised: "The Heavenly Gate can be defended, as long as you are here, why worry about the Haimen? Xia Corpse is at the end of the world, boldly ask the Heavenly Master to retreat and support Cao!"

If we want to trace history back, the Heavenly Master is indeed the "gatekeeper". But it really takes courage to regard the Four Heavenly Masters as "gatekeepers."

Cao is very brave.

Song Huai waved his hand: "I won't go to Haimen Island. I hugged you when you were young, but you don't know what I am like - I have taken on responsibilities and risks in my life, and I am unwilling to be left behind. Today, I will set my sights on this world, never taking a step back. Retreat. Let’s see how capable that sea tribe is, how dare they invade our sea territory!”

That's the good thing about living a long life. There is no pressure to live in old age. Who knows if they were hugged as a child?

Cao Du raised his eyes and looked forward. Lou Yue still controlled the hole, hanging high in the sky, facing the sea with Tianya Terrace behind him.

The six huge Nine Sons bloodline beasts in front of him, after being fully sublimated, all dried up, leaving only their bodies - their power has been swallowed up by the Eternal Sky Monument, becoming a certain engraved pattern on it.

The dry body is like six floating islands.

At about this time, Lou opened his hands, his robes were fluttering, and he was heading towards the Middle Ages Heavenly Road with his boots on the clouds. He failed to face the battle to sublimate himself, but observing Canghai's death at close range was also beneficial to his practice.

How calm!

It is true that everything is under control.

"As for how the Canghai War will end, I have thought about it many times, and the military hall has also deduced it many times." Cao Jie said with emotion: "I didn't expect it to come in this way. The world does not work together alone, I must repeat Think about it!”

Song Huai said with great interest: "Duhou's expression seems to have been greatly wronged."

Cao Jie said without any expression: "Cao just looks a little bitter."

Song Huai had an expression of "I understand you" and smiled slightly: "Shuai Cao has been working hard on his expedition to the sea. Go and take a rest. I have an old man here to take care of you, so you should be sure that everything is safe——"

The word "lost" was only half spoken when it suddenly shook like a piece of jade that fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces!

The ground is shaking.

The entire Huai Island trembled.

This largest offshore island can accommodate the lives of tens of millions of soldiers and civilians. After reconstruction, it is more stable than before, but it is shaking crazily at this moment. It's like a piece of fried egg spread out in the pan, about to be thrown out of the sea!


The huge statue of a dragon fisherman who was incense-scented and had developed divinity and divine power. The fishing rod carved from solid stone in his hand actually broke. The broken half fell into the sea through the wind and was swallowed up by the rolling waves. The waves hit the horizon.

Looking into the distance, the stormy waves are sweeping across the islands, shaking them all!

It turns out that it wasn’t just Waishima that was shaking, but the entire offshore sea...


Cao Jiu suddenly turned his head, unable to conceal his shock——

It’s not just offshore islands either.

Rather, the entire world of mountains and rivers is the world that the Sea Clan calls the "Sacred Continent"!

The barren tombs of the Arctic, the Bing Ruins in the south, the snowfields in the west, and the blue sea in the east...the whole world is shaking.

There was no landslide. The transcendent and stable origin of this world makes it impossible for it to go to destruction. At this moment the world is being shaken, not destroyed.

Perhaps in the experience of most people, this is just an experience similar to a bumpy ride on a carriage. But the whole world is in turmoil! Where will this runaway carriage go to the unknown?

This... this is truly an unprecedented change!

This world is not a world that can be destroyed at will.

The present world is the center of all heavens and worlds, and it has endured countless calamities and existed forever. Especially after the new beginning of the Taoist calendar and the signing of the common agreement by the transcendent people, the power that is at most the limit of this world has been tossed around in this world. How many times has such a movement been caused?

Looking at the past and future, and counting the six worlds and eight wastelands in detail, in the current era, there are actually only a few possibilities that can shake the world like this.

For example...the "source of all waters" and the "ancestral river of the present world"!

In a quiet courtyard in Changguo, Jiang Wang, who bought wine in exchange for stories at night and studied behind closed doors during the day, drew his sword and rose up like a green pine in an instant. The weeds in the entire courtyard that had not yet been repaired suddenly stood straight up to the sky, like swords pointed at the sky.

The clouds in the sky have opened, and thousands of rays of sunshine are like swords.

His mind and heart are fighting against the law of heaven, his sharpness is almost impossible to restrain, and his killing power is unparalleled in the world!

Deeply trapped in the state of heaven and man, he felt the changes in Changhe before anyone else.

"All changes in heaven and earth are caused by the way of heaven." Especially the ancestral veins of water that span time, such as the Changhe River, are entities that truly touch the foundation of the world and can change the world. Its unauthorized movement is shocking!

The Way of Heaven is a too complicated and mysterious "thing". Jiang Wang still doesn't know what the Way of Heaven "needs".

The "requirements" of the way of heaven are almost impossible to measure. Jiang Wang didn't understand the principles on which the way of heaven drives heaven and humans, so he could only feel it passively. Then choose to accept, ignore, or fight.

Logically speaking, the Changhe River changed and shook the heaven and earth, and the Heavenly Dao should have driven him to suppress it and return to the existing order. But the Heavenly Dao did not.

Or, the Heavenly Dao would ask him to help liberate the Changhe River and release the "nature" of the ancestral river, but it did not.

Although the Heavenly Dao reported the changes in the Changhe River and awakened him in his study, the Heavenly Dao itself seemed indifferent to this matter.

Jiang Wang's sword was startled because of the little emotion that he had not yet eliminated - the Changhe River shook the world, and if the Changhe River broke its dike and overturned the Nine Towns, the residents on both sides of the Changhe River would inevitably be killed and injured. Since he felt it, he could not ignore it.

But after a moment, he sat down again.

He glanced at the courtyard next to him thoughtfully - in the courtyard on the other side, Chen Zhitao, the current owner of Diaohai Tower, was closing the courtyard door and sitting alone under a tree, thinking hard about the possibility of sealing the second day's human state.

Jiang Wang let go of the sword and held the book again, as if talking to himself, as if explaining: "The long river has no intention of swallowing people."

Emotions told him that maybe he should go and have a look again. Although he did not feel the intention of the long river to destroy through the way of heaven, it was such a big thing after all, and the earth was shaking! Just in case, he could still go and have a look and do something he could.

But reason told him that it was meaningless. The long river could not burst its banks, and the people on both sides were not in danger. It would be the same whether he went or not.

He felt that the little emotion in his heart that was concerned about the innocent people on both sides of the long river was like a stone falling on the sea, sinking quickly and slowly disappearing.

The last of the heavenly man may be "indifference".


At this moment, the long river was rolling, Wanwanli was rising, and the waves were rising to the sky. The Jiuzhen Stone Bridge, which spanned the two sides of the long river and suppressed the head and tail of the dragon vein, was rumbling under the impact, as if the sky was about to fall. The flood swept across both sides, and the entire Shenlu was shaken.

After the death of the Six Friends of Jingtian, Qiu Tie, a former battlefield warrior and later a true man who cultivated himself, was in charge of monitoring the water level of the Changhe and Yellow River sections on behalf of Jingguo.

Although he said he was "retiring from the battlefield", he was actually serving the country with a freer identity. For many years, he had done a lot of dirty and tiring work that could not be recorded, and was often criticized.

This true man was like an iron tower, with a strong body and majestic momentum. He held a magic tool for measuring the water level in his hand, standing on the north bank of the Changhe River, but he could not get close to the waves!

Monitoring the water level?

The water level of the Yellow River is already high to the sky!

It is still suppressed by the Nine Towns. Once it breaks out of the river channel and floods both sides, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The Southern Heavenly Master Ying Jianghong came to the Changhe River at the first time, standing alone in the seventh town of Shiqiao, suppressing the raging tides on both sides of the bridge with his supreme magical powers, but he was only in a stalemate. The Jing Kingdom's national defense formation was raised in response, but it could only barely protect the territory of the Central Empire and could not fully defend the Central Region's waterfront.

Is it not just the real person Qiu Tie who is like this? Is it not just the Southern Heavenly Master who is powerless?

On the south bank of the Changhe River, the Great Wei Emperor Wei Xuanche also wore a crown and took command in person. He launched the imperial boat with the words "The Great Wei Emperor Controls the Water" and pressed the Changhe River with the whole country, but he could not suppress the turbulent waves with all his might!

It was on this boat that Emperor Ming of Wei led the Great Wei Navy to patrol the Changhe River, allowing the world to see the power of the Wei Kingdom. Only then did the "Meeting of the Emperor of Jingwei" come about.

Now this boat is back on the Changhe River, but the Changhe River is no longer as peaceful as before.

The turbulent waves do not reflect the shadow, and the imperial boat is also swaying.

While the crown and clothes were fluttering, Wei Xuanche stood alone at the bow of the boat, overlooking the turbulent waves, and his voice was filled with anger like thunder and lightning: "The Emperor Jing should take responsibility!"

After the opening of the martial arts, the Wei Kingdom did take advantage of the situation. Wei Xuanche dared to publicly accuse Emperor Jing!

Ying Jianghong responded loudly on the bridge: "For example, if you cut out a poisonous sore early, it will heal sooner. If you wait for a long time, many people will die of the disease!"

Longmen Academy, one of the four major academies in the world, was originally established because of the Guanhe Terrace. It has always been responsible for monitoring the long river. The history of controlling the long river is much longer than that of Jing State.

When the incident happened, the dean Yao Fu was writing in the study.

Xu Xiangqian, with a shiny forehead, was beside him. He praised every stroke he saw, and his hands were constantly grinding ink very diligently.

Zishu sat upside down in an unladylike manner, with an open book covering his face, and the back of his head pressed on the back of the chair. He had fallen asleep.

As the saying goes, "Summer sleepiness and autumn fatigue are not what I want."

Zhao Wuyan, with a fine pen and a new book, was concentrating on reading and annotating the book. If there is any good new book in the world of literature, she must buy it and read it as soon as possible. Zishu's breathing, Xu Xiangqian's diligence, the sound of the dean writing, none of them could distract her. Being here, it's like being alone in a world, really "two ears don't hear the things outside the window".

Yin Wenhua of Song State stood alone outside the door, unwilling to go in, and couldn't bear to watch. How could that Xu Gao'e be so natural? Does he really think this place is his home? He wanders around Longmen Academy every day, and I can see him every time I come back... Isn't he from Qingya Academy!

The paper reads: "A river of spring water--"

When Yao Fu wrote half of this couplet, he threw away the wolf hair brush, took the ancient sword of Zhuming on Yin Wenhua's waist, and rushed out of the door.

Everyone inside and outside the house was shocked, not knowing what happened. The dean hasn't picked up a sword for many years!

But at this time, Yao Fu had already rushed directly into the long river.

The rolling waves were like a white dragon.

Yao Fu's body was like a mayfly, but he was wearing a light shirt and holding a sword, stepping on the "dragon's spine", splitting the rapids and cutting through the floods with ease.

But even though he was a master swordsman and his sword energy could span thousands of miles, he could not split and cut through the vast flow of the ancestral river!

The twenty-four solar terms sword canon encompasses everything, and the long river is surging, but it is outside the "everything".

But the tide surged thousands of miles, one wave higher than the other, as if it would never stop.

The nine stone bridges that seemed to last forever made people doubt "eternity" at this moment.

The Guanhe Terrace, which had suppressed the world for eternity and was known as the "No. 1 Terrace in the World", shone brightly for a while. Above the majestic Guanhe Terrace, there were thick clouds. The dark clouds were so thick that no light could penetrate the sky. The thunder rolled like the sea, and the sea of ​​thunder overturned the high terrace.

The Changhe River had been peaceful for too long, so long that people had almost forgotten its horror.

As early as in ancient times, it was a battlefield where powerful water monsters fought. Even if the Dragon Palace was established, it could not suppress everything.

At that time, it often ravaged both sides of the river, and the ancient heaven had to suppress it, and it cost a huge price every time.

And people have forgotten why it has been able to stay calm for so many years!

When it awakens like an angry dragon today, it crashes into the heavens and earth, shakes the sky...

Everything points to only one thing-

Sitting in Changhe for hundreds of thousands of years, the close comrade-in-arms of Lieshan Renhuang, the highest banner of the water race in the world, and the solid ally of the human race, Changhe Dragon King Ao Shuyi... rebelled!

There is no water in the world that can be compared with Changhe, and can be more important than Changhe.

In ancient times, the dragon race occupied Changhe and was almost independent of the demon race. In ancient and medieval times, the dragon race relied on Changhe to divide the world and share the supreme power of the world with the human race. Until today, after the new Taoist calendar, it still nurtures hundreds of millions of lives.

It has always been said that "mountains and rivers" and "mountains and rivers" refer to "the world". At the beginning of the creation of this word, "mountain" was the collapsed "Buzhou Mountain" and "river" was the "Changhe River" that was still flowing!

This river interprets the meaning of "river". It is the original explanation of Cangjie's creation of the word "river".

When it turned over in the Divine Land, it seemed to break away from the world, which was truly shaking the foundation of the world.

The whole universe should be able to hear the sound of the waves!

What kind of person is Dong Tianshi? How could he not even finish his words and let the sound shatter? He would not even blink when the mountain collapsed in front of him. It was precisely because he knew the seriousness of the matter at the first time that he lost his composure.

He looked back at the inland from Tianyatai, and was shocked for a moment: "How dare he? How could he?!"

Although the human race has never relaxed its defense against Ao Shuyi for hundreds of thousands of years.

There have always been voices saying "If you are not of my race, your heart must be different", saying that this old dragon king "could rebel against the Dragon Emperor in the past, and it is unknown whether he will rebel against others in the future", saying that this king "has ulterior motives"...

But when this day really came, it was still so surprising!

After all, it has been too many years since Ao Shuyi joined the human camp, helped the Lieshan Human Emperor to fight against the Xihun Dragon Emperor, and became a banner for the great division of the water race. It is so long that "ten thousand years" is used as the unit of time. If the top strong men are asked to list their ages one by one, they will have to live for dozens of them!

During this long period of time, the water tribes that remained in the Divine Land were constantly suppressed and divided, until the water veins of the world were fragmented and could no longer be called a whole. Instead, they were divided by country, such as the Yongguo water tribe, the Zhuangguo water tribe... There is no independent water tribe in the world!

Under the long-term scrutiny and vigilance of the human race, the power of the Changhe Dragon Palace was constantly stripped away until there was nothing left, and the Changhe Dragon Palace was empty. Sitting on the throne of the Dragon King, you can often only hear the echo of footsteps in the empty hall.

All this, Ao Shuyi, as a transcendent person, silently endured.

From the Changhe Dragon King, the Lord of the Waters of the World, who truly ruled the world's water tribes, to the water tribe mascot with only symbolic significance, who was only invited to sit on the viewing platform at each Yellow River Conference... During this process, Ao Shuyi hardly resisted.

He clapped his hands, he praised, and he cheered for the pride of the human race.

The "Dragon Palace Banquet" that once entertained heroes from all races in the world and demonstrated the influence of the dragon race has not been held for many years. Finally, it was time to hold it again - no water creatures could participate, and few people really cared!

He accepted everything.

He accepted it again and again in the past, and should have always accepted it.

Why did he suddenly not accept it today?

When the human race was at its peak? When the human race was fully preparing for war and was about to destroy the Canghai Sea Clan? When the human race had already occupied a great advantage and had a great chance of winning the Shenxiao War? !

This chapter is 6k.

Among them, 2k is to make up for the update on the 22nd that I couldn't write and asked for leave. (1/2).

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