Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2328 Heaven and Earth Receive the Order

"I think we will meet again."

When Tian Anping left this sentence in front of Tianyatai, probably no one thought that this sentence could be realized so soon.

What people thought was a polite remark was just his true description of his mood.

No one could understand why Tian Anping, who had been persuaded by Cao Jie to return to Cassiae Island to recuperate and was indeed seriously injured by Lou Yue, inexplicably ran to the sea area of ​​​​the ghost face fish. He ran to Jiang Wang and made him unhappy.

If you have to say it, it seems like a "bad boy" who deliberately found fault in private and wanted to continue the conflict that was inconvenient to continue in front of his parents.

Jiang Wang didn't tolerate him.

A word of "get out" exploded a huge wave.

When the killing intention came up, he controlled the sound pattern as a sword and cut out thousands of edges.

Thousands of crystal clear and sharp little swords, like light boats skimming the water. Galloping on the waves, shuttling through the sea of ​​​​sky, each with different sword styles, interweaving unparalleled lethality!

Each sword style is a peak that ordinary cultivators cannot reach in their lifetime.

The Yanfu Sword Prison rose up with the sound, like a wave chasing after it. It performed all the sword techniques that Jiang Wang had practiced every day, constantly accumulating and constantly innovating.

Whether it is complex or simple, it is all in the Tao.

Tian Anping was not afraid but happy, he raised his shackles and whistled: "Yes! It should be so! Leave your last battle before you lose yourself to me, Tian Anping! Don't let me down!"

Call him crazy or crazy, at least at this moment, compared to those guys with pure malice, he is more like a devout seeker of Tao.

Or perhaps, a devout seeker of Tao is another name for a madman!

He spread his ten fingers wide, lifted them up to the sky, and his long hair flew back!

"Since ancient times, all gods and men have fallen forever! I come here with a 'sword in my arms', I don't care if I lose my life, I'm just afraid of missing it!"

He can't wait!

Because Jiang Wang is already on the verge of sinking, he must recover his strength immediately anyway and seize the opportunity to fight this battle. Seize the last chance before the eternal fall of the heavenly man to study and explore - even, he not only recovered to the peak. After the painstakingly obtained needle "Jinghong", he solved the soul problem that had been entangled for a long time, and his strength broke through!

Jiang Wang once asked Tian Anping how he wanted to understand him.

What other answer is there?

Only life and death can reveal the true nature!

As Tian Anping's hands moved, the long space in front of him was instantly fixed, and there were no ripples or waves, as if it had solidified.

The surging sword light like a school of silver sea swordfish, the towering waves that suddenly rose, just stopped in the air, as if frozen into a glacier forever.

Tian Anping, who was sealed in his realm and confined for ten years because of killing Liu Shentong, has always had a terrifying reputation, but his true strength has always been a mystery. He has been sitting in the Fu Bi Building in the center of the city for many years, and he doesn't easily come into contact with people. Even after the unsealing, when he took action more often, no one really forced him to use all his combat power.

In the battle against Xia, the world was shocked by the battle. Almost all those who knew his true power were killed. The enemy army was completely destroyed, and there were few of our army left.

Every battle he fought publicly was considered important intelligence.

For example, in the previous battle with Lou Yue, he seemed to have demonstrated his magical powers in space. He started with "Secret Method·Moving Dragon" and then "Forbidden Method·Virtual Creation", shocking the audience, who almost thought Lou Yue was going to die on the spot.

At this moment, the performance of the sea and the sky was quite similar to [Hetian]!

Jiang Wang went to the sea a step late and missed the real battle, so he never had knowledge.

But why do you need knowledge to fight Tian Anping?

Today, he has become a heavenly man twice and has already submerged most of the deep sea of ​​the Heavenly Dao. At a glance, he knew that Tian Anping was not grasping space.

But the "lines" that construct space.

A horizontal line and a vertical line frame the range of the plane on the white paper.

If there is another line standing up, the so-called "space" will appear!

Tian Anping's grasp of the "line" goes deep into the root of the Tao, weaving space with the line of the Tao, locking the gaps in space, and achieving an effect close to controlling space. It must be that he has a very deep understanding of "space" to achieve this. At least Jiang Wang himself is not as good as him.

But now is not the time to sit down and compete in understanding space, and he does not need to discuss spatial cognition. As long as he understands it, it is enough.

Perhaps these "lines" are where Tian Anping's path is.

In front of the static "glacier", Jiang Wang is the only "moving scene".

He coldly put his two fingers together, letting the corners of his clothes fly, and only drew a line in front of him-


It seems that there is such a light sound of a broken string.

It never sounded in the ears, but it cracked the heart lake.

The "line" that only existed in the eyes of Jiang Wang and Tian Anping, and perhaps Zhao Wuyan could also see, broke in unison and flew like a thread.

The sword pointed to the way!


The waves continued to surge.

Thousands of sword-shaped sound patterns continued to flow.

As if the obstruction had never happened.

A huge black shadow rose above Tian Anping's head, instantly causing a strong wind and spreading clouds, vaguely gathering into the shape of a roc, covering the sky and the world. It was an extremely terrifying phantom, representing the powerful martial arts of the first generation of Zhongyong Bo Tunlong Juhuang.

The secret of the Daze Tian family, [Night Peng Swallowing Dragon]!

The roc spread its wings and wanted to fly high, shaking the blue sea, overturning the sky, and making the hills into a big swamp!

Zhongyong Bo Tian Wenxi, the first ancestor of the Daze Tian family, was the one who opened up this family with his own hands.

In the past, the censors said that this merit was disrespectful, and daring to say that he swallowed a dragon was suspected of offending his superiors. Zhongyong Bo asked for his crime in front of the stage and wanted to cut off his merit.

Emperor Wu laughed and said, what the hell is a real dragon? What kind of inferior creature can be worthy of my respect? The loyal and brave Marquis swallowed the sea for my military merit!

He also rewarded the censor with 100 gold coins to praise his courage to speak. He also punished the censor with 100 sticks to punish his nonsense.

Throughout the reign of Emperor Wu, the Daze Tian family was the leader of the Qi navy, and their fiefdom was also named "Daze", often competing in the world of confusion. The loyal and brave Marquis Tian Wenxi was relatively young, and only began to emerge after Emperor Wu had restored the country and stabilized the court, and missed the easiest war to restore the country.

But he was brave and loyal, and in the era when those famous heroes of restoring the country had already occupied the court, he still fought his way out and made countless achievements. It was because of his pioneering and meritorious deeds that he was awarded the title of "Gaochang Hou" in the first-class ranks of Qi today.

That is, his descendants were unworthy in later generations, so they were deprived of military power.

Until now, Tian Anping is in charge of cutting rain.

When the Night Peng Swallowing Dragon Skill was unleashed, it brought rain in all directions and the sky and earth were filled with wind. It was as if it swallowed up all the light in the sky and turned the sunny day into night.

One could almost see the courage and perseverance of the first generation of loyal and brave Earl.

But the night only lasted for a short moment, and the infinite sword light, like the light in the sky, had already torn it apart!

The so-called "Night Peng" with extremely terrifying killing power in the legend was almost chopped to pieces at the moment of its formation, before it had time to fully spread its wings.

Tens of millions of crystal clear and sharp little swords easily tore through all defenses, sweeping the night like a surging tide, and instantly submerged Tian Anping.

At this time, Jiang Wang didn't even draw his sword.

If the sword is not drawn, thousands of people will die on the road!

"Jiang Wang, don't do that!"

"Brother Jiang, please stop!"


None of the people present had a good impression of Tian Anping, but they spoke almost at the same time, all in a hurry to stop Jiang Wang.

Tian Anping was the commander of the nine soldiers of the Great Qi Empire after all.

How can they be beaten to death because of a quarrel?

Even if he was unwilling, he had to admit that the death of Tian Anping was much more serious than the death of Li Longchuan.

Jiang Wang couldn't bear it today!

These friends' worries were not unreasonable.

Jiang Wang just pushed back his palm -

Whether it was Yan Fu, Wen Tinglan, Li Fengyao, or Zhao Wuyan, Xu Xiangqian, they were all pushed away by his palm and flew thousands of feet away. To avoid any more interference and blood splashing on their bodies.

And he stepped forward.

With just one step, the long sword was unsheathed and the man was close to him.

The sword tomb formed by millions of crystal swords collapsed inward at this moment and was swallowed up.

Tian Anping was still in the weird armored posture in front of Tianyatai, with iron chains wrapped around his body and twisted into a suit of iron armor. He stood up straight in the aftermath of the scattered sword energy.

Jiang Wang stabbed with a sword!

Such a simple action, but there was no room for reaction at all.

Jiang Wang drew his sword just to draw it, and to draw it just to kill people.

Everything was just right, as if Tian Anping was waiting for this sword.


Although there was a crisp sound of metal colliding.

Chang Xiangsi still drove straight in.

Rather than saying that the sound was blocked by the tip of the sword, it was better to say that it was the intentional warning sound of the sword.

Crack! Crack!

The armor made of iron chains on Tian Anping's body actually made a clear sound like ice cracking.

It broke into pieces in an instant, and half of the chain flew away. Only a few broken chains were left, hanging on Tian Anping's ragged body!

The black iron chain swam like a snake, and at this time it was like a dead snake, with all its spirituality cut off.

The full head of Commander Zhan Yu's hair was actually dry.

Only his eyes were still clear and full of life.


He reached out his hand like lightning and held the sword blade with one hand!

Although he failed to stop the long sword from entering his abdomen, he stopped it from going further.

His palm was injured by the sword energy, and blood spurted out. The bright red turned black in an instant, and the blood turned into a dim light. His palm seemed to be encircled by a mass of chaos, and he used this chaos as a sheath to clamp the world-famous sword Chang Xiangsi.

The broken chain tied on his wrist grew wildly at this moment, entwined several times, along his sword-holding hand, all the way around the sword, and spread further up to Jiang Wang's arm.

A ball of sparks exploded out of thin air!

It stopped the chain's advance.

The chain head suddenly rose up, and retreated in fear like a living thing. But it was still splashed with several sparks.


The blazing flames instantly engulfed the two people who were fighting in close combat.

The blazing world of true fire that burns forever spread out in this sea area.

What outsiders see may be just a huge fireball with a radius of thousands of feet.

Only when you are in it can you see how vast this world is.

The sky is infinitely vast, and the fire is infinitely turbulent.

Thousands of fire beasts run in it. Hundreds of flame birds fly in the sky.

In this world of fire, there is a huge city surrounded by steel.

Tian Anping, who is ragged and disheveled, is embedded in the doorway of this city, as if supported by some terrifying power. He should be curled up but he is standing straight, he should be weak but he is burning, he should be in pain but he is grinning!

And Jiang Wang, who is dressed in a blue shirt and spotless, is only a line away from him and is outside this city. The sword has entered the city and is still inserted in Tian Anping's abdomen.

The two looked at each other in the flames, and they could see each other clearly.

It should be said that both pairs of eyes are calm.

But the calmness of the people outside the city shows indifference. The calmness of the people inside the city contains madness!

Tian Anping clenched the sword, exerting force on his hand, letting the blood flow and the hole deepen. He just stared at Jiang Wang and grinned, "As early as that time when you came to Jicheng with that piece of torn paper, I wanted to invite you into the city and have a good chat with you."

How he used his own blood to create a power similar to the Chaos Hole is another complex study.

Jiang Wang didn't care.

This is definitely a terrifying genius, who seems to be born with the ability to see through the essence of things. He must have a profound enough understanding and deep enough cognition of this world to reach the truth of the world that he would not approach through various twists and turns.

Jiang Wang didn't care either.

From Tian Anping's body, it seemed as if a lid was opened, and pure power was erupting, which made him instantly possess terrifying power, and the chain wrapped around Chang Xiangsi's sword suddenly tightened!

Chang Xiangsi trembled with it!

At this moment, he was in Jiang Wang's True Source Fire Realm, and Jiang Wang was outside his Jicheng. And he was going to drag Jiang Wang into his Jicheng. Get a relative fairness.

At this time, Jiang Wang finally felt a little pressure.

It was a long time ago that he was ordered to go to Jicheng to take Liu Xiao away.

He didn't enter the city that time because he was not sure at that time.

Today, he still doesn't want to enter the city. Because he has no interest.

He raised his eyes, stared at Tian Anping in front of him, and said coldly: "Do you know, Tian Anping? At this moment, I hate you very much."

In the indifference, there was a very subtle confusion. He was at a loss for a moment: "I can't tell whether he hates you or I hate you."

"Him?" Tian Anping showed great interest. His muscles were undulating like mountains, like a ghost wriggling, bursting with terrifying power, and he looked up at the sky: "Are you talking about him?"

In the horizon of this True Source Fire Realm, it seemed like an endless fire cloud.

There was a demon ape wearing a skull necklace, sitting on the other side of the sea of ​​clouds, baring its fangs, overlooking this city tower.

The True Source Fire Realm, the heart ape is in control.

"Hehehe..." Tian Anping retracted his gaze and smiled strangely: "Or... Heavenly Dao?!"

"It doesn't matter." Jiang Wang said.

While he was speaking, his five fingers were fixed. Chang Xiangsi, who was originally trembling, also suddenly stopped in place.

Although Tian Anping had a terrifying power, he could not move Jiang Wang any more!

He held the sword and pulled it in hard. In order to get Jiang Wang closer to him, he did not hesitate to let Chang Xiangsi pass through his abdomen and out of his back. In this extreme pain and endurance, he burst out with more powerful power.

But Jiang Wang did not move at all.

He just stood there. The distance between him and this city was always only a line.

And the line that Tian Anping could not cross was called "unwilling".

Jiang Wang was unwilling, so Tian Anping could not.

Tian Anping's power like a tsunami could not find a landing point at all. All his struggles were in the cage. He knew that he was not wrestling with Jiang Wang at all. What he wanted to break was the insurmountable iron rule set by Jiang Wang. This was already beyond the struggle of power at the level of world rules.

The so-called real person, the law moves when the mind moves, the heaven and earth are ordered, and all laws are true.

But who can deprive another real person of his authority and imprison him?


A drop of red liquid just dripped down and landed on the back of Tian Anping's hand - of course, it first touched the iron chain wrapped around the back of his hand, making a "sizzling" sound.

Tian Anping looked up at this time.

He only saw the word "Ji" printed on the iron plaque above the city tower... It suddenly turned into a burning fireball and fell down. It fell and turned into a drop of red molten iron, as full as amber.

In his sight, a red track passed and dripped into his eyes.

It kept zooming in and out, as if it had fallen into a magma lake.

The entire Ji city was melting!

The red molten iron kept dripping, and in the end it was like a waterfall, surging down.

This gloomy and terrifying, majestic and towering iron chain city, which even Lou Yue had to be prepared to enter, was like a ball of melted wax.

It was so soft and fragile.

Its mystery and terror were all beaten into a paste.

And Tian Anping, who was embedded in the doorway, suddenly straightened his body at this moment, almost unconsciously turned his head to the sky, and made a harsh and meaningless howl, like a pig being slaughtered! ! !

Thanks to the book friend "20220105114010667" for becoming the leader of this book! This is the 779th alliance of the Red Heart Sky Patrol!

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