Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2329 The Terrifying Lord

Tian Anping has not known pain for a long time.

Yesterday, Lou Yue made him feel the pain that he had not seen for a long time.

The pain Jiang Wang caused him today directly exceeded the limits of his senses!

Even a person like him, who is extremely cold and has an almost unshakable will, lost control for a moment.

He had never felt that kind of empty, helpless feeling, not knowing what day or night it was, and his mind going blank. He was used to being in control of everything, but now he lost himself.

The true source of fire realm catalyzes the power of flames to the extreme.

The blazing true fire of Samadhi directly decomposed him from the level of Tao, erasing his resistance, burning his strength, and melting his Tao principles—turning him into ashes today.

And while he was screaming to the sky, molten iron poured down, filling his mouth instantly, cooking his tongue, tearing his esophagus, and his hissing stopped in an instant!

It was this moment of blankness, a moment of silence, and everything seemed to be over.


An entire towering, majestic, mysterious and terrifying iron rope city melted into tens of millions of square meters of molten iron and collapsed on the ground, creating a huge deep pit. In the center of the True Source Fire Realm, the plain spread by the Vermilion Flame Grass formed a red lake made of molten iron.

Tian Anping's breathless body fell backwards and was submerged by the iron lake.

Jiang Wang did not leave.

He just stood in front of the molten iron lake with his sword, and shook the sword expressionlessly, and a few drops of molten iron and some blood beads stained on it just flew down. It's like finishing a piece of writing and putting down the ink.

There was his black reflection in the red iron water.

In the floating clouds, there are red clouds blooming for him.

When he's not doing much action, he's probably harmless to humans and animals.

There were flame birds singing from the sky and landed on his shoulders.

The sitting demon ape statues in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds all showed a bit of grotesque compassion and disappeared quietly.

While the red water is surging, Tian Anping contributes his strength to this world and will forever become this lake.

Burning mountains and seas is better than burning truth.

The true fire of Samadhi burns everything in the world, peeling off the outer shell and finding the truth of the world. Samadhi burning truth is swallowing the truth of the world.

Jiang Wang looked at the lake quietly.

Gulu, gulu.

At first there was the sound of tiny bubbles, like new water eyes at the bottom of the lake.

It gradually grew bigger, and it seemed like an evil beast was swallowing it at the bottom of the lake.

The terrifying aura spread out bit by bit, revealing the Chishui Lake, depicting a gloomy shadow.


The red molten iron splits into waves. Tian Anping, naked to the waist, with long hair hanging loose and only a pair of trousers on his body, emerged from the water and stood in the middle of the lake!

There were also lock rings on his wrists and ankles, with broken chains hanging from the lock rings. But none of the other chains hanging on his body were missing.

The hot red molten iron slid down his long hair and along the numerous scars on his body.

Jiang Wang himself has gone through hundreds of battles, and there was once a time when his body was covered with scars and scars. But after Dongzhen, there was very little power left on him.

It is rare to see a real person like Tian Anping in this world with new injuries and old scars on his body.

Of course, what is even rarer is his physical condition——

Just a moment ago, he was beaten to the point of death and his breath was almost completely annihilated. In the blink of an eye, he was full of life and energy, leaping out of the lake with burning energy and blood. Even the power of the forbidden "Zhen Ge" needle cannot last for so long.

Tian Anping had recovered from the unconscious screaming state and had almost forgotten the extremely painful feeling.

No, it should be said that he was reminiscing about that feeling!

While chewing on the pain, he carefully looked at the lake and this small world of raging flames.

Of course he can see how mysterious this world is and how well-run it is.

He also naturally discovered his own power, how it was broken down and how it was used. Turn into ubiquitous vitality and nourish the world.

He didn't mind, it was a novel life experience.

"Should there be a stone tablet?" He said in a chatty manner: "Inscribe my merits in this life."

"What are you writing about?" Jiang Wang asked indifferently.

Tian Anping didn't speak, he just made fists with his hands and stretched them out in front of him, as if he were a prisoner waiting to be taken away by an official. But his fist slowly clenched, and the peak of his fist protruded ruggedly——

Click! boom!

It sounds like an organic sound. If the gate of heaven bursts open.

Tied to Tian Anping's wrist, no matter whether he was imprisoned, released, went to sea, or went to sea...the "evil shackles" that had not been removed for so many years were opened like this.

The shackles left his wrist and fell freely.


This pair of black shackles, which is not huge, seems to seal a mountain.

In the process of falling, the shackles suddenly accelerated and intensified, and they were as small as a landslide. The violent force instantly squeezed the air, making a huge sound of breaking through the air, and slammed into the molten iron lake, stirring up red magma-like waves!

Tian Anping's aura surged, and his long hair flew for a moment.

Then at the ankle of the left foot, then at the ankle of the right foot, the lock ring was connected with the broken chain, and it fell away from Tian Anping's body like a rotten branch from a tree. The evil shackles were completely opened, and Tian Anping was completely liberated.

Unfettered, he opened his hands and felt everything with freedom for the first time in a long time.

This was a state he had never shown during his life-and-death fight with Lou Yue!

And there was a black stone monument, rumbled up on the bank of the Chishui Lake.

On the stone tablet from top to bottom, there are four characters Yin Hong engraved, which read——

"The King of Terror"!

Tian Anping has more than one path.

The "thread" that Jiang Wang saw and was cut off by Jiang Wang was of course one of them.

"Terror" is also included!

He brings terror to everyone, and he draws strength from terror.

This stone tablet engraved with the four words "Terrorist Heavenly Lord" is not only Tian Anping's answer to Jiang Wang, but also the embodiment of Tian Anping's path. It is also proof that Tian Anping is invading the world and has obtained certain authority!

If not, how could the inscriptions be plucked out of thin air?

It should be noted that in this True Source Fire Realm, every plant and tree is controlled by the demon ape and controlled by Jiang Wang.

Even if outsiders want to dig a handful of soil and pick a flower, it is not easy.

Tian Anping was able to create things here and change the environment.

He is indeed an unimaginably strong man who can do things that others cannot.

The name "terrible" can indeed be deserved.

Tian Anping, barefoot and naked, stood in the middle of the iron lake, staring at Jiang Wang. Those calm eyes reflected the flames of this world, as if asking - "How"?

And when he was liberated, his aura continued to surge, soaring into the sky and the earth, as if he was going to explode the world!


The waves break.

This Chishui Lake, this world of true source of flames, was shattered like a mirror.

Both sides escaped from the true source of fire.

Everything in the blazing flames, birds and demonic apes, disappeared like a dream.

There was only one firework falling behind Jiang Wang, who was wearing a green shirt.

The red flame flower rests on the blue lake and burns quietly.

Proclaiming that it was not a dream.

The two real people who reappeared in the sea of ​​​​Ghost Faced Fish were still facing each other, but they just distanced themselves.

Li Fengyao realized in his heart that he couldn't capture anything at all, and he had no idea who had the upper hand. Both Tian Anping and Jiang Wang have exceeded the limits of her perception.

As the strongest Zhao Wuyan in the audience, what she felt was Tian Anping's frightening power, which almost burst out and exploded the world, causing her to subconsciously drag Xu Xiangqian behind her——

At this time Jiang Wang had drawn his sword.

That's an indescribable sword!

Zhao Wuyan, as a bystander rather than a person who experiences it, feels that his life is in a daze and he can't find his way back. She has inherited the family's academic achievements and contributed to the world, but she no longer knows where the future will go!

Destiny is far away, but it ends before this sword. Life is short, and it ends here and ends.

No matter how hard you try and how you fight. In such a sword, there is never a way out.

In Tian Anping's feelings, he untied his evil shackles for the first time and unleashed his power unscrupulously. With an extremely tyrannical attitude, he destroyed the True Source Fire Realm. He came to witness the stronger Jiang Wang, but he only saw nothing.

The pain was so painful that my senses collapsed, my mind went blank, my eyes were filled with molten iron, and my vision was the color of rust.

Now my mind is clear and my vision is clear, my mind is full, and my state is beyond the peak, but I can't see anything. The heart is in a boundless sea of ​​suffering, wandering with no destination. In the endless night, I can't see my fingers!

What was lost at that moment was the control of oneself, and what is lost now is the control of destiny.

However, it wasn't until this moment of confusion, when he jumped out of the chess game, that he truly grasped his awareness, and suddenly understood——

From the beginning to the end, he was stuck in the battle situation defined by Sauvignon Blanc, and he could not really get rid of the shackles until the evil shackles were removed.

Although the shackles have been removed from the hands and feet, the heaven and earth have been closed.

Release the power, but in the empty realm. If you still have gnosis, it’s already a disaster!

The scene where the True Source Fire Realm was exploded did not really happen.

The process of breaking through the other side's true source of fire that he felt was just a rehearsal made for him by the other side's sea of ​​subconsciousness!

Facing Jiang Wang's sword, the vast majority of real people in the world may die without knowing anything. He is stronger than those people, much stronger -

So you can see how you are killed.

"The realm of empty enlightenment without thoughts or perceptions means that the next life will be a disaster."

This sword brings a tribulation to the Wu Kong Realm!

Zhao Wuyan couldn't look away from the sword, and Li Fengyao and Xu Xianggan couldn't see the sword at all. They only saw two real people in the world facing each other in the sky above the blue sea. After a moment of silence, Tian Anping suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura, and this aura suddenly fell!


Heaven and earth hear the sound of swords.

Seeing each other again in everyone's eyes, Sauvignon Blanc has already drawn a clear outline of the sword. The tip of the sword had already penetrated Tian Anping's throat, piercing his body defense, making him widen his eyes and completely lose resistance. The terrifying power of this Taoist body was like an air bag exploding, and it spread thousands of miles. The pressure was so great that the entire sea area was sinking crazily.

It instantly turned into a pit.

Tian Anping did not fall, but was nailed in the air by the sword and hung there. Like a door of meat waiting to be dried.

The sharp sword edge is really like a bridge. Connecting two completely unrelated people so closely. The blood beads rolled away from the blade, like a waterfall falling into the sea, but there was no trace.

Jiang Wang, who was holding the sword, was fixed there, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Daqi! Jiang Wang! I am the hero of Qi!!"

"Queenship... Qingyangzi!"

"The Marquis of Daqi Wu'an!"

The sea of ​​subconscious mind has no waves.

But there seemed to be the sound of thundering waves, which came repeatedly.

Jiang Wang's eyes suddenly cleared!

As long as his sword is sent forward a little further, Tian Anping will die completely.

But he held the hilt of the sword.

Although there is such a clear feeling of disgust in my heart, I really want to kill Tian Anping. Although he is close to the state of heaven and man, he should have no scruples. but……

How could we forget the state of Qi?

The sword was carried by a member of the Great Qi Military Affairs Hall, the Commander of the Nine Soldiers, Zhan Yu.

With this sword, all the friendships of the past ceased to exist, and the people of Qi became enemies from then on.

Gurgle, gurgle.

Tian Anping opened his mouth and made a sound mixed with blood, like a crowing chicken.

Blood gushed out of his throat and mouth at the same time. It wet his chest and dyed half of his face red.

But this blood-stained face was overflowing with a strange sense of satisfaction, smiling painfully.

This kind of satisfaction has nothing to do with life and death.

The truth of the world is like this.

"Heavenly man... Heavenly man!" His bloodshot eyes were full of desire for knowledge and exploration. Every exhalation was like torture, and the sound could only be muffled in his chest: "I really want to... try... Ah! Um——"

Jiang Wang raised his sword slightly, and cut off his mumbling, cut off his confusion, and made him return to reality for a short time, back to the current situation.

Let him know that he will die soon, and there will be no fun after death!

The scattered divine light in Tian Anping's eyes slowly and slowly gathered back. He was hung on the sword like this, spitting blood, twitching, looking at Jiang Wang.

"It seems that you are not that crazy." Jiang Wang said.

Tian Anping looked at Jiang Wang for a long time, as if he finally heard this sentence clearly, grinning, crying and laughing.

Jiang Wangping raised his sword and said expressionlessly: "If I kill someone, there is no need for heaven to urge me."

"Don't let me hear your threat to my friend for the third time."

"Hear it clearly, then you blink your eyes."

"This is my last sanity, and the only patience I will give you."

For the sake of Qi!

Jiang Wang actually broke free from the choice of heaven, at the moment when he was already drowning.

Tian Anping looked at him steadily.

What he saw in Jiang Wang's eyes was a peaceful sea, with no waves on the sea, accommodating everything, and it seemed to have nothing. All emotions were trapped in the seabed, and the power of destroying the world was also deeply embedded in it.

He felt that Jiang Wang was falling, and he almost sank in it.

Tian Anping's eyes, which were permeated with blood beads, blinked hard.

"Press the wound." Jiang Wang said.

Tian Anping spat out a mouthful of blood heavily, grabbed some strength in this pain, raised his hands very resolutely, and covered his neck.

In the gap between his palms, in the squeeze of the flesh and blood of the Taoist body-

Jiang Wang drew out the long sword and put it back into the sheath with his backhand.


After a sword sound.

The extreme sharpness returned to the extreme tranquility.

Until the moment when Chang Xiangsi left the body, the terrifying sword intent that was lingering inside the Taoist body, madly destroying the internal organs and constantly destroying the resistance, whistled away and rushed out of the blood mouth.

Tian Anping's Taoist body, which was almost comparable to Hu Yan Jingxuan, began to have blood and qi flowing at this time. The vitality related to life was filling the wound of the origin. His constantly escaping power finally stopped disintegrating and even returned.

He felt that he was indeed alive.

He could still live!

"Now, let's go. Don't look back." Jiang Wang said.

Tian Anping covered his neck and staggered away in a ridiculous, self-choking posture... stepping into the air.

No sound of shackles or wild laughter was heard.

At this moment, the sea area of ​​​​the ghost-faced fish was very quiet. Even a drop of blood falling into the sea would expand the ripples, which were considered turbulent.

Thanks to the book friend "Brother is a monster" for rewarding the two leaders.

This is the 780th alliance of the Red Heart Sky Patrol!

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