Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2336 I offer you a glass of wine and advise you to eat more

The sun is getting warmer and the clouds are opening.

The sun has crossed the coast, and summer has become a little more real.

There is a figure in a green shirt, flying high in the sky, as if flying in the bright sun.

"Who's coming——"

Yan Guangyou, the commander of the guards at the city gate tower, shouted lower and lower.

Naturally, he recognized the former Marquis of Wu'an.

This tall and tall man, who seemed to have stepped out of the scorching sun, the nineteen-year-old former Marquis of Wu'an, rode a flaming maroon horse out of the gate when he went to Guanhe Terrace.

"If you hope, you will definitely win the title of Kuai".

Of course, he also heard from his seniors. He had not yet joined the army at that time.

In recent years, people from Qi who join the army do not respect "Wu'an", but respect "champion". As a model for young feudal princes, worshiping these two is like worshiping gods. One is from a civilian background, started from scratch, is a young man from all over the world, and ranks first in military merit. Although one person comes from a top family, he has established his own family and achieved military success.

The portraits of these two people are sometimes taken home to calm people down. Whenever there was a war, he would pay special respects.

Now both of them have left the country, but they have left the country without leaving their names - they just stayed in Taixu Pavilion for thirty years, and they understand everything.

The people of Qi, especially the soldiers in the army, generally regard them as their own.

"I am Jiang Wang, a native of Xingyue. He has no criminal record and has never committed any crime. He once worked in the State of Qi. He came to the city to visit relatives and friends. I wonder if this general can pass the test?"

As a former Jingua warrior who only served as a palace guard for Emperor Qi for one night, Jiang Zhenren knew the inspection process of entering the city very well. If there is a transmission verification, check the transmission directly. If there is no transmission verification, you may need to ask these questions.

Looking at Jiang Wang who stepped out of the scorching sun and landed in front of him, as bright as a god, but gently asking for the goalkeeper's opinion, Yan Guangyou felt as if he was in a dream.

Jiang Wang waved his hand: "General?"

"Ah? Ah, oh!" Yan Guangyou woke up in a daze, and then realized that he was the 'keeper', and quickly turned sideways: "Please come in, this way!"

He reacted again and stretched out his hand to stop her: "This way, this way, enter through the gate!"

Jiang Wang shook the hand he held in the air: "Thank you for your kindness, General. I have no merit, so I'd better take the side door."

After that, he walked to the back of the long queue entering the city.

Linzi City has 108 gates, most of which are open all day long. Even so, the flow is still constant and it is difficult to have any free time.

The efficiency of the city guards is extremely high. The documents in the gate pavilion are directly checked with the magic weapon [Booklet] connected to the [Household Booklet] of the Zhengshi Hall. The authenticity can be known with one stroke. After scratching, it is another anti-counterfeiting mark.

Despite this, the team moved very slowly.

Yan Guangyou came over to deliver water: "It's hot, please drink some water. It's from the well, it's so sweet!"

Yan Guangyou came over to deliver the steamed buns: "Have you had breakfast? Huotoujun made it. The meat is firm and the ingredients are sufficient!"

Yan Guangyou came over to give a chair: "How about you sit next to me for a while? There will be fewer people later."

Jiang Wang ate and drank, but declined the chair: "I won't sit down, I'm in a hurry."

Yan Guangyou raised his eyes: "How about I take you -"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "You can't jump in line."

With a crash, the long team in front separated in an instant. The people who couldn't help but look back at him long ago made way for them.

People said nothing and only gave him earnest looks.

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment.

How could we forget the state of Qi?

Those expectations and trust will not make you willful. It will only make you constantly look at yourself as you move forward. Afraid of disappointing, dare not make mistakes.

Just like the fourth floor of the road is to the "true self".

He didn't hesitate, just cupped his hands and walked forward: "Thank you all, folks!"

The crowd was excited.

Jiang Wang, the best in the world, calls them ‘fellows’!

"Fellow!" Someone boldly asked, "Where are we going?"

"Go to Li's house."

Jiang Wang paused and then emphasized: "Destroy the city and the Marquis' Mansion."

He walked through the long queue and passed the city gate.

In front of a watermelon stall that opened near the city gate, he used two ingots of silver to cover everything in the watermelon stall: "With these silver coins, everyone who comes to the city today will be invited to eat melons to relieve the heat. If you want to be greedy, you must know that Chongxuan Sheng It’s my friend.”

The old man selling melons shook his cattail leaf fan and said cheerfully: "There is no need for the name Bowang Hou, your name is more fierce. Even if the villain has the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, he will not dare to be greedy for your money. Don't worry!"

If you are from Linzi, even a melon vendor is braver than others. It is true that I am in the capital of the overlord and have seen all kinds of characters. Anyone dares to make fun of it.

Jiang Wang said, "If you don't have enough money, ask him for it."

Then he turned around and went into the city alone.

"Jiang Wang enters Linzi!"

"Jiang Wang went to Decheng Hou Mansion!"

"Jiang Wang has realized heaven and man for the second time, and has broken out of the deep sea of ​​heaven. He has achieved the ultimate truth, and the way of expansion is at his fingertips!"

The news seemed to have wings and quickly flew all over Linzi.

Many people were surprised to ask at this time - when did Jiang Wang become a god and human being, and when did he sink into the deep sea of ​​heaven?

The story happened before people knew it, and ended when people didn't know it.

The difficulties involved can only be experienced by the parties involved.

Jiang Wang walks in Linzi.

In Linzi, I have experienced beautiful scenery, painful experiences and joyful moments. Now that I am revisiting my old place, it is still smoke and mirrors.

This city takes about a lifetime to understand.

Fortunately, I still remember the way to Dechenghou Mansion.

The Li family is a wealthy family, the largest family in Qi State, and they usually don't have many visitors.

Li Zhengyan, the Marquis of Cuicheng, is a serious person who doesn't like to please others. He deals with public affairs rather than private affairs, and patrols the border all year round, not in the mansion. The old lady Li has long stopped caring about family affairs and likes quietness. As for making friends with Li Longchuan... it would be more appropriate to go to Hongxiuzhao.

Li Longchuan's body has traveled across the ocean, and was sent to the mansion today by boat and car.

So the news can no longer be hidden from the old lady.

There should be endless condolences at this time, but the Li family closed the door and refused to see guests.

People didn't come to touch this bad luck.

Many people just sent some silk gifts to express their grief.

Jiang Wang would not be locked out.

He is a person who can attend the family dinner in this house.

Compared with Li Fengyao, Yan Fu, Xu Xiangqian and others who are still overseas, he came the fastest and arrived in Linzi first. Because he was in a hurry, he did not accompany them. Instead, he flew all the way at full speed.

He had seen Li Zhengshu, who presided over the funeral, and had paid his respects to the Marquis of Cuicheng, who sat in front of the coffin without saying a word, and the wife of the Marquis of Cuicheng, who threw herself on the coffin and cried like a tearful person.

Finally, he also... took a look at Li Longchuan.

If there was anything wrong with Li Longchuan's body, it was not for him, a half-baked coroner, to look at it.

He just took a sincere look at his close friend's face.

After the coffin was closed, they would never see each other again.

The whole room was covered with white.

White banners, white cloth, and white paper.

There were very few guests in the mourning hall, but they were all important.

The current prime minister Jiang Rumo, Marquis of Bowang, Marquis of Dingyuan, Earl of Shuofang, Wen Yanyu, the court official, and even Zang Zhiquan, the court official who had always lived in seclusion and Jiang Wang had never seen...

It was simply a small gathering of the high-level officials of Qi.

There was also one person, Huo Yanshan, the chief eunuch of the palace.

He appeared here, of course, to express his condolences on behalf of the emperor.

"The Li family is a military family, and life and death are common. Funerals are simple. Many guests are neglected..." Li Zhengshu said those words about entertaining guests.

Jiang Wang said: "I'll go see the old lady."

Then he entered the back hall and went to the backyard.

It was different from any scene in imagination.

The old lady was eating.

One person, a bowl of white rice, a plate of small green vegetables, and a fat fish.

The old lady picked up the rice with chopsticks, ate it in small bites, chewed it slowly, and had a kind of piety to food.

Hearing the movement, she turned her head and saw Jiang Wang.

"It's time to eat. I'm old, I have to take care of my body, and I can't miss three meals-" She explained and waved her hand: "Sit down and eat together."

He ordered: "Bring another bowl of rice, ask the kitchen to add two more dishes, fry a beef tongue, and roast an oxtail... Well, Awang likes to eat beef tongue."

Li Longchuan likes to eat oxtail.

Jiang Wang sat down next to the old man silently, with an obedient posture.

"Good boy. I heard that you were trapped in the Heavenly Dao. Are you back now?" The old lady looked at him.

"Yes, I'm back." Jiang Wang said, "Some people and some things I can't forget at all. I'm a greedy person, I can't let go of anything."

The old lady said, "After breaking free from the deep sea of ​​the Heavenly Dao, you should be able to develop the Dao. This step is crucial. You really ascend to heaven and earth. Why come to Linzi at this time?"

"Grandma." Jiang Wang said, "I wanted to see Longchuan first... and see you."

"This is not right." The old lady shook her head: "The dead can't delay the living."

Jiang Wang opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

He really didn't want to hear the word "delay" when it came to things related to Li Longchuan.

But who could be more unwilling than the old lady in front of him?

A bowl of rice was served.

The old lady personally handed him chopsticks: "Since you are here, eat first. Eat well before you pursue your career."

After a pause, she continued: "It is inevitable that a clay pot will break by the well, and it is inevitable that a general will die on the battlefield. You don't have to worry that I can't accept it. When his grandfather passed away, it was also so sudden - Zhengyan was still in my stomach at that time."

"It was just too sudden." Jiang Wang said: "This is not an expected thing. I have never thought about this kind of thing. I don't know how to accept it."

In the end, he could only repeat: "It was too sudden."

The old lady said: "Eat."

Jiang Wang then ate.

"Our Li family eats military rations." The old lady picked up the rice bowl: "If you take this bowl of rice, don't complain."

She ate slowly again, eating very seriously.

This meal and vegetables were all earned by the Li family with every knife and gun.

She didn't waste a single grain.


This meal took a long time.

Jiang Wang ate up the bowl of rice, the plate of beef tongue, and the portion of oxtail, and acted very hungry.

There is currently no evidence to show that there is a problem with Li Longchuan's death.

But the negotiations between Qi and Jing were moving too fast, treating Li Longchuan's death as a cold bargaining chip, with almost no consideration for the feelings of the Li family... He felt wronged for the Li family.

Just like in the maze, he felt wronged for his subordinates who sacrificed without knowing anything.

He has changed a lot over the years, and he is much stronger than before. But there are still many things that are the same as before, even the way of feeling wronged is the same.

He came to Linzi this time, originally wanting to ask the old lady Li if there is anything he can do.

Today, all the officials in front of Li Longchuan's coffin are in the court, and the Li family can influence the political direction of this empire to some extent. They are of course powerful.

But in the specific matter of Li Longchuan, the Shimen Li family may have many inconveniences, and today he has freedom beyond a certain limit.

He is already the best in the world, and is about to reach the pinnacle of the Dao. He will definitely surpass Li Yi's record and create history again - that is the top position in the world, and no one can ignore his opinion!

In the state of fighting against the gods, he went overseas as soon as possible to confirm the cause of Li Longchuan's death.

After defeating the gods, he came to Linzi as soon as possible, willing to do his best.

But the Li family didn't need him to do anything.


When he came out of the Ruicheng Marquis Mansion, it was already night.

He chatted with the old lady Li for a long time, mostly the old lady talking, and he listened. They were all about Li Longchuan's mischievous childhood.

It seems that when talking about a person's childhood, this person's life still has a long time.

But a real person cannot survive just by reminiscing. Except Huang Weizhen.

Jiang Wang naturally wanted to go back to Chongxuan's house, but when he walked out of the Li family's gate, he took a quick glance and walked straight to a sedan chair. He brushed away the guards in front of the sedan chair, pulled up the curtain of the sedan chair, and looked at Huo Yanshan sitting inside.

When their eyes met, Huo Yanshan smiled and signaled.

"Something just happened to the Li family. If you stay here, people will misunderstand you." Jiang Wang said unkindly.

"No." Huo Yanshan said gently: "I have reported to the City Destroyer. I am waiting for you."

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows slightly: "No one told me."

Huo Yanshan said: "I told them not to notify. It is not very important."

Jiang Wang also casually said: "Oh, what's the matter?"

"His Majesty summoned you to the palace." Huo Yanshan said.

"..." Jiang Wang glanced at him.

This is indeed the "least important" thing in the entire Qi State.

Huo Yanshan moved aside calmly: "Please."

Jiang Wang also lifted the curtain and entered the sedan chair, sitting next to the chief eunuch.

Sometimes when I think back to the past, I always feel like it happened yesterday.

But time has clearly passed for a long time.

Things have long changed.

Han Ling beside the emperor has been replaced by Huo Yanshan. It has been several years.

Is Linzi City still the same Linzi City?

The place where the Emperor of the Great Qi summoned is still Donghua Pavilion.

Jiang Wang was not the same as when he first came here.

But the emperor hadn't arrived yet.

So he was still waiting here alone.

He was still practicing and waiting.

In practice, he didn't know how time passed.

Until Huo Yanshan pushed the door open again and stood aside carefully, Jiang Wang opened his eyes.

The emperor strode in.

Jiang Wang bowed deeply: "I am Jiang Wang, the humble man, to meet the emperor!"

The emperor raised his hand casually: "Forget it! You will be a true emperor soon, and you will also be a emperor in the future. You can see the emperor without bowing."

Jiang Wang said: "I am not bowing to the emperor, but to the elders who are close to me in my heart."

The emperor waved his hand and sat down in the place where he usually read books: "I am tired of hearing these words too much."

Jiang Wang said faintly: "I haven't been back for a long time."

The emperor snorted: "Do you think you are the only one who can say nice words? There are so many who can say nicer things than you!"

Jiang Wang said: "I am just speaking the truth, not nice words, you——"

"Don't explain, I'm too lazy to listen." The emperor took a memorial He opened the memorial and asked casually, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Jiang Wang said, "It's almost three hours."

The emperor raised his eyes from the memorial and glanced at him, "You calculated it very clearly."

Jiang Wang said, "I'm not good at lying."

The emperor looked at him, "Are you here to settle accounts today? Do you want to settle everything with me?"

Jiang Wang lowered his head, "I have nothing to settle with your majesty."

The emperor then retracted his gaze, "You were also practicing just now? You are so young and you are at this level, why are you still working so hard?"

Jiang Wang said, "Your majesty still said that you can't live up to your wishes in this life, let alone Jiang Wang? I dare not slack off."

At the beginning, the emperor asked him what he wanted.

He said he wanted the method of the true, the invincibility of the real person, the elimination of the block in his heart, and the fulfillment of his wishes in this life.

Now almost all of them have been realized.

There is only one last one left, "fulfilling your wishes in this life." He will spend his whole life to fulfill his words.

But how did he get to this point?

Some people saw it, and some people didn't.

The emperor of Qi was also silent for a moment.

Finally, the emperor said, "Lord Yu said goodbye to me today. He said he would serve his mother in the future and would not come to the pavilion again."

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