Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2337 The sorrowful heart is here, let it be reduced to ashes

I usually come to Donghua Pavilion, and Li Zhengshu is there several times.

When I recited "Jinglue" here and said "The prince shoots the dragon and the fox", Li Zhengshu was there to answer questions.

But today Li Zhengshu is presiding over the funeral of his nephew Li Longchuan in the Mansion of the Marquis of Chengcheng.

Being able to wear a commoner body, often accompany him to study in Donghua Pavilion, and even earned the nickname "Donghua Bachelor". Li Zhengshu was definitely one of the closest people to the emperor.

But Li Zhengshu will no longer come to Donghua Pavilion in the future.

His Majesty the Emperor sat there aloof, never allowing anyone to see his emotions clearly: "Do you know? Mr. Yulang has always been a very sensible person."

"Mr. Li is very knowledgeable." Jiang Wang said.

The emperor said: "You know the sensible person I am talking about."

Jiang Wang was silent.

"Li Zhengyan is my commander-in-chief Zhufeng. He is the best choice in all aspects. Especially his military style is changeable and he is as fluent as writing Chinese. But I really want to say that in terms of pure cultivation talent, Li Zhengshu is better than him by more than one margin. Needless to say about Wenhua, if you can stand out in Qingya Academy, you can write world-wide articles. As for martial arts..."

The emperor glanced at Jiang Wang and said, "Jun Yulang also claims that he 'doesn't know how to fight'. He never talks about military affairs or reads military books. But sometimes when comparing historical examples, from my point of view, his strategy is not inferior to Li Zhengyan's."

Jiang Wang felt that the word "ye" was really baffling. When talking about Li Zhengshu, just talk about Li Zhengshu. It’s such a far stretch.

The emperor said: "He is the eldest son of the concubine of the Li family. His biological mother died very young. It was Mrs. Li who brought him up since he was a child. Because of his excessive personal talent, he chose to suppress the progress of his cultivation and become a god late in order to avoid Competing with Li Zhengyan. Because the Li family is so prosperous, he refuses to enter the court and prefers to stay in seclusion for the family - do you think such a person is a sensible person? "

In the past, Jiang Wang would never speculate on the emperor's thoughts, but today he thought - the emperor probably felt that Li Zhengshu's farewell this time was a bit willful.

The emperor was not used to the fact that Li Zhengshu, who was so sensible, suddenly became ignorant.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but say: "A sensible person is often the one who is wronged. He always grits his teeth and remains silent, and gradually others don't feel that he is in pain."

The emperor's voice seemed to be floating at a very high level: "Have you ever been wronged by me?"

"There are no common people." Jiang Wang lowered his eyes and said, "The common people are ignorant."

If he had never been wronged, why would he, who was once the darling of the country and the youngest military hero in the world, be called a "grassroots citizen" today!

The emperor sneered: "You don't even have the truth to tell me? You all have resentments in your hearts!"

It was supposed to rain this morning, and there was thunder outside, but at this moment, it dispersed in shock.

The orb hanging in the Nuan Pavilion swayed with warm light.

Jiang Wang raised his head and looked seriously at the emperor who had established his own hegemony: "If you want to speak like this, the common people will feel aggrieved now."

Huo Yanshan tried hard to hide himself behind the pillars, but because of his unusually tall stature among internal officials, hiding failed.

"Huo Yanshan!" The emperor raised his voice.

Huo Yanshan hurried forward and responded in a low voice: "Your Majesty."

The Emperor said: "Jiang Rumo went to the Mansion of the Marquis of Decheng today to convey the opinions of the Zhengshitang that my Dinghai God should be buried with great splendor. What did the Marquis of Decheng say?"

Huo Yanshan said: "The Marquis of Chengcheng said that this matter has both public and private issues - privately speaking, Li Longchuan is not dead, and it is not suitable to make a big deal. It will be sad to see him for a long time. Publicly speaking, Li Longchuan enjoys the country's salary, not for the country. A person who dies with great merit is not worthy of receiving a high sacrifice.”

"What a coward!" the emperor scolded: "This matter involves a hereditary prince, do you dare to tell the truth?"

Huo Yanshan leaned over and said, "The minister put the head on his neck as a guarantee, and not a single word was added or deleted."

"Master Jiang!" said the Emperor, "What do you think?"

Donghua Pavilion in midsummer gives people a chilly feeling.

Jiang Wang held his head high and straightened his spine, accepting the call of "Jian Zhenren".

He turned to look at Huo Yanshan and asked condescendingly: "May I ask Eunuch Huo, how did Jiang Xiang respond at that time?"

Huo Yanshan looked up at the emperor.

The emperor only said: "Say!"

Huo Yanshan said: "Xiang Jiang said that Li Longchuan was a good general of the country, and his funeral was a state matter and should be governed by national etiquette. But in this kind of matter, a father's wishes are above all else. Even the national etiquette should be treated as such. Give in for this. Since the Lord of Destruction doesn't like the noise and is afraid of disturbing the heroic spirits, we will let this matter go."

Jiang Wang turned around and saluted the emperor: "The emperor is magnanimous and truly a benevolent king through the ages!"

The emperor said coldly: "Jiang Rumo is a good old man who is always good at making remarks. Only a dull person like you would take it seriously."

Jiang Wangdao: "The common people have also heard the comment of 'good old man'. The common people have also heard the comment of 'kind face but dark heart'. Jiang Rumo can be any kind of person. The common people are blind and cannot see clearly, let alone make unreasonable comments. But The Prime Minister of Da Qi was in the Marquis Mansion of Chengcheng. In front of Li Longchuan's body, there was only an attitude but no scene. "

The emperor said: "That's just Jiang Rumo's attitude."

Jiang Wangdao: "You use Mr. Jiang as your prime minister. This is your attitude."

Just like Cao Jiu is overseas, no matter what decision he makes, he represents Emperor Qi.

Even if Emperor Qi himself might not do that!

An emperor like Jiang Shu is willing to let his subordinates bear the good reputation and himself bear the bad reputation. If something really arouses public dissatisfaction, he will never blame anyone. All he can say is, "I personally do it all."

"No need to say what happened to Jiang Rumo." The emperor waved his sleeves and said, "Come and try to figure out my feelings! I also want to know what you, Jiang Qingyang, think of me."

Jiang Wang said: "How dare ordinary people presume to predict the heart of heaven!"

"You have to figure it out," said the Emperor.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and then said: "In the battle against Xia, the Zhufeng cavalry company descended from the 23rd city of Fengjie Prefecture, and then jumped on the Jiangyin plain to confront the Xia army. They spread out frontally, tip to tip. A charge. The army was reduced by more than 30,000 people, and the national army in Guxia was directly defeated. The Marquis of Qiecheng was the vanguard, and his sons and daughters were all in the formation, followed by the whole family. In the First World War, this was something that the common people had never heard of but saw with their own eyes.”

"In the sea area of ​​​​Ghost Faced Fish, Li Fengyao talked to the people, saying that the Li family accepted all the decisions of the imperial court. In the Marquis' Mansion, the old lady told the people that the Li family ate military rations, and they would not complain when they picked up this bowl of rice. . This is what the grassroots people know.”

"How the Shimen Li family is, whether they are worthy of the country or not, is really beyond the words of ordinary people. In the past years, the blood that was spilled and the bow that was broken are in your eyes!"

He raised his voice and said, "How could such a holy emperor like Your Majesty not understand the sadness of a father?"

Words are like gold and jade, hitting the ground with sound.

The emperor looked at him and said: "You have thought so much in your mind, and you are so eloquent when you talk about it, and you also say that you don't dare to predict the will of heaven!"

"...I just thought of it on the spur of the moment." Jiang Wang said.

The emperor said coldly: "Now that I'm going to expand my ways, I don't want to pretend to be stupid anymore. Do you dare to say that your mind is spinning faster?"

Jiang Wangdao: "To tell the truth, you don't need to think fast. Only those who go against their will have to think hard!"

The emperor looked at him for a while and said, "Where do you plan to go to preach next?"

Jiang Wang said: "Zhongyu."

The emperor sneered again: "The feng shui of the Central Region is good. It is probably more suitable for you."

Jiang Wangdao: "From ancient times to the present, there is no one who is ranked first, let alone one who considers himself first. There is only one who is ranked first."

The emperor asked: "Then why not go to the Northern Territory?"

Jiang Wang said nothing.

"You're really annoying me!" The emperor raised the memorial as if to hit him, but in the end he just threw it on the table with a 'pop' sound: "Go away! I'm going to court."

Jiang Wang bowed his hands and said, "Common people, please retire."

He turned around and walked out with a very free and easy attitude.

The emperor's voice sounded from behind again: "Go to the Central Territory when you leave, or should you go back to Bowanghou Mansion first?"

Jiang Wang turned back and said solemnly: "Go back and take a look."

The emperor waved his hand impatiently, as if to ward off annoying flies.

Jiang Wang walked out of Donghua Pavilion quietly this time without being interrupted again.

Only when he walked out of Donghua Pavilion, he looked back at the Langtai Tower Garden - the dragon chariot of the Emperor of Qi had already started. Through the curtains, only the emperor's profile could be seen. He rested his forehead on his hands and sat under the canopy, seeming to be taking a short rest or contemplating something.

The sky is bright and there are still a few stars. Today is the sixty-fifth year of Zuluji Supreme. It is this time every day to go to Ziji Hall. Unless you are out on a personal expedition, it will come rain or shine.

At any time in the past, Emperor Qi in Jiang Wang's heart either represented majesty or strength, commanded awe and surrender, or made people grateful.

But at this moment he felt that this was really a lonely person.

If there is any place in the huge Linzi city that is forever locked in memory and that Jiang Wang feels will never change, it is the Bowang Hou Mansion. More specifically, it was the home of Chong Xuan Sheng and Yi Shi Shi.

Of course they were all at home at this time.

He and Zhongxuan Pang met in the Mansion of the Marquis of Chengcheng. They just looked at each other and didn't say a word to each other. Now we meet again in Bowanghou's mansion, and we can't stop talking.

Fourteen did not speak, but silently made two cups of tea.

The aroma of tea is light and pleasant.

Chong Xuansheng stopped talking and emphasized: "The Mingqian Jianxue tea that Shishi made by himself was learned from Dr. Yi."

Fourteen smiled slightly.

Jiang Wang said: "Good tea!"

After taking a sip, he praised again: "It's so good! It's so good! It's unrivaled in the world!"

Fourteen brought a green jade bamboo tea can and placed it next to Jiang Wang with a smile in his eyes: "Take it with you to drink."

Zhong Xuansheng grabbed it with his big hand: "No, I don't even have enough -"

Just grab a handful of air.

Jiang Wang put the tea can away carefully and asked: "Tell me, Fourteen, we have always been on the same front - what has Brother Sheng done during this time?"

Fourteen smiled and shook his head.

Chongxuan Sheng said: "I killed a few people. They were all minor characters. What do you have to ask?"

"Is it worth doing it yourself?" Jiang Wang asked.

"If you are not angry, vent your anger. Someone will understand." Chongxuan Sheng said: "It is somewhat disturbing that Marquis Bowang stepped forward to defend the Li family."

Jiang Wangdao: "The emperor won't care about this."

He looked at Zhong Xuansheng again: "You don't need me to remind you. Why?"

"Why?" Chong Xuan Sheng spread his big hands: "I knew I couldn't stop you, so I didn't write you a letter. I knew there was no point in going to the Ghost Faced Fish Sea Area. So I didn't go."

"I don't want to forget it." Jiang Wang took a sip of tea and praised: "This tastes really good! The tea is well chosen, and the frying technique is superb. If I could drink it every day, I would be the happiest person in the world. !”

"No matter how much I praise you, I can't give you much -" Chongxuan Sheng suddenly turned his head: "Fourteen, guard our property!"

Fourteen's hand originally reached for the storage box, made a big circle, and pinched his forehead.

Only then did Chong Xuansheng look back at Jiang Wang: "When you enter the palace this time, what did the emperor say to you?"

He waved his hand again and added: "You don't need to talk about personal things. Let's talk about the part involving the Li family."

Jiang Wang recounted the exchange between himself and the emperor about the Li family.

Chongxuan Shengyou sat there, listened quietly, and then sighed: "Longchuan always said how nice his uncle was and what a romantic person he was. He always took him to play somewhere. He said to his uncle , I still don’t really understand—people like Li Zhengshu, if they weren’t born into the Li family, would have been granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister by now.”

Everyone is in the Hou Mansion, and everyone has an uncle. but……

Uncle and uncle sometimes seem to be two nouns.

Jiang Wang nodded in agreement: "Mr. Li is indeed a very talented person."

"You don't understand what I mean." Chong Xuansheng said: "If the emperor can aspire to Liuhe, Li Zhengshu will be the next prime minister. If not, then Li Zhengshu will be the prime minister he leaves to the next emperor."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

He wanted to remain silent.

But he still couldn't help but said: "Huh?"

Chong Xuansheng pressed his forehead and skipped this topic: "Has the emperor mentioned me?"

"What did he ask you for?"

"Think about it."

Jiang Wang thought seriously: "'Go to the Central Territory before leaving home, or go back to Bowang Hou Mansion first?' - Does this count?"

"Forget it." Chong Xuansheng breathed a long sigh of relief: "You, Mr. Jiang, are really useful."

"What?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuan Sheng sat back on the big chair, looked up at the dome, and said in a slightly sad tone: "Listen to the thunder in the silent place. This chat in Donghua Pavilion is the emperor's comfort to the Li family, and the emperor's sympathy to you, Mr. Jiang." Concern is also the emperor’s advice to me.”

It took some effort to understand these words. Jiang Wang thought for a while: "You mean...a warning to you? What were you planning to do?"

Chong Xuan Sheng closed his eyes: "You don't want to know."

"I'm afraid you don't want to tell me." Jiang Wang said.

"Things will not continue. There is no need to say anything." Chong Xuansheng opened his eyes and looked at him, smiling: "The heat is so hot, it's better to have tea."

"I also want to give you some advice." Jiang Wang looked at him and said, "Speak more clearly and don't always be clouded."

Fourteen listened quietly, with doubts in his clear eyes.

"Sometimes it's not clear." Chong Xuansheng explained to Shi Shi with a smile: "For example, if I say that the emperor encourages me, this is called being sensible, and it is called 'body of heaven and heart'. But if I am like some people, saying that the emperor is Aren't you warning me? This is called resentment, and it will be dangerous in the future. It doesn't matter what you say. Your husband is an important minister of the country, and you have to think carefully about everything you say and do. "

Fourteen touched his belly gently: "Thank you for your hard work, sir."

Zhong Xuansheng covered her small hand with his big hand: "I am happy to be able to join hands with you, no matter where we are."

"You're really annoying me when you're like this!" Jiang Wang drank the tea and put the empty cup on the tea table: "Get out of here! We have a long way to go and many things to do, so I won't talk to you about it!"

After saying that, he stood up with his sword in hand and walked away.

"Jian Zhenren!" Zhong Xuansheng shouted from behind, and then said: "The journey is long and the water is long, and the wind is fast and the road is dangerous. I wonder if you can reach the sky in one step?"

Jiang Wang patted the sword hanging on his waist: "You just need to wait."

Just go out alone.

This is the midsummer of the year 3929 in the Taoist calendar.

A young man named "Jiang Wang" decided to go to Zhongyu to attain enlightenment.

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