Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2338 The Real Person is Crowned

Back then, on the bank of Fengxi River, I saw the sword Zong Qingming, and from this I saw the children in the extraordinary world.

Back then, when he was dying outside the Huanzhen Temple, he found a pulse-opening pill in the thick blood of minced meat, and thus embarked on the road to transcendence...

Now he has reached the unprecedented realm of Dongzhen, and he is the strongest Dongzhen monk since the beginning of the world.

But this is something he only knows.

Only those who have truly seen his sword can understand.

The world may not know it, and the powerful people in the world may not recognize it.

Only by defeating invincible opponents like Xiang Fengqi did back then, and defeating all the real people in the world, can this "fame" be truly established.

Name is power, name is power.

It must stand up to everyone's gaze and test. From being unknown to being known to the world, from being in the valley to being at the top, this is the process of the coronation of a real person.

When a real person is crowned, he becomes the [True King]!

Of course, not all real people are like this. Only the strongest among the Dongzhen monks in the world is qualified to embark on such a path - the path of being invincible in the world.

This is a magnificent leaping ceremony, with the whole world watching, step by step to the top of the extraordinary road.

Just like the great shepherd queen crowned the high priest, establishing the emperor's divine mandate, and from then on established the majesty of the supremacy of the grassland kingship.

It was only after Xiang Fengqi moved to fight in the world that he took advantage of this trend and launched a challenge to Jiang Mengxiong who was standing at the top with his unparalleled and invincible attitude.

He vowed to use his own efforts to revive a ruined era and revive the glory of Feijian.

In the end he failed.

But his legend will live on forever.

Today, if Jiang Wang wants to win the title of "Dongzhen Invincible", he no longer has to travel to various regions like Xiang Fengqi did back then. Everyone knows his name!

Lu Shuanghe, who is the most lethal, and one of the four martial arts masters who is only half a step away from the top, has proven his undoubted power.

Now looking at the world, in the Five Directions Realm, there are only two undoubted number one in the realm of real people, and they are worthy of his action.

First in the Northern Region, Huang Fu.

The first place in the Central Region, the building is about.

In the rest of the Southern Region, the Western Region, the Eastern Region, and even Netherworld, Yuyuan, Heavenly Prison, and all the heavens and worlds, there is no cave true existence that can overwhelm everything and convince all the strong.

For Jiang Wang today, there is no real person in the world who is challenging. Fighting against any real person is meaningless.

Only these two strong men who have defeated countless powerful enemies and have been named the number one in a certain domain for many years can "confirm" his name.

Like the last pearl in the crown.

Use it to add color and tell the world.

For example, Huang Fu was ranked number one in the Northern Territory. He was named after Zhongshan Yanwen, who set up a monument to eight thousand miles away, and Huyan Jingxuan, who was ranked first in physical fitness.

For example, Lou Yue is number one in the Central Region. He has overcome countless challenges over the years and remains standing in the Central Region.

They are already honored in their own right.

After the battle between Tian Anping and Lou Yue outside the Tianya Platform, his power was recognized by the world, and the Osawada family's popularity immediately increased!

The reason why Jiang Wang chose Lou Yue instead of Huang Fu was naturally because of Li Longchuan.

This was the reason why he remained silent in front of the emperor and why he was traveling westward at this moment.

He knew that most likely everything had nothing to do with the contract.

But as Zhong Xuansheng said, if your anger doesn’t go your way, just let it out!

Who won’t win?

I wrote letters to my relatives and friends. Of course, I still reported the good news but not the bad news. I always said that I was cool, powerful, and majestic, and didn't mention the hardships, dangers, or sadness. Li Longchuan's matter has been dealt with, the state of Heavenly Dao has been resolved, Yandao is at hand, and Jiang Wang is free and happy.

Is Qingyu safe, is Anan happy, is Guangshu happy, is Jingli free...

Well done to everyone!

After leaving Linzi, we headed west, walking on the sky.

Suddenly, a bright spot of light lit up in the sky, suddenly shining in front of the sky. Shocking edge! Cutting off the light and cutting off the elements, it seems to have penetrated the sky and is alone.

Jiang Wangshi raised a finger, pointed it in front of him, and held down the light spot——

A handleless flying sword was spinning crazily at his fingertips.

The sword energy and strong wind that were swirled by this instantly formed a huge tornado across the sky.

Jiang Wang pressed his finger forward again, and the sword suddenly stopped. The sword energy storm also dispersed.

At this time, the vast sea of ​​clouds separated, and out of the flowing waves, a dead-eyed man wearing cloth shoes and cloth came out.

At first glance, he looks like a decadent middle-aged man with unshaven beard, but upon closer inspection, his face looks a bit youthful.

The name of the sword is "Long Guang She Dou", and the name of the person is "Qian Xiang".

"How about my sword?" He raised his hand forward, and the sharp dragon light shot flew back, turning into a small one-inch long sword, flying around his five fingers, like a dragon traveling on the five-finger peak. .

Jiang Wang dusted his sleeves: "I don't know if you are the number one God in the world, but the killing power of the God in the world is so great that there should be no one like you."

Looking forward, he glanced at Jiang Wang's fingers with his dull eyes, and curled his lips: "I haven't even scratched the oily skin."

Jiang Wang smiled: "If you want to scratch my oily skin, do you think you are Lou Yue?"

The forward eyes brightened for a moment, but then quickly closed.

For a moment, he really felt like he was back in the past, when he was still so childish, looking up at the sword peak that supported the sky, and he respected it like a god from then on. Until the myth was shattered and the sword peak collapsed, the collapse at that moment lasted for the rest of his life.

"You are already invincible." Qiang Xiang said with complicated emotions.

A close friend like Xiang Qian does not know Jiang Wang’s true strength now, which is the meaning of being crowned in Zhongzhou.

Jiang Wang said: "You are wrong. I have invincible power, but now I am just looking down at the hills from the top of the mountain, counting the ups and downs. The strongest one has been defeated by me, so now everyone is just like that."

Xiang Qian talked about confidence and momentum. Jiang Wang talked about perspective and reality.

But reality sounds more arrogant than the most arrogant cognition.

Xiang Qian raised his eyelids: "Don't say that the strongest person you defeated was yourself the moment before."

The battle between the "true self" and the "heavenly man" in the prison of the heart was witnessed by no one except Jiang Wang himself.

People know at most that he has broken free from the deep sea of ​​the way of heaven, and no one knows that he actually locked up the heavenly man, fought with him in a cage, and finally won the battle - not to mention the step of turning the infinite into the finite, which Jiang Wang made a lot of efforts to achieve. Even if the infinite is turned into the finite, the state of the heavenly man is usually the strongest state of a person. How can the self win alone?

This is a road that breaks cognition and surpasses imagination. It has never appeared before, and it will be difficult to repeat it in the future.

Jiang Wang said: "I know this sounds difficult to accept, but it is exactly the fact."

Xiang Qian looked at Jiang Wang seriously for a while, and confirmed that Jiang Wang was not joking, so he gradually became serious.

He put away the dragon light shooting, put his hands together with sword fingers, crossed in front of him, performed a proper ancient sword ceremony to Jiang Wang, and said in a deep voice: "Master Jiang, I heard the news and came here today, and I want to accompany you. I want to witness the alternation of two generations of Dongzhen Wudi."

At this moment, he looked very formal and solemn.

He represented the lost era of flying swords and the only sword art that was known as the top.

When Xiang Fengqi tested the world with his sword and defeated all the strong men in the Dongzhen realm, he, the only true disciple of the only sword art, was the only witness of the whole process.

His formality and solemnity were for the name "Dongzhen Wudi" and for his deceased master, the sword art legend.

He witnessed the creation of glory, the fall of glory, and now he will witness the alternation of the name "Dongzhen Invincible".

Perhaps today is the final farewell.

Jiang Wang also looked solemn. At this moment, he did not regard Xiang Qian as his best friend, but respected him as the successor of the flying sword technique and the witness of the Xiang Fengqi era.

He replied: "If it is such a witness, there is indeed no one in the world more suitable than you. Brother Xiang, follow me and ask for proof of this."

The two went together.

At this time, there was another comet tail, running rampant in the sky.

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

The comet tail was retracted, and Bai Yuxia jumped out. He was wearing a brocade with exquisite embroidery, a jade belt around his waist, and his skin was whiter than frost and snow. What a handsome man!

As soon as he came, he said: "What a good Xiang Qian, I guessed you were here. You didn't even say a word when you left!"

Xiang Qian just rolled his eyelids, too lazy to say anything.

Bai Yuxia looked at Jiang Wang again: "Boss, are you going to kill Lou Yue with a sword, prove that Ming Dong Zhen is invincible, and then prove that Ming Dong Zhen is invincible?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "You are only partially right. I am looking for Lou Yue just to learn from each other and see who is better. There is no reason to kill him."

Shopkeeper Bai knew about Li Longchuan's misfortune, but he only knew the news from a distance, not the details. Fearing that the boss would not be calm, he hurried over, and was relieved after hearing this. He looked at Xiang Qian again: "Then what is he doing here?"

Jiang Wang knew that Xiang Qian was too lazy to say more, so he helped explain: "He came to be a witness, to witness that I proved that Ming Dong Zhen is invincible."

Bai Yuxia thought for a while: "There is something I don't know whether to say or not."

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "If you don't know, don't say it."

But Bai Yuxia still stubbornly sent a message: "Although Xiang Qian is my good friend, as a shopkeeper, I have to work for the boss. Boss, isn't it auspicious to take him with you to such an important battle? After all, Xiang Fengqi... Sometimes we still have things like fortune. It is possible to trust him appropriately. "

Jiang Wang didn't want to waste words: "Do you want to come with me? If not, go back to the store."

"There is Lian Yuchan in the store!" Bai Yuxia was obviously tempted, but hesitated: "I'm afraid I will hinder you..."

Jiang Wang smiled: "What can you do to me by making a building appointment? I won't let you leave today, so I'll let you see what absolute strength is!"

After that, he flicked a ray of sword light and tied Bai Yuxia: "Brother Xiang, please drag him away!"

"Alas, alas, alas!" Bai Yuxia said: "How can this be good!"

Jiang Wang had already left.

Xiang Qian was too lazy to drag him.

Bai Yuxia followed behind him.

While the three of them were chatting and laughing, they soon flew away from the East Region.

In Donghua Pavilion, Jiang Wang actually saw a memorial. To be precise, it was two memorials, and they were in one place.

Because it was a court meeting that had already taken place and implemented a specific decision, it was not considered a secret, so it was just spread out there - in front of the stone screen in the Donghua Pavilion, there was a large table, surrounded by a circle of red sandalwood boards, and the inner circle of the large table was miniature with the mountains and rivers of Qi.

There were many memorials, files and other documents piled up in a mess on the blank wooden board - it can be seen that the emperor's study was not very tidy.

While Jiang Wang was waiting for the emperor, he took a look at it by the way, it was really a good reading material.

These two memorials came from Song Yao, a court official, and Chen Fu, a court official.

Song Yao said, the sky is chaotic, the people are uneasy, and there is a fear of evil spirits. They eat the people's fat, why not help the people? So he guarded the Taimiao to correct the weather.

Chen Fu also submitted a memorial, saying that the decline of heaven and earth was a sign of transcendental mourning, which was born with etiquette. The so-called "right time of heaven" was actually "disorder of heaven". If it did not follow the rules of heaven, there might be residual disasters.

The two of them each had their own reasons.

The two memorials were recorded together, and the emperor annotated them with a red pen at the end——

"The people are the most important, etiquette comes second, and the way of heaven comes second."

The final word.

Only then did Jiang Wang travel along the way, day and night as usual, and the wind and rain were orderly.

But as soon as he left Qi State, the celestial phenomena returned to chaos.

At home and abroad, there are almost two worlds.

Jiang Wang remembered again that when he first came to Qi State, he felt very incredible when he saw that ordinary Qi people had such activities as "outing". How can ordinary people be so relaxed in the suburbs? If he stayed in Zhuang Country all his life, he might never know that there were places in this world where ferocious beasts did not exist.

When he stands at the extreme height of this world, what difference will it make when he looks at the world again?

Will it subvert all previous perceptions?

He was looking forward to that moment.

Once outside Xingyue Yuan, he told Zhao Zi, who was trying to get him to join the gang, that he didn't want to do anything rashly before he could truly see the world clearly. He said that he did not want to harm the world with his stupidity - because he had already paid a lot for his stupidity and ignorance!

So, when he possesses the ultimate power in this world, stands on the top of the extraordinary and overlooks everything, and looks back on everything he has experienced along the way, how will he view the world?

In the sky in front of me, there is snow in the hot summer.

Jiang Wang walked through the snow.

Qianqian and Bai Yuxia followed closely behind.

Zhenren Jiang Wangjiang, who became a heavenly being for the second time and escaped from the state of being a heavenly being for the second time, came out of the East China Sea and went westward to Qi. After paying homage to Li Longchuan, he went west again - towards Jingguo with his sword in hand.

The news spread all over the world instantly.

Today is like the old days.

It is hard not to remind people of the old events of Jingtian Liuzhen.

It is also difficult to make Jingguo people not nervous.

"What does he want to do?" In Tianjing City, there was a meeting held for Jiang Wang's trip.

There were not many people, most of them just happened to have a meeting and discussed it together.

Present here are King Rui Ji Qingnu, King Lu Ji Bainian, Princess Changyang Ji Jianrong, and the newly crowned king of martial arts in the Central Region, the number one martial artist and true king of martial arts Ji Jinglu.

The person presiding over the meeting was Beitian Master Wu Daoyou.

The eldest among the four heavenly masters, he has white hair and white beard, and has the spirit of immortality. He sat there with an unhappy look on his face: "Is Tian's capital really a place where he can come and run wild as he pleases?"

Ji Qingnu put up the armrest: "Wang Kun is dead, and the matter in the East China Sea has been settled. I don't want to discuss right and wrong anymore. Wang Kun's family is the bottom line and cannot be touched even half. I have ordered Chengtian Mansion to be on guard. If he dares If we go to make trouble, we have no choice but to kill this number one genius as a sacrifice to Dajing Xingdao."

This King Jingrui has some feminine looks, he is feminine in nature, but he speaks very powerfully. Sit there and take control.

"Prince Rui is worrying too much." Ji Jinglu shook his head: "Jiang Wang would not do such a thing."

The people of Jingguo have complicated feelings towards Jiang Wang, but no matter how much they hate him, they have to admit that no matter how angry he is, Jiang Wang will never kill Wang Kun's family.

"Xiao Wang believes in your judgment, but I believe it." Ji Qingnv said: "No matter what twists and turns there are, Wang Kun died in state affairs. I must worry too much about the Wang family."

Wu Daoyou nodded: "This is the right principle."

Lu Wangji Bai Nian has a very handsome appearance, especially a bright smile, and the whole person is very approachable. He smiled and said: "Then according to Uncle Wang, what is the purpose of Jiang Wang's trip?"

As the direct grandson of Jin Wang Ji Xuanzhen, Ji Jinglu was considered to be of high seniority within the Jingguo royal family.

These princes and princesses who are expected to compete for the throne are all his nephews.

But in front of people like Ji Bainian, he didn't take it easy and said seriously: "It's just following the precedent of Wu Ya Shibi and asking Jian Lou Yue. Even if some anger is vented on Jian, he won't really do anything to Lou Yue. Because of the Jingtian Six Friends incident, many people think that he is extreme and prone to going crazy, but from my perspective, he has always been a measured person. "

Princess Ji Jianrong of Changyang thought thoughtfully: "The fight hasn't started yet, the sword hasn't been drawn out of its sheath, but Uncle Wang is already sure that the building will lose?"

"I'm not as good as Lou Yue or Jiang Wang at the Dongzhen level. I probably have nothing to say." Ji Jinglu said, "Let's just call it my unfounded feeling."

Wu Daoyou sat there quietly and said leisurely: "The King of Daishan said that Jiang Wang should be careful, but he had no reason to feel it?"

The so-called "King of Daishan" is Ji Jinglu's title. He was granted the title of "Dai Mountain", so he was entrusted with it.

Because the King of Jin was in front, he was only granted the title of two-character king, which was considered to have reduced his dignity a bit.

Ji Jinglu raised his eyes and looked around at everyone: "Instead of making unwarranted speculations here, how about asking him directly? The so-called straight to the point, honest speech is a gentleman!"

After saying that, he punched directly.

This fist turned into an emerald green dragon, complete with beard and tail, vivid and vivid. He immediately flew out of the house, swam towards the sky, and asked the real person from afar - "Where are you coming from?"

Suddenly, a sword rainbow hung over the sun, and a loud voice floated in the courtyard——

"The sages say: at twenty, you will reach your crown; at thirty, you will stand tall; at forty, you will not be confused; at fifty, you will know the destiny."

"Jiang Wang doesn't know destiny, and he is especially confused. He has traveled thousands of miles and has many regrets in life. But when he was twenty, he wore the crown. When he is about to turn thirty, he will be crowned himself. If you have time, why not share the witness!"

Thank you to book friend "Classmate Xiao Hu is so cute" for becoming the leader of this book. This is the 782nd alliance for the Sky Patrol!

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