Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2356 Name

“…The great voice spreads in the heavens and the worlds, and the reputation is revealed in the eight wildernesses and six directions!”


The white-haired storyteller slapped the wake-up stick: “As the saying goes—‘You all see him lower than the world, and the three-foot green sword cuts the peak. He travels in the deep sea of ​​heaven and ferrymen across the torrents of the world!’”

The “silence” made of solid wood fell squarely on the podium, just breaking the pillar of light cast on the podium.

The dust in the light pillar danced wildly. How could it be compared to the turmoil of people’s hearts.


“Sir, you speak well!”

The audience applauded continuously.

The hunched storyteller sat under the awning that could not completely block the light, picked up the wooden hammer wrapped in red cloth, and knocked the bronze gong hanging next to it, making a long sound.

Then he turned the bronze gong upside down and placed it flat on the podium. The gong was pushed forward, and the man leaned back, stroking his beard, and said leisurely: "The story of Jiang Zhenjun's sword cutting the peak has come to an end. The next section I will talk about is the past relationship, grievances and hatreds between Jiang Zhenjun and Li Zhenjun, and the story of another man. The cause and effect between them has been entangled for twelve years. The plot in it... hum, hum, it's very exciting!"

Three layers inside and outside, surrounded by the pergola, the people who listened with relish came forward one after another and threw knife money into the copper gong.

The storyteller was drinking tea, glanced at it, and continued to whet the appetite: "Ru Qing Jushi's latest masterpiece, telling the most exciting story of this era. The two youngest Zhenjuns in the world, the rising stars in the forest of peaks, the immortal monuments in the long river of time, there is a saying that 'Li Yi in the world, Jiang Wang in the sky'!"

He stopped talking here, he put down the teacup, and bowed to the four directions: "If you have money, you can support the show with money, and if you don't have money, you can support the show with your body!"

Ding ding dong dong dang dang

"Hey! I love to hear this part!"

"I've given you money, tell it quickly!"

"The candlelight is approaching, and ants are crawling in my heart. I can't stand it, tell me the rest quickly!"

The sound of the knife money thrown and hitting the gong, mixed with the anxious and cheering sounds, is really a wonderful symphony.

I enjoy telling a part of the story with such passion every day, and hey, I earn enough to eat and drink.

The storyteller put away the gong with satisfaction, and was about to say "wait for the next chapter" and go home first, but he suddenly felt a cold gaze. He turned his head subconsciously and saw a particularly ferocious man in the crowd, casting a suffocating and fierce look.

He may be in the morgue after leaving the shed.

Although the storyteller is old, he has not lived enough. He shuddered and sat down, coughing lightly: "Although the time for storytelling is over, I am still not satisfied. The story of this hero is so exciting that I can't sleep! Let's tell another story and stop after dark. Please listen quietly-"


The wake-up stick was slapped.

He began to tell the story vividly: "Jiang Wang was just a young man in a remote town. At that time, Li Yi was already famous all over the world, but his origin was in doubt and there were many different opinions. That day, the clouds were flowing in the wild and the red clouds were in the sky..."

At this time, a man with soft features and gentle temperament walked through the crowd leisurely, brushed the corner of his clothes, and sat down next to the fierce man who glared and threatened the storyteller-

There was no empty seat there, but the moment he sat down, the empty seat existed. And the people around him were unaware.

"Who would have known that the famous Chai Yin would be so bored. In this inferior floating land world, he would scare a small storyteller." This man's every move, every word and every smile, all have a feeling of being particularly comfortable. Even the sound he made was like this. After the listener subconsciously waited, it came naturally and smoothly.

At this moment, he was sitting on the other side of the bench, looking up at the storyteller on the stage. His face was full of interest, and his mouth was nonchalant: "This story sounds really thrilling. You are sitting here, aren't you worried about the demon clan? Don't you want to think about how to deal with that Jiang Wang in the sky?"

The man called "Chai Yin" sat with his hands on his knees, listening to the story, motionless. Just frowning a little, his temperament is very different!

The ferocity deliberately shown on his face had disappeared, and he resumed his arrogant attitude, saying in a calm voice: "You humans have occupied the world for three great eras, but you still can't get rid of the petty family spirit of thieves. No matter how high you go, you are still inferior and timid in your bones, and you have to entangle in every detail. Huang Weizhen is busy and still wants to make a move. It's ridiculous to be detached. How could I do this?"

The man who looked like a scholar didn't take it as an offense at all, and just smiled softly: "So you sit back and watch everything happen? He is left alone in the deep sea of ​​heaven. Will all the races in the heavens be controlled by him in the future? In the long run, this Shenxiao battlefield seems to have no need to open. Yu Zhen's painstaking plan is just a dream."

Chai Yin said indifferently: "The more pressure you give today, the stronger his resistance will be in the future-this is the advice of the newcomer."

The demon race is indeed qualified to be called "newcomer" in front of the human race.

The man who looked like a scholar adjusted his clothes leisurely. "I heard that there was a man named Qi Guanying who gave up all the fortunes and made a great vow to protect all the true monsters of the monster race to achieve enlightenment, so as to erase Jiang Wang's influence in the deep sea of ​​heaven. This is difficult to evaluate. How can you guard against thieves for a thousand days if you can only be a thief for a thousand days? The effort he has to put in is ten times or a hundred times greater than that of Jiang Wang. He was a seed that had the opportunity to transcend, but now he is trapped in his future and exhausted. It's a pity - you really don't plan to do something?"

Chai Yin's face was expressionless: "Each generation has its own rivals. If they want me to step in now, then they have to step in. Until now, even Jiang Wang's threat can't be solved - just annihilate the clan."

The storyteller is still telling, and the audience is still listening.

The sound only passes between them.

The man who looked like a scholar smiled and said: "Such a calm and laissez-faire attitude, if it were any other great demon who said this, I would not believe it. Only you, Chai Yin, are somewhat convincing when you say this. You always Do your own thing without asking for the final result.”

"But you still have your hands free to stare at me. Ying Yunian, after all these years, your concern for me has never diminished." Chai Yin listened intently to the storyteller's half-truths and half-false stories, and kept his mouth shut. Li Zhi said: "Who will be watching over the Ancient Mother?"

Chai Yin, Ying Yunian!

These two transcendent beings who have entered the history books and were once great enemies are actually sitting in a small tea stall in this floating land world!

Here we chat, listen to books, and drink a bowl of broken tea soup that costs a knife.

With an existence like theirs, even a stray thought can shake the heavens and the earth and turn the world upside down.

But everyone is ignorant and people live as usual.

The ignorant really have nothing to fear.

"That's what you said!" Ying Yunian avoided the information from the Ancient Mother and just smiled softly: "You used me to become a Taoist, but you still don't allow me to take care of you?"

"Back then, you and I fought against each other over the years, killing each other at the end of the Milky Way. The three-life orchid flower that was born from Samantabhadra's body and stained with the blood of Vairocana Tathagata was an illusion and eternity. I get half of it now and the whole flower. In the future, you have half of the present and the whole of the past." Chai Yin felt the popularity of this small tea stall and said calmly, "You have achieved enlightenment in the past, and I will achieve enlightenment in the future. This is not right. Is that what you like?"

The Floating Land Human Race is the fire left behind by the "Grain Rain Project" of the human race in ancient times. After the human race has dominated the modern world for several major eras, a huge barrier has developed with the modern human race. In the great world of Shenxiao, which has been explained to the heavens and the world and is about to be opened, the floating land people should also be part of the coalition of all races——

If Duke Wu Han had not preached here, if the changes brought about by Jiang Wang and the others would not have happened.

If you want to break through limitations and break through the barriers of the world, challenging the current hegemon is almost the only way to go. When the whale falls and all things are born, it overthrows the human race in this world, and all the heavens and all realms can be fertile for many years.

Today is naturally different.

Qinghuo Qiming, the patron saint of the floating land world, is a good friend of Jiang Wang, the true king who is the flag of humanity.

Li Fengyao of Ice Phoenix Island, Prince Jiang Wuxie of Qi Kingdom, the young holy monk of Xuankong Temple, and even the Mohists all operate in the floating land world.

The entire Fulu is changing with each passing day, and the currencies currently circulating in Fulu are all standard Qi Dao coins.

When the Shenxiao War begins, the floating land human race will naturally belong to the side of the living human race.

This is not a dispensable help. After Jihuo Yuxiu held up the sky and Qinghuo Qiming mended the earth, the upper limit of the previous world has been broken, and the entire floating land world has made a fundamental leap. The potential is much different than before.

Coupled with the intersection of Duke Wu Han, "Mountain and River Shattering Dragon Demon Art", and the begging bowl...

As soon as Chai Yin sat here, Ying Yunian followed him immediately, which explained the problem.

"Sanshenglan is a flower on the brocade for both you and me, and it has never been the only key to attaining enlightenment. Now that you have become enlightened through me, you have lost the opportunity for me." There was a little regret in Ying Yunian's tone: " I hope you will become enlightened at this time, but I regret that you will become enlightened at this time. If you want to become enlightened before the divine sky opens and increase the deterrence of the demon clan, you can only seize this opportunity - how can you call it true transcendence? ?”

"Don't have this tone. You are a person who has to be fully prepared for everything. It is not your style to celebrate before the overall situation is decided." Chai Yin laughed boldly: "Detachment is the freedom to have everything. For the Monster Clan Fighting is one of my freedoms. Ying Yunnian, you don’t really think you can defeat me? This game has just begun, so why not let me go first?”

"Just from my personal point of view, I hope to fight against the strongest Chai Yin. But from the overall situation of the human race -" Ying Yunian's tone was a bit serious: "Chai Yin, if you fight with me again, Death is certain."

As a former rival, a life and death enemy who fought all the way to the end of the Tianhe River. Ying Yunian understands Chai Yin's horror better than anyone else. Even if he puts flowers in the world of Shenxiao, he still believes that Chai Yin will become enlightened.

But the time of enlightenment is a big problem.

He believed that if Chai Yin was willing to wait, he would be able to achieve perfection as easily as he did. But was it so easy to get the benefits of being eager to achieve before the divine sky opened, drifting with the flow of destiny, and borrowing the east wind of his enlightenment - his Ying Yunian?

The past and future are equal.

The present and future effects depend on the past causes.

Chai Yin will be lower than him from now on!

"I specifically replaced you from Yu Yuan to target me because you have this advantage over me. And this advantage is because you used illegal means to force me out. Originally, I took the risk to achieve success in the Sea of ​​Chaos, Hiding your detachment can at least offset half of your advantage -" Chai Yin's words were very unwilling, but his tone was calm: "Don't you know that if you take advantage of everything, there will be a day when the human race takes over everything. In times of misfortune, extreme joy leads to sorrow.”

He added emphatically: "Huang Weizhen, who violates the rules, will be punished by God. It is right before our eyes."

Taking that step of transcendence in the depths of the sea of ​​chaos... is simply crazy! It's looking for death! It seems that detachment is not dangerous enough or difficult enough!

But in the case of Chai Yin, who abandoned the detachment of flowers and gods, it was so natural. In order to gain some momentum, Chai Yin could do it.

"How many times have you ever learned such a prophecy?" Ying Yunian said with a smile: "I only know that 'man will conquer heaven'. And you, Chai Yin, who looked to the so-called jealousy and punishment of heaven, seem to have lost your confidence! Looking at the long river of time, heaven There is nothing more important than the Yiluo clan. Where is Chai Yin who stopped Ji Yusu's attack back then? "

Chai Yin's eyes were still looking at the storyteller, but he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "I'm in the mood today. I'm sitting here. I wanted to listen to my own story. I heard that a legend was going to be told - a few years ago, The legends praised in all the world are us. We are all young people now. How many years have Li Yi and Jiang Wang been here? "

"Yes." Ying Yunian sat with his arms folded and his posture was gentle: "Even in the early years of the Dao calendar, when the world was glorious and all the heroes came together, the demon clan could still talk about you Chai Yin and Hu Boqing - -Before Jiang Wang and Li Yi, there are not many young descendants of the demon clan worth mentioning. Brother Chai, the ship is about to capsize, why not get out as soon as possible? "

Chai Yin did not refute, only said: "So Yu Zhen and Yuan Xi's vision is here. The battle of Shenxiao has reached the point where it has to start."

The two detached people never looked at each other. Like a pair of ordinary "book friends", sitting here together listening to books.

An ordinary bench looks very much like the trailing Tianhe back then.

They have always been at this end and that end, upstream and downstream.

"Did you foresee failure?" Ying Yunnian asked with a smile.

Chai Yin was quite serious: "What I see is the future."

Without waiting for Ying Yunnian to say anything more, he raised his hand like an ordinary listener and asked loudly: "Old sir! You spoke so powerfully about Jiang Wang, I don't know what his title is." What! For example, Li Yi is called "Tai Yu" and Ji Zuo is called "Ling Chen". What about Jiang Wang? "

The storyteller in front of the podium was not asked. He stroked his beard, shook his head, and finally said: "Today, no one can name him or give him a title. Let him name him how the world sees him!"

Ying Yunnian put his hands on his hands and smiled: "This is the 'name', the old man knows the true meaning!"

"Old sir, I suggest you look through the old classics. Although the young heroes are eye-catching, they have not yet truly become the protagonists of the era, and may not be able to support a story. The previous stories are not over yet, and the newcomers are impatient. More!" Chai Yin laughed, stood up, and walked away.

The storyteller sat there with some confusion and scratched his beard: "It's just that the old story has been turned over, and the new story has just begun to be told."

He raised his eyes and looked into the crowd, but only saw Ying Yunian sitting elegantly alone.

As if from the past to the present, from now to eternity.

Ying Yunnian gave him a warm smile and disappeared into the crowd naturally.

The coming and going of these two transcendent beings passed without a trace.

No one can listen to the words of these two transcendent beings.

People clamored and demanded that the storyteller continue. The storyteller also wondered why he stopped, shook his head, and continued talking.

There is a unique silence among the crowd——

He was a young man with slightly dark skin, white teeth and a red flame dotted between his eyebrows. While listening to the story with a smile, he lowered his head and wrote letters by starlight.

Although he is the lord of this world and the "supreme" in the creation myth, he has no idea that there is an encounter and a wrong body.

Just like these people around him, they don't know that he is celebrating the fire.

And those characters in the storyteller’s story, don’t know how many listeners there are outside the book?

I laugh at how ignorant the world is, and the world knows that I am in the game.

This is a slender and powerful hand, clean and well-defined. When spread out flat, the palm prints are clear and in order.

Starlight falls in the palm of my hand, like water in the abyss or clouds in the sky, very natural and close. It swam dexterously, and finally swam into floating land characters——

"Friend, when will you come for a drink?"

Jiang Wang, with his hair tied up in a jade crown, sat quietly on the big chair of Taixu Pavilion. His eyes were as deep as the tranquil sea, and his spine was as straight as the sky beam. He closed his palms with a smile on his face, as if he were holding up a mountain and river.

But there were stars swimming in the starry sky, and the demon ape stepped out of the deep sea of ​​heaven, jumped into the tributary of the floating land, and laughed loudly - "At this moment!"

In Taixu Pavilion, he looked forward calmly, and the seat in front of him was empty.

This is a Taixu meeting that Cabinet member Jiang actively requested after he was promoted to True Lord. In addition to the regular Taixu meeting, it is considered as an extra class for all Taixu cabinet members.

Attendees include Ju Gui, Zhong Xuanyin——

Uh, no more.

Thanks to book friend "impo" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 798th alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "The Moon Never Sets Below the West Tower" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 799th Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "He Said She Was Tanned" for becoming the ally of this book! It’s for the 800th Alliance of the Pure Heart Patrol!

Thanks to book friend "KY_Fengyanfengyu" for becoming the leader of this book! It’s for the 801st Alliance of the Red Heart Patrol!

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