Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2357: Ringing under my sword

The Taixuan sundial stands quietly in the void, and time slowly moves the needle shadow.

"We have been waiting for two quarters of an hour." Ju Gui coughed lightly: "It seems that there are only three of us today."

It's really unreasonable. Jiang Zhenjun held a Taixu meeting for the first time, and the others were so disrespectful. Do I, the True Lord, keep saying "True Lord" and insist that you, the real Lord, who are not the True Lord, respect me, the newly promoted True Lord?

Jiang Wang raised his immortal eyes and glanced at Zhong Xuanyin's meeting minutes, only to see that it read——

"The rest won't happen."

"Mr. Zhong." Jiang Wang asked slowly, "I wonder what the rest of you...are doing?"

"Everyone's words are unclear." Zhong Xuanyin put down his knife and pen and said angrily: "How about Jiang Zhenjun go and ask in person?"

Jiang Wang choked again.

It is said that Jue Dian is on par with Tian, ​​​​but this does not feel like an improvement in status.

It is said that the true king is the true king, but his colleagues are all turning against him!

Now he raised his hand to draw a circle and pushed it gently——

The stream of light flew around and turned into a mirror. The power of heaven is rippling in it.

Behind the radiant light, there is a brilliant figure looming in the mirror. Wherever the sword light passed, demonic heads rolled, and black mist filled the sky.

"Dou Ge member!" Jiang Wang asked enthusiastically: "What are you busy with?"

Dou Zhao, who had been sleepless for many days, glanced sideways at the round Tianfa mirror in the sky. He felt that Jiang Zhenjun's big face in the mirror was very annoying. He pulled Tian Xiao out of the monster's body and said: "Let go."

Jiang Wang didn't feel dissatisfied and looked behind Douzhao: "Hey, where is the member of the Chongxuan Cabinet? Why don't you see him?"

"You should ask him." Dou Zhao said impatiently.

"I can't contact you. His Taixu magatama is also closed." Jiang Wang was worried: "Is something going to happen?"

"Perhaps you're afraid of being harassed by other people!" Dou Zhao wiped off the demonic filth on the blade and said calmly: "Do you have anything else to do? It's fine."

"Why is Brother Dou so cold?" Jiang Wang sighed: "I didn't expect that I worked so hard to become a true king, but what I got in exchange was alienation——"


The Tianfa Mirror Circle was chopped into pieces.

Jiang Wang turned around and saw that Zhong Xuanyin was like an old monk sitting in meditation, and the opera cabinet was like a stone carving on a cliff.

"Ha." Jiang Zhenjun said calmly: "It seems that everyone is indeed very busy."

A person like Ju Gui would not laugh even if he heard the funniest joke. At this time, he just said firmly: "So, what is the reason why Cabinet Member Jiang requested a meeting today? Can we start?"

Nine chairs stand in a circle, with a pillar of skylight in the middle.

Jiang Wang was here, with no one on either side. The lone shadow is lonely, as if in the courtyard.

Joking aside, when it came time to discuss matters, he was very serious.

After sitting there calmly for a moment, he slowly spoke: "Thank you to the two cabinet ministers for attending the meeting, so that I will not have the reputation of being arbitrary and exclusive."

In the first sentence he spoke, he expressed his determination to do this——

Even if Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin are not coming today like others, even if he is the only one sitting here in Taixu Pavilion, he will still push forward today's proposal. Don’t hesitate to bear the reputation of being arbitrary!

Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin were both in awe.

Jiang Wangdao: "Jiang is sitting here today, and I really feel in my heart - I once lived like a cricket, but now I am living in the spring and autumn. I was once like a frog in a well, and I have seen how big the sky is."

The young man who used to hold his sister on the roof and look up at the stars, and whose great ambitions were just flying around with his sister, is now able to reach for the stars by the moon.

He sat there, his features outside the skylight, but not obscured. Just like his trajectory along the way, so profound and clear.

"Jiang Wang knew that there was something extraordinary in the world at the age of five. From then on, he practiced swordsmanship in the spring and autumn, and never stopped in the cold and heat. At the age of fourteen, he was admitted to the outer gate of the Taoist Courtyard in Fenglin City, Zhuang State. He accumulated Taoist honors through life and death. At the age of seventeen, he swallowed pills and entered the Taoism - this journey There are many ups and downs in this journey, I don’t need to describe them all. I just know that seeking the path is difficult, life is long, the night is long and I don’t know where the sky is, and the road is long and I don’t know how long it will be!”

The nine large chairs standing around the pavilion were not prioritized, but where he was sitting now, he seemed to be the absolute center. And he said this: "There are high-ranking families in this world, and there are generations of princes. There are large families in the world, and they are famous for a long time. There are poor families in the world, who work as cattle for generations, tilling two acres of thin fields, with blood and sweat, but they can't have a good year."

Zhong Xuanyin originally scribbled on the slip, following the words of Jiang Wang who entered Taoism at the age of seventeen: "...I won the first prize in the Yellow River at the age of nineteen, the gods came to me at the age of twenty, the truth of the twenty-three holes, nine out of twenty, it has been proved. The top. The road is like the blue sky. You can see it when you look up."

But after Jiang Wang finished speaking, he silently erased these words.

It takes twelve years to enter the Tao, and it takes twelve years to achieve enlightenment.

This is Jiang Zhenjun sitting here.

After going through the calamity of life and death, everything will be burned for one autumn.

This is also Jiang Zhenjun sitting here.

How can you say frivolously... you can see it just by looking up?

Jiang Wang sitting here today is the intersection of various experiences in the past.

He talked about high families, big families, and poor families, but there was no resentment in his tone.

He received unreserved love from his parents and was considered lucky in his life.

He just calmly described what he heard and saw. What he sees reflects what he has, and what he feels reflects what he pursues.

The young man who came out of a remote town was now sitting in the Taixu Pavilion and said slowly: "I have seen a mediocre young boy who has no way to take revenge and no way to strengthen himself. He has no choice but to surrender to the devil, and his hands are full of blood; I have seen ideal young people hit the wall against reality, swallowing the stubbornness of the past with blood and tears; I have seen the fire of truth extinguished in the long night; I have seen the light of justice smashed into the iron wall; how many people have been killed in the past This is how I proclaim my maturity! I have also hesitated and wavered several times, but if I make a mistake, I will be buried in the abyss today... It is a long and difficult road to find the way!"

Thousands of words, but in the end there are only four words: "Seeking the truth is not easy."

The theater is like an iron mold, fixed there, but there are fluctuations in the eyes.

The world only knows that he Ju Gui is a real person from Guitian Palace. He is one of the nine people sitting in Taixu Pavilion today. He is the representative of the Legalists who monitors Taixu Illusion Realm and is in charge of the Five Punishment Tower that attracts worldwide attention. But I don’t know how he moved his bloody feet, traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, and walked up to Tianxing Cliff step by step.

The world now knows that he has profound knowledge and is knowledgeable about ancient and modern laws. I didn't know that he was willing to do hard labor and copy scrolls for officials for free, so that he could obtain classics and study hard in a cold window.

This world is so unfair. Some people don't know how expensive the fine clothes and food are, but they are full of classics and don't bother to look at them. Some people study hard when they are poor, and some people study hard after working hard!

How many times had he wanted to give up, thinking that this would be it, and just sinking into the mud.

The mud is soft and spongy, and wealth and honor are found in it.

The fallen catkins are filled with gold and jade, so that you can sleep well.

He has traveled a long way to become the dramatist he is today. He is used to seeing injustice, so he is as upright as iron.

He always treats everything strictly, not because he really has no emotions, but because he understands that the closer he gets, the more hidden he becomes, and the more indulgent he gets, the more evil he becomes - the iron face is his greatest warmth.

Seeking the truth is not easy!

Those who know are the same.

Zhong Xuanyin moved his knife and pen, carving out every word Jiang Wang said, no longer sparing a sentence.

Jiang Wang just sat there upright and continued: "Although my journey was windy, rainy and muddy, I was often sheltered. Although the road was tortuous, it was illuminated by the stars and the moon. During the long journey, I was fortunate to have good teachers and friends who gave me advice every time. When I was in poverty, I received help from hundreds of schools and received teachings from many quarters. I was not given up by the wise and generous, and thus I achieved what I have today."

He put his hands on his knees and said in a sincere voice: "We have aspired to travel thousands of miles to the world. Now that we have reached the top, we are also willing to benefit the world!"

Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin both looked at him.

And he said: "I want to build a heavenly palace dedicated to practice in the illusory realm of Taixu, and name it 'Chao Wen Dao'. Anyone in the world who is determined to seek the Tao can enter this place to practice. All my own practice all the way here, all This palace is open to those who need it, and those who use it can use it themselves.”

The world's first genius, the youngest true king in history, opens all his cultivation to the world for free!

What kind of appeal would this be?

I am afraid that those who are most resistant to Taixu Illusion will flock here. No matter how stubborn and conservative Jiang Wang is, Jiang Wang's banner of humanity is flying high there. Who can not see it?

It was a clearly visible legendary journey, from the extraordinary beginning to the end. As long as there is something to pursue, who wouldn’t yearn for it?

Even Ju Gui and Zhong Xuanyin themselves have to admit their intentions!

Zhong Xuanyin even realized that from the method of disclosing the star path, to "Taixu Xuanzhang", and then to today's "Chaowen Daotian Palace", Jiang Wang's actions after joining the cabinet clearly had a consistent pattern. The strength is improved, the status is elevated, the influence is expanded, and we move forward steadily step by step.

"Taixu Xuanzhang" is only open to the outer building, but it has already shaken the inherent class gap, causing many nobles to shout "the world is not right". Once the path to enlightenment of this person named "Jiang Wang" is released, everyone in the world will be shocked!

Moreover, Jiang Wang's path to success is not only beneficial to the poor family, but also beneficial to people all over the world.

Looking at the entire world, there are very few people who can say that they do not need the cultivation experience of "Jiang Wang" at all. After all, he is "the Tao and the Heaven"!

How many top houses are there in this world?

Throughout history, there have been many sages who were willing to disclose what they had learned, treat everyone equally, and broadcast it to the world. But they are all limited to one corner for various reasons. The contention of a hundred schools of thought certainly prospered the human race, but its core part only resulted in the creation of a hundred schools of thought.

Unless the saints don't want to, it's difficult for fortune to listen.

In that era, only the ideal "Great Saint" could accomplish such things.

But time flies by, the torrent surges, and the wheel of history rolls to the present.

There has never been a "podium" as influential as Taixu Illusion in history, let alone such an absolutely selfless and absolutely impartial transcendent power as [Taoist Master Taixu], and Jiang Wang is going to stand on the "podium" today. , has had unprecedented influence!

How can a place like the "Chaowendao Heavenly Palace" be built by ordinary people?

For example, Jixia Academy in Qi State, Erdemi in Mu Kingdom, and Afang Palace in Qin State are important weapons for the hegemony! Generations of talents have emerged since then.

It is one of the keys that distinguishes a powerful country from others.

Today, Li Yi, Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun, Huang Sheli, Cang Meng, and Qin Zhizhen all did not come to the meeting. Of course, they did not really mean not to give Jiang Wang face, or they were afraid that Jiang Wang would show off his power... but... A clear attitude.

They will not openly support it, nor will they openly oppose it.

They do not represent themselves, at this time, they only represent the will of their respective countries.

Zhong Xuanyin has reason to believe that before today, Jiang Wang had already communicated with the six hegemons - in the name of the youngest true king of the human race in history.

Today, Jiang Wang has nothing to do and is a lone traveler in the deep sea of ​​heaven. At the moment when he reaches the top of the mountain, he suppresses all the worlds with his sword and does not allow foreigners to become enlightened. This really shows the majesty of the human race - if it can continue like this to the gods. When the Xiaoxiao War begins, he doesn't have to do anything anymore. He is already the number one hero of Shenxiao and the number one hero of the human race!

He is fully qualified to communicate like this.

And the hegemons were also rarely silent!

Throughout the four thousand years of Taoism, how often have we seen overlords remain silent in front of their own interests?

The unfolding of Taixu Illusion and the foreshadowing of "Taixu Xuanzhang" are just one of them. The so-called general trend of the world, the divine sky is approaching, and the torrent of humanity is rolling forward, which is just one of them. To facilitate this, the name "Jiang Wang" is the key at the moment.

After being cut off with his strength to prove the way, he spent another whole autumn to complete the feat of "all aspects become me, and all realms return to their true state". Many people have already believed that the ultimate peak is not his end. Detachment is already the scenery he can look at!

Standing at the top of the world, Jiang Wang can speak out!

"If you let go of your cultivation path that has led you all the way to the top, and let the world figure it out, you won't be afraid..." Zhong Xuanyin couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you afraid of being surpassed by others? Are you not guaranteed to be the number one genius in the world?"

"Bu Lian is the emperor's mentor, pointing to the sky and guiding the way forward. Duke Guan Han is the teacher of all generations, opening up the source of all laws. There are generations of sages and innovations in the past. "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea" tells me to know the wiseness of history, and "The General Theory of Five Punishments" tells me to understand The law shows power, "Shimen Military Strategy" makes me know the courage of generals, "Youxie" makes me see the names of punishments, classics of hundreds of schools of thought, and greatly enlightens the people's wisdom. If Xiao Shu does not open up the star road, it will be difficult for me to follow him; if Li Yi does not cut the hole. It’s really limited, I don’t think I can achieve it at the age of twenty-three.”

Jiang Wang said seriously: "Jiang Wang has come to this day and created the history of cultivation along the way, and he is also standing on the shoulders of his predecessors. If the sages all thought this way, fearing that others would surpass them, and cherishing their own virtues, then the human race would not have to have a new heaven. How could it be what it is today?" "

When he first obtained the Taixu Illusion Realm, he performed exercises for Du Yehu. The first time he succeeded in discussing Taoism, he distributed it to Sanshan City, which was struggling to survive.

It is not his habit to be self-conscious, and burning bridges across rivers is not his path. It's not his style to stand on a high place and kick down those who come after him.

He is willing to race with thousands of sails and hundreds of teams to compete, and is willing to shine brightly when the stars shine, even if he himself is not the bright moon.

The brightness of the bright moon will never obscure the stars.

Xiao Shu believed that he had the courage to change the world, but he could only silence Xiao Shu at that time, and he could only walk so slowly.

Because he has seen too many disasters caused by so-called "justice".

Because too many Xiao Shu have fallen!

Zuo Guanglie's [Fireworks] will serve as the basis of the Fire Elemental Technique and will be remembered in the Heavenly Palace of Chaowen Dao.

Xiao Shu's [Star Road] has been remembered by people even before this.

Because Jiang Wang will be here and emphasize it again and again.

"This is the ambition of the sages. It's a good idea for Mr. Jiang to express this!" Zhong Xuanyin sighed with emotion, and then said: "But I think Mr. Jiang is also proud of his heart and pride. He is not afraid of any opponent at all. I don’t care about any competitors, and I don’t think there is any chance of being surpassed. But you are indeed the undisputed number one genius in the world.”

Jiang Wang asked back: "Is there any born number one in the world, or is there anyone destined to be invincible? What is so great about Jiang Wang? Is there any reason why he must not be surpassed?"

He looked at this serious historian and laughed: "There is no eternal inscription, no invincible existence. Records are meant to be broken, and history is meant to be surpassed. Thirty years old is considered young, but he can still If I stop moving forward one day, I should also be relegated to the relics of history!”

Although he is smiling, his words are really high-spirited and his eyes are really serious: "If there is a new person replacing the old one, if there is someone who has the opportunity to surpass me and take me as his goal, I am willing to do my best to help him . Because I also want to know what a stronger existence looks like, and I also want to see where I am not good enough. I learn from everyone, my friends, and my enemies. Every step I take is to surpass myself in the past. If someone can help me, I will be happy to see it happen!”

This is Jiang Wang, who is invincible in the Dongzhen Realm and is invincible in ancient and modern times!

This is Jiang Wang who became enlightened in Yiqiu!

It wasn't until moments like today, when I saw Jiang Wang like this in front of me, that the legend he had created on the road to the top could truly be understood.

If not for such a person, how could he have done such a thing?

Zhong Xuanyin could not speak for a moment, and only sighed in his heart - he can be called a master!

It is truly a blessing for a historian to be able to witness the growth of a great master.

Just witnessing the history affected by Jiang Wang is already a rich source of historical knowledge.

This pillar of skylight in Taixu Pavilion seemed to penetrate time and space.

The three people sitting in the pavilion each have their own postures.

The drama cabinet is sitting there, as if it has been standing there for many years and will continue to stand like this. He spoke slowly: "Mr. Jiang, I wonder who will be in charge of this 'Chaowen Dao Celestial Palace'?"

For people like Ju Gui, this is the most critical question.

If Chaowendao Heavenly Palace eventually becomes Jiang Wang's dojo and a place where he gathers his power, then it still needs to be discussed whether Taixu Illusionary Realm can provide such a "lectern". And he will vote against it without hesitation.

Jiang Wang looked into the eyes of Ju Zhenren and sat there calmly, showing an open attitude.

He stated seriously: "The Chaowen Dao Palace relies on the Taixu Illusion Realm to exist, and is naturally supervised by the Taixu Pavilion and monitored by the Taixu Dao Master. I will also be a permanent Dharma image in it to answer questions and doubts for those who are interested in the world. But if there is any doubt about seeking the Tao, I will tell you everything I know and say everything I know."

Zhong Xuanyin almost clapped his hands and praised him, and couldn't help saying: "Jiang Pavilion Member has such preparations. I also want to enter the palace to seek the Tao!"

On the road of cultivation, the master is the master. Now standing at the top of the extraordinary, Jiang Wang is absolutely qualified to expound his Tao. Just standing on the top has proved that the path he is on is correct, not to mention that he has reached the top in such a brilliant manner?

And he is absolutely capable of guiding anyone below the top.

How many people dream of having a top existence to guide their cultivation?

Even a Confucian Taoist master like Zhong Xuanyin, who came from a famous family, sometimes went back to the Qinku Academy to learn, and he didn't always meet the dean and his friends.

Jiang Wang just smiled slightly: "Why not sit down and discuss?"

Ju Kui pondered for a while, and finally said: "I believe that Mr. Jiang specially convened the Taixu meeting in advance and made such a proposal. He has thought about all the causes and consequences and is unwilling to wait any longer. But I have one last question."

Jiang Wang greeted him: "Mr. Ju, please ask."

Ju Kui neatly gathered all the files in his hand and put them into the bookcase on his knees, doing all these meticulously. Then he raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Wang and said, "What are the entry conditions for this Chaowen Dao Palace? I know that Jiang Geyuan's intention is to benefit the world, but what you are about to release is an ancient divine sword. Before you, no one has ever achieved the peak of the Dao before the age of thirty. Everyone wants to know how you did it, and everyone wants to be you, or even surpass you. And what I want to say is that it is not necessarily a good thing to make everyone in the world hold a divine sword. The more harm a person can do with it, the more evil a person can do. It can even be said that the world is in chaos, and it is only a matter of time!"

This is not alarmist.

Ordinary people who do evil will splatter blood for five steps at most. The strong gods who do evil will destroy the country at any time. The Dongzhen cultivators who do evil have already flattened a small world with a flip of their hands!

If the Chaowen Dao Palace teaches a bunch of human demons, it will be harmful to the world.

Jiang Wang had certainly thought about this question seriously, and looked at Ju Kui and said, "This is exactly what I want from you. I hope you can help formulate the rules and regulations of Chaowendao Palace, the entry threshold, and make a choice of one in ten thousand with the spirit of the Legalists and absolutely fair regulations. This choice does not involve family background or any human feelings. The past of a person is the test paper of the Palace."

"We cannot prevent all bad people from seeking the Tao, or in other words, those who seek the Tao today may not be able to maintain good thoughts in the future. No matter Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, military strategy, or Mohism, how can they be an exception?"

"I just hope that at least at the moment of entering Chaowendao Palace, that person is as innocent as possible and does not harm the world as much as possible. Although the world is full of mud and sand, I would like you to use the law as a sieve to find gold in the sand."

Zhong Xuanyin kept carving, quietly and silently.

Jiang Wang opened all the laws and regulations of Chaowendao Palace to Ju Kui to formulate, which was almost completely giving up his rights to Chaowendao Palace.

Only teach, not own.

Just preach, don't make deals.

This fully proves Jiang Wang's impartiality in this matter, which is actually more conducive to the promotion of Chaowendao Palace.

Ju Kui looked at Jiang Wang steadily and said solemnly: "I have no other questions. I will fully support the completion of this matter."

With Ju Kui's usual temperament, the words should have ended here, and he never said a word more. But he looked at Jiang Wang at this moment, and finally had some complicated emotions, and couldn't help but say: "Jiang Zhenjun, when Mr. Yu walked up to Tianxing Cliff, I never thought that we would have today's intersection. When I heard that you had achieved the peak of the Tao, I never thought that this was the first thing you would do after achieving the peak of the Tao."

Jiang Wang sat there and took a deep breath, as if he exhaled a long-suppressed turbid air: "This is what I want to do most. But I can do it today."

Almost at the same time as his voice fell, the long Acacia hanging on his waist rang!

He gently raised his head to greet the light of day, and smiled confidently and brilliantly: "My truth will ring under my sword."

This chapter has 6k, of which 2k is added by the big alliance "Qilixianglive", (1/3)

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