Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2360: Dining

Xichen has no return to the valley, and there are many years of wind and rain.

The fog never clears, and the clouds never clear.

Its terror has always permeated the world, and all the stories about "conquest" stopped outside the valley.

Yan Chunhui taught all kinds of evil deeds and evil methods, or modified limbs and bodies, or peeled off life marks, giving those human demons the power to do evil wantonly and brutalizing their spirits, but it seemed that there was no specific goal.

He allowed those demons to do any evil thing, and he did not prohibit anyone from killing them——

Just not allowed in the Valley of No Return.

Human demons do all kinds of evil outside the Chen Kingdom, and everyone calls for beatings. They are the primary target of heroes from all walks of life to punish evil and promote good. He often commits one evil act and is then chased thousands of miles away.

Generations of demons are replaced very quickly.

But as long as you escape to the Valley of No Return, you will be safe.

They used various cruel costs to please this forgetful old man. Use all kinds of bloody sacrifices to make corresponding exchanges with the Selfless Demon.

The Selfless Demon may not always be fair, but he will give to some extent, and he can indeed easily change many people's lives. At least for those human demons except Yanzi, in a sense, they are almost omnipotent.

God's presence is already "like God's presence in the world", and the extraordinary power that reaches the limit of this world can surpass most of the world's fantasies.

What stands here is the stunning scenery and the echo of the old times!

Jiang Wang fully believed that when they entered the Valley of No Return, they would encounter a bright and boundless sword, and he was ready to face any kind of edge. Use the sword of the present to face the sword of the past. The True Lord who breaks historical records in the new era and the True Lord Feijian who goes upstream in the old era seems to be a fate.

Today, when the art of Taoist swords has completely replaced the art of flying swords, as the highest achiever of Taoist swords in the world, Li Yi is also the best candidate to bury the remnants of flying swords.

But after Li Yi cut through the fog, the Valley of No Return that spread out in front of them was different from any terrifying imagination in the past.

There were no racks, corpses, or traces of blood.

I only saw open valleys, winding clear streams, and huts exuding fresh woody fragrance.

A string of copper wind chimes is placed in front of the eaves, and they ring gently when the wind blows. There is also an acre of vegetable garden, where fruits and vegetables are growing well.

There are a few clusters of wild flowers behind the house, a fishing rod on the stream, a few clouds in the sky, and the rocking chair in front of the house under the warm light, making people want to sleep.

What a tranquil picture of a paradise.

This place seems like a hermitage for scribes, like a place where a wise man who is tired of the worldly disputes spends his days. It is so refined, natural and leisurely, but it cannot match the name "human demon". It does not look like a human being. The abode of the devil.

Where is the Valley of Human Demons? It is clearly a pure town.

Li Yi's brows raised.

The only thing is... there is no sign of anyone.

His sword can be unsheathed at any time, and he can arrive before everyone else at any time.

But Yan Chunhui is not here.

Even the old yellow dog that should have been lying in front of the wooden house no longer exists——

There is still food in the dog bowl, and it's still steaming.

Today, the three kings have joined forces to kill demons. Naturally, they cannot start without understanding anything. At least they were sure whether Yan Chunhui was home or not.

For this operation, Jiang Wang made full preparations. He knew very well that things that were not kept secret would lead to harm. He asked Gongsun Buhai to contact Li Yi, and almost made an agreement on the front foot and then took action on the back foot. He didn't even want to let Zhong Liyan slow down, and directly carried him away. He traveled thousands of miles in an instant, moved like thunder, and blocked the entire Chen country with one move.

And apart from the few people involved, he didn't let anyone know the news.

So why isn't Yan Chunhui here now?

Gongsun Buhai appeared in the valley, casually broke off a piece of wattle, used the wattle to push open the wooden door, and walked into the wooden house.

Jiang Wang, who had blocked the sky, also fell from the high dome, looking at the valley with complex eyes. Fang Heling... was it in this place that he completed his alienation and became a hateful demon?

He looked around and sighed: "I don't see any bloody gloom here."

It turns out that human demons also enjoy a peaceful life.

He thought of the "boiling and killing" on Qingyun Mountain, and of the balanced blood boiled by many living people using a cauldron.

Did those demons and demons practice Dharma in such a peaceful place?

He looked at Li Yi, who was standing by the stream, very calm. The flowing water murmurs, and the simple shadow of the person is like the bright moon being washed away.

"Yan Chunhui just left." Gongsun Buhai walked out of the wooden house at this time, with no expression on his face: "It took less than half a quarter of an hour."

Almost walking on the line!

And he took his dog away leisurely.

Did someone send a letter in advance to inform Yan Chun of his return? ——This is a logical inference.

Jiang Wang said nothing.

He doubts no one.

In fact, he was not familiar with Gongsun Buhai, and they met for the first time on the day when they were refining demons at Tianxing Cliff. He asked Gongsun Buhui to take action because he believed in the Three Penalties Palace. It is also because Taixu Pavilion does not have authority other than Taixu affairs. To come to Chen State to eliminate evil, people from the Sanxing Palace must come forward to be justified and not to be true.

Among the three palaces of Legalism, the Palace of Punishers is the most suitable for handling this matter.

He and Li Yi did not have a deep friendship, but Li Yi was a member of Taixu Cabinet, with a pure Taoist heart, sufficient strength, and the highest achiever of Taoist swords that could replace the flying sword technique... No matter from any aspect , are all the best candidates to join forces to slay the devil.

As for Zhong Liyan, Zhong Liyan doesn't have the ability to do anything next to him yet.

He hired the people himself and made the choices he made after careful consideration. There is no reason to doubt his teammates if nothing goes wrong.

"Grandmaster Gongsun." Jiang Wang asked slowly, "Is it possible to trace the traces?"

Gongsun Buhui shook his head: "He intends to cut the marks, and it is impossible to track him now. And even if we catch up now, we probably won't be able to kill him. The world is vast, and the true king will never die."

The "true immortality" that Dong Zhen sees, the ultimate height on the extraordinary road, is equal to the ultimate power in this world!

This is the "true king".

A strong person in this realm is extremely difficult to kill.

In the past, most of the true kings who died were either fighting to the death or refusing to retreat, or they were surrounded and crucified and unable to escape.

This is also the reason why they dispatched three true monarchs at once, and even directly used Taixu Pavilion and Thorns to block the entire Chen Kingdom. They wanted to kill Yan Chunhui, not just defeat him and teach him a lesson.

But now that Yan Chunhui has escaped from the Valley of No Return, it is almost impossible to be trapped again.

The world is vast and all realms are free. Where can we stop him?

Reality seems to be teaching Jiang Wang a small truth - don't think that becoming a true king means that all your wishes will come true and you can do anything.

Where did it fail?

I can't know at this moment.

Jiang Wang let out a long sigh of relief.

There is no guarantee that you will succeed if you are prepared.

He faced the consequences of this moment.

"If you don't kill the snake, you will suffer from it. The devil and the man leave the nest, and the world is in trouble. Today's failure is due to my lack of careful consideration and insufficient preparation. I should take responsibility. I am really sorry that it caused the two of you to go on a wasted trip." "Jiang Wang said seriously: "In the next period of time, I will sit in the deep sea of ​​​​Tiandao and patrol all realms. Wherever Yan Chunhui appears, I will stop him and prevent him from causing trouble."

"The matter is not that serious. It's just a human and a demon. If you kill, you will kill, and if you are shocked, you will be shocked. There is no principle in enforcing the law and punishing crimes, and there is no principle of taking responsibility for failure." Gongsun Buhai said: "Yanchunhui has been staying in Wuhui Valley for these years. , barely moving, not because he is so considerate and kind-hearted, but because this is an orderly world, and as long as he wants to survive, he must act in a measured way. It can’t be done.”

He collected the thorns back into the thorn bush and looked at Jiang Wang seriously: "It's just that Jiang Zhenjun needs to be careful next. Since you have revealed your intention to kill him, he must find a way to deal with you."

"I have realized it a long time ago." Jiang Wang said: "I kill people, and it is natural for people to kill me. It doesn't even matter about good or evil, right or wrong. I will wait for him to come."

Gongsun Buhai looked at Jiang Wang for a while, then finally moved his eyes away and carefully observed the valley again. It was also his first time to come to Wuhui Valley, and he tried to outline a more specific Yanchunhui from these traces of residence——

The more concrete the image, the clearer the horror.

Really a very powerful opponent.

"I wonder if Jiang Zhenjun will regret it?" Gongsun Buhai said with some emotion: "I have caused a big trouble for myself for nothing."

"Isn't Legalism always doing this kind of thing?" Jiang Wang said: "Although I don't have the moral character of the masters of the Legalism, let alone their knowledge. But I do what I think is right and I have no regrets."

Gongsun Buhui turned around with a complicated smile on his face: "It seems Jiang Zhenjun will only regret that he was not prepared enough and told him to run away."

Jiang Wang doesn't dwell too much on regrets. Indulging in failure prolongs the time of failure. He turned around and walked out of the valley: "Of course Yan Chunhui is a big trouble, let this trouble be directed at me. It is best to only target me - many people have no room to resist when faced with human demons."

While talking to Gongsun Buhu, he suddenly thought of something. He immediately turned around, crossed the mountains and rivers, and appeared at the height of the Chen Kingdom's capital [Wanqiu].

This ancient capital with a lot of history is just like a small barren hill at the feet of Zhenjun.

The palace of Chen State has its own splendor, but now it is tormenting like a cauldron and people are scurrying like ants.

Zhong Liyan's sword energy was still waving in the air like a flag. The sword energy of this top martial artist in the Southern Region was the blazing fire that burned the Chen Kingdom's palace.

Feeling the lively signs of life in this guy, Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, he was the one who brought Zhong Liyan to Chen State. If something happened to this guy, he would still feel a little sorry.

Human demons have always done evil in the world, mostly wreaking havoc on some weak and small countries. When they encounter an enemy that they cannot resist, they flee back to the Valley of No Return. Chen Country is a place where they enjoy their daily lives. Here they don't have to be alert all the time, and they also relatively restrain themselves here.

Currently, only three of the nine human demons are in the Chen Kingdom, and they were all picked out and killed by Zhong Liyan, very cleanly.

At this moment, he was in the main hall, sitting on the dragon chair with a golden sword, holding the imperial crown in his hand and playing with it. The emperor of Chen State stood in front of him to answer, while all the civil and military officials of Chen State were forced to the ground.

Uncle Zhongli looked at the emperor in front of him: "I would like to ask you, where are the remaining demons? Tell me!"

The emperor of Chen State shrank in fear: "Gu... I really don't know!"

There were also various insults in the hall, such as "Evil thief, humiliate the country!", "Chu barbarian!", "Cruel thief, insult our king, you will be punished by God!"

Zhong Liyan turned a deaf ear. He didn't kill people casually, and he didn't even stop the scolding. He just stared at the emperor of Chen State and put all the pressure on this guy: "I don't like this answer. Say it again."

To accept the filth of the country is to be the master of the country.

If your ministers scold me, I will oppress you.

"Master Zhongli." Emperor Chen said with tears: "Chen is just a small country, and I have never done anything harmful to nature. You -"

The cries, curses, and explanations that filled the hall all stopped for a moment.

Zhong Liyan raised his head following everyone's gaze and saw Jiang Wang standing at the entrance of the palace. He was startled and subconsciously sat up straight on the dragon chair: "You're going to kill Yan Chunhui so soon?"

Jiang Wang watched all this with interest. These civil and military officials from the Chen Kingdom really don't understand Zhong Liyan very well. This guy has been beaten and scolded since he was a child. His skin is rough and his flesh is thicker than steel. How can he be moved by such scolding? Citing scriptures and scolding so many useless things, it is better to just say - "You are not as good as Douzhao."

Stopping the absurd thoughts that stimulated Zhong Liyan with onomatopoeia, Jiang Wang shook his head: "Yan Chunhui ran away."

"Ah - oh!" Zhong Liyan leaned back all of a sudden, threw the imperial crown aside, picked his nails with the Nanyue Sword, and said leisurely: "I have killed three human demons. The remaining five are also It’s just a matter of time. In fact, eliminating harm for the people requires patience and even more wisdom.”

"Brother Zhongli is indeed awesome!" Jiang Wang praised him, turned around and left: "Hurry back to Chu State, Yan Chun Hui has run wild and is a vicious tiger. I'm worried that he will hide somewhere to ambush and wait for revenge. "

Zhong Liyan wanted to say, "What do I fear?", but after thinking about it, he got down from Emperor Chen's throne and followed a few steps closely: "I'm just afraid that he won't come! Where are you going? We might as well go together and wait a moment. Wait for him!"

The one named "Selfless Man Demon" has a very poor memory. He may not remember to go to Xiangu to ask for ransom. It is better to be safe when he is away from home.

Seeing the two people one after another, they were about to leave here.

In the main hall, a loud voice suddenly sounded: "Everyone, please stay!"

Zhong Liyan looked back in surprise, but it was Emperor Chen who was cowering in front of him. At this time, he straightened his clothes, wiped away his tears, walked upright to the center of the palace, and stood in front of them.

"Remember the clues about the human demon?" Zhong Liyan asked, raising his eyes.

Emperor Chen only bowed to Jiang Wang and said, "Mr. Jiang Ge!"

Jiang Wang had no good impression of the Chen Kingdom's monarchs and ministers who hid human demons and provided life enjoyment for evil demons. However, the rise and fall of dynasties involves the fundamentals of the times and is the core of the national system. Now that he is establishing Chaowendao Heavenly Palace, he especially needs to maintain a detached status and is inconvenient to interfere.

So he just raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Chen, what's the matter?"

The Emperor of Chen State straightened up, and his voice was loud and clear without any hint of cowardice: "Do you know the history of Chen State? Do you know the geography of Chen State? Do you know the culture of Chen State?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "Jiang is ignorant and ignorant. He really doesn't know much about it. Why can Lord Chen teach me?"

"You are the hero of the world. The Chen State is a humble country, a small place, and it is not worthy of your attention!" Emperor Chen said, his expression gradually becoming more generous: "But it is also the place where millions of Chen people grew up, and it is the place where millions of Chen people grew up. The homeland that Chen Guojun and his ministers fought for is the homeland that I, an incompetent emperor, will protect throughout my life.”

"Yes, people have their own families, and people have their own country. Everyone has things they value, and people and things they value. And humans and demons are easy to ignore and cruel to them!" Jiang Wang said lightly: " This is why I want to kill all the demons."

The Emperor of Chen State did not talk about humans and demons, but only about Chen State: "Chen State is bounded by Li in the north, Yong in the south, Wan and Luo in the west, and Jiao in the east. Li and Yong are both tigers and wolves, and Luo and Jiao are also poisonous snakes! Chen is weak. For many years, the people have been kind and capable of being self-sufficient. The north and the south cannot be reconciled. "

Jiang Wang looked at him, waiting for his next words.

The Emperor of Chen State bowed deeply and said: "You bear the hope of the world, and you are a hero respected by the whole world. Now I am returning to Yanchun, but there is not a word about Chen State. The Valley without Return is an empty valley, and the border of Chen State is also in vain. No. When the country is destroyed, how should you deal with it?"

good question!

If it were seventeen-year-old Jiang Wang, he probably wouldn't know how to answer.

If it were Jiang Wang who was granted the title of Marquis at the age of twenty, he might also have a headache in this moral prison.

But now Jiang Wang is approaching his thirties and has reached his current position, standing at the highest place in the world.

He just smiled: "Very... unique question!"

Chen Guo's imperial palace was not grand. He turned around at the door of the palace and glanced at Li Yi who was following from Yuankong: "Zhenjun Taiyu, how should you handle yourself?"

In response to him, there was only a flash of sword light, leaving no trace in the distance. Since Yan Chunhui has escaped and is no longer hiding in the Chen Palace, there is nothing left to do here. Li Yi refused to answer such a boring question.

"Ha!" Zhong Liyan, who had already reached the entrance of the palace, turned back to the palace, turned the Nanyue Sword upside down, struck the ground with the sword, and the crack spread: "How to deal with yourself? Why don't you ask me?!"

Emperor Chen took a few steps back, almost returning to Lord Dan.

"Speak! I'll forgive you for being rude!" Zhong Liyan said dissatisfied: "Why do you ask him and not me? Do I look more vicious than him?!"

Emperor Chen looked at the barbarian of Chu: "If you can kick me off the throne, you are not a reasonable person."

He grabbed the jade railing with both hands and supported his body, as if gaining strength from it, and said with a needle hidden in the cotton: "It's just that you disrespect the king in Chen, and you sit on the dragon's throne in Chen. If the emperor of Chu knew this, I don't know what he would do. What do you think!”

"Hey! You fucking——" Zhong Liyan was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves on the spot.

Jiang Wang stopped him and pushed the furious martial arts master back.

The newly promoted true king of the human race took a step forward, looked at the very courageous Emperor Chen, and asked with a smile: "There is a lot of noise in Zhongli's palace, but you are silent. Master Zhongli's sword kills people and demons, but you are silent." . Jiang Wang is here, but you ask me how to deal with it - does Chen Guozhu think Jiang Wang is more reasonable, or does he think Jiang Wang is more likely to be trapped in a moral prison? "

Zhong Liyan heard something wrong from the side.

Why am I not easily trapped in a moral prison? Do I have no morals? But he suppressed his temper and listened.

Emperor Chen gritted his teeth and said: "Jiang Zhenjun disclosed the Star Road, promoted the "Taixu Xuanzhang", and established the Heavenly Palace of Chaowen Dao, selflessly serving the world. He eliminated disasters and floods, slayed demons in the borderlands, and cut down the tops of all realms. He has a public heart. Shi! I just feel that you, a person who cares about the weak and loves the world, will not ignore a weak country like ours, and will not abandon the people of Chen State!"

Good guy, the selfless demon Yan Chunhui has left. I want to tie Jiang Wang down and support him! Is the specialty of Chen State abacus? Zhong Liyan bared his teeth but said nothing.

He also wanted to see how Jiang Wang would answer.

Jiang Wang looked at Emperor Chen in front of him and smiled: "You have misjudged me, Jiang Wang. I am a selfish person! What is public-spirited and what loves the world, that is your brag, not my shackles ”

His smile is brilliant!

"Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng." He called the Emperor Chen's name and faced the direct bloodline of the former Chen Xuan: "Do you think I want to be a moral saint? Do you think I do those things as moral dogma? Driven by the temptation, you think Jiang Wang standing in front of you is full of foolishness and kindness. Why don't you ask, how many people has Jiang Wang killed along the way, and how many things he has done that he will never look back on? Can words be swayed?"

He took a step forward, drew out Emperor Chen's sword, and handed it into the emperor's hand: "Take it!"

Emperor Chen was shocked and subconsciously held his emperor's sword.

Jiang Wang looked into his eyes and said softly: "You can commit suicide in front of me now, and then tell the world that Jiang Wang forced you to death. The civil and military officials of Chen Guo in the whole dynasty can all prove it for you—— Before you die, open your eyes and see if I frown."

He held Emperor Chen's hand and helped him put his sword on his neck: "Come on, this is the best position to use your strength. We might as well see if there is anyone in the world who will be killed because of this matter." Attack me with words or with swords, and see what I fear!"

He let go of his hand, but raised his voice: "With this strike of your sword, your problem can exist. Only then can a weakling like you, a beast in clothes, truly examine me!"


The emperor of Chen State was heartbroken. His hand loosened and his sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

This hall once had the sound of gold and jade, but now this hall has its sonorous sound.

Jiang Wang looked at the long sword rolling on the ground and shook his head with some disappointment: "Chen Zheng, I overestimated your courage. I thought that those who dare to walk with humans and demons and can be cruel to others can also be cruel to themselves. A little. But why do people like you always cherish yourself so much, why do you never cherish others?"

"I... I am alone... I am in charge of the country and I am responsible for the world. How can I take my death lightly?" Emperor Chen's eyes were filled with blood and he said sadly: "If Mr. Jiang really feels that he is not responsible for Chen Guo, then he will take his own life." Go. In the future, whether the people are in ruins or the country is destroyed, it is the fate of the people of Chen. The country of Chen is barren and has no young people to carry it. The country of Chen is weak and has no weapons to attack. I am not qualified to be here. Speak in front of you. Just go and feel at ease!"

"I want to kill the human demons because of the evil they did. As for what will happen to Chen Guoguo after the human demons leave, that is an issue you should have considered clearly when you were with the human demons in the first place. All the consequences resulting from this, It’s all your own fault. It’s you, the royal family of Chen State, and you, Chen Zheng, who have betrayed the people of Chen State.”

"If I don't kill you, will you die because of me? If I can't destroy Chen State, will Chen State die because of me? What a twisted truth!" Jiang Wang moved his eyes without emotion and looked at the civil and military officials of Chen State in the palace: " If Chen Guo She Ji existed because of humans and demons, then it shouldn’t have existed in the first place—you should understand what I’m saying!”

The palace is full of wealthy people, and it is the home of Dingshi.

However, Jiang Wang saw again and again that the huge cauldron where many Qingyunting disciples were stewed had rotten human flesh!

This chapter costs 6k, of which 2k is added by Dameng "Qilixiang Live", (2/3)

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