Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2361: Using ruthlessness to punish kindness

Wherever the mighty wind blows, the sea of ​​suffering turns into mortal dust.

The Dharma stele stands on a high cliff, like a sword that cuts through the sky. It can also be used horizontally according to the law to frighten the world.

The thirteen-character Legalist mantra has been resonant for thousands of years.

The Sanxing Palace often uses the Dharma stele as the "ceremony gate".

When you go out, you become the world; when you enter, you become the palace of Dharma.

Gongsun Buhu walked up the mountain steps with a thorn bush on his back and came back empty-handed.

Just beside the Yimen of Legalism, I met Wu Bingji who was about to go out——

The commotion in the Meteor Immortal Forest is getting louder and louder. Jiang Wangzhu's step of becoming "I" and all worlds returning to "truth" is more powerful than proving the Tao with force, and directly shakes the heavens. At the age of twenty-nine, he once again created the history of cultivation and broke through the hidden barriers.

Old perceptions were broken again and again.

The transcendent existence known as the "Nameless One" can no longer escape.

In fact, the moment He entered people's field of vision, fought against Huang Wei's truth, and was referred to as "The Nameless One", He was no longer "Nameless"!

In a sense, the "Nameless One" is His name, and people can already talk about Him, and are talking about Him more and more. Every discussion is an outline. This process is like peeling off the scales and removing the feathers, and He will also make the outline clear.

During this period of time, the battle between [The Nameless One] and Huang Wei only continued to lengthen time and space, delaying the process of clarity. Of course, transcendence can be as fast or slow as a blink of an eye or tens of thousands of years.

Huang Weizhen naturally hopes to end the battle before Shenxiao opens, while [The Nameless One] wants to delay until the change occurs.

During this period, the level of danger in the Fallen Fairy Forest was far greater than before. Even the Chu State's garrison closed their camps and canceled their patrols——

The turbulence of time and space that appears from time to time can instantly turn young people into rotten bones, and make famous generals become infants again.

The Meteor Immortal Forest was turned upside down, and many traces disappeared.

The two transcendents were not fighting in the Fallen Immortal Forest, but were constantly chasing and escaping in different time and space and different lines of cause and effect.

But the Fallen Fairy Forest was the place where they had their first true confrontation. The aftermath of the collision between the Transcendents continued to expand and manifest its power as the confrontation continued.

The battle of the transcendent cannot be observed.

Even the most powerful people could only understand the ripples of that battle from the changes in the Fallen Immortal Forest.

Wu Bing, who was in charge of the Judi Palace, frequently went to the Meteor Immortal Forest during this period to clean up the turbulence of time and space, regulate the order of the world, and assume the responsibility of "Judi". To prevent the aftermath of the struggle of the Transcendents from affecting the environment of the Fallen Immortal Forest and thus shaking the world.

Although the Meteor Immortal Forest is not a place with rules and regulations and has always had a reputation for evil, it is not likely to change too quickly.

"Where is Yan Chunhui?" Wu Bing asked directly.

Gongsun Buhu turned his palms over to show their emptiness: "I didn't bring them back."

"No matter how strong Yan Chunhui is, I may not be able to defeat you. At the beginning and the end of Li Yi's reign, Jiang Wangzhu Xiangchengwo, Wanjie Guizhen, plus Taixu Pavilion and Thorns, if he acts properly, Yan Chun can be trapped and killed The response shouldn't be a problem." Wu Bing was thoughtful: "Who leaked the news?"

This is a pretty serious accusation!

This is also the reason why Jiang Wang didn't mention a word in Wuhui Valley.

As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a rift.

Although the relationship between the three true monarchs is not close. But they were all the teammates chosen by Jiang Wang to encircle and suppress Yan Chunhui. At least in the matter of sweeping Wuhui Valley, they could deal with the evil in unison.

If we really want to be suspicious of each other, it will only make the evil people happy and the good people sad.

In the absence of conclusive evidence, Jiang Wang would only blame himself.

Of course, Wu Bingji was talking about this in private.

Gongsun Buhu was silent for a while, and then said: "If there must be someone who leaked the news. This person cannot be Jiang Wang. He has never been merciless to humans and demons. He killed almost everyone from top to bottom without turning around in the end. Besides, he took the lead in this operation. Once Yan Chunhui escapes, it will be his biggest trouble - he has no reason to let Yan Chunhui go. "

The person in charge of the Prisoner's Palace added: "It can't be Li Yi. Li Yi's background, position, and temperament have no reason to support him to do this."

"Zhong Liyan is even more impossible. He can't do it."

Having said this, Gongsun Buhui raised his head with a very strange expression: "It seems that I am the only one left."

He slightly raised his head in the sky: "Am I the internal agent of a selfless man and demon?"


The stone struck at the right time.

It is like the majestic judgment of the law.

The wind moved and the sound moved, but Wu Bing did not move.

He was still there and his voice was steady: "Leaking information does not necessarily stem from subjective malice, and information that is inadvertently leaked does not require a reason. So other people cannot be ruled out. Even the information does not have to be leaked by a specific person. . Maybe Yan Chunhui was awakened by the intention to kill, or was alerted by spiritual awareness, or maybe it was because of some unknown secret magic power - Yan Chunhui's ability to achieve enlightenment with the selfless flying sword in this era is not common sense. "

"Yes, it is not something that can be measured by common sense. The evil of human demons has been causing trouble for many years. If he was easy to kill, he would not be here today." Gongsun Buhu remained silent for a moment, and then said: "But Jiang Wangxin proved that today, unexpectedly, , failed to kill him."

Two great masters of Legalism, one has a high crown and a professional belt, and the other is wearing a military uniform; one has an expressionless face, and the other has bold eyebrows; one is as quiet as a mountain stone, and the other is as blazing as a bonfire. They are really two completely different people, so opposite to each other on both sides of the Dharma Monument, both inside and outside the Yimen.

One was about to go out and the other was about to come back.

Wu Bingyi is always serious, and he didn't waver at this moment. He just said: "It's just a warning. Although he failed to kill Yan Chunhui, he should know that the accounts of the demons over the years are all on him, and sooner or later there will be a day of reckoning. Tell him not to be so reckless."

Gongsun Buhai could not be comforted, and Wu Bingyi was not a person who would comfort others.

"The deterrence of warning lies in the fact that punishment and killing can be achieved." Gongsun Buhai said: "If I fail to kill him today, I'm afraid it will fuel his flames."

If Yan Chunhui is killed, everything will be over. Since Yan Chunhui cannot be killed, the so-called warning is naturally meaningless. No matter who speaks, how can Yan Chunhui be scared?

"You are right." Wu Bingyi raised his step to leave, but after thinking about it, he stopped and suddenly asked: "Are you still in touch with Gu Shiyi?"

Who could have thought of it?

The great master of the Legalist School, the ruler of the Palace of Punishers, and the world's number one hero Gu Shiyi were once friends!

At that time, Gongsun Buhai was still called "Sun Meng", and he was also a world-famous hero. He and Gu Shiyi hit it off at first sight and they had known each other for a hundred years.

Later, he returned to the Sanxing Palace and changed his real name back to his original name. The world no longer heard of "Heroic" Sun Meng.

Gu Shiyi walked alone in the world and gradually grew into the spiritual leader of all the knights in the world.

Few people knew about this, but Wu Bingyi was naturally one of the few.

Today, he suddenly mentioned it, and Gongsun Buhai was also silent on the spot.

The former "Heroic" Sun Meng stood there, as if he had been silent for a difficult time, and finally said: "The thorn box is behind me."

He carried the responsibilities of the Xingren Palace for thousands of years.

Carrying thorns and hanging a ruler, how dare you forget the "law"?

Gu Shiyi is the most self-centered and arbitrary person in the world, while the Legalists are the most disciplined, strict and majestic knowledge.

The so-called "knights violate the ban with force", "knights" and "bans" are difficult to reconcile.

Gu Shiyi despises the world, but the law cannot be challenged.

The heroes are happy to repay their enemies and act according to their likes and dislikes. They only want to be drunk today and break their heads today.

The Legalists want to put everything in a cage.

Gongsun Buhai, who represents "law", and Gu Shiyi, who represents "knight", have some moments of coexistence based on "justice", but they are naturally incompatible.

Perhaps this is why they were close friends and then parted ways.

Are they still in touch?

Of course not.

One hundred and seventy-seven years ago, when the wind blew the fragrance of rice, the two people did not know each other without fighting. They drank together for the first time and laughed drunkenly. Nine years ago, when the mountain wind was bleak, the two people drank for the last time and were not satisfied. They never met again.

The righteous way of the world is vicissitudes!

Gongsun Buhai's answer undoubtedly satisfied Wu Bingyi.

He just nodded and walked out of the ceremonial gate.

Gongsun Buhai passed him and walked into the ceremonial gate.

The ruler of the Judi Palace and the ruler of the Xingren Palace exchanged positions, and that was the end of the conversation. After that, each had their own affairs and responsibilities.

But Gongsun Buhai stopped and spoke again: "Do you doubt Gu Shiyi?"

He did not look back, and neither did Wu Bingyi.

The two of them talked with their backs to each other.

Wu Bingyi spoke like chiseling stone, hammering word by word: "If an extremely stubborn and self-centered person believes that he is right, then for this "rightness", he can do anything. All the incredible things that you think are unimaginable and unreasonable are not worth mentioning before that kind of rightness. I think Gu Shiyi is such a person."

Gongsun Buhai turned around, looking outside the Yimen of the Legal Family: "When my teacher died in battle in the outer world, you wrote a letter to call me back. The three Xing Palaces are equally divided, without any superiority or inferiority. But I have always respected you very much."

He called Wu Bingyi "you" at the beginning.

But the word "heart" was cut off by Wu Bingyi.

Because the person in charge of the Palace of Punishers cannot mix personal feelings in all matters involving "law".

"You were proficient in classics at the age of nine, and could annotate the "Law Classics" at the age of thirteen. At the age of sixteen, you traveled around the world, overcame nine difficulties, and handled 1,346 cases, all of which were fair. In order to explore the boundary between chivalry and law, you transformed yourself into Sun Meng, earned the name of "Heroic Will", and became the only hero in the world who has never violated any law. No one in your generation can compare to you. In the past few hundred years, it is hard to say which disciple of the School of Law can compare with you. It is a legal necessity that you can be in charge of the Palace of Punishers."

Wu Bingyi also turned around and faced Gongsun Buhai: "This is not up to me or Mr. Han, and there is no friendship involved. I wrote a public letter, not a private letter."

Punishment is a ruthless thing, and people are affectionate people.

Punishing people is to punish affectionate people with ruthlessness.

Gongsun Buhai certainly doesn't need anyone to teach him.

But at this moment, he looked at Wu Bingyi and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

I respect you like a teacher and a father. But you are as hard as iron and as hard as stone. After so many years, I still can't get used to it.

He said: "You are staring at Gu Shiyi because he is the spiritual leader of the heroes in the world, who can shake the world with a single call. Or is it because he really did something evil, and there is something to doubt about it?"

"There is no evidence to prove that he did anything evil, so I don't think he did anything evil. Of course, he has violated some laws in different places, but they are not heinous crimes. He is just free by nature and unrestrained." Wu Bingyi said directly: "I am staring at him because he doesn't care about the 'law'. He has the will and ability to break the law."

"Then you should stare at Jiang Wang like this." Gongsun Buhai said: "Refining demons, cultivating the Heavenly Palace of Wen Dao, he completely despises order and has no respect for rules. Whether it is the opinions of the world or the sword of punishment, Nothing can stop him, he is extremely self-centered and has repeatedly challenged the established order.”

"You are wrong. You walked with Jiang Wang all the way, but you didn't really know him." Wu Bing said calmly: "The real Jiang Wang and the hero Gu Shiyi seem to be similar, and they are both self-indulgent, but in fact they are Two completely different people. Master Gu is lawless and follows his own path, while Jiang Wang happens to be a person who understands and respects the Dharma very well. , he didn’t even know his name at first, but later he was able to argue with Zhuo Qingru about the points in the book - he is more knowledgeable than you think.”

"Someone gave him the news about the magic skills in the hope that he would practice the magic skills when he was desperate, but he did not practice them. Although he practiced the magic skills, he placed himself in the Dharma Palace, wore shackles on himself, and wielded the torture knife. He built a court Wen Dao Tian Gong promotes things step by step and communicates with all parties to achieve success. If you look closely at him, you will find that many of his seemingly crazy actions are moving forward within the existing order framework. The battle in the capital.”

The Grand Master in charge of the Judi Palace stood on a high cliff and gave his final definition of 'Jiang Wang': "He is actually very willing to respect the rules and act under the rules, as long as the rules are fair. I I think he has understood the true meaning of 'order' and understands that it is the foundation of all peace."

"Maybe you know Jiang Wang very well!" Gongsun Buhai shook his head: "But you don't know Gu Shiyi."

"It doesn't matter whether I understand them or not." Wu Bing said calmly, "I only look at the facts."

Gongsun Buhai looked at him like this and finally said: "You doubt Gu Shiyi now, but in the final analysis, you doubt me."

The person in charge of the Judi Palace and the person in charge of the Xingren Palace are suspicious!

If this news spreads, I am afraid it will shake the Dharma Palace and shock the world.

"You know I'm not targeting you." Even in such a serious situation, Wu Bing had no expression on his face. He didn't try to hide it at all: "The action that should have been a sure thing failed in a single moment. Yan Chunhui's escape was indeed There are many possibilities, but they are all very unlikely - I doubt every one of you equally."

Gongsun Buhu said: "You should be suspicious! But it's not groundless suspicion!"

Wu Bing's body is like cast iron, and even his crown and belt are not allowed to be shaken by the wind: "Before the evidence appears, suspicion is just suspicion. Since you said it is appropriate, how can it be 'unfounded'?"

"You have two suspicions." Gongsun Buhui raised his hand and raised a finger: "First, you suspect that I am still in contact with Gu Shiyi, and it was me who leaked the news to Gu Shiyi. I can't prove this myself. , because with the strength of Gu Shiyi and I, we can bypass any known monitoring methods."

Wu Bing said quietly: "You don't have to prove yourself. There is no reason in the world for people to prove their innocence."

Gongsun Buhai ignored it and raised a second finger: "Second, you suspect that Gu Shiyi reported the news in advance, causing Yan Chunhui to escape. To be honest, your suspicion is very far-fetched and has no basis. There is no way to shoot the arrow first and then The suspicion of target painting - what does this have to do with Gu Shiyi? "

"First of all, this is one of my suspicions, not all of them. Listing all the suspicions and eliminating them one by one is also a normal method of handling cases. You are too excited. Do you think I should not doubt you, or do you not want me to Do you doubt Gu Shiyi? You should know that your "feelings" and "hopes" have no impact on me. This is not directed at you, whether you are in charge of Xingren Palace or you know me, Wu Bingji."

Wu Bing has made no secret of his thoughts, and he does not need to hide anything from Gongsun Buhui. He believes that the law can be made public, and his doubts can be completely exposed to the sun.

There is no private truth in the world!

"Secondly, I have been paying attention to Gu Shiyi over the years, and I know you have too. Your pursuit of Gu Shiyi is even more intense than mine. Don't you have any doubts about him? There are many times when he can't explain clearly. I believe you are better than me. Also be clear.”

He paused, as if to give Gongsun Buhui some buffering time, and finally said: "I have reasons for my doubts, but in view of your irrationality before the name Gu Shiyi, I can't share it with you. Now I just Can I say - I think this possibility exists, Jiang Wang, you, Gu Shiyi, Yan Chunhui, there may be an intelligence line between them, but I won't say anything to the public until I confirm this possibility with evidence."

The mountain wind calmed down.

Yi Shi also remained silent.

After a long silence, Gongsun Buhai spoke: "Do you think Gu Shiyi is from the country of equality?"

Wu Bing already said: "I didn't say that, I didn't even mention the country of equality, but why..."

He looked at Gongsun Buhai: "What do you think?"

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