Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2364 Under the Sun

Jiang Wang killed many demons including Zheng Fei and Li Shou.

Jiang Wang is the first genius of the human race.

Jiang Wang is world famous...

These are not the memories of Yan Chunhui.

He only remembers two things.

Jiang Wang completely surpassed Xiang Fengqi.

Jiang Wang summoned several true kings to kill him.

Then he remembered why he came to Yun Country.

In the spacious and elegant inn room, the white-haired old man just raised his eyelids, and the whole room was instantly filled with electricity, making the empty room white!

A fleeting period of time that many people named "era" woke up in the winter of 3929 in the New Calendar.

The old thing finally remembered!

The biting cold made the old yellow dog's limbs stiff. It held the black shrine in its mouth and shrank into the corner. Its long ears drooped and it only used its peripheral vision to watch the swallows.

It doesn't understand why the swallows are so hostile to it and always want to kill it - it has forgotten many things in the past.

But there’s not much to explore about these perverts.

Many times... there is no why.

A convenient thing.

No living creature in the Valley of No Return deserves to die, no matter what the reason for walking in in the first place.

The old yellow dog just told himself to be careful.

Even if you are a dog now, even if you are just a dog, you must know how to protect yourself.

Yanzi let go of Yan Chunhui's hand, stopped helping him, and stayed away from him, like a snake or a scorpion—even though she herself was more poisonous than a snake or scorpion.

She has never been shy about showing her hatred for Yan Chunhui, wishing that Yan Chunhui would die immediately, and the more miserable his death, the better. But compared to those times when he was occasionally awake, the forgetful and somewhat deaf Yan Chunhui was more acceptable.

The pain was like a monster with sharp teeth, constantly gnawing at her body and mind. In those occasional moments of calm, she was often able to stop and be willing to call "boss". He also very much enters the role of a demon, obeying orders and doing some inexplicable things.

But Yan Chunhui, who was awake, even if she just stood there without moving, was reminding her all the time——

Remind her of what she is and what a fucked up life it is.

She couldn't face it.

Yan Chunhui, who "woke up", did not miss the support, and of course he never needed it. He just lowered his eyes slightly and calmed down a little: "Jiang Wang has indeed arrived in Yun State. And he is arrogant and powerful. For those who don't know, I might have thought that he was going to demonstrate with Ye Xiaohua."

"I came so quickly because I was on guard against you!" The old yellow dog in the corner now acted as a 'think tank': "He was afraid that you would attack his own sister. There seems to be a woman he likes here. "

Yanzi suddenly woke up from the endless pain, and vaguely remembered the way Jiang Wang chased him, chasing each other for thousands of miles without stopping. At that time, Jiang Wang could still be called young, but the look in his eyes at that time was indescribable.

That kind of determination to kill without mercy often made her wake up in the middle of the night, her clothes soaked in sweat.

It is obvious that she is not afraid of death, it is obvious that Yan Chunhui will not let her die no matter what, it is obvious that she is always begging for death - but what is she afraid of?

"He? Likes it?" Yanzi's tone was ridiculous.

People like Jiang Wang are devoted to cultivation and practice all the time. All the way from the countryside of a small country to the pinnacle of the extraordinary, and now without looking back...Does he know what 'like' is?

"According to reliable information." The old yellow dog in the corner added an emphasis on the word 'reliable': "At least he is the most special to the young master of Lingxiao Pavilion. It is different from his attitude towards all other women. ”

"I think there is no difference between men and women in his eyes." Yanzi said in a complicated tone, "There are only weaknesses and vital points."

The old yellow dog placed the black shrine with great treasure: "No matter how lonely the swordsman is in seeking the truth, there will be moments of spring and tenderness."

"You are a delicate dog." There was no praise or criticism in Yanzi's voice: "It's just that for that kind of cultivating lunatic, any heartbeat or softness should be regarded as external demons, and they can be chopped off with one sword."

"But he has reached the top now." Old Huang Gou said.

Yan Chunhui had been silent for a long time. He was probably in no mood to speak, and he didn't care about Jiang Wang's emotional entanglements. He stood in front of the window, his eyes seeming to shine through the sea of ​​clouds. What is certain is that the dusk skylight falls and smudges the clouds.

"Old man!" Yanzi asked, "Did you come to Yun Country specifically to find an opportunity to kill his most important person? Or use his most important person to threaten him and force him to commit suicide?"

"If you can't kill him, if it's not for the humiliation before killing him, then there is no point in killing the people around him." Yan Chunhui said indifferently: "No matter what situation he faces, people like Jiang Wang will not commit suicide. , he knew that hope lay only under his sword—I came here just knowing that he would come here.”

"Jiang Wang appears so arrogantly at this moment, is he secretly ambushing other true kings? He has always had a wide network of contacts, and the returns on investing in him are huge." Compared with the semi-demented old man and the crazy woman who wants to die from time to time, the old man The yellow dog still believes in his own wisdom. It thought seriously: "Your Majesty, this is most likely a trap!"

"Is it possible that this is a bluff?" Yanzi said quietly: "If Jiang Wang wants to ambush the old man, he shouldn't come to Yun Kingdom in a big way, but should hide in secret. Now he is making such a big show, he clearly wants to scare us away."

"You don't understand the posture of Jue Ding. Jiang Wang first arrived here when he saw how small the mountains are. This is just a declaration." Yan Chun replied: "He does not want to have a war with me in the Yun Kingdom. He He doesn’t mind revealing the importance of the Yun Kingdom to him at the moment, but he is also ready to face that kind of outcome—to face any outcome.”

The old and extremely powerful man sighed inexplicably: "Everyone who has just reached the limit of the world thinks that he can do anything."

The old yellow dog huddled in the corner, hunched his back, and asked carefully: "You have waited for him, what are you going to do?"

The black shrine resting on its paws looks like the entrance to a gloomy cave.

The incense burner in the shrine is still there, the incense has not been extinguished, and there is no trace of the statue.

The flickering sparks on the burning incense seemed to catch the light of the sky, making the shadow of the shrine open and close like a door in the darkness.

Something inside the door seemed to be waiting for an answer.

And Yan Chun replied: "Talk to him."

This white-haired old man, the pinnacle of Gu Feijian's enlightenment, does not show the viciousness of a selfless demon at this moment. He looked at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window: "I am a reasonable person. I think he is too."

In the red glow of the evening, there is a wisp of sword intent swimming around, which is not obvious in the glow. But in the eyes of a swordsman like Jiang Wang, Yao Jiao is like a dragon.

And he had no words.

He, Ye Qingyu, Jiang An'an, Song Qingzhi, Fu Jingru, and Chou Hui formed a small group of five people and one dog, and they were gathering together to eat barbecue.

There are two lotus leaf chickens buried in the mud stove.

That wisp of sword energy initiated an invitation for dialogue, and Jiang Wang was thinking. Now that he had summoned all the members of Taixu Pavilion, whether he could find the sword's intention and determine the sword master, kill Yan Chun and return to the spot.

The answer is no.

As long as the other Taixu cabinet members strive for a little more energy and develop one more way. Jiang Wang would lift the table right now, cutting off the possibility of communication——

What is there to say to such evil heretics who do evil wantonly?

But no.

If we really want to summon all the Taixu cabinet members, I'm afraid we will have to fulfill Yan Chunhui's plan of chopping melons and vegetables.

He is the proudest man in the pavilion, but his flying sword is too powerful.

The fight of hatred has not yet spread, and the champions are endless.

I am one step ahead of others and very lonely!

Just write a letter to urge them, and forget about summoning them.

Jiang Wang rushed to Yun State as soon as possible to prepare for the accident. If you have alarmed the human demon, you must be on guard against the human demon's revenge.

Of course, now he knows that Yan Chunhui is in Yun State at this moment, which is also a gesture of dialogue. Looking at everything in the past, this is probably the only attempt at communication between the selfless man and the devil.

Before today, who would have thought that communication in Yan Chun Hui was possible?

"Qingzhi, your skill at grilling fish is not very good." Jiang Wang said casually.

Song Qingzhi, the demon king who once had her hair covered in pigtails and rolled up her sleeves just to beat Jiang Wang, is now very graceful. Jiang An'an, who was grabbing meat from Fu Jingru's bowl next to him, didn't know where the lady was.

The water tribe grows slowly, and she is now a little shorter than Jiang Anan, but sitting there, she looks more like her sister.

She said sheepishly: "Brother Jiang is ridiculous. The fish in this water have never been roasted before... because I am also in the water."

Everything in the water is on the chopping board.

Things harm their own kind.

When she was born, she was a princess of the water tribe. She was extremely noble and loved by thousands of people. Later, Shui Lord Song Hengjiang died and the Qingjiang Shui Tribe changed its power. Along with her brother, she was driven out of the Shui Mansion where she grew up. Their personalities are quite different, and they become increasingly sensitive and fragile amidst the twists and turns of life.

"The human race and the water race are as close as one family, but they live in different places. Just like some people live in Huawu and some live in Gaoyu." Jiang Wang said warmly: "You and we are one family, but you and Yu'er are not the same family."

As he said that, he kicked Stupid Hui: "Stupid dog, why did you ask you to catch so many fish?"

Stupid Hui rolled on the ground, exposing his soft belly, which made Jiang Zhenjun's feet feel better.

Song Qingzhi chuckled.

Jiang Wang thought about it again and again, and finally snapped his fingers——

A startling rainbow is seen above the clouds.

Above the endless sea of ​​clouds, spread out under the glow.

The two swords finally met.

Boom, boom!

The sky collapsed and the earth split, all surging in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, and the light from the sky gathered at one point in a trance, unable to be captured by sight.

This is a land of nothingness, with neither time nor world.

The past of this life is all shadows. The ideals of half a lifetime are just dust and smoke.

This is the realm of tribulation without space.

Jiang Wang stood there quietly and became the center, so there were four directions up and down, and time seemed to start to flow.

Yan Chunhui appeared from a faint ray of sword light, wearing light clothes and cloth shoes, with her hair hanging on her shoulders.

This was their first real meeting, because Jiang Wang before was not qualified to stand like this, and he was not qualified to stand still!

He looked at Jiang Wang calmly, there was no hostility in his eyes, just a kind of scrutiny - a strange scrutiny.

"Do you know that I'm not easily killed?" Yan Chun asked back.

"I know." Jiang Wang said.

"We did have some interactions. But those things have been in the past for a long time...probably a long time!" Yan Chun asked back: "Am I full of hatred towards you? Am I pursuing you relentlessly?"

"You didn't." Jiang Wang said, "You probably forgot about me."

"If I wanted to kill you, would you be alive today?" Yan Chun asked back.

"It's probably difficult." Jiang Wang said.

"Then can you tell me now?" Yan Chunhui raised his eyelids: "Why did you come to the door so fiercely and vowed to kill me?"

Jiang Wang has always been calm, and he is still the same now: "First of all, I want to say that you didn't kill me before, it's not a favor. You killed me in Duanhun Gorge and Xingyue Yuan, but you didn't succeed. In the past. I enjoy the title of Qi, and am the leader of the Yellow River in Qi. If you kill me, Qi will kill you, and it will be difficult for you to survive. Later, I was listed in Taixu Pavilion. If you kill me, the world will kill you, and you will definitely die. Either you forgot, or you can't afford to kill me, that's all."

"Secondly?" Yan Chun asked back.

Jiang Wangdao: "You asked some very important questions, so after these questions, you should know that I want to kill you, not for me."

Yan Chunhui gave a rare grin and smiled: "Then for what? All the people in the world, the common people of Li?"

"This sentence is too big, and this burden is too heavy. I can't bear it." Jiang Wang was unmoved: "Actually, someone has asked me the same question. I also asked myself, why should I kill you. I thought about it for about a quarter of an hour, and the final answer was – I still remember.”

Yan Chunhui frowned: "Remember?"

"I still remember the way you cooked people. I still remember Zheng Fei and Li Shou competing to kill people for fun. I still remember the fortune tellers and using other people's lives for divination. I remember those things, remember The compassion in my heart." Jiang Wang said calmly and seriously: "Yan Chunhui, this is the reason why I must kill you. It is too grand to talk about the world. It is essentially my anger and intolerance."

"Angry, unbearable." Yan Chun replied: "Very good reason."

Jiang Wangdao: "My principles happen to be right in front of me, and I have a sword in my hand. I can't find any reason not to practice them."

"Let me give you a reason!" Yan Chun replied.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Please speak."

"If you don't come to me, we won't offend the river. There won't be much bloodshed in Wuhui Valley. Those new demons, no matter how evil they do, can't kill too many people. If you insist on looking for me, from now on I Traveling around the world, wherever you go, there will be blood and blood!" Yan Chun replied: "Jiang Wang, what do you think I should choose?"

This is the condition for Yan Chun to return.

He made huge concessions. He could completely forget Jiang Wang's behavior of gathering people to kill him in Wuhui Valley this time, and he could pretend that nothing happened.

This is almost a weakness for human demons who do evil things.

This is Yan Chunhui who wields his sword against the entire Xingyue Plains battlefield with no scruples!

His concession should be respected. His power should be feared.

And between human life and human life, it seems that it can be measured by numbers. It seems that Yan Chunhui's behavior can be borne by Jiang Wanglai - do you choose to sit back and watch the demons kill a few people, or do you choose to force me to kill more people?

Before Juedian, not many people cared about Jiang Wang's reasoning.

After reaching the peak, everyone must see him, and it seems like the whole world is asking him what he thinks.

Where did Mr. Jiang come from? Jiang Wang, how do you choose?

But Jiang Wang just shook his head: "This is not the case for this multiple-choice question."

"What do you think it is?" Yan Chun asked back.

Jiang Wangdao: "You have raised a demon and have indulged in evil until now. I will find a way to kill you, and you can also find a way to kill me. This is a matter between you and me. This is the first option. How dare you wander around the world? , if you start a bloody storm, I will spread the word to the world and call on all the sects and powerful men in the world to come together to kill you - this is the second option. "

Some people may doubt Jiang Wang's appeal and whether he can really take the lead in bringing the world together to suppress human beings and demons.

But Yan Chunhui obviously does not.

The Wusheng Cult is a lesson learned from the past, and Zhang Linchuan hates it all!

He often remains in a semi-demented state, but he is very aware that this is an orderly world. No matter how bloody, cruel, and unfair it is, it still has its truth under the sun.

That is the core rule that has been passed down by the three generations of Human Emperors and continued by the human race.

On the surface, everyone must maintain its existence.

And today, Jiang Wang is able to raise this flag.

"There are many evil people in the world. Even if you, Jiang Wang, reach transcendence, can you kill all the evil in people and eliminate the evil deeds in the world?" Yan Chun replied: "I used to have my own fantasies just like you. But people The devil can never be killed. The devil will always exist.”

Jiang Wang looked at him calmly: "I know that the evil thoughts in the human heart cannot be cut off. The evil thoughts in the evil heart will never stop. But I want to let the world know that those who do evil willfully cannot walk in the daylight - this It’s the sword I cut in the Valley of No Return.”

Boom, boom!

When Chen Guowu returned to the outside of the valley, he encountered a violent storm, thunder and lightning.

A bolt of lightning blasted through the sky, illuminating a tall monument outside Wuhui Valley.

It was a stele carved with a sword. On the stele was inscribed the words Dao, and the words were dazzling with a cold light. The word says——

Those who wantonly do evil must not walk in the light of day.

The signature is, Jiang Wang.


Chen Guo's thunder snake stretches thousands of miles across the sky.

The sea of ​​clouds in the Yun Kingdom was silent.

In the Jie Wukong realm where a little sword light unfolded, Yan Chunhui looked into Jiang Wang's eyes.

Old looks young.

The bygone era stares at the present.

Yan Chunhui grinned: "You chose to become my enemy."

"It's not that I choose to be your enemy, it's that I keep moving forward and happen to meet you here. This is what I want to do, and my path is here." Jiang Wang said calmly: "You can either take a detour, or cut off the road, or chop me into pieces. There is no fourth choice."

He is completely uncompromising, unyielding, and does not give anyone a chance. He does not give Yan Chunhui any face at all!

Yan Chunhui's white hair fluttered, and an indescribable edge jumped out of his eyes. The whole past era condensed in his eyes. The terrifying killing power exists through the years, and the surging sword energy stirs the river of fate. At this moment, his killing intent almost cuts the entire Jie Wukong Realm! ! !

Finally, he said: "How to take a detour?"

Thanks to the book friend "三人Xx" for becoming the leader of this book! It is the 802nd Alliance of the Red Heart Sky Patrol!

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